Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~ Page 15

by C D Swanson

  “I have great news, honest. Please, don’t look so apprehensive. I got the donor tests back, of course we’ll have to do further and more extensive ones… but the preliminary tests are conclusive, there are two matches for Candy. Two! So, her chances are that much better,” his voice was upbeat and relieved.

  Sarah started to cry and looked up to God in silent thanks, as did Jacob. Candy asked, “does that mean I get to go home on Christmas?”

  They laughed out loud and gave collective sighs of relief, the pain, and uncertainty, lifting momentarily. The nightmare was over and the reality hit them in their hearts. Two donors! It was a miracle.

  “Who are the donors that matched?” Jacob asked with interest.

  “Well Jacob, funny you should ask. You’re one of them.”

  His face registered shock and he was overwhelmingly thrilled at once. He loved this child so much and now he was going to be able to save her? How incredible was that? Sarah jumped up and hugged him so tightly and kissed him, surprising Jacob.

  “Who is the other one?” Sarah asked intently.

  “The other one is Kelly Novak.”

  They both looked at each other, dumbfounded. The doctor continued, “It’s rare to have two people match the recipient so closely. The strands of DNA were a perfect match. So, we can get this thing going

  as soon as tomorrow afternoon, just need to run some quick tests on both Jacob and Kelly. So Merry Christmas Candy, it looks like you’ll be going home for Christmas after all.”

  “Oh boy thank you Doctor!” She sat up in her bed and put her arms out to Jacob, “thank you Jacob, I love you for getting me home for Christmas!”

  Jacob ran over to her and hugged her so tightly never wanting to let go. Tears ran down his cheeks, as he grabbed Sarah’s hand. The doctor walked out giving them privacy to enjoy the miraculous moment together.

  Luke waited in the parking lot. He wasn’t going to let Jacob get away with taking Sarah. He’d finish the job he should have almost a year ago. He sat and waited in his doctor garb, with a night stick poised in his hand. He wouldn’t let him have her. His eyes began to sparkle with excitement. The elation began rising as he thought of getting even with Jacob. He smiled and laughed out loud.

  Kelly sat down with her son’s picture in her hand, and took a drink of water. Sugar and Spice ran over to her on the couch, licking her sensing something was wrong with their mommy. She kept starting at her baby, while so many questions pervaded her mind.

  How could her mother do this to her and her own grandson? What kind of monster gave birth to her? She would rather have become a millionaire over seeing her daughter’s happiness? Where was he? Was he okay? Did he have a good life? So many questions danced through her mind, was he alive? She dreaded the thought of having to mourn him all over again if he was no longer alive. Although he was just thirty-four years old, so many young people die. She refused to think that way… she was going to find him. She felt he was alive. She felt it all along from the moment they told her he was dead…she felt he was alive. She never really officially believed it. Something always nagged at her insides, she never felt right about what they told her.

  The buzzer on her intercom rang and brought her back to reality. She jumped up and answered the buzzer, “Hello?”

  “Miss Novak there’s a man here to see you. He’s requesting access to your penthouse. I wouldn’t have disturbed you… but he’s insisting and will not take no for an answer.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “The gentleman’s name is Isaac Diamond.”

  Kelly knees almost gave out from under her. She sat down on the chair next to the intercom. Her heart began racing, and the room began to spin. Did she hear correctly? Was she awake? Or just imagining everything up to now? Perhaps this whole day was a dream! That must be it, surely she was dreaming. She heard Garth’s voice again, in the lobby push into her thoughts.

  “Miss Novak? Miss Novak? Are you there?”

  “Send him up.”

  She walked over to look in the mirror she was a mess, her eyes were red and swollen from crying. First, the news of her son being alive and now Isaac shows up? What was Fate doing to her mind and her heart? Was this all a joke? Sugar and Spice started barking prior to the chimes on her penthouse suite. She opened the door and there he was, the man she never stopped loving for one minute. Her heart was about to burst…she could hardly breathe.

  “Hello Kelly.” He had a dozen white roses in his hand and the biggest smile on his handsome face.


  “Are you okay? It looks like you’ve been crying.”

  “Oh Isaac.” She instinctively threw her arms around his neck and began crying again.

  He held her tightly as the roses dropped to the ground. It felt so right holding her as if time never marched on. It was thirty-four years ago all over again. His heart pounding with love for her, it never stopped beating for her. Kelly was the only woman he ever loved. His voice was gentle, “Kelly, what’s wrong? Did you receive bad news? Are you okay?”

  “Isaac you’ll never believe what happened today. Please come with me into the living room and I’ll explain everything.”

  She pulled the note out and handed it to Isaac and waited for him to read it before showing him their son’s picture. She watched the vein on his jaw throb. She recalled it would throb when he was upset. He looked at the picture of their baby as tears fell from his eyes. “How is this possible? They told us he died. We were both there, together, they said he died…” his voice trailed off as it cracked.

  “I know Isaac, but apparently he never did. This Phillip character explains the whole thing in the note. Should we contact him? Or hire our own…”

  “I’ll take care of the whole thing,” his voice was protective and determined, “if our son is indeed alive, we will find him Kelly. We’ll find him together. I promise. Kelly, I never stopped loving you. I have wanted to tell you that for years. So, I’m not wasting any more valuable moments, I love you. And I have thought about you every single day of my life since we parted.” He looked at her and leaned forward to kiss her softly, and she kissed him back.

  “Isaac, I feel the same. I never stopped loving you. You were the only man I’ve ever loved, and the only man I ever thought about my whole life,” her voice filled with emotions. The phone interrupted their tender and yet bitter sweet reunion, Kelly picked up the phone after excusing herself. “Hello?”

  “Kelly I’ve fabulous news!”

  “Sarah, what is it? Did you find a donor?”

  “Yes we did. We found not one but two.”

  Kelly let out a yelp of glee, and smiled for the first time in hours. “Who are these lucky two that will be able to help that little doll?”

  “Well Jacob is one…”

  “That’s wonderful, how wonderful for him,” her happiness evident in her voice.

  “And, here is the most incredible thing of all… you are the other one Kelly.”

  Kelly fell into her sofa…her mouth open. Isaac walked over and took her hand. He couldn’t imagine what else she had heard. She received two shocks in the space of three short hours.

  “Kelly, are you there?”

  “Yes I am…and trying to absorb the news you just gave me. I’m thrilled beyond belief. We’ll be by in a little while.”

  “We?” Sarah’s voice was intrigued.

  “I’ll explain when we get there, patience by dear.”

  “Isaac we’re going to the hospital to see a special little girl named Candy, and I’ll fill you in on everything on the way in the limo. Let me freshen up a bit, and we’ll speak about finding our son as well.” She paused at the sound of their son. It made her smile. She looked at him and said, “I’m so glad you’re here Isaac. I feel as if I’ll wake up now for sure.”

  “I’m here baby, and I’ll never let you go again. We will find our son if it takes us forever. And, I want this man Phillip to be put behind bars.” He hugged her and they kiss
ed gently.

  “Be right back.” Kelly went to freshen up as Isaac sat with Sugar and Spice who were taken with him from the minute he walked into the penthouse. Isaac was staring at his son’s pic and said a silent prayer to God asking for his help in locating their son. He knew that he would be with Kelly, his heart belonged to her but it would be complete with their son as part of their equation.

  “Hello, ready to go?” Kelly asked, standing there in an exquisite yellow knit dress. Isaac caught his breath, her beauty was timeless, and she was his classic beauty.

  “I’m ready to go anywhere with you Kelly. You’re stunning.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  The ride to the hospital was filled with nostalgia, but mainly about how to handle Phillip Cane who appeared to have all the answers. They had so much to talk about they could hardly believe they were at the hospital garage already.

  Jacob was so elated with the news he excused himself to go and buy Candy a chocolate shake and curly fries. She requested it and he was elated to go and get it. After a quick kiss to Candy and Sarah he took off on his mission.

  Jacob was whistling and feeling so good his feet were hardly touching the ground. He was within five feet of his car when he felt a sharp shooting pain course through his arm. He yelped, and turned to see the “doctor in garb” standing there with his night stick. Another hit to his arm, and Jacob fell to the ground, his arm clearly broken. He could barely see straight from the excruciating pain before feeling another whack to his arm. He nearly passed out this time. He looked up at his crazed face, the voice was so familiar.

  “Did you think I’d let you get away with taking Sarah from me you scum bucket? You’re going to pay for your actions. I’m going to pulverize you, slowly. First each arm, then your legs and then your head. I’m going to make you suffer before I kill you. You deserve to die.” And as he brought the night stick up to hit Jacob again, the maniac fell to the ground, never seeing the man behind whack him on the head with a baseball bat.

  “Jacob, are you okay, oh my God!” Kelly ran to his side and kneeled on the ground as Isaac called the police.

  He was writhing in pain half in and out of consciousness, but thankful to Kelly and the man with her. He managed to speak, “Thank you, you saved my life.” Kelly smiled and winked as she held his hand.

  “Young man we’ll help you to the ER as soon as the cops get here, I’ll help you…hang on a moment son,” Isaac said firmly and confidently.

  Kelly was curious to see who the lunatic was. She stood up and walked to the sprawled figure. She pulled off the surgical mask and hat. Her hand went to her mouth as she cried out loud, “it’s you!”

  “Do you know him sweetheart?” Isaac asked in concern.

  “This was Sarah’s former boyfriend.” Her face clearly paralyzed in what she was witnessing, as she stood staring wide-eyed.

  “I never liked him.” Jacob managed to say while the startling realization hit him.

  “Oh my heavens! This means he may be the one beating up the homeless people! The victim’s description was a “doctor in surgical garb” and that was who you described as well Jacob!” She looked horrified and white as a sheet.

  “Yes I am sure it was him,” Jacob confirmed her words.

  The cops pulled up and were informed of what happened and cuffed Luke who was just coming to. He looked over at Isaac and said with a sneer. “You’re a homeless pig. My parent’s recognized that when they gave you away….it was you. They couldn’t stand having you. I knew it was you, you loser.” The cops picked him off the ground and placed him in the patrol car.

  Jacob didn’t know what the heck that was all about, he just felt horrific pain and his arm was dangling.

  “Son, my name is Isaac Diamond I’m a close friend of Kelly’s. Let me help you, put your arm around my neck and let’s see if you can make it through these doors. As soon as we’re there I’ll get you a wheel chair and call an attendant okay?”

  “Thank you Isaac.”

  They walked slowly to the door, and as promised he brought a wheelchair to Jacob. An attendant quickly rushed over and took him into a cubicle.

  “Jacob you’ll be okay. My heart is still pounding from witnessing that evil maniac striking you with such brutality. Thank God we arrived when we did.” Kelly stroked his hand and smiled at him.

  “I’m glad you’re okay young man. So this is the person who beat you and went on an endless pursuit of homeless individuals in New York City?”

  “Yes it would appear that’s correct,” as Jacob said that, the surgeon came in and looked at his arm.

  “Your arm is fractured. We’ll get you down for an x-ray soon. I believe you’ll need an operation for that bone. It appears your distal humerus bone is fractured and it is an open one, meaning the bone pierced your skin, thus the bleeding.”

  Isaac and Kelly felt a twinge of pain listening to that report. Jacob managed a smile and asked very quietly, “why do I need an operation?”

  Well son, let me answer by explaining what I feel is going on, I can tell upon the physical examination, that it’s indeed your distal humerus, but x-rays will confirm my findings shortly. Anyhow, distal humerus fractures may occur in a number of ways. A direct blow, this can happen during a fall landing directly on the elbow, or by being struck by a hard object baseball bat, car dashboard or door during a crash. An indirect fracture, this can happen during a fall if a person lands on his or her outstretched arm with the elbow locked straight. The ulna—one of the forearm bones is driven into the distal humerus, causing it to break. If the fracture is not displaced, it may require just a splint or sling to hold the elbow in place during the healing process. The patient will not be allowed to lift anything with the injured arm for a few weeks. However, in your case Jacob I feel your humerus fracture is displaced thereby requiring surgery to mend it. Surgery for a distal humerus fracture typically involves putting the pieces of the fractured bone back where they belong. Metal implants — such as plates and screws — are used to hold things in place until the bone is fully healed. The fracture is open pieces of bone that have cut the skin. Because the risk of infection is higher in an open fracture, the patient will receive antibiotics intravenously. Which we began as soon as you arrived…and may require tetanus shot, which will be coming in a minute. You’ll be taken to surgery so that the cuts can be thoroughly cleaned out. The bone will typically be fixed or replaced during the same surgery. I’ll be doing all of this as soon as the x-rays confirm my diagnosis. Recovery time is anywhere from four to eight weeks. That includes from the time of the operation to the rehabilitation afterwards. You are a young and relatively healthy male; you should have no problems at all with this. One final note, judging by the extent of damage you’ve sustained, I’m guessing this was a blunt trauma that was inflicted by something akin to a baseball bat. Am I correct?” The doctor waited with report in his hand.

  “Yes, the person was taken away by police.”

  “That’s good that he was apprehended. Well if there are no further questions or concerns, let’s get that arm x-rayed and I’ll have them prep you for surgery. We’ll have you fixed up in no time at all. You’ll be given something for your pain when you wake up. Right now I’m sorry to say you’ll have to tough it out for a little longer.” The doctor smiled and walked away.

  “Can you please tell Sarah, she must be wondering what happened to me. I was on my way to get a chocolate shake for Candy with curly fries and this mess happened.”

  “I’ll go up and tell her…”

  “I’ll take care of the chocolate shake and curly fries,” Isaac said without hesitation.

  “Thank you both so very much. I owe you my life.” “It was our pleasure son,” Isaac said in sincerity as he looked at Kelly.

  “I’ll see you later…” he said as the tech came in to bring him for x-rays.

  “That young man is something special I can just tell,” Isaac said sincerely.

  “I know. I felt that way from the mom
ent I met him.”

  “Mommy, where’s Jacob? I’m hungry,” Candy moaned.

  “Sweetheart I don’t know, let me go and see if I can find him okay? I’ll be right back pumpkin.” As Sarah walked out of Candy’s room she saw Kelly stepping out of the elevator.

  “Hello Kelly, have you seen Jacob anywhere? He left quite some time ago to…”

  “Yes I have seen him and he’ll be fine…”

  “Will be?” Sarah asked with alarm.

  “Let’s go into this private area for a moment Sarah.”

  “What happened?” her voice shook with fear.

  “Have a seat, please,” Kelly’s voice urged.

  Sarah dropped into a chair as she bit her lower lip.

  “He was attacked. And we believe it may be the serial attacker of the homeless people.”

  “What? Is he okay? Where is he?” she screamed as she stood.

  “He’s getting prepped for surgery, his arm is broken, nothing more. He was conscious and speaking. Isaac and I pulled into the parking lot as the attack was taking place. Isaac had a bat in his car and jumped out and hit the accuser over the head rendering him unconscious. Then we brought Jacob into the Emergency Room.”

  “Was it the same person that beat him up last night, the Doctor?” Her hands began to quiver.

  “Sarah it is the same person. Jacob recognized his voice.”

  “Was this maniac captured, please tell him he was caught.” Her eyes were huge with fear.

  “Yes he was. Isaac called the police who handcuffed him and took him away in the squad car. He woke up in time to scream out horrific and outlandish claims about Jacob.”

  Sarah couldn’t believe the events of the day. First the outstanding and miraculous news of finding not one but two donors for Candy, and now this flip side of the coin? A maniac who attacked Jacob not once but twice was almost too much to comprehend. “Who is he? Did you find out his name?”

  “Sarah, please prepare yourself sweetie,” she warned her gently.

  “Is it someone I know?” She was aghast at the thought actually knowing this lunatic.


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