Torn to Pieces (The Boys of DownCrash #2) (new adult contemporary romance / rockstar romance)

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Torn to Pieces (The Boys of DownCrash #2) (new adult contemporary romance / rockstar romance) Page 16

by Casey, London

  “You don’t know who I am,” Derreck said.

  “And you don’t know who I am,” Tatum said. “Get your shit out of Maggie’s apartment and leave.”

  “You think it’s that easy? She can’t get away from me. She needs me.”

  “Nobody needs you,” Tatum said. He stepped at Derreck, bumping into him. “You’re a piece of shit, aren’t you?”

  Derreck pushed at Tatum, moving him back a few inches towards me.

  “Cut the shit,” Derreck yelled. “Maggie, come on, let’s go.”

  Tatum stepped at Derreck again and this time I grabbed his arm. I pulled him back towards me.

  “That’s enough,” I said. “Enough.”

  “Enough?” Derreck asked. He raised an eyebrow, annoyed, staring at me, trying to be in control of me.

  “I’m done, Derreck. Whatever we talked about in high school was then. This is now.”

  “So you’re going to break all our promises?” Derreck asked. He looked hurt. I didn’t care. I had to fight it.

  “I don’t care about promises,” I said. “Just go, Derreck.”

  “Tough girl now,” Derreck said. “With your fuck friend here.”

  “Fuck friend?” Tatum asked and smiled. “When was the last time you...”

  Derreck threw a fist and Tatum backed away enough that Derreck spun around. Tatum laughed, purposely making it longer and louder than it needed to be, only to piss Derreck off more. I put my hands to my face. I couldn’t recall Derreck ever actually going after someone like that before.

  “Want to try that again?” Tatum teased.

  Derreck had two fists, both ready to unleash. “Where’s the rest of the pussies you call a band?”

  “Really? That’s the best you’ve got? Calling the band a bunch of pussies?”

  “Fuck you,” Derreck said. He looked at me again. “Maggie, let’s go. Enough of this.”

  “I’m not leaving,” I said. “Derreck, I’m in love with Tatum.”

  “Love...? You promised me,” Derreck said.

  “You forced me into promising,” I said. “You’re a terrible person, Derreck. You’ve always been. You always will be.”

  “I’ve had enough,” Derreck yelled. “Fuck this... let’s go Maggie...”

  That’s when everything happened too fast.

  Derreck had a hand out coming at me. I looked at Tatum, and his eyes went wide. Derreck grabbed my wrist and pulled. My eyes met Derreck’s then, seeing the rage of ten thousand fires. I knew if I went with him, he would do something crazy and bad to me. I opened my mouth, prepared to beg my way out of the situation, but I didn’t have a chance.

  Tatum swung his left fist and he didn’t miss.

  He connected with the left side of Derreck’s face and sent Derreck stumbling across the room. He went down to one knee, holding his face. Tatum then grabbed me and put me behind him.

  “You don’t touch her,” Tatum said. “Ever again.”

  Derreck looked over his shoulder. “I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Tatum opened his arms. “Come on. Do it.”

  I thought it would end there. However, the new Derreck wasn’t going to back down. He stood up and rubbed his cheek for a few seconds. It was already red and swollen. The few seconds of silence that followed were torturous. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to do anything and even if I was, I wouldn’t have a clue on what to do.

  “Just leave,” Tatum said. “That’s your warning.”

  “Yeah,” Derreck said, “here’s yours.”

  Derreck threw a right fist that Tatum and I didn’t see coming. He punched Tatum in the shoulder, which at first seemed kind of stupid, but when Tatum turned and looked at his shoulder, it gave Derreck the opportunity to connect another fist, this time to Tatum’s face.

  I cried out and stepped forward, but Tatum put an arm back again, keeping me from getting in the middle of the fight.

  Derreck swung a third time and Tatum blocked the shot, connecting with a fist of his own to Derreck’s stomach. Derreck let out a groan and stumbled back. It gave Tatum enough time to stand and he moved at Derreck.

  This was getting serious and I hoped Tatum could control himself.

  Derreck grabbed at the mic stand, lifting it and swinging it. He hit Tatum in the leg and Tatum kicked at it.

  “Weapons? Are you that much of a pussy?” Tatum asked.

  “I do what I have to do,” Derreck said.

  “So do I,” Tatum said.

  He pulled on the mic stand, forcing Derreck to trip toward him. He grabbed Derreck by the neck with both hands and lifted him off the ground. Derreck’s face turned red and his head looked ready to pop.

  “This is your last warning,” Tatum said. “Get your fucking shit and get out of Maggie’s apartment. Go back to the hole you came from.”

  Derreck’s mouth foamed and his eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets. Even then he didn’t back down.

  “Fuck you,” he managed to growl.

  Tatum turned and threw Derreck like he was a rag doll. I gasped and stepped back, watching as Derreck flew through the air. He crashed into a wall, landing on a table where he slowly rolled until he hit the floor. Before I could consider him dead, he moved, going to his knees, reaching for the table. When he looked up at me, he was suddenly that Derreck from high school. His beautiful eyes and bad boy attitude radiating. I almost felt bad for him until I thought about everything he had done to me.

  “You’re a cunt,” Derreck said to me. “Useless.”

  “I hate you,” I said. “I’ve always hated you.”

  “Time to go,” Tatum said.

  He grabbed Derreck by the back of his shirt and threw him towards the door. At the last second, Tatum closed the door, letting Derreck crash into it.

  “Whoops,” Tatum said. “Let me get that for you.”

  Tatum opened the door and pushed Derreck out.

  “I’ll fucking kill you,” Derreck managed to say before the door clicked shut again.

  Tatum and I stood in silence and listened as Derreck started his car and sped away. We finally looked at each other and I lost all control of my emotions.

  I collapsed into Tatum, crying so hard, it was difficult to breathe.

  “It’s done,” Tatum whispered. “He’s gone.”

  When I found air, I said, “I don’t believe he’ll go.”

  “Then I’ll prove it to you. I’m going to buy you dinner and we’ll go to your apartment. If he’s not gone, I’ll call the police.”

  I looked up at Tatum, blinking. “Thank you for that.”

  “Oh, Maggie, I’d do anything for you,” Tatum said. “You deserve more than a guy like that.”

  “I was just so afraid of him,” I said.

  “No need anymore. Come on, let’s go.”

  An hour later, as I sat across the booth in a local pizza shop, staring as Tatum pulled what would be his fourth piece, I couldn’t help but smile. The intensity of the day started to roll off my shoulders. My thoughts shifted from Derreck and Tatum fighting to Tatum and I fooling around on his drum throne.

  “What a crazy day,” I said.

  “That’s life,” Tatum said. “That’s why you have to follow your heart. You never know when things are going to change, right?”

  I nodded.

  My phone beeped and I saw it was a text from Annie.

  I... need a place...

  I frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” Tatum asked.

  “My best friend from high school needs something,” I said. “Do you mind if I...”

  “Are you asking permission to use your phone?” Tatum asked.

  I blushed, reminding myself Tatum wasn’t Derreck. “Sorry...”

  “Go make your call,” Tatum said.

  I stood and walked by the table. Tatum grabbed my ass and I jumped. He smiled and winked at me. It felt normal and right.

  I rushed outside and called Annie.

  I stood, pacing the sidewalk, waiting
for her to pick up. I always hated how she could text so fast but took forever to pick up her phone.

  When she finally did, I skipped any generic hellos and said, “I hate the way you answer your phone.”

  “Love you too,” Annie said. “I was upstairs when you called.”

  “You texted me like a minute ago.”

  “Yeah? And in that minute, I walked upstairs. Are we done hating me?”

  “Sure. What’s going on with you?”

  “Uh... Jared and I broke up.”

  “For good?”

  “For good. Definitely. And I’m leaving, tonight.”


  “Yeah, that’s why I was upstairs. I was packing. I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “And you’re coming here?”

  “That’s right,” Annie said. “If you have the room...”

  I thought about Scarlett’s empty room. I smiled. Annie would make the perfect roommate. Then I thought of Derreck. No matter what Tatum said, there was always a chance Derreck wouldn’t leave. Did I need to drag another person into this mess?

  “Annie, I’m okay with it,” I said, “but there’s so much going on... Derreck showed up.”

  “Derreck? Like... the Derreck?”

  “Yes, that’s the only Derreck I’ve known. He’s supposed to be leaving again, today in fact, but I can’t...”

  “I really need a place,” Annie said. “Jared was cheating on me. For like the past year. And I sort of knew about it. But I let it go over and over... she’s pregnant now, Maggie, okay?”

  “Oh my,” I said. “He got another girl pregnant...”

  “Better than me,” Annie said. “But that doesn’t matter. I haven’t loved Jared in a long time and I’m done. I want out. I finished my classes early and I’m done for right now.”

  “So, you’re just going to drop everything and come here?”

  “Why not?” Annie asked.

  I had no response. That’s how Annie lived. She just did things. Whenever. Wherever.

  “That’s fine I guess,” I said. “I don’t think I have a choice. Derreck should be gone soon. When will you be here?”

  “By morning,” Annie said. “Asshole Jared is working late and going over her house to sleep tonight. When he comes back, I’ll be gone. He knows it, so it’s no big deal. I just can’t stand to see him or this town right now.”

  “I’ll be in my apartment waiting,” I said. “I have a room for you.”

  “See you then.”

  Annie ended the call and I went back into the pizza place to finish dinner with Tatum. I slid into the booth and looked at him, my face and expression doing most of the talking.

  “What now?” he asked.

  “I have a new roommate,” I said. “Which is good.”

  “This Annie girl?”

  “Yes, this Annie girl,” I stuck my tongue out. “She’s a good person, a good friend.”

  “Was she with you in high school, with Derreck the first time?”

  I swallowed and nodded. “She did everything she could. I just sort of pushed everyone away at that point. Because of my mother and because of Derreck. Everything happened at one time…”

  “It doesn’t matter now,” Tatum said. He reached across the table for my hand. “It’s done now. Derreck needed someone to stand up to him, that’s all. That’s how bullies work.”

  “What if he stays local?”

  “He won’t be around here. He doesn’t go to school here.”

  “I can’t hide on campus for the rest of my life,” I said.

  “But you have me,” Tatum replied without hesitation. “And nothing will happen to you.”

  I could have argued that but I didn’t. I didn’t want to ruin the moment. In fact, I wanted to get lost in it and that’s what I did. Tatum demanded he pay and when the young waitress came over with the bill, he paid. I watched the waitress pause for a few seconds, looking between Tatum and I. She bit her lip and I kicked at Tatum’s leg under the table.

  Tatum looked at me then at the waitress. “Everything okay?”

  “Uh, yeah,” she said. She leaned down a little. “Can I have your autograph? I’m so sorry to bother you...”

  Tatum laughed. “Not a problem.”

  I watched Tatum scribble his name on a piece of ripped blank paper handed to him from the waitress. Her face lit up with excitement and for whatever reason that’s when it all sunk in. It really sunk in just how popular DownCrash was. I was there for the big crowds at their shows. I was there for people always wanting to talk to Tatum. I was there as Tatum texted me about their road trip to that show. But this, something so casual, so small, but something that meant so much to this waitress, it was remarkable.

  I was with a true rockstar.

  The waitress thanked Tatum and hurried away.

  “She’s probably going to go stare at that for hours,” I said.

  “If so, that’s kind of weird. I’m just a guy who plays drums,” Tatum said.

  “No. You’re more than that. So much more.”

  My eyes started to glaze over as a starstruck feeling hit me. Tatum stood from his seat and put his hand out for me to take. I took it and stood.

  “Let’s go to your place,” he said.

  “To check for the boogieman?” I asked.

  “Nothing to worry about.”

  As Tatum led me out of the pizza shop, for the first time in a long time, I felt I had nothing to worry about. With Tatum holding my hand, leading the way, all I could feel was hope and love.


  I unlocked the door and Tatum walked in first. He called Derreck’s name, using a silly sounding voice. I knew it was to make me smile but I also knew it was to try and coax Derreck out of any corners he may have been hiding in.

  He wasn’t hiding anywhere.

  Right there, four steps into the apartment, on the table next to the couch was the key to the apartment. I knew I’d get the locks changed anyway, but it allowed me to sigh in relief that Derreck left the apartment key. However, nothing else in the basic viewing area indicated he was gone.

  “Hey, Maggie, come here,” Tatum called from my bedroom.

  I felt my nerves pinch as I walked down the hall. I didn’t want anymore bad news. I couldn’t handle it. Even with Tatum with me, I knew I’d just give in if something else happened. I needed a break and when I crossed the threshold of my bedroom, I saw my break waiting for me.

  Tatum stood with one hand on my closet door, holding it open. He smiled and pointed, and when I looked at the closet, a quarter of it was empty. A faint smell of Derreck’s cologne lingered, but if that’s all there was left of Derreck, I’d take it.

  “It worked,” I whispered. “You got him to leave.”

  “Of course I did,” Tatum said. “I told you, he’s a bully. Once you stand up to a bully, they leave.”

  “It smells like him,” I said, disgusted.

  “Here, let me help,” Tatum said.

  He walked into the small closet and started spinning around, touching all my clothes. It was sort of sexy to watch. He stopped and looked at me.

  “How’s that?”

  “It’s a start,” I said.

  “Okay, let’s try this.”

  Tatum grabbed a hanger and handed it to me. I took it and looked at him, confused. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. My mouth fell open, watching his beautiful body appear. I couldn’t help but stare at his nipple ring, still fascinated by it. He took the hanger from me and put his shirt on it. He hung the shirt up and closed the closet.

  “There,” he said. “Give that a day or two and no more other smell.”

  “And you’re going to go home without a shirt?”

  Tatum looked at me, his head slightly down, his eyes on fire. “Who said I was going home anytime soon?”

  I took a step back just as he took a step towards me. We slowly moved until I hit my bed. I sat and Tatum came at me, my eyes level with his pants.r />
  “I can’t just leave you here, can I?” he asked.

  He touched my head and his fingers flirted with my cheek.

  “Why?” I asked. “Are you afraid something bad will happen?”

  Tatum smiled. “No. I’m afraid something bad will happen if I stay.”

  “Then stay,” I said, my hands touching his pants.

  Tatum groaned as I went to work, opening his pants. I was never so fast and eager to please someone like I was with Tatum. All the rumors I spread about myself for so long were only worded fantasies. But with Tatum, I got to live out fantasies as they came to me.

  I had Tatum’s pants down and I stared at the bulge in his boxers, stretching, pointing at me. I bit on my lip as I placed my hand against his bulge, gripping him. I pulled and moaned, wanting him more than ever. As I looked up at him, it wasn’t a lust filled look. It wasn’t a romantic look. It was the look of protection. I wanted Tatum’s body against mine to hold me, take care of me, and protect me.

  I took my hand away from his thickness and reached for my own shirt. I lifted it over my head and dropped it to the floor. I put my hands on the bed and leaned back a little. I showed Tatum my body, my lacy bra, my stomach and the way I breathed heavily because of him. I refused to speak, to say a word, to command, ask, or beg. I wanted my eyes to do all the talking and I wanted his body to do all the acting.

  And that’s just what happened.

  Tatum put both hands to my shoulders, his fingers gently caressing down my arms. His touch was tender against my soft skin. He made me shiver with excitement. He made my heart race so fast I felt it in my stomach, my toes, my throat. I felt my heartbeat everywhere.

  When his fingers slipped under the straps of my bra, he pulled, asking me to stand without a word. I listened and stood. Tatum pulled my bra straps down, exposing my shoulders completely. He then kissed my shoulders, where my bra straps once were, one kiss per shoulder, offering a quick flick of his tongue. It was enough to torture me, tease me, make my toes curls and make my body shudder. But it was so romantic that I let out a long exhale, feeling the passion in the room swelling by the second. He finally reached around and unclipped my bra. It fell to the floor, to our feet and then his hands were at my back, pulling me tight. I looked up at him and I watched him swallow. He was getting lost in it too.


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