Through Brian's Eyes

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Through Brian's Eyes Page 17

by Pernell Rogers


  After school, Kyle and Vance waited for Adam in their usual spot near the school’s loading dock. They didn’t know where he was, plus he was taking too long, so they headed home together.

  “Man, I don’t know what’s going on with Adam,” Kyle started.

  “What do you mean?”

  “How can he not remember what he did yesterday after school? It’s not like it was a week ago or something.”

  “You know, you’re right. I remember what I did after school…homework. It sucked.”

  “This isn’t the first time he couldn’t remember things. Remember, I told you about it. He’s aware about his memory loss. We discussed it for a little while. I think it all comes from that accident he had. He’s like two people…one normal and the other mean. Remember how mean he was to you and how he still snaps at us sometimes?” Kyle asked.

  “You know, I still can’t believe what he said after that girl was killed the day before yesterday. That didn’t sound like something he would say.”

  “You mean about her deserving it? Yep, and it creeped me out too.”

  “I wonder what he’s going to say about that murder yesterday. You’re not going to ask him about it, are you? Are you sure you really want to open up that Pandora’s Box?”

  “I think so. I just want to see how he reacts,” Kyle replied.

  Vance turned around and saw Adam jogging towards them then turned to Kyle and said, “Uh-oh! It looks like you’re gonna get your chance. Here he comes now.”

  Kyle turned and they both slowed down to let Adam catch up.

  “Sorry guys. The gym teacher caught me in the hallway and started asking all these questions. So what’s going on? What were you guys talking about?”

  Kyle knew this was his chance, but he became very intimidated. Their small question and answer session at lunch was unnerving. He wondered how Adam would react to more questions, but his sense of curiosity outweighed his fear and he said,

  “I’m glad you caught up with us. I know you probably don’t want to talk about this, but I’m still concerned about you.”

  Adam stopped walking. Kyle knew this was not going to be fun or easy, but both he and Vance turned around and walked back to him.

  “Now what do you want to ask me?” Adam asked with a sour tone.

  “Look, I just want to help you if I can. You said you can’t remember what happened yesterday. A few weeks ago the same thing happened. I think you need to see a doctor about your forgetfulness. It’s got to be scary for you, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s scary, but you don’t have to worry about it. It’s not happening to you. Just let me deal with it, okay?”

  “But that’s the thing. You don’t seem to be concerned any more. Remember I had to tell you that you came to my house that first time? You were really concerned then. Now you can’t remember what you did yesterday evening after school. Have you told your mother and father about it yet?”

  Kyle cowered backwards as Adam’s glare pierced his body. Something happened. Something subtle, but it changed Adam’s face ever so slightly. Kyle couldn’t tell what it was. Was it his eyes, his nostrils, eyebrows, the pursed lips? From the corner of his eye, he saw Vance back up slightly. He continued watching Adam.

  Adam spoke with his normal voice, but what he said was chilling.

  “Look, you’d better leave me alone, and stop asking so many damn questions, or you and Vance might find yourselves at the end of a Phillips screwdriver one day soon.”

  Both Kyle and Vance remained quiet. Kyle had never heard Adam speak like that before and was definitely afraid of him right now.

  “Okay…okay, I’ll stop. I won’t ask you any more questions,” Kyle stated wishing now that he would have dropped the subject.

  “Make sure you don’t. Now get out of my way. I have other things to do.” Adam stomped away, leaving them behind.

  It took a while before Kyle or Vance said anything. They watched Adam storm off down the street then they turned to one another.

  “Alright, now I’m really scared,” Vance announced.

  “You and me both. Man, that wasn’t Adam talking. We’ve both have known him forever and that wasn’t Adam.”

  “Do you think it was….?” Vance’s voice trailed off.

  “Yep, I think it was Kinkaid. He’s in Adam’s body right now.”

  “You really think so?”

  “You heard him. Did that sound like something Adam usually says? I’m telling you that was Kinkaid talking to us. Hell, he threatened us.”

  “I wonder what he meant by the screwdriver comment? That was really weird.”

  “I don’t know, but I didn’t like it.”

  “Do you think he’s gone far enough from us now? Can we start walking home?” Vance asked, looking around nervously.

  “I guess so, but keep your eyes open. I don’t want him sneaking up on us. Not today.”

  Kyle felt it would take forever to walk home this afternoon, and could sense Vance’s fear, especially since Vance was walking so close behind him. All the while, Kyle tried to figure out how to help Adam, but where does he start? There was very little talk between Kyle and Vance as they headed home. Both scanned the streets in all directions checking for signs of Adam. Kyle caught Vance scanning the cemetery as they strolled by, and wondered if Vance really believed Adam would jump out and grab them.

  Kyle’s vigilance heightened when they turned down Elwood Drive. Adam’s house was visible from the corner, but Adam was nowhere to be seen. His mind eased and they quickened their pace. That uneasy feeling returned as Kyle stared at Adam’s house the entire time they walked by, praying that Adam wouldn’t bolt out the door and give chase. Fortunately, nothing happened. Leaving Adam’s house behind them, Vance peeled away, up into his driveway and waved good-bye to Kyle as he entered his front door. Kyle gripped the straps of his backpack and sprinted toward his own house.

  Once inside, he locked the door. He couldn’t forget Adam’s reference about the Phillips screwdriver. What did he mean by that? Pondering the phrase was useless, but there was one thing he was sure of…Adam meant what he said.


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