Second Down Love: A Second Chance Sports Romance

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Second Down Love: A Second Chance Sports Romance Page 1

by Kara Hart

  Second Down Love: A Second Chance Sports Romance

  Kara Hart

  Kara Hart



  Author’s Note

  Other Bad Boy Books by Kara Hart!

  Prologue: Jackson Leeman

  1. Fiona Breckinridge

  2. Jackson

  3. Fiona

  4. Jackson

  5. Fiona

  6. Jackson

  7. Fiona

  8. Jackson

  9. Fiona

  10. Jackson

  11. Fiona

  12. Jackson

  13. Fiona

  14. Jackson

  15. Fiona

  16. Jackson

  17. Fiona

  18. Jackson

  19. Fiona

  20. Jackson

  21. Fiona

  22. Jackson

  23. Fiona

  24. Jackson

  25. Fiona

  26. Jackson

  27. Fiona

  28. Jackson

  29. Fiona

  30. Author’s Note:


  31. Bianca

  32. Hunter

  33. Bianca

  34. Hunter

  35. Bianca

  36. Hunter

  37. Bianca

  38. Hunter

  39. Bianca

  40. Hunter

  41. Bianca

  42. Hunter

  43. Bianca

  44. Hunter

  45. Bianca

  46. Hunter

  47. Bianca

  48. Hunter

  49. Hunter

  50. Bianca

  51. Hunter


  About the Author

  Other Bad Boy Books by Kara Hart!


  Copyright © 2016 by Kara Hart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  Author’s Note

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  Thank you all so much for reading and supporting my writing. More steam coming your way!

  By the way, this book will end at 50%. I’ve included another best seller of mine, Hit It Deep, for your enjoyment. Thank you again for being so wonderful!

  Other Bad Boy Books by Kara Hart!

  Lust is HARD. Love is DEEP.

  Ripped SEAL. Filthy mouth. Big… gun. What else does a woman need?

  You want to play rough? Be careful what you wish for.

  I made one big mistake that almost ruined my life -- I had the quarterback’s baby.

  Prologue: Jackson Leeman

  You want to know what my idea of a good time is? A bottle of Jameson, a girl on my lap, and one hell of a winning touchdown pass. I can’t say it any clearer: I don’t give a fuck. You want to know why?

  Because I’m the world’s leading man. I’m their darling fucking boy. They scouted me in college and brought me all the way to the pros. Now, I’m the best there is. If you get me the ball, I’ll show you how it’s done. I’ll nail it in. Deep.

  But now they’re trying to tell me I need to step up my game. All my agents are saying I need to chill out a little bit. “Start a family,” they tell me. “Invest in your character.”

  Fuck that.

  I’m not a guy who likes to be told what to do. I follow my gut. That’s what led me to fame and fortune. That’s what led me to win so many Championship games and got me into the pros. So, yeah. I’m not about to settle down anytime soon.

  Tonight, all it took was one catch. I ran the ball into the end zone and slammed it in hard.

  After the game, I come out of that locker room, soaking wet and ready to party, but the coach has to ruin my fun. “Meet your new PR agent,” he says. And I’m scrambling to figure out how the hell this even happened.

  I’m going to fuck this up. There’s no way I can give her everything she needs. I’m just not that kind of guy. But, if she wants, I’ll give her everything she’s ever yearned for. I’ll give her what she wants. I’ll leave her gasping for air, begging me for more.

  Fiona Breckinridge

  “You’re what?” I nearly scream into the phone, face turning red, feeling my heart race. “You’re transferring me over? Why? What did I do?”

  I’ve been working for the same team for the past five years. This is not the news I want to hear right now. “I just bought a house,” I protest, but the bosses don’t seem to give two craps about how I feel.

  “Listen,” the head of the PR management firm, Joseph Larkins says to me. “We’re very happy with your work with the company. That’s not the issue.”

  “Then what’s the issue, Joseph? Money? Pay me a little less. I don’t care. Do whatever it takes,” I say. “I don’t want to have to start all this over again with a new roster. Not this year at least. Throw me a fucking bone here.”

  He takes a long pause and I can just feel what he’s going to tell me next. “I’m sorry, Fiona. It’s not in the cards right now. Maybe next year.”


  I get an email not too long after, describing the details of my new job. I’ll be moving from sunny Los Angeles, to dreary Portland, Oregon. I’ll be managing a team with a brand new player, predicted to be the best in the league, for the Black Wings. This is a team that is notorious for being awful on the field. Great.

  I reply back with a simple message. “So, who’s the new player? This better be good.”

  I’ve been in the business for a long time. Joseph knows this and so do my colleagues. I don’t fuck around when it comes to my job. If they’re going to put me on the worst team in the league, they better have a good reason. This, no doubt, will make me look bad.

  I get another reply. This time it’s with a few links to some positive articles, some pictures, and a name. Jackson Leeman. My heart drops to the center of the Earth.

  Jackson Leeman. The boy I went to prom with in high school. The boy who said he was going spend the rest of his life with me.

  My jaw drops and my stomach sinks. This is going to be the worst year of my life. I already know it.

  “Oh God,” I press my head against the warm keys of my laptop, scrunching in an awkward position. It’s the only thing I can think to do to kill the anguish inside. I click the links and scroll through the articles.

  I scan certain phrases and hope to God he’s good. “Wild At Heart… Loose cannon… Party animal almost loses scholarship…” The articles paint a vivid picture. He’s a basket case and apparently he’s gotten much worse since I knew him back in high school. Well, this is the pros. He better be worth the time.

  Luckily, his stats are great. There are only a few losses in his ragged history, in fact. But we have history and this is not something I want to deal with right now.

  Click, click, click. He’s rough and he’s covered in tattoos. This isn’t a problem in modern day sports. Sometimes it even makes for a better story. Still, it makes the job that much harder. You have to come up with ways to assure the audience he’s a good guy. Well, I can attest. Jackson Leeman is not a
good guy. He’s a certifiable jerk and I don’t care how good he looks. It doesn’t excuse how he treats the world around him.

  The pictures are worse. He’s either flipping off a police officer or mooning a crowd of fans. Sometimes he’s pouring a bottle of whiskey over his face at a party, or he’s punching out an angry staffer. He’s been arrested at least three times, put on probation once, and he’s settled multiple disputes out of court. He’s a PR nightmare.

  A few emails later and they’re trying to sweeten me on the idea. “You’re the only one suitable for this job. He’s a damn good player, but a complete liability. That’s why we chose you to do it. Don’t let us down. We’ll have a private jet come pick you up in the morning. Be ready, 5 AM sharp.”

  And that’s it. After that, my life is out of my control. I’m going to be the Public Relations Manager of Jackson Leeman, the baddest bad boy in the world.


  “That’s right baby,” I moan loudly. “Work it, girl.”

  My buddy Landon “Brickwall” Karagon, a guard on the team, is standing off to the side, drinking out of a bottle of champagne. He’s as mean as sin and tougher than nails, and he just won the fucking game of the century. “When’re you going to be done with her, bro? Time’s up,” he says, taking another swig. He sets the bottle in a bucket of ice and sighs.

  “Alright,” I laugh, spanking the stripper’s ass. She bounces those juicy cheeks right into my face and I nearly take a bite. “Damn. Just as I was starting to having fun, too.”

  “It’s only an extra 500 to stay the whole night,” she reminds me, winking and pressing her tits together. She slides off my lap and waits for Landon to saddle up.

  We’re pretty drunk at this point in the day and it’s only fucking noon. I’m actually thinking about spending the extra 500, though I’ve already spent all I need on the sports car and four-story mansion after I got signed. My accountant keeps saying I need to think about my future. I keep telling him he needs to relax a little. I think we all know who’s right in the situation.

  I kill off the bottle of champagne as this woman takes off her thong and shoves it into Landon’s face. I laugh and head into the kitchen for some orange juice.

  “Damn,” I sigh. I’m feeling that feeling again. It’s the feeling of disappointment. I’ve made it to the fucking pros. I’ve won all those college championship games. The only thing left is the damn Super Bowl, but even that seems like a waste of time. The only reason I’m here right now is my hunger to get to the top, my hunger to be the best there is.

  Still, I keep thinking to myself, what happens when I get there? I buy more shit, buy more women and champagne, and celebrate too fucking hard. Then, I break a leg or something stupid and I retire in the Hamptons somewhere and work in team management. It doesn’t sound that great, if I’m being honest with myself. It sounds… boring.

  That’s when the doorbell rings. “God damn.” I sigh even louder this time. My shirt is off and I’m freeballin’ it underneath these basketball shorts. My eyes are heavy and red and I’m most likely looking like a total wreck. Still, I answer the door, knowing there’s going to be bad news behind it, and there she is.

  She’s standing right in front of me, waiting for an explanation. “Uhh…” I mumble to myself, opening my eyes semi-rapidly. “Shit.”

  I clear my throat and turn around. “Turn the damn music off,” I yell back at Landon and Misty, that hot little number gyrating on his lap. “And get the fuck out of here. I have unexpected business to take care of.”

  Misty grabs her things in a hurry and runs out. “Asshole,” she whispers.

  “Whatever,” I mutter under my breath. When she’s out on lawn, half-naked still, I yell after her. “If I wake up to any extra charges or fees, I’ll never fucking hire you again!”

  “Um, can I come in?” she asks. It’s Fiona. The girl from high school. The one girl I mistakenly professed my love to. You know, the one who I was going to settle down with. I feel like I just got punched in the gut. I fall back, almost literally. I have to close my eyes and catch my breath. It’s like a thousand bricks have fallen from the sky and landed directly on top of me.

  The guilt weighs on me like nothing else. Back then, before I left her, I was sure I would end up as a janitor somewhere. And then I won all those championship games. And it all clicked in my head. I could be the most famous man in the world.

  I left her and never looked back.

  “Yeah, sure,” I mutter. “Come in. Uh, I didn’t expect anyone today, sorry about all of this.”

  She walks inside, stepping over a broken beer bottle and some underwear. They’re not mine. Maybe they’re Misty’s. Who the hell knows anymore?

  She sighs lightly and makes her way to my living room. “I would’ve cleaned up had I known,” I explain. She keeps on ignoring me, something I’ve always disliked about her, but maybe it’s because we’re both too shocked to know how to act. Fuck, I feel like a boy again. This isn’t good.

  She’s wearing this short, black shirt and it hugs around her thick thighs perfectly. I’m used to dealing with these skin and bones women and that works just fine. But when I see a woman who knows how to carry her body with confidence and sexiness, it always gets my blood pumping. Especially this woman.

  I glance at her tits and though she’s wearing a modest skirt suit, they’re begging to be held by me. Shit, I’m not in the right state of mind for all this. I can’t be trusted.

  “I would’ve thought Joseph or your manager would have warned you,” she says. “So, I guess we’ll just get the basics out of the way. I’m Fiona Breckinridge, your new Public Relations manager. Yes, we went to high school. Yes, we dated. It’s not a big deal. We don’t have to let it ruin a good season together.”

  She purses her lips and I sigh. This is already too heavy for me. “I—” She cuts me off.

  “No need to explain yourself,” she says, quite methodically, like she’s been rehearsing lines for days. “Look, here’s the deal. I just came from Los Angeles. I was used to living on the coast. In fact, I loved it out there so much that I bought a house. However, things don’t always go as planned. The Oregon Black Wings hired you on the team and now they need me to make you look good.”

  “I—” Again, she cuts me off, holding her hand in the air and taking a deep breath. Come on, woman. I don’t give a shit.

  “Let me finish,” she sighs. “I’m used to professionalism. I’m used to working with the best players in the league. They say that you were good. Well, I need you to prove that to me and the world around us. I’m not going to lose my job just because they assigned me to a loose cannon.” She sits back in a chair, making herself right at home, and waits for me to speak. Landon sits, dazed in the corner of the room. I can already tell he’s bored with this. I am too.

  Loose cannon? Who does she think she is? Fucking Obama’s PR agent? “Look, honey,” I smile, looking smug as all hell. “This isn’t your first rodeo. I get it. It ain’t mine either. But you need to get a few things straight before we start working together. First, you’re my PR manager. Not my fucking mother. You do your job and make me look good. That’s it. Second…” I try to think of a second point I want to make, but nothing comes to mind. “Second, just leave me alone.”

  “I—” This time, I cut her off.

  “I’ve been hailed as the best player in the league right now because it’s the truth. I am the best. I will be the best. I won’t go home without winning. On the off chance that one of my teammates fucks up a play, I will go and train ten thousand times harder than the rest and I’ll come back on the field the next weekend and drive it on home. I’m not finishing my career without a plaque in the hall of fame. Got it?”


  “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me. I have some important things to take care of,” I say. I glance over at Landon who nods and opens another bottle of champagne. He turns the stereo surround sound on again and I lean back in my $3,000 Italian leather cha
ir. I smile and I know I’ve gotten to her.

  Still, I can’t stop staring at the stockings gripping her tight flesh, her creamy legs. The way they disappear underneath the trim of her skirt drives me crazy. So many thoughts come to mind. What I’d do to her, what she’d do to me. I imagine her crawling toward me on her knees, mouth wide open and ready for me.

  I have to literally shake myself out of it. After all, she was my high school fling and the only girl I ever thought I loved. As it turns out for some men, you end up falling in love with the game more.

  “Fuck this,” she mutters under her breath. She makes sure to cover the opening of her skirt as she picks herself up from the chair, walking modestly to the door. It’s clear she knows what I want, but she’s not going to give it up that easy, if at all.

  She turns around, before opening the door at the front of the house. “We’ve established an understanding,” she says. “You’re a douchebag.”

  “Great,” I laugh. “It hardly affects me.”

  She opens the door and walks out into my yard, leaving the door open. Fuck.

  “You know, it actually will affect you if you keep up this act. It’s worked out well enough for you up until now, but I’ve dealt with a lot of players in my lifetime. There’s one thing I’ve discovered. Winning power gets to a man. And if he’s not strong enough, it almost always breaks him. I’m looking forward to you winning these games for your team, but if you fail, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Wow,” I laugh. Fiona’s become one cold bitch. I smile and glance at Landon, who’s doing the same. “I think I like her,” I tell him.



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