by John Man
al-Nasir (Baghdad caliph) 135, 137–8
al-Afdal’s embassy to 235
mislays True Cross 236
reprimands Saladin 184–5
al-Salih (Nur al-Din’s son) 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84
al-Tha’alabi 6
al-Walid, sultan 29
al-Zafir (Saladin’s son), at Acre 195
Alamut castle 9, 10
Albert Archbishop of Bethlehem 107
Albert of Aix (chronicler), on Crusader cannibalism 16
alchemy 4
Aleppo 77–8, 148
1170 earthquake 66
asks Crusader help 87–8
Jaffa Christians enslaved 170
miners 198
Nur al-Din at 26–7, 41
Qutb resists Saladin 80–4
Reynald imprisoned 101–2, 105
Saladin and 56, 74, 110, 132–3, 138–9
Zangi at 22–3, 25
Alexandretta (Iskanderun) 96
Ayyub in control 67
fortifications strengthened 68
Jerusalem Franks go to 182
Norman invasion attempt 78–9
Shirkuh leaves Saladin at 54–6
strengthened 87
Alexios Komnenos, Byzantine emperor 14–15
Ali (Muhammad’s son-in-law) as
doctrinal source 6–7, 253
Alice (Constance’s mother) 92
Amalric, king of Jerusalem
and Egypt 49–50, 52–6
and Manuel, attack Egypt 57–8
as threat to Saladin 65
death 78, 79
Amaury (Amalric) Patriarch of Antioch 96–7, 100, 102, 188
ambassadors, Islamic world 46
Amida (Diyarbakir)
Persian seige AD359 136
Saladin takes 135–7
Antioch 90–1
Baldwin II and 91
Baldwin III and 92, 95, 100
First Crusade siege 16
French forces at 36, 37
Fulk and 91–2
German crusaders at 191
Nur al-Din attacks 39
Shirkuh attacks 39
Aqaba 51, 67, 105, 129, 134
Arabic language/ culture 2–7
Aristotle 4
Armenia 21, 95, 99
Armenians 17
Edessa 23, 24
Egypt 63, 66, 72
Jerusalem 175
Arnulf, Patriarch of Jerusalem, finds True Cross 17–18
battle of 211–13
Saladin takes 170
Ascalon (Ashkelon) 49, 50, 52
Baldwin IV defends from Saladin 106–9
Crusader siege 92–5
Saladin destroys 214–16
Saladin takes 172–3
Assassins, Hassan i-Sabbah’s followers 8–11, 253
and Saladin 80–1, 83–6, 102
in Damascus 32
kill Conrad 217–18
Avicenna (ibn Sina) 6
Aydhab, Reynald’s ships at 129–30
Ayyub Najm al-Din ibn Shadhi ibn Shahdi (Saladin’s father) 2, 43
and Nur al-Din in Damascus 40–1
and Zangi 21–3, 26
character 240, 241
moves to Damascus 26
with Saladin in Egypt 66–7
Ayyubid dynasty (Saladin’s) 253
Azaz castle, Saladin’s siege 83–4
Baalbek 1–2
1170 earthquake 66
Ayyub Zangi’s governor 23
cherries 44–5
surrenders to Saladin 80
Unar takes 26
Baghdad 2, 5, 7
Ayyub at 21–2
caliphs 8, 25, 39, 60, 63, 65, 68–71, 79, 82, 121, 128, 184, 235, 236, 246–7
capital 30
Sunni Abbasids 7–8, 48
Baha al-Din ibn Shaddad (chronicler) 22, 210, 214, 215, 220
Life of Saladin 43
on Acre siege 196–7, 198, 201, 206
on Saladin’s last days/ death 231–6
Bahr Yusuf canal 54
Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem 37, 91
Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem
and Antioch 92, 95, 100
and Manuel 100
Baldwin IV (the Leper), king of Jerusalem 78, 103–5, 122, 123
and Jacob’s Ford castle 111–20
dying 140–1, 145
relieves Kerak 144
truce with Saladin 123, 126, 128
Baldwin V, king of Jerusalem, regency for 145–6
Balian of Ibelin 123, 158
defends Jerusalem 174–8
escapes to Tyre 178
ransoms Jerusalem 177–80
Barada river 28, 37
Baybars, sultan of Egypt 11
Bayt Nuba, Richard at 221
Bedouins 121, 128
forces 54, 55, 70, 149
guides 127, 131
rescue Ascalon forces 108
spies 220
Beirut 172, 185, 201, 221
Berengaria, marries Richard I at Cyprus 203
Bernard of Clairvaux, and Second Crusade 33–4
Bethlehem, Saladin takes 173
Bilbeis 50, 51–2
Amalric conquers 57
Blondel, Jean, legend 225–6
Boccaccio, on Saladin 261–2
Bohemond (Constance’s son) 92
Bohemond of Antioch (Constance’s father) 91
and German crusaders 191
borders, undefined 112–13
British Saladin myths 263–4
Bukhara 5, 6
Burns, James MacGregor, on commitment 242
Busra, Saladin musters 151
Byzantium/ Byzantine empire 5, 8, 28, 44, 96, 113, 139
Damietta raid 65–6
defeat by Seljuks 121–2
forts, Sicilian fleet raids 35–6
Caesarea, Saladin takes 170
Cairo 2, 7
scholarship 48
Nur al-Din & Shirkuh in 52–60
Shi’ites 7
Saladin and 61–75, 87, 102, 108, 131, 245–6, 253–4, 265
strengthened 87
cannibalism, Crusaders 16
Cave of Blood, Mount Qasiyoun 28
Ceyhan river 99
China, trade with 5
Christianity, Islam and 3–4
Christians eastern, First Crusade and 17
in Saladin’s Egypt 71
see also crusaders; Franks; Jerusalem
Churchill, Winston, and shared adversity 242–3
Clermont, Urban II initiates crusade 12–13
Collins, Jim, on commitment 243
Conrad III, German emperor
and Guy dispute Jerusalem kingship 216–17
and Second Crusade 33–9
at Acre 198, 205
killed by Assassins 217–18
marries Isabella (Sibylla’s sister) 198
Conrad of Montferrat, defends Tyre 171, 184, 185, 192
Constance princess of Antioch 90–2, 95
Constantinople 5
German forces attacked 35
Seljuk Turks advance on 12–13
Corfu, Richard at 224
crusader ships, at Acre 192, 195, 197
Crusader states, and Edessa, recapture 33
crusaders, 204–8
Assassins and 11
at Sepphoris 152
final defeat by Mamluks 252–3
First Crusade 11–19
Hattin battle 155–60
kill Muslim prisoners at Acre 206–8
leave Jerusalem 177–83
Red Sea raid, objectives 132–4
Saladin defeats 154–67
Second Crusade 33–9
siege of Acre 192–208, 210–11, 214, 219, 224
siege of Ascalon 92–5
see also Franks; Jerusalem; specific people
Cursed Tower fort 170
Reynald invades 96, 98–9
rd I captures 203
d’Aguilers, Raymond (chronicler) 17
Damascus 28–33, 77–8
forces, at Acre 195
Nur al-Din’s journey to Bilbeis 51–2
Saladin governs 79–80, 82
Saladin’s 1192 audience 231–2
Second Crusade attack on 37–9
Ayyub in control 67
Byzantine invasion failure 65–6
strengthened 87
Dante, on Saladin 260–1
Darum castle
Richard takes 219–20
Saladin takes 173
de Vries, Manfred Kets, on leadership 239
Diet of Mainz 189
Dirgham, and Shawar 49
Diyarbakir forces, at Acre 195, 196
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 17, 183
earthquake 1170 66–7
Edessa (Urfa) 23–5
Second Crusade and 33, 37
surrenders to Saladin 80
Fatimids 48–9
Nile flood fails 1179 121
Nur al-Din’s campaign 49–57
reinforcements, at Acre 203
Saladin as vizier 61–75
strengthens defences 87
economic/ social reforms 71–2
Sunni control 68
unites with Syria 77–88
Eilat (Ayla) castle
Reynald fails to take 128–9, 134
Reynald’s ships assembled 128–9
Saladin takes 67–8, 129
el-Melek el-Afdal (Saladin’s son) see al-Afdal
Eldridge, David, Holy Warriors (play) 268
Eleanor of Aquitaine 225
and Second Crusade 34–6, 39
and Third Crussade 202–3
Eleanor of Brittany 216
Elisha 28
Ellenblum, Ronnie, on Jacob’s Ford castle 114, 115, 120
Embriaco, Hugh, gives Saladin Jebail 172
Eschiva (Raymond III’s wife) at Tiberias 152, 153, 169
Eugenius III, Pope, and Second Crusade 33, 39
prosperity 13
Saladin mythology 254–64, 267–8
Saladin’s trade with 71
Farrukh-Shah, (Saladin’s nephew) 80
raids near Kerak 127–8
takes Odo de St Amand prisoner 116
Fatima (Prophet’s daughter) 7
Fatimid caliphate 2, 7–8
destroyed 245–6
Egypt 48–9
Feisal, king of Iraq, and Wilhelm II’s wreath 252
Filioque controversy 12
First Crusade 11–19
Francis of Assisi 255
Franks (Franj) 14–19
of Edessa 23–5
settle in Holy Land 19
see also crusaders
Frankish-Egyptian alliance 52–5
Frederick I (Barbarossa) of Germany 225
and Third Crusade 189–91, 197, 201
Frederick, Duke of Swabia and Third Crusade 189–92
French forces, Second Crusade 35, 36
French Saladin myths 259, 262
Froissart, Jean, on Le Pas Saladin 239
Fulcher, Jerusalem Patriarch 37
Fulcher of Chartres, (chronicler) 13
Fulk, king of Jerusalem, and Antioch 91–2
Fustat (old Cairo)
Shawar burns down 57–8
restored 71
strengthened 87
Gaza, Templar garrison surrenders 173
Genghis Khan 242, 244
defeats Islamic world 109, 255
Gerard of Ridford (Ridefort) 146, 150, 164, 172, 173
German crusaders
on Second Crusade 35
overland journey failure 190–1
German Saladin myths 256–8, 262
Ghouta oasis 28
Gibbon, Edward
on Saladin 184, 263
on Second Crusade 34
Gladwell, Malcolm, on mentors 241
Gökbüri, commands Saladin’s left wing 151
forces, at Acre 195
Golan Heights 111, 116
Goleman, Daniel
on vision 241–2
on duplicity 244
Greek culture, Arab scholars and 3, 4
Greek fire, used at Acre 198
Gregory VIII, Pope, and Third Crusade 188
Gumushtegin (al-Salih’s regent) 78, 80–1
frees Reynald 102
Gurganj 5
Guy de Lusignan (Sibylla’s husband) 123, 140–1
and Ascalon surrender 172–3
and Jerusalem, ‘Court Party’ 146
and Tiberias siege 153–9
beseiges Acre 192–3
crowned king by Sibylla 147
disputes Jerusalem kingship 216–17
refused entry to Tyre 192
refuses to abdicate 198, 205–6
Saladin’s prisoner 160–3
Hafez al-Assad, Saladin myths 266
Haifa, Saladin takes 170
1170 earthquake 66
Horns of Hama battle 81–2
surrenders to Saladin 80
Harran, Saladin ill at 147–8
hashish, Nizaris and 9–10
Hassan i-Sabbah (Ismaili) 8–11
Hattin Horns, battle of 110, 155–60
aftermath 171, 172, 174, 175, 180, 187
survivors at Tyre 171
Hebron, Saladin takes 173
Hejaz coast, Reynald threatens 125, 126–34
Henry II king of England 34, 202
finances Guy de Lusignan 154
and Third Crusade 188–9
Henry of Troyes 217
king of Jerusalem 218–19
Henry the Lion 224, 225
Henry VI, emperor of Germany 225
Heraclius Patriarch 146
appeals to Urban III for aid 187
leaves with Holy Sepulchre treasure 178
Hitti, Philip, History of the Arabs 13, 29, 47, 82
Holy Lance, found by Peter Bartholomew 16, 17
Holy Roman Empire 13, 33
Holy Sepulchre 13, 17, 18, 175, 178, 183, 188
Holy war see jihad
Holy Warriors (play) 268
Homs 27, 41, 56
1170 earthquake 66
surrenders to Saladin 80
Honaz, French forces attacked 36
Hospitallers see Knights Hospitaller
Hubert bishop of Salisbury 223
Hugh of Burgundy 123
Hugo, Victor 113
Humphrey (Stephanie’s son) ransomed 180–1
Humphrey IV of Toron 141–2, 255
Hungarians 13
hunger/ sickness, at Acre siege 195, 201
Husam al-Din, at Acre 195
Ibelin, Saladin takes 173
ibn Abi Tayy (historian) 52, 70, 137
ibn al-Nadim 4
ibn Jubayr (chronicler) 11, 28, 29–32, 131, 253
ibn Naja, al-Aqsa mosque sermon 182
ibn Nisan, Amid administrator 136, 137
ibn Sina (Avicenna) 6
Ibn Jubayr 54
il-Ghazi 137
Imad al-Din (Saladin’s secretary) 56, 64, 77, 136, 145, 148, 150, 170, 172, 181–2, 198, 199
on Ascalon defeat 108
on Hattin victory 157, 161, 164–7
on Jacob’s Ford castle 119
on Jerusalem ransom 178–80
Imperial War Museum 249
information links, Islamic world 44–6
Isa the swimmer 204
Isaac II Angelus, Byzantine emperor, and crusaders 190, 224
Isabella (Sibylla’s sister) 142, 198, 206, 217
marries Henry of Troyes 219
Islamic State 268
Ismail (son of Sixth Imam) 8–11
Ismail, sultan, and Zangi 32–3
Ismailis 8–11, 48–9
Ismat, Saladin’s wife 86, 146
Italian Saladin myths 259–62
en (knight) 143
Izz al-Din 137, 148
Jacob’s Ford castle 111–21
battle of 221–3
Christians enslaved 170
Richard I, takes army to 209–16
Jans der Enikel, on Saladin 256–8
Jawhar al-Siqilli 48
Jebail (Byblos), Saladin takes 172
Jerusalem, ‘Court Party’ 146
Jerusalem, ‘Old Families’ party 145–6
Conrad III at 37
crusade focus 13–14
First Crusade sacks 16–17
king Baldwin dying 140–1
party rivalries 145–7
Saladin and
besieges/takes 173, 174–84
Christians allowed to pay ransom 177–80
delegation refuses surrender 173
failed advance on 141
plans to attack 103, 106, 111, 117, 121
population wishes to surrender 174–5
in Saladin’s Egypt 71–2
Islam and 3–4
Jerusalem massacre 17
Jiba, William 47–8
jihad concept xii-xiii, 18, 40, 62, 67, 83, 144–5, 147, 149, 181–2, 205, 207, 247
Joanna of Sicily 216
John (Richard I’s brother) designs on throne 217, 225
John the Baptist, Damascus shrine 30
Joscelin II of Edessa 23–5, 146
Joscius, archbishop of Tyre, seeks aid 187–8
Juvaini, Ata-Malik 255
Kafr Sabt, Saladin’s army at 152, 153
Kerak castle
Reynald and 105–6
launches raids from 126, 149–50
part of Stephanie’s ransom 180, 184
Saladin attacks 1183 141–4, 144–5
Khumartegin 81
Kingdom of Heaven (film) 267–8
Kinnamos, John (historian) 97, 98
Knights Hospitaller 93, 145–6, 152
at Arsuf 211–12
house 183
Knights Templar 106–7, 152
and Jacob’s Ford castle 111–17
at Arsuf 211–12
at siege of Ascalon 93, 94–5
killed near Nazareth 150
Komnenos, Anna, on trebuchets 15
Kurds 37, 185
in Saladin’s army 66, 195
Saladin as Kurd ix, 21, 61, 263, 265, 266
Kurdistan forces, at Acre 195
Latrun, Saladin takes 173
Lawrence of Arabia 252
Le Pas Saladin 239
leadership analysis 237–48
Lebanon 1, 8, 18, 28, 142, 162
Leopold of Austria
at Acre 205
imprisons Richard 224–5
Lessing, Gottfried, on Saladin 262–3
Louis VII, and Second Crusade 33–9
Lu’lu’, Husam al-Din, admiral
at Acre 203
destroys Reynald’s forces 130–1, 133
Lyons, Malcolm, and Jackson, Saladin 50, 58–9
Ma’arat, First Crusade siege 16
Maalouf, Amin, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes 16
Machiavelli, on leadership 238, 244
Mahdi (hidden imam) 7, 8–11
Ismaili 48
Maimonides, settles in Fustat 71–2
Majd (Nur al-Din’s foster-brother)