Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~ Page 8

by C D Swanson

  “Can we keep it Mommy, please?” Her urgent plea reverberated throughout the parking lot.

  “Candy, we don’t know if it belongs to anyone, or where it came from. Maybe its mother is around somewhere nearby.”

  Jacob looked all around the area and beyond and couldn’t find anything.

  “Mommy, please can I take her inside? Please?”

  “Well…Okay, but if someone claims her, we’ll have to give her up do you understand Candy?”

  “Yes!” she squealed so loudly the kitten’s ears twitched.


  The cat was mewing and was probably hungry. She looked at Jacob with a smile. “Jacob would you mind going around the corner and grabbing a can of kitten food? And a little bowl for her to drink out of?”

  “On my way,” he laughed, “we must feed the little guy.”

  “I’ll pay you when you get back.”

  “No problem, I have the advance money you already gave me. Be right back.” Jacob took off quickly.

  As they walked into Sarah’s office, Candy was holding the kitten. She was so gentle with her, and it stopped mewing and began purring loudly. She smiled at this beautiful picture before her eyes.

  “Mommy, can I call her Star?” she asked in a hushed tone.


  “Yes, the white on her head looks just like a star.” She pointed to it and smiled saying, “see?”

  “Yes, I see that now. Star-that sounds like a perfect name for her.”

  Sarah scratched her head, what an adorable little fur ball. She wondered if someone threw it out deliberately. There were so many horrific stories out there, she was happy to see this little one relatively unscathed aside from being hungry. “Star we’ll have your food momentarily. Excuse me my phone is ringing. Sarah Johnson.”

  “Hello Sarah, this is Kelly Novak.”

  “Kelly. Good to hear your voice, how are you today? What an amazing coincidence, we were just speaking about you a few moments ago.”

  “Hopefully, it wasn’t too bad,” she answered as she laughed.

  “All good as always, what can I do for you?”

  “I heard about your project for the homeless population and wondered if I could stop by and speak with you today concerning this issue,” her voice filled with urgency as she continued, “it’s really important.”

  “Absolutely, I’d be honored to have you come. When’s a good time for you?”

  “I wonder if I could stop by within forty-five minutes, is that okay?”

  “Sure—that’s perfect. I look forward to seeing you again Kelly.”

  “Same here. Bye Sarah.”

  As she hung up Jacob came in carrying a big bag of pet supplies. He stated in a loud voice, “Okay, here’s s gourmet kitten food, her dish, and, a couple of toys to play with.” He placed a red ball of yarn on the multi colored rug, and a small stuffed mouse alongside it.

  “Oh thanks Jacob.” Candy ran over and hugged him again.

  “Okay let’s see if she likes this food.” He opened the food and emptied it into the shiny red bowl. There was a matching bowl for water.

  “Her name is Star,” her voice tinged with a shrill of excitement.

  “Star because of the white on her forehead. Great name Candy.” He winked at her and watched Star run over to the plate.

  “She loves it! Look Mommy she’s eating it all up, she really loves it!” Candy could hardly contain her excitement she was a bundle of energy.

  “Yes, I see that. Watch her while Jacob and I speak business. We’ll be right over here.”

  “Okay Mommy.” She sat on the floor watching Star, her pink case with coloring book and crayons a thing of the past. This was more important now, the beautiful little kitten, she was enthralled by Star.

  “Kelly Novak called.”

  “Wow-that’s kind of strange after just speaking about her.”

  “I know! But guess what? She wants to meet with us to discuss plans about the homeless shelter.”


  “Yes, she’s on her way right now.”

  “I wonder what she wants to discuss. Do you think she wants to offer you money for your cause?”

  “I don’t know we’ll soon find out. We no longer will need to conjecture because here she comes now.”

  They focused their attention to outside the window as the huge limo pulled up. The door opened and they immediately saw nude heels and perfectly shaped legs before she completely exited the limo. She was tall blonde and so classy.

  “Wow she really knows how to make an entrance,” Jacob whistled lowly to make his point.

  “Yes Jacob and knows how to exit too. She is just fabulous.”

  Sarah went into the hallway to greet her as she entered the building. “Kelly so nice to see you again—please, come in.” They warmly embraced each other.

  “Oh it is so good to see you too Kelly.”

  “Kelly Novak I’d like to introduce you to my newest employee, Jacob. He is the Director of Project Homeless.”

  “Hello Jacob, a pleasure to meet you.” She extended her hand.

  “Hello Miss Novak, I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you. It’s my pleasure to meet you.”

  “Embellishments I’m sure, please call me Kelly,” she laughed.

  “Can I get you anything Kelly?” Sarah asked.

  “No, I’m good-thank you.”

  “What can we do for you then?” She motioned for her to sit on the couch. Sarah and Jacob sat down alongside her.

  “I’m very impressed with your homeless shelter and your transition apartments. I would love to contribute and be a part of this.”

  “I don’t know what to say…” Sarah stammered.

  “There’s a big condition however.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “I’m to be anonymous. Absolutely no one can know about my input. I want it to be all about you and the shelter, nothing more, do I make myself clear?” She stated her terms with confidence.

  “You’re an amazing woman Kelly, I’m speechless.”

  “Well just say yes.” She smiled and winked at Jacob.

  “Yes, thank you so much.”

  They stood up and all shook hands. Candy ran over just then with Star in her hands, and stated so matter-of-fact, “you’re so pretty.”

  Kelly turned and her heart broke instantly seeing this beautiful child with no hair. It could only mean cancer. Her heart sank. She squatted down to speak with her in a gentle voice, “and you’re so beautiful. What’s your name?”

  “Candy, and this is Star. We just found her. I named her star because of the white spot on her head, see it looks like a star,” her voice was so loud Kelly


  “Well hello Candy. Hello Star.” She shook Candy’s hand and then she pet the fluffy kitten that was purring so loudly.

  “Do you have any kids?”

  Kelly was taken aback her face must have registered shock because she heard Sarah softly correct her.

  “Candy that’s impolite to ask such a personal question.”

  “No, it’s okay. She’s a bright one to be so inquisitive. Candy, I had a baby boy a long time ago,” her voice was low and wistful.

  “Where is he?”

  “I’m sorry to say he is no longer here on earth. He’s in heaven with God now.”

  They all looked so uncomfortable. It was an awkward moment for sure. Candy was being a typical child and Kelly realized that, and although it must have been hard to admit that out loud; she did so with class and dignity.

  “Kelly, I’m so sorry…” Sarah stammered.

  “It’s okay, really. No problem. May I hold Star? I love animals. I have two Miniature Schnauzers at home,” her voice returned to normal at the mention of her dogs.

  “What are their names?” Candy smiled in antici-


  “Sugar and Spice.”

  Candy found that really funny for some reason and they all joined in
after listening to her infectious laugh.

  “Hey, you know what? You and Jacob have the same color eyes.”

  The looked at each other and agreed.

  “How old are you Jacob?”

  “I’m thirty-four.”

  “My son would have been your exact age.”

  Kelly handed Star back to Candy and stood up.

  “I have to get going but here’s my private number, please call me anytime. I’ll get the funds to you sometime tomorrow. I’m so glad you’re doing this, God bless you Sarah. All of you.”

  “And God bless you Kelly-that reward money is a phenomenal thing, God will bless you abundantly for what you’re doing.”

  “Well it will be phenomenal when the culprit is caught and brought to justice, until then…It’s merely a device to get people to speak and come forward. People somehow recall things with crystal clarity when monetary values are involved.”

  “Goodbye Candy, and thanks for letting me hold and pet Star. I’ll see you again okay?”

  “Okay, bye. You really are a pretty lady,” she said in girlish sincerity.

  “Thank you Candy and you are simply a stunning little girl. Star is very fortunate to have you as his mommy.” She winked at Candy and pet Star one more time. She smiled and walked out and they stood in awe of this powerful woman who was so humble and kind.

  “I cannot believe that just happened. Wow!” Jacob said in low tones, almost in shock.

  “Yes it was pretty outstanding.” Sarah sat down dumbfounded and happy for their good fortune.

  “Well, we have all of the financial backing now, so there’s no limit to what we can accomplish. Jacob, are you as excited as me?”

  “More so!”

  “We can get additional office space in the building to provide technical training skills. We can offer them the ability to go to school for a trade. What do you think about that?”

  “I think it’s exactly what I was thinking!”

  While they were both laughing embracing this unexpected enhancement to their project, Luke walked in unannounced.

  “Sorry to interrupt what seems like a regular thing with you guys…”his voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “Luke what are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to give you back your bracelet that you left over my house when things were good with us.”

  “Thank you. Now, please leave.”

  “Go away you mean man, my mommy doesn’t want you here,” Candy’s voice was defiant and confident.

  “You have the little orphan at work?” He blurted it out without regard to the Candy’s feelings.

  “That was totally uncalled for Luke! I must ask you to leave at once.” Sarah pointed to the door, her face red with indignation.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that…”

  “Goodbye Luke,” Jacob said in finality as he stood by the door for emphasis of his message.

  Luke turned to look at Sarah and was humiliated and angry at once. He couldn’t believe he was being shown the door by this clown.

  “Goodbye Sarah.” He walked to the door, glared at Jacob, then turned and slammed the door behind him.

  They looked at each other in relief. There was something very unsettling about Luke lately. And, the more Sarah thought about it, the more her skin crawled.

  He walked to his automobile opened the door and got in; pushing his box of tricks out of the way. He was seething and couldn’t believe she dumped him. And, the worst thing of all, it looked like she was falling for that waste of a human being. That stupid clown and homeless bum!

  He may have been dumped, but he wouldn’t allow that clown to take over Sarah. Nope—he would not allow that to happen. He’d have to do something about that. And, very soon.

  Chapter Nine

  34 Years Ago in an Unwed Mothers Maternity Ward

  “Take a deep breath Kelly, you’ll be out in a minute, your baby is almost ready to arrive.”

  Kelly Novak was scared, but mostly for her baby, she didn’t want anything to go wrong. She wanted to keep this baby no matter what her mother thought. She fought with her the entire length of her pregnancy. Her mother wanted nothing to do with the baby-and encouraged her to give it up to people that would love the child.

  Kelly wanted to raise it, but her mother was dirt poor, and to complicate matters further, her mother was an alcoholic. She became more dependent on alcohol the moment her husband walked out on her. Three months later her mom was a full fledge alcoholic—and word came that her father was killed in an automobile accident. They lived in a garage on someone’s property. A kind old lady let them stay there for free. They lost everything—what little they owned.

  Kelly was overweight and no one liked her, but for one special young man in the neighborhood. Isaac was kind and reached out to her. It was the first real show of compassion anyone ever showed her. Her dad was verbally abusive to both her and her mom. However, there were times when he punched and slapped them around.

  Her mother took to the bottle to calm her nerves, and when her father was drunk it meant peace for both of them. He’d fall asleep not bothering either of them in his alcoholic stupor. So, in a way it was a blessing.

  Isaac and Kelly went to a football game, and afterwards went to the park. He was so kind to her, and she felt alive for the first time in her life. This young man showed genuine love towards her. She realized he liked her for herself, and never made fun of her at all. She felt good about herself when she was with him. No one ever cared about her the way Isaac did. He touched her face and kissed her gently. And, in the heat of the moment, they got carried away and they made love. They both knew it was wrong right after it happened. He apologized to her.

  They both went into church kneeled down and asked forgiveness to God. While in church they looked at each other and made vows of marriage in front of God. She knew God forgave her, and she felt in her heart they were married in God’s eyes.

  Three months later when she began to vomit and didn’t get her period she knew she was in trouble. Not knowing what to do, she ran to Isaac. They both wanted to keep the baby and raise it together. God would let them find a way. And getting rid of the baby was out of the question, against their Christian beliefs.

  When she told her mother it didn’t go over too well. Her mother smacked her around, and yelled at her over and over. She couldn’t believe how harsh her mother was. Her words were cutting and seemed to rip right through her soul during the tirade.

  “You slut! Is this the kind of daughter I raised? A little slut that has perverted sex with anyone around?” Her eyes were wild and crazed.

  “Mom—I love him. I’m not a slut. It was only the one time. We got married...”

  She smacked her crying face so hard drawing blood. She licked away the blood that trickled on her lips while she stared at her mom in fear.

  “Shut-up! You’re not old enough to be married, you little twit. You’re going to give that bastard away. You’re going to put that bad seed of a child up for adoption. You’re too young to raise it, and we have no money. We have no money to care for ourselves, let alone a bastard baby,” her voice was shrill and cut like a razor.

  “Mom no! I love this baby, and I love Isaac.” Her eyes were pleading for mercy and understanding from the woman who gave birth to her.

  “Shut-up! Or I’ll place you into a convent.”

  “No. And, stop calling him a bastard-he is a gift from God,” she cried.

  “How do you know it’s a boy?”

  “I just know I had a dream…” She stopped as her mother continued with her volley of pure evil invectives.

  “Even worse-boys grow up to be bad drunkard husbands who beat their family.” A dish was thrown to the ground for emphasis after words from her personal testimony.

  She shook off that horrific scene in her mind’s eye, and concentrated on the here and now. The nurse in the ward was wiping Kelly’s face with a cool damp cloth-which brought her back to reality. She didn’t need t
o relive that whole scene in her mind… she shuddered and felt another contraction. “Please, can you knock me out? I am in so much pain.”

  “Yes sweetheart, the doctor will be here in a moment,” the nurse spoke in soft tones of reassurance.

  The doctor arrived and smiled at Kelly as he walked to her bedside and touched her hand. “Okay Kelly, we’re going to put you out so we can deliver your child-you won’t feel a thing from this point on. Okay?” Kelly nodded.

  Kelly was breathing heavily now, and nodded her head. She didn’t care if they killed her at this point; she wanted the excruciating pain to cease.

  “Okay Kelly-count down starting from 100.”

  “100, 99, 98, 97…” She was out completely within seconds.

  The Doctor and his Nurse went to work and delivered the baby. Kelly’s mother was in the waiting room. Isaac was there too, and was praying quietly in his seat when he was interrupted by Kelly’s mother.

  “Isaac this baby must be given up for adoption for it to have a decent life. You cannot possibly care for an infant and my daughter. You don’t have the means. You’re only 17 years old. Kelly is 15-don’t you see how wrong this is? Don’t you see besides the sin you’ve both committed how wrong it is to raise this bastard child?”

  “Mrs. Novak-that’s my baby in there and my wife. I don’t care what you say-we were married in God’s house and took vows. It may not be legal with ‘man’ but it is with God, and His eyes are all we are concerned with. I will take care of them both, God will provide for us. And, please stop referring to our child as a bastard. It is offensive and vulgar to your daughter and to me,” his voice stern and strong, he continued, “and, we will keep him. He is a gift from God.”

  “Isaac you’re acting like a little child, you cannot possibly believe that bull crap.” Her voice mocked him and his beliefs; she threw back her head and laughed, “what a little boy you are. Such a little boy.”

  When the doctor showed up Isaac jumped out and ran over to him, with urgency in his voice he asked, “How is my wife? How is Kelly?”

  “Your wife’s fine.”

  “And, the baby?” he waited with genuine concern.


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