My Wife My Baby...And Him

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My Wife My Baby...And Him Page 25

by Shelia E. Bell

  “What are you doing here?” he asked Detria as she pulled the door closed.

  “I didn’t know I needed permission to come out,” she bitterly snapped. “I see why you don’t have time for your son…or me.”

  “Look, there you go, jumping to conclusions. You see Meaghan and the first thing you do is start thinking all crazy. The girl needed a job, Detria. That’s it. You know how this economy is.” He tilted his head to the side. “I’m just trying to do my part to boost the economy, and give the unemployed people in this city a job. Meaghan included.”

  “I’m ready, Priscilla. Take me home, now, please.”

  Priscilla put the car in gear, leaned down, and looked past Detria, and over at Skip. “You heard her, Mr. Madison. We’re leaving.”

  “I’ll be over later tonight. This isn’t over.” He tried to kiss Detria but she turned away from him.

  “Bye, Sport,” he said to his son. “Daddy will see you tonight.”


  Skip sat in the all-season room looking at Detria. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. The heat outside was nothing compared to the heat he was feeling inside from her cold, heartbreaking stare.

  “What made you come to the restaurant like that? I mean, you could have called. If you and Elijah wanted something to eat, all you had to do was pick up the phone, call me, and let me know. You know I would have brought it to you,”

  “You were kissing her. How could you do me like this, Skip? How could you go behind my back, and especially with Meaghan?”

  “I told you. She works at the restaurant, Detria. Don’t start with all the insecurities. I don’t need this.”

  “You don’t need this? You’re the one who was caught lip lapping all over her, and you tell me that you don’t need this? After all I’ve done for you. After all I’ve given you.”

  “Hold up. Don’t start that crap. I hate it when people give you stuff then act like you owe them something. You gave me what you gave me, no strings attached. I didn’t ask for any of it. Now you tripping, trying to throw it up in my face.” His eyes tightened, and he stood to his feet.

  “I did more than give you stuff, Skip. I gave you a son. I gave you my life. My marriage fell apart because of you. My child is dead because of you.”

  “Because of me? How are you going to blame me for that? I’m sorry about your kid. I really am. But don’t try to put that off on me. You know what? I never pegged you for the insecure, jealous type, but you are, and I can’t deal with it.”

  “What do you mean you can’t deal with it? I’ve given you everything. Helped you start that business, bought you cars, gave you money, plenty of it, and this is how you repay me? You said we were going to get married, but I seriously doubt that you were serious, after what I walked in on today.”

  “Look, let’s be real here. We have a child together. But as far as anything else, I can’t do it. You’ve changed, Detria, and it’s time that I be honest with you.”

  “Yeah, why don’t you do that? Be honest for a change. Let me hear what you have to say.”

  “You want to hear the truth? Is that what you really want?”

  “Yes, that’s what I really want. Tell me the truth.”

  “Okay, I will. Meaghan is pregnant.”

  “Did you say pregnant?” Detria grabbed hold of her head. Suddenly, it felt like she was going to pass out. She steadied herself by holding on to the armrest of the sofa. Detria’s lips drooped in utter disbelief and her face distorted in anger.

  “You’re telling me that that heifer is having your baby?” Detria was stunned. You could see the arteries throbbing in her neck like little electronic pulses. Her hand flew up to her chest, settling over her heart as tears flowed and she began to spew out one venomous word after another.

  “That’s right. She’s having my baby. Elijah is going to have a little sister or brother. But there’s one thing you’re wrong about.”

  “And…what is that, Skip? I’m all ears. Tell me what it is that I’m so wrong about,” she cried.

  “She’s no heifer. She’s my wife.”

  The End

  Words from the Author

  “He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.” Proverbs 6:32 ESV

  The act of betrayal can be costly. When we deceive others, it can never turn out right. In My Wife My Baby…And Him, we get a firsthand look at how adultery, deceit, and lies can have a trickle-down effect and destroy lives. The saying ‘we reap what we sow’ is apparent and it is so true. Stiles, Detria, and Skip although they are fictional characters, represent an overwhelming and increasing number of spouses who cheat. I researched the statistics concerning women who cheat and here they are: Fifty-four percent of women admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they’ve had. Fourteen percent of married women have strayed at least once during their married lives. Sixty-eight percent of women say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught, and three percent of children are the product of infidelity. (

  In today’s society, everything is ‘watered down’ and more and more and more ungodly things are acceptable, but that still does not make it right. We have a standard of excellence that we as individuals, as people, whether male or female, should always strive to meet. We should be people of integrity, with moral character instead of giving in to the desires of our flesh.

  Detria had a hard time being happy in her marriage. She was not prepared or ready to be a mother to Audrey, nor was she prepared to take on the roles and responsibilities that come with being a pastor’s wife.

  Stiles, like his father, poured his all into being the shepherd at Holy Rock, rather than being more committed and dedicated to the wants, needs, and desires of his family.

  When one discovers that a spouse is cheating, it can be absolutely painful and debilitating. It forever changes the scope of the relationship, and the persons involved.

  The death of a child is even more painful and gut wrenching because children are supposed to outlive their parents. Detria and Stiles felt the agonizing pain of grief over the loss of their child. Detria blamed herself and Stiles blamed Detria, which is never a good thing to do. The only way to make it through adultery and the death of a child is seeking God, praying to Him for healing, for comfort, for the strength to move forward. You will never really “get over” it, but slowly, and in your own time, you can learn to live with the loss. It is a wound that never heals, but with God by your side, in time you can learn how to keep living.

  Lastly, remember that there is no mistake and no wrong that you have done that God will not forgive. He also calls for us to forgive so we can be forgiven. Does it mean we have to accept that person back into our lives and into our space? Personally, I don’t think so. As long as you have made the conscious decision to truly forgive, and mean it with all your heart, then I feel that is all that is required.

  Reading Group Discussion Guide

  What differences/similarities do you see, if any, between Rena, Detria and the late First Lady Audrey Graham?

  How do you perceive Stiles? Should he have sensed or known that his wife was cheating? Why or why not?

  Was Detria justified in having an affair since Stiles was never around?

  Could Stiles and Detria’s marriage have been saved? Why or Why not?

  Did Skip truly love Detria at any time during their adulterous affair?

  Was Stiles’ anger justified? Why or Why not?

  What are your thoughts about Hezekiah and Fancy McCoy?

  Do you believe Hezekiah is going to revert to his old ways? Why or Why not?

  What kind of woman in your opinion is Fancy McCoy?

  What do you think is next for Holy Rock?

  What are your feelings about the way Stiles dismissed Rena when she called to see how he was doing?

  Do you think it took a tragedy to bring Francesca around? Do you believe she can now forgive her family and have a relationship with them? Why or Why

  Why do you think Rena visited Holy Rock when she was in the city? Shouldn’t she be over Stiles?

  Do you think Kareena and Stiles will develop a relationship? Do you want to see him develop a relationship with her?

  Was Stiles wise to move from Memphis or is he merely running away from his problems?

  Do you think Stiles should move back to Memphis? Should he try to return to Holy Rock?

  Does having lots of money change people? Did it change Detria? Did it change Skip? How?

  If you came into a huge amount of money would you spend it on your ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’? Would you spend it on your lover? Why or Why not?

  What are your thoughts about the relationship between Skip and Meaghan?

  Would you like to see the My Son’s Wife series continued? Why or Why not?

  A Personal Invitation from the Author

  If you have not made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, God himself extends this invitation to you.

  If you have not trusted Him and believed Him to be the giver of eternal life, you can do so right now. We do not know the second, the minute, the hour, the moment, or day that God will come to claim us. Will you be ready?

  The Word of God says:

  “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are SAVED” (Romans 10:9-10 NIV, emphasis added).

  Other Books by Shelia E. Lipsey

  Beautiful Ugly Series

  True Beauty (Book 2)

  Beautiful Ugly (Book 1)

  My Son’s Wife Series

  My Sister My Momma My Wife (Book 4)

  My Son’s Next Wife (Book 3)

  My Son’s Ex-Wife: The Aftermath (Book 2)

  My Son’s Wife (Book 1)

  Stand Alone Books

  What’s Blood Got To Do With It?

  House of Cars (YA)


  Into Each Life

  Always, Now and Forever Love Hurts

  Show A Little Love


  Bended Knees – Against the Grain

  Weary And Will – A Purpose Realized


  A Christian’s Perspective – Journey through Grief

  To arrange signings, book events, or speaking engagements

  with the author, contact

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  Thank you for supporting my literary career!

  Remember to Live Your Dreams Now!

  Shelia E. Lipsey, God’s Amazing Girl




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