Strip Poker: Bad Boys Club Romance #2

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Strip Poker: Bad Boys Club Romance #2 Page 32

by Olivia Thorne

  “Open up,” said a muffled voice on the other side of the door.

  “No thanks,” Vic called out in amusement, then went back to rocking deep inside me.

  My head arched back in delirium as the next wave of orgasm slammed into me.

  There was the sound of a key in the lock, and then the door opened – but only half an inch before it slammed against the table.

  “Victor, why is the door blocked?” Sal yelled through the crack.

  “Because the table’s in the way,” Vic called out as he started thrusting inside me harder.

  I had to clamp my hand over my mouth to keep back my cries every time he plunged deep inside me.

  “Open this door – security is coming – ”

  “So are we,” Vic yelled back.

  I couldn’t help snorting with laughter behind my hand, and then I had to clamp down on my moans again.

  “What?! Open the door now!”

  “I’m not finished with your VP of Operations yet.”

  “She’s not my VP of Operations anymore! Both of you, get out of there!”

  “In a minute. Or two. Or ten.”

  “What are you doing in there?!”

  In answer, Vic picked me up, carried me over to the part of the door not blocked by the table, and put my back against the wood.

  Then he began to fuck me standing up, just like we did in the alleyway in Prague.

  You may not find the idea of having sex in public exciting.

  You may not think having sex in earshot of other people is hot.

  You may not be turned on by the idea of having your hated boss know you’re fucking in his office – and unable to do anything about it.

  But I did.

  Partially because it was so, so incredibly wrong.

  And I loved it.

  Every thrust rattled the door, and I couldn’t stop from crying out.

  “Oh – God – oh – FUCK – OH – VIC – ”

  On the other side of the door, I could hear Sal’s stricken voice: “Oh no… oh my God, no… SECURITY! SECURITY! COME HERE, NOW!”

  There was the sound of footsteps running away, and both Vic and I dissolved into laughter.

  Then he started thrusting again – faster, harder, deeper – and I started moaning again.

  He put his hand on my neck and looked deep into my eyes. As he gently pressed on my throat, I came one final time – a thunderous crash of bliss that obliterated every thought in my head – and when I screamed he suddenly looked like he was in agony. His whole expression crumpled into a howl. As he bellowed I felt him spasm deep inside me, once, five, ten times – but his eyes never stopped looking deep into mine.

  As we stayed there pressed against the door, our chests heaving, I gasped, “So… was that a one-time thing, or do I get more of that later?”

  He grinned. “You can have as much as you want, after I get my lawyers to bail us out of jail.”


  We knew we couldn’t stay holed up forever, so Vic eventually removed the table from the door.

  The security guards handcuffed us before they frog-marched us out of the boardroom. At least they did us the courtesy of cuffing our hands in front of us; I needed mine to hold my ruined blouse closed.

  As we walked through the lobby, dozens of employees of Cortelian Capital stood on both sides and watched us go by. Frank and Sal watched with undisguised disgust and sadistic rage – but I was struck by how almost everybody else seemed to be silently pleading, Take me with you!

  “Make sure you toss them out on the street like the garbage they are,” Sal instructed the security guards.

  Vic flipped both Sal and Frank the bird – one middle finger for each uncle. “Suck it, you old farts.”

  One guy in the lobby actually started clapping.

  “You’re FIRED!” Sal screamed at the man.

  The guy just clapped louder.

  And almost everybody else in the lobby joined in.

  Sal and Frank both turned a mottled red as the entire lobby gave us a standing ovation. It’s not like they could fire their entire company, right?

  Vic waved as the guards took us into the elevator, and the entire lobby dissolved into roars of approval.

  The last glimpse I had of my former bosses was their apoplectic faces, like they were about to have a heart attack.

  Not a bad parting image when you’ve just been fired.


  “Well, that was something, huh?” Vic asked me as the elevator began its descent.

  “It was something, alright,” I muttered.

  “Not as good as what happened in the boardroom, though.”

  I glared at him, but couldn’t suppress my smile.

  “Hey,” said one of the two security guards – a big black guy with a shaved head.

  “Yeah?” Vic replied.

  “You’re Vic Cortelian, right?”

  “Oh no,” I groaned. After a thousand previous occasions, I knew exactly what was coming.

  “That’s right,” Vic said.

  “You, uh… you think I could get a pic with you?” the guard asked apologetically.

  Vic turned and looked at me. “You okay with that?”

  I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t deny that I liked he asked me first. “Sure… why not.”

  Might buy us some goodwill on the way to the police station.

  The guard was all smiles as he held up a camera and got a selfie with Vic, who grinned like he was having the time of his life instead of getting arrested. I did my best to stay out of frame.

  After the picture was over, Vic turned back to me. “So, is this anything like when you got busted with that boyfriend in high school?”

  “Better,” I said. “I didn’t have sex with him beforehand.”

  He laughed. “Hey – I always wanted to know – when I asked you to marry me, and you said no… was it because it was the wrong time for me to ask? Did you hate the signs in Time Square? Or did you just not want to marry me?”

  “Yes, yes, and no,” I said.

  “So… bad timing… you hated the signs… but…”

  I looked at him again. My heart was pounding fast as I said it, but I said it anyway: “You should ask again sometime.”

  He grinned. “Hey Monica – wanna get married?”

  “Vic? Really bad timing.”

  “So, I guess that means – ”

  Say it, or don’t?

  I thought back to the last two weeks and the torture of thinking I’d lost him forever.

  …say it.

  “Yes,” I interrupted.

  He stood there, mouth agape, silent for two or three seconds.

  “Yes?” he repeated, stunned.

  “Yes,” I laughed.


  “Why not.”

  He leaned forward and we kissed, both of us with our hands cuffed.

  The handcuffs made it a little kinky, which was an added bonus.

  “Hey!” the white security guard snapped, trying to pry us apart.

  “Come on, man,” the black guard grumbled. “They just got engaged.”

  I guess that selfie had bought us some goodwill.


  Once the elevator opened, the guards led us out into the lobby past hundreds of bewildered, wide-eyed suits.

  I suppose anybody else might have considered it to be humiliating – a public walk of shame, with my clothes torn and my hair all tussled.

  Me? Actually, this time I found it pretty damn titillating.

  I’d never actually had anybody see me have sex in public. These strangers weren’t really catching me in flagrante delicto, but it was close enough – and now that I had experienced it… it was kind of hot.

  Vic just found it funny – until they recognized him and started taking pictures on their phones.

  “Hey – hey, don’t do that, man,” he said angrily.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked. “I would have thought you’d love the publicity

  He looked over at me. “I was, uh… I was worried about you. That you might not like it.”

  I know it’s corny as hell, but my eyes misted up.

  “Awwwww!” I turned back to the guards. “Can I kiss him again?”

  The black guard gave his white buddy a Come on, man.

  The white guard rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  So I leaned over and kissed Vic, standing there in the lobby, surrounded by 300 onlookers and a dozen smart phones flashing around us.

  Once we stopped kissing and started walking again, Vic said cheekily, “Maybe once the judge sets our bail, we can ask him to marry us.”

  “Fine by me,” I said.


  Amazingly enough, once the guards frog-marched us outside, there weren’t any cops waiting on the street.

  “You come back again, we’ll arrest you,” the white guard warned us sternly as he unlocked the handcuffs.

  The black guard just grinned. “Y’all have a good wedding now,” he said sweetly before he and his partner disappeared back inside.

  I looked around the empty street. “No police?”

  “My guess is they don’t want to file a police report, because then it’s public record that we fucked in their office. Now it’s just a rumor they can deny.”


  I wondered how that worked with our spur-of-the-moment engagement. We’d only had two witnesses – was that another rumor to be denied?

  I felt like Dustin Hoffman and Katharine Ross at the end of The Graduate, when they’ve evaded the mob at the church and are sitting in the back of the bus. The thrill of escape begins to fade away, and the enormity of what they’ve just done slowly starts to sink in.

  I was feeling the first sick swell of fear that maybe Vic’s proposal had just been a joke…

  Then he took my chin in his hand and looked me in the eyes. “You know… I was serious in there. About wanting to marry you.”

  Sweet relief coursed through me. “So was I.”

  I wasn’t the only one who was relieved. He grinned like the old Vic I knew, before all of this unhappiness started.

  We kissed again, deeply, passionately, and kept on kissing, as hundreds of people and cars passed by, oblivious to how our lives had just gone from disaster to joy.


  Three months later – and 72 hours after our wedding in Newark, New Jersey – Katie, Ian, Vic, and I were all lounging on the deck of a chartered yacht sailing the Mediterranean sea.

  “It was a beautiful ceremony,” Katie said as she sipped a glass of champagne.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “And an even better reception!”

  Vic smiled. “It helps when you can get the biggest rock star in the world to sing for your first dance.”

  “That was nice,” I agreed. “Not as nice as when you threw a whole concert to try to steal me away from another man, but – ”

  “Hey, that was just for charity,” Vic said overdramatically.

  “The gentleman doth protest too much,” I said with a wink.

  As Vic went back to talking to Ian, Katie leaned in towards me and whispered, “I was a little concerned you guys weren’t going to make it to the altar, though.”

  “What, that little tiff?” I laughed. “That was nothing.”

  Vic overheard and guessed what we were talking about. “What, that? We just fight to keep the sex extra hot. She starts slapping me, and – ”

  “Hey!” I shouted. “TMI!”

  He grinned, then turned to Ian. “You know what I’m sayin’, right, bro?”

  “No,” Ian said drily. “No, I do not.”

  “So what are you guys going to do on your honeymoon?” Katie asked.

  “Have sex,” Vic answered.

  “VIC,” I snapped.

  “It’s the truth!”

  “That was kind of a given,” Katie said. “I meant beside that.”

  “Well, we don’t have a huge amount of time,” I said. “Vic’s got another charity concert with Derek in two weeks – ”

  “Eh, I threw the other one together in 24 hours. It’ll be fine,” Vic demurred.

  “What’s this one for?” Ian asked.

  “Ankylosing spondylitis,” I said. “Vic’s raised more money for research in the last year than all the medical grants combined over the last decade.”

  “Wow,” Ian said, actually impressed.

  “Ah, you know,” Vic said modestly. “Can’t let my father-in-law down.”

  “How is your dad?” Katie asked. “I mean, he looked good at the wedding…”

  We’d actually had the wedding in Newark specifically so my dad could be there. He’d worn a tux and walked me down the aisle, though it had taken him three full minutes to do it. Tears had been brimming in his eyes, along with a gigantic smile on his face, every step of the way.

  “He’s actually doing great. Vic had him moved to a new place – ”

  “We had him moved to a new place,” Vic said gently.

  I looked at him, smiled gratefully, and squeezed his hand. “We had him moved to a new place, and he’s got the best doctors in the country now. He’s doing a lot better.”

  “Although the ornery old bastard still won’t stay in bed when they tell him to,” Vic said.

  “Reminds me of his son-in-law,” Ian remarked.

  “No, I have a reason to stay in bed all the time now,” Vic cracked.

  “Oh God,” I groaned.

  “What?! New silk sheets,” Vic protested. “They’re so soft – ”

  “SO,” Ian interrupted, “how’s that lawsuit against your uncles going?”

  “Dragging on forever,” Vic said, then shrugged. “I expected that, though. Sal and Frank are gonna try every trick in the book, but my lawyers are in it for the long-haul – and a big-ass payday at the end. Plus, there’s the added benefit that I’m costing my uncles millions of dollars in legal fees, while my guys are doing it all for free.”

  “How’s business, then?

  “Really great, actually,” Vic said. “T-Dawg’s vodka line is in a thousand bars across the US. Anya just got distribution in Nordstrom’s. Trevor’s first action movie I produced just got picked up by Fox – and the Macao poker app is pulling in hundreds of millions of dollars a month.”

  “I thought online gambling with real money was illegal in the US since the Bush administration,” Ian said.

  “Maybe not for long.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’ve got 73 million followers in the US. I think I could convince them to call their representatives in Congress.”

  “Seventy-three million? I thought you had a billion in the US alone.”

  “Eh… it’s time to be a little more realistic, and actually start doing something instead of just talking big.”

  Ian’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “Holy shit – who are you, and what the hell have you done with Vic Cortelian?”

  “Whole new me, brother.”

  “What if calling congressmen and -women doesn’t work?” Katie asked.

  “Who knows – maybe my fans’ll vote the way I ask them to. I might even swing an election.” Vic laughed. “Me in politics – who’d’a thunk?”

  “I’d hope you’d use that for something more important than getting online gambling legalized,” Ian said.

  “I got plans you know nothin’ about, my friend. Time to change the world.”

  “By running?” Katie suggested.

  “Oh hell no,” Vic said. “Too many skeletons in the closet.”

  “Too many bimbos on Instagram,” I added, not without a little bitterness.

  “Hey – that was before I met you,” he said, annoyed.

  “Yeah, but you could take them down!”

  “I TOLD you, that’s part of my branding! The Vic – ”

  “Cortelian Experience – Trademark. Yeah, yeah,” I said sarcastically.

  “Hey, that was how I clo
sed the Ventiglio deal – ”

  “I know, I did the paperwork,” I snarled.

  Ian and Katie looked back and forth warily at each other, like they were afraid to intervene.

  “You could at least take them down for our honeymoon, for God’s sake,” I continued.

  “But then I gotta put ‘em right back up!” Vic said angrily.

  “Can I see you in the back about this?” I seethed.

  “Fine,” he said, getting up from his chair.

  “Excuse us,” I said to Katie and Ian.

  As we slipped inside the main cabin, I overheard Katie mutter to Ian, “I don’t know if they’re going to make it six months.”

  I laughed quietly, then turned towards Vic – who kissed me hard. I wrapped my arms around his neck and roped him in tighter.

  When he pulled back, he grinned. “It makes you hot when you’re mad, doesn’t it?”

  I reached down and felt his cock beneath his black swimming trunks, already three-quarters stiff and getting harder by the second.

  “Seems like it makes somebody else hot, too,” I said, as I began to stroke him through the cloth.

  He slipped his fingers beneath my swimsuit bottom and caressed me between my legs. I knew he could feel exactly how wet I was.

  “That makes two of us,” he growled huskily in my ear.

  I yanked down his shorts as fast as I could while he pulled off my bikini. He picked me up and threw me on the bed, got on top of me, and lined up the head of his cock with my pussy.

  “Don’t make any noise,” he teased. “I know how you love pretending to be quiet in front of an audience.”

  “Bastard,” I whispered in his ear, then growled sexily, “I hate you.”

  “Hate you too, darlin’.”

  Then he kissed me deeply as he slowly eased inside me.

  He was right, though. Having people right outside our door was driving me wild.

  In fact, by the time he was all the way inside me, I was starting to come.

  He clamped one hand over my mouth and muffled my screams of ecstasy as we stared into each other’s eyes… and then he began to rock inside me, making me come even harder.


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