Three Reasons to Love

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Three Reasons to Love Page 17

by Keira Montclair

  She glanced over the details, noting how many of the attacks had been made around Gamma Delta. Some of the women had even mentioned Gamma Delta by name.

  But she hated to admit that it didn’t fit for all of them…some of the women had been attacked a long way away from Gamma Delta, under much different circumstances.

  She sighed, realizing that there was no way all the crimes on her chart could have been committed by the same group. Of course, she’d known that on some level, but she hated the thought that there were some men still walking free.

  She rested her head on her arm as she lay to the side of the chart, remembering the dream she’d had a while ago about the blonde woman who’d told her that Nate was her Alex. She’d been right about that. Nate was the man for her. She’d love to have the opportunity to thank the blonde woman for her help.

  Her eyes drifted close as she fell asleep, exhausted.


  She awakened to the lovely woman again. Just like before, they stood in the beautiful, ancient hall. Her eyes took in the large room filled with trestle tables. A huge hearth sat at the end, cushioned chairs arranged in a semi-circle around the warm fire. It put her in mind of the illustrations she’d seen in the books she’d studied—the famed great halls of medieval Scottish castles. Could it be…?

  “Thank you for opening your heart to me again,” the woman said in a soft voice.

  “I’m not sure how I did that,” Lauren asked in wonder.

  “You said you wished to have the opportunity to thank me. Well, here I am.”

  Lauren wasn’t afraid of her this time. “Are you truly related to me?”

  “Aye. A many times over great grandmother.”

  Everything about the woman was beautiful—her hair, her blue eyes, and her deep blue velvet gown, but mostly her aura of warmth and kindness. Lauren wanted to stay near her and never go back to the waking world.

  “Oh, but you must return. We are not nearly ready for you yet. You have much to do first. You have a path to follow, my dear. It’s our job to guide you stay on that path to serve the greatest good—to bring your talents to the world.”

  That was much deeper than Lauren could handle at the moment. She shook her head a little to express her lack of understanding.

  “Oh, someday you’ll understand. Now, what is it you wished to say to me?”

  “Thank you for giving me advice about Nate,” Lauren said with a smile. “He’s wonderful.”

  “He is much like my Alex—strong, confident, wise, gentle, and a compassionate warrior. You will be verra happy together.”

  “Alexander Grant? Was he the one who fought in the Battle of Largs?”

  The woman replied, “Aye, you’ve found him in your books. Alex saved me from a most horrific existence. He is the love of my life, just as Nate will be the love of yours. They both possess the three most important characteristics necessary for love.”

  “I know honorable is one, but what are the other two?” Lauren didn’t know if the woman would answer her, but she thought she’d try. She had her own beliefs but wished to hear more about the medieval view of marriage.

  “I’m sure you could tell me one. Why don’t you try?”

  Lauren sighed, a smile crossing her face as she thought of all the reasons she loved Nate. She knew there was one quality that was of paramount importance to her. She never could have entered into the relationship without it. “Trust. I had to trust Nate completely, or I never could have entered into a relationship with him.”

  “Aye, you know two of them: honorable and trustworthy. The third has two facets to it. Most people would just say a man simply needs to be loving, but you and I know there is another part to it. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Lauren thought for a moment, reflecting again on all of the things she loved about Nate. He was hard-working and he made her laugh. He was warm and giving and nurturing, and she knew without a doubt that he would be a wonderful father someday. She said as much to the woman in the blue dress.

  “All wonderful characteristics and true, but I needed someone gentle first and foremost. My Alex is probably the strongest man I know, and he was the greatest swordsman of our time, yet he could be as gentle as the soft caress of a feather. He would carry our babes around on his chest, lull them to sleep with just a touch of his thumb to a cheek.”

  Lauren immediately thought of Nate’s gentle caresses, and how he’d held her in the hospital after her attack outside the library. She’d wondered how such a callused hand could be so tender.

  “You understand my meaning—gentle and loving is the third quality. They go together for me. They are the finest of qualities, and Nate possesses them all.”

  While Lauren wished to know more about Alex, she had one more important question she needed to ask, so she pressed onward. “Before you gave me two pieces of advice, but I can’t recall the first one.”

  “I know, ‘tis why I was allowed to return to you. You must give the chart to Ryan.”

  “But why? They’ve arrested the men who attacked me. Why shouldn’t I keep it?”

  “The police can use it to solve other crimes. You have no more use of it, do you?” She approached Lauren, not stopping until she was close enough to touch her. Then she reached over and caressed Lauren’s cheek. “Let it go. Give it to Ryan. ‘Tis best for both of you.”

  She cupped Lauren’s face and kissed her forehead. “Wonderful times are coming soon. Trust me.”


  Lauren’s eyes flew open and she sat up in her bed. She’d had that dream again, only now she remembered the thing she’d forgotten.

  The chart.

  She folded it back up and returned it to the envelope, sealing it and placing Ryan’s full name on the front. Then she went to her desk and retrieved the flash drive that contained the same information.

  Lauren carried both out to the table, taking a seat across from Stacy. “If you have a moment, I’d like to share something with you.”

  Stacy stopped typing on her laptop and said, “Sure. You have my complete attention.”

  “I know this sounds really strange, but…” she sighed. Part of her wanted to shut down, but she remembered what the blonde woman said. This was important. “I made a chart of all the abused women who came to my support group. I kept track of every attack, every victim, everything they told me about their attackers. I compiled it into one large document, and I also made a copy of it on this flash drive.” She said lifting it up to show her.

  “Oh, Lauren,” she said, rising from her chair to move to the other side to enfold her in a warm embrace. “I can only imagine how hard it was for you do that. What a good idea, though. Did it help the police with this case?”

  She blushed and said, “I never gave it to them, but I’m going to do that now.”

  “What? Why? Oh my…” Stacy said, “I think you’re making the right move. You need to share this document. Heck, if it’s anywhere near as meticulous as your coursework, it’ll help them catch another seven offenders.” She moved back to her chair, shaking her head over the situation.

  “I suppose.” She stared off into space, wondering how she’d explain it to Ryan. Now that she was actually doing something about it, her insistence on holding off seemed ridiculous.

  “Not that it matters, but can I ask what changed your mind? You look very confused. How can I help? Oh, sorry. Too many questions. My mind’s in a million places.”

  “It’s all right.” She paused, thinking it over. Stacy had a very open mind—in the past, the two had had conversations about past lives and other “airy, fairy” stuff, to quote one of her brothers. Something told her that her friend would understand if she shared the truth. “Well,” she continued, “I had a dream. Actually, two dreams. A woman who looked like an angel came to me. She said she was my many times removed great grandmother, and she told me two things. The first is that Nate and I were meant to be together.”

  “Well, I think she’s right about tha
t,” Stacy said with a grin as she sat down again. “And the second?”

  “She said I have to give this chart to Ryan… Do you think I’m crazy?”

  “Never.” Stacy got up from her chair and walked over to lift Lauren out of hers.

  Lauren chuckled. “You don’t have to keep getting up for me.”

  “Yes, I do. I cannot believe all you’ve been through, and this is even more of a testament to your strength. A lesser person would have fallen apart from all the pressure.” Wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly, she said, “You’re not crazy. Who am I to say whether or not you have a guardian angel who came to you in your dreams? I will tell you this. I do believe we have guardian angels who try to guide us in certain directions. Most of us don’t listen though. I’m glad you’re paying attention. Not to change the subject, but are you still seeing that counselor?”

  “Yes. I have an appointment this week.” She stepped away from her friend, comforted by Stacy’s acceptance.

  “You should share all of this with her. You’ll feel better about it. In fact, I feel better knowing you have an angel following you. I hope it’s true. Oh…and that I have one too.”

  Lauren chuckled. “My angel didn’t know what she signed up for, did she?”

  “To root for a lovely, kind, and wonderful human being?” Stacy asked, giving her a playful shove. “Give the chart to Ryan. Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I’ll be right back. Oh. Will you keep this flash drive for me? Just in case…you know.”

  “Sure. I’ll put it in a safe place in my desk. If you ever want it back, let me know.”

  Lauren gathered her things and headed out the door. She’d had to park a distance away from her apartment because there’d been no closer spots. After she scanned the area for safety concerns, she pulled her phone out to text Nate. She knew he’d be pleased with her decision.

  Taking my chart to Ryan. Hope you’re having a good day.

  Yep. Glad you made that decision.?? Can’t wait to see you tonight.

  She smiled at his response and put her phone back into her purse, heading toward her car. It felt so good not to be a nervous wreck every time she stepped outside.

  The thought was still lingering in her mind as she opened her car door, though it faded from her mind the moment someone grabbed her from behind. Another car had pulled up next to her. She tried to scream, but a cloth came up to cover her mouth and her nose, something with a strange odor.

  Then her world turned dark.


  Nate waited about a half an hour before he texted Lauren again. He couldn’t help but worry about her. Yes, she was incredibly strong, but she’d been through more ordeals than most people. Sam enjoyed reminding him—annoyingly often—that it was because he was in love.

  He couldn’t argue.

  He was trying his best not to be controlling, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t text her to see how she’d made out.

  Everything go okay with Ryan?

  Nothing. He gave her a few more moments in case she was busy talking with her stepbrother.

  Lauren, is everything all right?

  No answer.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, thankful they weren’t on a call at the moment. The day had been uneventful. No matter. He had Ryan’s personal cell phone number.

  Ryan, is Lauren with you?

  No. Why?

  Have you seen her? She was on her way from her apartment to see you about thirty minutes ago.

  No, I haven’t seen her.

  She’s not answering my texts.

  Shit. I’m taking the patrol car to her apartment. Call her.

  Nate dialed her number, but that sick feeling in his gut told him she wouldn’t answer. Fortunately, he had Stacy’s number, so he dialed her next.

  She picked up right away.

  “Stacy, it’s Nate. do you know where Lauren is?”

  “Yeah, she went to see Ryan.”

  “I tried to text her, and she’s not answering. Ryan says she never made it there. Was she driving or taking the bus?”

  “She said she was driving,” Stacy asked, her voice shaking a little. “She said her car was parked down the street. I’ll check if I can see it.”

  “I’ll hold.” His insides felt like they’d explode. Where the hell could she be? It wasn’t like Lauren to be distracted, especially from something so serious. It wasn’t like she’d leave that chart in the car to go shopping. This was bad. Someone had gone after her. His mind darted back and forth to different possibilities. Had she been beaten and abandoned? Kidnapped? Worse?

  He heard sounds the occasional car engine in the background, which told him Stacy was outside.

  “Oh, no,” Stacy muttered, the words full of horror.

  “What is it?” His stomach revolted, but he managed to keep it together.

  “Her car is still here. Her purse is inside the car, but it’s unlocked and the chart is on the seat. The car keys are on the ground. She…she never would have left it like that.”

  “Thanks, Stacy. Ryan is on his way in the police car. Don’t touch anything, just wait for him to get there.” As soon as he hung up, he ran into the chief’s office. “I have to go. Lauren is missing. She was supposed to drive to see her brother, but her roommate found her keys on the ground next to the car, and her purse was inside.”

  The chief shook his head. “With her history, that’s not good. We’re slow. Take the van, run the siren.”

  “Thanks, Chief.” He didn’t wait to be told twice. As he chased into the garage, he heard a voice behind him. “Keep me posted.” He flew out the door and hopped into the vehicle, opening the station doors so he could fly out.

  An eternity later, or so it seemed, he pulled onto Lauren and Stacy’s street. He could see Ryan talking with Stacy. His brother, Jake, stood beside the police cruiser. Nate jumped out of the van almost before he put it in park. “Do we have any leads?”

  Jake shook his head, his hands on his hip. “It’s not good. All indications are she’s been kidnapped. We’ve got a team coming out to check for fingerprints, but her keys were probably in her hand when they dropped to the ground, so they won’t show anything. Doesn’t help that they landed in a puddle. We’re still combing the area for any clues, but nothing’s come up so far.”

  The two moved over to where Ryan and Stacy stood on the sidewalk. He and Jake had arrived just in time for the end of the conversation, apparently.

  Stacy handed a flash drive to Ryan. “She was going to the station to give you the original chart in that envelope in the car. This is a copy of it. It’s something she’s been working on for a very long time. She asked me to keep the flash drive in case…” Her breath hitched. “In case anything happened. Oh my God, how could this be happening to her again?”

  “What’s on the drive, Stacy?” Ryan asked, while Jake headed to the car to retrieve the envelope.

  Tears flooded down her cheeks as she struggled for words. Nate knew exactly how she felt—helpless. They all did.

  “I know what it is,” Nate answered. “I’ve seen the chart. She kept detailed records of all the victims and their attacks, anyone who’d ever come to her support group. She was afraid revealing the information would compromise the integrity of her group, so she kept it secret. Trust me that there are many entries on this. Around fifty.” Damn, why the hell hadn’t he made her turn that over to Ryan when he’d first learned about it? He knew why. He hadn’t wanted to lose her, and the news of the video had seemed far more pressing.

  “She had records and she didn’t give them to me before?” Ryan asked. Both he and Jake were staring at Nate in bafflement.

  “That’s what I almost told you about when you gave me a ride home, but she made me promise not to tell you.”

  “And you listened to her?” Jake asked, incredulous, putting gloves on to pull the envelope out of the car.

  “The hard copy is in that envelope you’re holding.” Nate
pointed to the manila. “Ryan, I told you I wanted her to come to this decision on her own…and she finally had. That’s why she was coming to see you. Shit!” He ran his hand down his face. “Big mistake, I know.”

  Ryan took the envelope from Jake, both of them handling it with gloves on. Somehow he managed to get it out without manhandling the envelope. Another vehicle had arrived on scene without Nate even processing it—and one of the guys took the envelope from Jake and placed it inside a plastic evidence bag.

  Ryan unfolded the chart part way, enough to see the contents of the document. “Holy shit.”

  Jake peeked over Ryan’s shoulder. “Everything…everything is there. More than we have.”

  “Why would it be more than what the police department has?” Nate asked. Had he known that, he might have been more insistent. He’d expected it to be almost the same.

  “Because some of the victims refused to speak to the police. That’s why Lauren started the support group, to help the women who were too afraid to talk to us. This is magnificent,” Ryan said, scanning it again. “Unfortunately, it will take us a while to go over it.”

  “We don’t have a while,” Nate insisted hotly. “Tell me who you arrested, because the report I saw didn’t list all the names, only Dominic Miller. What about the others we saw? Randy, Trevor?”

  “She mentioned a Glenn, too,” Stacy added. “A few of those guys stopped her before she came home today.”

  “Which ones?” Jake pressed. “This could be important. Think carefully, Stacy.”

  Stacy closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them back up. “Glenn was one, but she also mentioned a Trevor and a Randy. She said they all attended Summerhill College, but she ran into them on the Cornell campus.”

  “That’s revealing. They have no business at Cornell. Trevor Hutton doesn’t live with the frat,” Ryan said. “He graduated a couple of years ago. He lives on the lake with his parents, though they’re only there half the year. They’re snowbirds, so they’ll be heading south soon. He wasn’t part of that group. Besides Dom, the kids we arrested were all pledges. They’ve all been expelled.”


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