by Ben Peek
‘Are you going with them?’
‘As far as the border,’ she said. ‘But there’s still so much work to be done.’
She had left the tower a short time later and walked down the stairs to where Faise and Zineer waited. They did not want to leave Yeflam. They had, in fact, tried to argue against going to Zoum, but Ayae had reminded them of Bnid Gaerl. He would not forget them. Maybe he would not pursue them now, not with all the other things going on, but he would eventually. And, perhaps selfishly, Ayae admitted, she also feared what would happen once the child arrived. She could not envisage a scenario in which no one was hurt. When she thought of the trial and its aftermath, she saw again Queila Meina’s hand touching her, her skin sunken, her life stolen by Fo’s diseases as if she were of no consequence.
And it was because of that fear, that danger that she held above all others, that when in the last moments of the night a knock sounded on the door of Faise and Zineer’s house, Ayae opened it.
Outside stood a priest.
He was a tall man, middle-aged, white-skinned. She had seen so many priests of late, but even so, there was something different about this one. He was clean-shaven, his salt-and-pepper hair cut in a harsh military fashion. The last – registered briefly, and not analysed until much later – saved Ayae’s life. As she drew back from the door, the priest, his eyes widening, cried out and leapt to his left to reveal a second man, smaller, stockier, and holding a heavy crossbow. The wooden levers let out a loud twang sound and pain ratcheted up Ayae’s arm as, in that split second, her free hand – her left hand – snapped down, the fingers latching painfully around the bolt.
She hurled it back, following the poor trajectory with her body, her right hand ripping the spent crossbow from the shorter man’s hands while her left, palm up, crashed the heel heavily into the man’s forehead.
The man crumpled, his head snapping back at a painful angle. As if in response, she heard the door at the back of the house crack, as it was kicked in. The priest – false, she knew, to judge by the dark-blue armour that the other man wore – leapt at her, crying out wordlessly, but she shifted her weight and turned to use the man’s momentum to throw him across the pavers and into the wooden table she had used to hold the soggy, broken apples she had tried to juggle. She heard it crack, heard him land, but in front of her she saw figures, half a dozen, maybe more, flooding through the back door, and she heard a cry from upstairs.
Her first steps took her through the doorway, her next onto the kitchen table, the hot kettle coming to her grasp as she skidded across it.
Her first hit caught a man across the face, the now-boiling water splashing across him. She struck a woman next, her foot cracking down, a spark flying as her bare foot broke the heavy boot, shattered the bone beneath the leather. The woman grunted. Her short sword thrust forward and her free hand tried to grasp Ayae, but the kettle hit her in the jaw. Bone cracked – and Ayae turned, her hand trapping a thrust sword against her side, feeling the blade cutting as it did, while using the straightened arm of the attacker to lean back and wield her scalding kettle against another in heavy red lines. In a hard arc, the kettle came back round and slammed into the head of the man whose arm she held, sending him to the ground and leaving his sword in her grasp.
The shining copper cast a dull light around the room, illuminating four people still standing, one of them the woman with the broken jaw.
No reply to her shout.
Louder, she cried, ‘Faise!’
One of the men in front of her smirked.
Ayae’s kettle lashed out, catching him in the face, her stolen sword following. It plunged into his belly and she let go of the handle, stepping back as a pair of swords thrust forward at her. Her kettle came up, heavy and dented, and before the two men knew it, she was on them, her feet striking up sparks as she hammered down on heavy boots, as her free hand slammed against mail, feeling it give soggily into a scream while her kettle lashed out, bashing aside a sword and then cracking the bone in another’s arm.
The woman with the broken jaw came last, giving an unsure thrust that Ayae stepped from easily, so slow that her hand could close around the woman’s wrist and twist—
The sword dropped and the kettle crashed again into her jaw, its copper form finally giving in against its punishment, caving in against the broken bone as it struck.
Scooping the blade up, Ayae took the stairs two at a time, knowing, knowing as she came to the last and felt the ocean’s breeze through the shattered window illuminated by the first rays of the morning’s sun, that she was much too late.
Both Faise and Zineer were gone.
Zaifyr gently closed the frail covers of Fallen Pyrates when the white raven arrived. The bird’s blue eyes scanned the room from the open window, looking first at him, then at Jae’le.
It was he, the man who had once been the Animal Lord, who rose to approach it, whose left hand stroked its head, and whose right untied the message attached to its leg. The bird was calm, pleased with the attention, its pleasure one of adoration. The bird’s ancestor, a large, heavy and shaggy creature, a monster of a bird, in truth, had been a gift from Jae’le to his sister, Tinh Tu. In Salar, the offspring of the first white raven, the immortal bird, had roosted in the country’s fabled libraries, neither male nor female until spring, and then only one gender or the other for two weeks. After the Five Kingdoms, the hunting of the white ravens had begun and those that remained now lived around the fortress Tinh Tu had named after her lost country. The birds were now seen solely when she wished to communicate with family, an event, Zaifyr knew, that was as rare as the birds themselves.
‘You do not need to read it.’ He rose, hoping that he was wrong, but knowing – knowing – that he was not. ‘She is not coming to Yeflam.’
‘No,’ his brother replied. ‘She is not.’
The note, a rolled piece of thin paper, was passed to him.
I will not be coming to Yeflam, not for a trial, not for war. I will not lie and claim that it is with regret that I write this, for I do not.
Family, the fabled Queen of Taln wrote, is the site of love and shame. For our family, no other words hold so much truth: for with our love we shame each other by allowing thoughtless acts. A trial held in Yeflam is one. A call to war in Yeflam is such, again.
As the eldest of us, as the guides to your sisters and brother, you both suffer from the secrecy and arrogance of the eldest siblings. You act in the belief of your right by your superiority of first birth, believing that your younger siblings will fall into line soon enough. You believe that they will recognize that they are wrong, that you are right. After Asila, Jae’le persuaded his sisters to give up their beloved homes and convinced his remaining brother to become a vagabond, and it is because of this that I will not travel to you, not to witness such a choice forced upon our sister again.
In your solitude, brothers, I do not believe you have understood the damage you have done to your siblings, and the damage that you will bring to Aelyn by forcing a trial and act of war upon her. I do acknowledge the need for action, should this child be indeed responsible for what Zaifyr claims, but for as long as we have all lived, we could wait a month, a year, a decade, to ensure that our family is not hurt.
Your sister,
Tinh Tu
Zaifyr folded the note carefully into squares, the curled ends resisting at first, until they were firmly creased.
The letter stung, especially with the growing sense of teeth digging against his skin. He did not believe the words were entirely fair – his sister clearly did not know that Eidan was with the child, did not know the agreement that Jae’le and the Enclave had entered into – but yet, he had to admit that they stung also because there was truth in her words. There was always truth to Tinh Tu’s words. In them, he heard the echo of Aelyn’s accusations that he did not care for her own desires, her wants, and knew that she was no
t wrong. He did not plan to let the child leave Yeflam. When he relaxed his control, he saw the dense layers of haunts around him, the generations upon generations of dead men and women who whispered for warmth and food and he believed himself right, where Aelyn was not.
At the window, the white raven shook, stretched it wings, and drifted to the copy of Fallen Pyrates, its thick beak nudging the cover. The book was the first slim history written by Bele Ferna, an elderly scholar whose academic history had become mixed with the popular style of fiction used in various mercenary novels. Ferna had, Zaifyr knew, done serious work in his youth, but the ugly yellow cover of grand pirate books and quotes from a retired mercenary captain on the cover lent it very little weight. But the author had died in Yeflam, and his body remained in the stone crypts, and Zaifyr had hoped that he would prove useful. Unfortunately, Ferna, who retold his story through the explorations of a young woman who dived for treasure in Leviathan’s Blood, wrote mainly about the wrecks around the Eakar, about the fortunes still there, and viewed the stories of a siren who lured vessels to the coast to be nothing but a metaphor for greed.
For a moment, Zaifyr saw Aelyn, caught in the desire of her brother, being pulled to a jagged shoreline that promised only wreckage . . .
Ayae went out of the window.
A trampled garden lay below. Heavy boots had left tracks through the mud, leading to a broken fence and a narrow lane behind Faise and Zineer and their neighbour. From there, heavy boots led out to the empty street, the morning’s sun falling through the shadows, illuminating the dirt on the path. Left. Ayae moved quickly, her bare feet barely hitting the stones as she ran, her mind throwing up the images of the bedroom: the torn sheets, the broken table, and the blood across floorboards to the window sill.
Ayae ran on the edge of her control, her limbs warm and loose. She did not feel the morning cold and she knew that she could move faster, but fought the urge, afraid of what would happen if she did. Her earlier recognition that her power would manifest only when she lost control lay in the back of her mind, but she pushed it away. She had to stay in control. She had to keep her mind clear. She could not afford to make a mistake, not now. Faise and Zineer were not broken apples she could replace, juice on her fingers that she could wash away, pulp across the ground she could clean. She had to stay in control, had to trust that the speed she moved at was faster than any individual could run, that it was fast enough to catch a group with two prisoners.
As the morning’s sun rose higher, Ayae could make out the shapes of carriages ahead.
They were at the bottom of the curved road and she heard the cries as the dark-blue-armoured guards saw her.
She could count fifteen, sixteen. Ten horses, but six of them were not attached to the two carriages.
The sword in her hand straightened and along the steel flames flickered to life. Shouts from the soldiers reached her ears. Go! Followed by She’s here! None wore the pale-blue armour of the Yeflam Guard who enforced the curfew that had kept the streets quiet since the Million Ghosts. Their voices became indistinct, the cries a mix of panic and shouts as she closed in on them. A long whip rose and the crack of it ripped through the morning’s quiet, the largest of the carriages shuddering into a run just as four men and two women quickly pulled themselves onto their horses.
Ayae ran through them.
A short charge with her burning sword caused the horses to baulk, but they were too well-trained to throw their riders, too disciplined to flee, and the narrow gap between them that she aimed for was filled with cuts and slashes and she was forced to parry, dodge and drop beneath the attacks while not slowing her run. Her bare feet twisted, the concrete tearing at her skin as she slid beneath the last swing, that of a heavy axe.
Then she came face to face with a line of the unmounted soldiers.
The line crumpled as she hit it, her burning sword battering aside the heavy weapon she met first, slashing deep across the face of the man as she tried to force her way through the soldiers. Her momentum took her up onto the chest of the soldier, using it to rise into the air, to launch herself over the men and women. She blocked a second cut, made a wild slash with her sword and almost – the road leading to the carriage beckoned emptily as she landed – made her way through, but the mounted soldiers came charging and she felt a blade cut into her shoulders.
Her blade swept around impossibly fast and cut the following soldier from his horse. The animal rose on its legs and she dodged back. More riders came and Ayae felt her control slip as she met the thrust of another woman. She twisted the weapon out of the woman’s grasp and grabbed her arm to pull her from the horse. She could feel the warmth in her own body, close, so very close to overwhelming her, and saw the woman recoil from the heat in Ayae’s hand. The mail sleeve began to melt, burning it into the skin of the soldier as the horse, feeling its coat smoulder, recoiled in fear and reared, throwing the woman across the stone road. Ayae took the woman’s fallen blade, longer than her first, and watched as fire immediately ran along its steel.
The next attack that came to her was slow and clumsy, and she side-stepped it, her blades cutting through the unmounted man’s face with shocking ease. The following attack felt slower, the charge of a pair of horses at nothing more than a walk; she avoided both and her blades cut quickly, violently through those who had become no more than lethargic, ugly actors around her. Their mouths opened to cough blood. Their gazes betrayed fear, anger. Their arms rose to become stumps. Fire caught on the hems of their cloaks and flickered poorly as if it were deciding whether to burn, now that it was separated from her. She felt a touch of her old fear, that the fire would cover her, a cold shock that sped up the flames on the cloaks, brought the smell of smoke and burning flesh to her nose. A cry for mercy from the desperate rider cradling her twisted arm – the last soldier, the last – finally brought Ayae to a stop and she turned to the bridge that had taken Faise and Zineer.
A single figure waited there.
Leaving the weeping woman, she approached the familiar man. It was not until she reached the foot of the bridge that she realized it was the false priest. ‘Stop right there.’ He had thrown off the robe and wore the same dark-blue mail as the other soldiers. On his right arm was the insignia of an overturned sky. ‘You will not cross this bridge,’ he said, the fury in his voice overriding his very real fear, fear that showed each time his eyes glanced at the dead and dying behind Ayae. ‘You will stay here in Mesi, Cursed. Should you leave it, the wife of Zineer Kanar will be killed.’
‘Where is she?’ Ayae demanded.
‘I provide you with proof of our intentions.’ He ground the words out and raised his hand, revealing a bloody cloth in his clenched hand. ‘Commander Gaerl wants you to know that if you do not cross this bridge, no more will be taken from her.’
A flame flickered on his clothes, a single, isolated note on the hem of his trousers.
‘Zineer Kanar will be held accountable for his crimes,’ the man continued. ‘He will be punished by sword or by rope for what he has done, and if his wife is found innocent, then she will be returned—’
The words turned into a scream.
The flame, multiplying with sudden angry speed, raced up his trousers, up his chest and to his hair. He made to run, but found that he could not, the fire having set into the skin of his legs, the skin peeling, bubbling, bursting and turning black. He cried out, but Ayae ignored him and picked up the bloody cloth he had dropped, a cloth that the fire had not even singed.
Inside was a finger.
Ayae made her way to the lone, sobbing survivor of the soldiers who had taken Faise and Zineer.
She had questions.
‘You must understand,’ said Kye Taaira, ‘on the Plateau, to be without violence is strength.’ He sat across from Heast at the large table in Lady Wagan’s tent, the morning’s sun soaking the taut cloth walls, leaving them warm to touch. ‘We are taught to live in harmony with the grass
of the plains, with the trees, the birds and the insects. We are taught to protect and herd the horses and the buffalo. We are taught that no blood must be spilt. Our women bear the burdens that they are born with and our men carry them on litters during times of bleeding. Our children are born above the ground, delivered in high wooden beds that we must burn after. We grow gardens from dirt that we purchase in the markets of Mireea, the vegetables and fruit planted in the back of carts. We drink from water we catch in towers. We wrap ourselves in cloths made by careful hands. We drain the blood of our dead into jars, our shamans watching that no drop spills. All of this and more we do without violence. Our ancestors demand it of us.’
‘We are not on the Plateau.’ Heast’s steel leg was stretched out before him, the other curled under his chair. On the table between them lay a sparse breakfast. ‘Your ancestors have no voice here.’
The tribesman began to pull the old leather gloves he wore off his hands, one finger at a time. ‘Yours speak enough for them.’
‘Do you mean the ghosts in Mireea?’ Muriel Wagan sat beside Heast, her exhaustion clearly evident to him. On the other side of her sat Reila, the healer, quiet and grey-haired. At the door, the lean figure of Caeli stood guard, one ear and eye on what was taking place behind her, the other on the sandy, tent-riddled landscape of Wila. ‘I cannot imagine that they would interest the tribes or their ancestors.’
‘What happens to you, happens to us, Lady Wagan.’ Kye picked up a thin piece of day-old bread. ‘The Leeran Army has come to us.’
‘How so?’
‘A small tribe by the name of Entia first encountered them,’ the man said, tearing the bread with his thick fingers. ‘They welcomed the soldiers with offers of food and water, but the men and women who arrived were only interested in chattels. They took the Entia captive, though the tribe outnumbered the soldiers three to one. But the tribe responded as they should: they became weights to be dragged, they reacted without violence. In response, the Leerans took the carts that held their food and loaded the prisoners on to the back. It was this that drew the attention of all the tribes, and I do not doubt that the Leerans knew that they were being watched.’