Second Down Love: A Second Chance Sports Romance

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Second Down Love: A Second Chance Sports Romance Page 22

by Kara Hart

  “You might?” she asks. “What else could you do? Gun them all down and come out of the shadows?”

  “I haven’t given it much thought, to be honest. I’d rather not get my hopes up,” I sigh. “Right now, I’m a dead man walking.”

  “So dramatic,” she laughs. “I’m sure you’ll pull through it. It’s not like these guys are too bright. You seem pretty capable. Although, I wouldn’t stay in one place too long. It’s better to switch it up.”

  I nod, scratching at my chin in thought. “I thought you were going to cut me off. What happened to that? Miss me too much?”

  “Nah,” she says, examining the space around her. “I don’t miss anyone too much. But I do get bored. It was either I see you or my friend Teresa. But she’s acting all weird, since I saw you that night. She thinks you’re dangerous.”

  “You should listen to your friend,” I tell her. “It’s better you know the truth about me.”

  “Well, you’re a cocky son of a bitch. I know that much. But dangerous? I doubt you’d ever hurt a woman,” she smiles and then cocks her head to the side, looking at me. “Would you?”

  “Women are outside of our jurisdiction. You know that,” I say.

  “Yeah. I do. Hence, the reason why I’m still around. In a week and a half, I’ll be gone though. Then you’ll have to learn to live without me,” she laughs.

  “I think I’ll manage,” I tell her. She takes a swig of the Jameson and coughs as it goes down. “Smooth, huh?” I ask her.

  “I’m not a fan of this stuff,” she says, making a grossed out face. I laugh loudly. “Oh, man. It’s the best stuff around. Keeps me warm at night, you know?”

  “Can’t say that I do,” she says, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. My eyes fall to her tight skirt. It wraps around her legs perfectly and suddenly I’m starving for her. She sees me looking at her funny and puts her hands on her hips and sighs. “What? Why’re you staring?”

  “I can’t help but think of that maneuver you did the other night,” I say, walking toward her. I get close enough to kiss her sweet lips. Instead, I grab the bottle of Jameson and take a swig. “That thing you did with your hands… I’ve never experienced anything that good.”

  “Well, don’t think it’ll happen again. We’re just friends,” she says. She takes the bottle from me and takes a drink herself. In the corner of the room, the coffee machine sputters and makes an exhausted noise.

  “Friends, huh? How ‘bout friends with benefits?” I ask her, smiling coy. I walk over to the coffee machine and pour two cups. I hand her a cup and she blows over the steamy air, pursing her lips out just right.

  The second I see those lips, my cock twitches against the zipper of my pants. I imagine them slowly wrapping over my cock as her warm tongue wraps around my shaft. Fuck. If she’s that good with her hands, I can only imagine what she can do with her mouth. I’m hooked.

  “I don’t do that,” she sighs. “Come on. It was one night, a good one at that. But let’s be honest with each other. I live on the other end of the country. Apparently, you’re being hunted down, no pun intended. And, not to mention, you’re a part of a lifestyle that I frankly can’t stand. It just wouldn’t work out.”

  “Jesus,” I mutter, taking a sip of coffee. I pour a little Jameson in it and close my eyes. “It’s not like I want to get married to you or something. I was just eager for a little head is all.” I smile, but I can tell I’ve annoyed her. I don’t give a shit. The Jameson’s hit me in a very good way. Who needs anyone else when you’ve got a bottle of booze to comfort you?

  “Gross,” she says. “Anyway, I don’t do that. I’ve got respect for myself, thank you very much.”

  “Oh, that’s right. You just give hand jobs to strangers. That’s where you draw the line. I forgot,” I laugh, taking another sip. “Don’t kid yourself, sweetie.”

  “Sweetie? Seriously?” Her face is growing red. Yep, I’ve pissed her off. Oops. Of course, I’m just laughing. I can’t help myself. I’m an asshole. “You know what? This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have ever come up here. I’ll leave you to your stained mattress and disgusting, rat infested home.”

  “No, wait,” I stop her. “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t get too many visitors, let alone any women. I’m not used to being a regular guy. But at least let me try.”

  She exhales sharply and rolls her eyes. “Fine,” she says. “But if you insist on being an asshole, I’ll leave.”

  “Deal,” I say, holding out my hand. She shakes it, creasing her eyes at me. Then she smiles again and everything seems to be okay.

  “Hey, want to see something cool?” I suddenly ask, looking past her. She turns to see a door in the back of the room.

  She smiles. “Sure, why not.” I lead her to the door and twist the knob. I suddenly remember my dream. There was that burning house, the red-hot doorknob, and those familiar screams. Come on, man. Get it together. I shake it off and guide her through the door.

  “Whoa,” she whispers to herself. We’re suddenly on the roof, above the dilapidated part of the city.

  “Yeah, it’s not exactly a beautiful view,” I laugh. “But it makes you think, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it makes me want to leave even sooner,” she laughs. “No, but really. It’s sometimes hard to imagine that this city used to be great. It’s suffered through so much.”

  “It sure has. I guess that’s what corruption does to a place. It works great in the beginning, but once people get too greedy, it all falls apart,” I say.

  “Hunter, there’s something I have to tell you,” she suddenly says, turning toward me. “You need to be very careful. I know I kind of joked around the issue earlier, but I think they’re on to you. And part of me thinks they’re wondering if I know more than I let on.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I ask. My chest turns cold and I feel a mix of adrenaline and fear take over my body. “What happened? What did you hear?”

  “It’s my cousin Ricky. He came over today,” she stops and gulps down, trembling slightly. “He asked for my brother and said he needed to take him on a ride. He said it was strictly business. When I told him I didn’t want my brother to ride with him, he got really close to me. Like, real close. He tried to come on to me, Hunter.”

  “What the fuck? Your own cousin?” I clench my fists and feel the rage course through me. I knew he needed to go. He’s next on my list.

  “It’s not the first time he’s done this. Only, last time he was wasted. This time, he was completely sober,” she stops for a second to breath, before continuing. “He said he’s been watching me for years. And before he left, he gave me this.”

  She hands me an old picture and I’m suddenly staring back at a younger version of myself. “So, he knows I’m out there? Did he say anything else?”

  “I don’t know what he knows,” she says. “But he asked me to keep an eye out for you. I promise I didn’t say anything. I don’t want to get involved and I hate that man, Hunter. I needed to warn you, though. If Ricky is on to you, you better be more careful.”

  “Shit. No one can kill me,” I say with a certain amount of dumb pride. “I’d like to see him try to find me.”

  Her face crunches up in this cute, angry way and I just know she’s about to give it to me. “Yeah? You like playing stupid?” she asks. “Well, I’ll be sure to pick out a nice coffin for you.”

  “Hey, I’m sorry. Okay? It’s not easy living like this,” I say with honesty and truth. I put my hand against her shoulder. “I’m living under the barrel of their guns, woman. The best I can do is make light of the situation.”

  She bears a look of concern on her face. I quickly realize the conversation has gotten way too fucking heavy. All I want is for her to sit on my face. I just want to taste her, to give her all I’ve got and more. I want to… fuck. I shake the thoughts away and listen to her speak. “What happened to you anyway? Why are you in hiding?” she asks.

  Ah, shit. Do I rea
lly have to dive into this right now? It’s practically all I think about. “I’ll make a deal with you. You keep visiting me and I’ll tell you.”


  “No way,” I tell him. “You tell me now or I leave.” I’m impatient. I want to know. There’s just something about him that sets him apart from the rest of them.

  “Alright, how about this,” he starts, “I’ll tell you a little of the story each time you come here. Deal?”

  It’s hot on the roof and he takes his shirt off to wipe some of the sweat off his forehead. I can’t help but look down at his glistening abs and ripped chest. He’s… well, shit. When I came into the building earlier, I noticed a set of weights, but I didn’t realize just how dedicated he was.

  “What?” he asks me, smiling, as if he knows what I’m thinking. I blush, feeling totally young and stupid. Here’s this guy who’s completely dangerous and I’m gushing over his body.

  “Nothing,” I cough. “That sounds good. You can tell me the story in bits and pieces.” My eyes trail down to his pants. They’re dusty and old, but I can tell he’s a man who likes to put himself together when he can. In his prime gangster life, he probably pulled in all the women he could handle.

  I suddenly feel my heart tremble with a heavy amount of excitement. There’s a warmth between my legs and I know I’m wet with longing for him. That cock of his, his body towering over me, it’s all I’ve been fantasizing about for days. And though I want to know more about his situation, I’m more interested in other things now.

  I stand up and walk toward the side of the roof to cool myself down. But he won’t let up. He’s right behind me and it’s not long before I feel his warm hand on my back. I nearly jump from surprise, even though it’s obvious what he’s after.

  “So,” he says with that deep voice of his. “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything,” I find myself saying. “Start from the beginning.”

  My heart pumps at double speed. I can feel each beat hitting against my sternum. I gulp down loudly and his chest touches my back. Jesus Christ, I’m practically dripping down my thighs. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be doing this again.

  “Everything?” he asks me. I can just tell he’s got a huge smile on his face. His hands fall around my tight waist and I can barely even breathe. I’m so fucking nervous.

  “Everything,” I manage to choke out.

  I close my eyes and feel his hands skate around my curves. They fall down around my ass and move under the fabric of my skirt. I’m breathing quick and deep, feeling as his fingers find the lining of my panties. He fumbles at the edges and finally after what seems like the longest minute of my life, he pulls them around my waist.

  “Feel me,” I whisper. His palm falls flat on my pussy. With two fingers, he splits me open, spreading my wetness around my clit and lips.

  “You’re wet again,” he says. “I thought you didn’t want to do this. I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.” He slips a wet finger inside me and kisses my neck gently.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” I smile. His tongue teases my neck and his lips close around my skin, sucking lightly. He pulls back and grunts. I can feel his cock thicken inside of his pants when I reach behind me and grip down.

  “I’m not complaining,” he says, sliding in two more fingers. He curls them up and presses them against my g-spot. I nearly choke on my saliva as a small amount of pleasure shoots inside of me. He kisses my shoulder and the top of my collarbone, and I find myself absolutely needing him.

  I turn around and he whispers “Take off your clothes, woman.”

  Normally I would object to a man using the word “woman” in that tone, but he knows I like when he says it. He knows I want him to treat me a little rough. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now, in his dingy squat.

  I hesitate and take off one strap of my shirt. He smiles and says “Faster. Don’t make a man wait for his dinner.”

  My panties are already hanging around my ankles, so that’s an easy fix. I unbutton my skirt and take off my shirt. Within five seconds, I’m fully naked. The buildings around us seem to be vacant, but if they aren’t, the people inside are surely watching us.

  I wrap my arms around my breasts as the wind rushes against my body, and I’m shivering. He grabs my arms and pulls them down. “I want to see you in all your beauty,” he mutters deep. “Besides, it’s your turn today.”

  He falls to his knees, in the prayer position, and he unbuttons his pants. “I need you to wrap those legs around my shoulders. I’m taking you for a ride.”

  Holy fucking shit. This is happening. I’m really letting myself get eaten by this killer. This is probably the worst idea I’ve ever had, besides giving him a hand job on my front lawn. Still, when did anything interesting and fun happen with a nice and wholesome idea? Fuck that. Deep down, I knew this is what I wanted. And I knew he was going to pleasure me like no man had ever before.

  I walk slowly toward him, rocking my hips back and forth. Now that I’m naked and showing everything to him and the world around us, I feel absolutely free. He grabs my hips and pushes me toward him. His lips kiss around my soft stomach, pursing around my navel. They drag down as my breasts fall against his face.

  “How are you this gorgeous?” he asks, looking at my body. He’s not even asking me. It’s like he’s talking to himself and God. This is more a religious experience for him than anything else. I grab his head and run my hands through his hair, letting my fingers trail down to his ear lobes.

  He takes a dive, but doesn’t eat me just yet. Instead, he licks around my core, teasing me as much as he can. He makes a roar-like noise, unable to contain his lust, and his hands squeeze around my ass, spreading me apart. “I need to taste you,” he says. “I’ve been dreaming about it all fucking week. You’re different from the other women. You’re so pure.”

  “Then taste me,” I say, kissing the top of his head. He shoots up and kisses me passionately, his tongue wrestling around mine. He pulls back and kisses my tits. “Suck on my lips.”

  He smiles eagerly and, finally, he wraps his whole mouth around my wetness and sucks me as if I’m a juicy fruit hanging from a tree in the desert. His tongue slips in and out of me, sliding open my lips with every turn it takes.

  Soon enough, my legs are wrapped around his shoulders and I’m holding on as he pulls on each lip lightly. Then, he falls back and says “Sit on my fucking face.”

  Of course, I’m happy to do as I’m told right now. He unzips his pants and pulls out his massive cock, and my God, it’s harder than anything I’ve ever seen. He strokes himself as his tongue massages against my clit. The very sight of him pleasing himself nearly throws me over the edge.

  I lean back and gaze at his cock as I gyrate my hips against his face. He puts three fingers back inside me and I feel a large amount of pressure push against my core. “I could eat your cunt for days,” he moans, between breaths. Every so often, he kisses and licks at my thighs as if he can’t get enough.

  “Maybe you should,” I moan, pressing my body down even harder against him. “I’m so close, Hunter. Make me cum. Don’t let up now.”

  He begins eating me mechanically, as if he was designed just to do this. A smile forms on my face as I feel myself nearing the edge. My mouth opens wide and I look at his pulsating cock. This is it. I can feel myself falling into ecstasy.

  I run my hands against his chest and fall forward. My body starts to twitch and tingle, and my pussy starts to contract. His tongue runs smooth and hard against me, and then I feel him hesitate and groan loudly. Soon, his hot cum shoots high across my back. He’s cumming at the same exact moment that I am.

  My thighs give out and it’s just him holding me up. My hands press against the edge of the roof and I give out a loud and high-pitched scream that echoes off of all the buildings around us. In this moment, Detroit is ours.

  I fall off of him and breathe heavily. I say, “I can’t believe you. That was something

  “What?” he laughs. “You’ve never had an orgasm before or something?

  “Shut up,” I say. “I’ve had plenty of orgasms. I just didn’t think you mafia men knew what you were doing down there. Aren’t you guys like afraid of pussy?”

  He laughs loudly and kisses my breast. He slaps my ass and sighs. “Nah, plenty of us eat pussy. Those old school guys just lie about it. Though, I have my doubts they really know what they’re doing. As for me, I like pleasing my woman. I enjoy eating cunt.”

  “Don’t call it that. God, you’re vulgar,” I laugh. “I’m not your woman either.”

  He groans and throws me over his body, so I’m forced to look into his eyes. “Why not? You don’t like me or something?” He gives me that sly smile of his and I roll my eyes.

  “No,” I say. “I’m going back to San Francisco soon, remember? Plus, I don’t need another boyfriend right now. I’m tired of all that drama.”

  He tilts his head back in confusion. “Another boyfriend?” he asks me. “Did you just get out of a relationship or something?”

  I laugh awkwardly and turn away from him. “Something like that, yeah.”

  “What happened?” he asks. I groan and cover my eyes with my hands. Not now. Please, not now.

  “Just some bullshit. Let’s change the subject,” I say.

  “Alright,” he says. He jumps to his feet and grabs his shirt. He throws it around his shoulders as I grab my clothes and he smacks my ass when I bend down to pick them up. “I don’t need to pry. I don’t need a girlfriend either, by the way.”

  “Seems like it,” I laugh. “You know, with how many times you’ve asked me to be yours.”

  “Woman,” he says, “I’ve never asked you to be my girlfriend.”

  “Sure you have,” I smile, teasing him. “In so many words. After all, I’m the perfect woman, right? You said so yourself.”

  “Don’t twist my words, Bianca,” he shakes his head and heads for the door. “That’s what I tell all of the girls.”

  The bastard! I’m not mad though. In fact, it’s actually kind of cute how he tries to lie about his non-existent sex life. I’m sure at one point he had an incredible amount of power. Now, he only has this warehouse and, well, me. He was essentially powerless without my pussy.


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