Boy Meets Nerd

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Boy Meets Nerd Page 18

by Leia Shaw

  Three x squared plus y equals love. The number for x had already proven to take up a large chunk of the weekend. She was behind in her work because of him. She started to do a quick calculation in her head to solve for x based on the pattern of time used for the weekend. As he kissed her neck then her cheeks where her tears fell, the numbers got all jumbled up.

  With a frustrated grunt, she mumbled into his neck, “Fuck it.”

  And right there, in the middle of a crowd full of the smartest people in the world, she let him love her, not caring that she looked like a fool.

  Chapter 25

  Levi knew he’d made the right decision the moment he spotted Emerson in the crowded foyer. The six hour drive that morning had been more than worth it. Heidi was sweet but she was no Emerson.

  Now that he had her in his arms, he could relax. The world just seemed right. And even though he knew they were probably making a scene in the hotel lobby, all he could focus on was Em. His girl.

  She shook against him, her face pressed into his neck. He could feel wet there from her eyes. The tears were a surprise. He wanted to wipe them away forever, and make sure she never had a reason to cry again.

  He’d known it was a risk interrupting her convention, professing his love. He’d expected to get shot down, or at least told off, but he couldn’t help himself. After he’d broken things off with Heidi, the only logical thing to do had been to drive. When he’d gotten back to her parents’ house, it didn’t seem right either, so he kept going. At the time, he’d known it was insane. But it was one of those insane things that only ever happened in romance movies and for some reason, turned out okay for him too. He’d been prepared either way, though the speech had been kind of an improv. But she’d said it. She’d actually said it.

  She loved him.

  Finally, Emerson released her death grip around his neck and stepped back. “What should we do now?” Blushing, she gazed around them. “We’ve made a spectacle of ourselves.”

  He ignored the strange looks and shrugged. “Where were you headed?”

  “Lunch. I’m starving.”

  “Me too.” He took her hand, more content than he’d ever been, then walked toward the exit. “I woke up at five AM to get here so I might need a little nap later.”

  She chuckled. “You’re crazy. This is the wrong direction to get home, dork.”

  They walked out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk. Chicago was colder than he’d prepared for. He zipped his coat and Emerson did the same. The wind whipped her hair around her face, making her look a little wild.

  “Wanna grab a sandwich and bring it to the room?” she asked, yelling over the wind and city noises.

  He nodded. A little while later, they were finishing their drinks as they sat on the floor of her hotel room. He was having trouble wiping his grin away. Emerson looked happier than he’d ever seen her, which meant not scowling. They eyed the one queen size bed a few times, but had mostly eaten quietly. He wondered if she was thinking what he was.

  After they finished their meals, Emerson looked at him and nodded. “Nap?”


  She stared at him a moment longer then smirked. Her eyes narrowed in mischief as she stood up. Why did it feel like napping was a euphemism for something? She unbuttoned her jeans and he was about to ask her what she was doing, but when she slid her pants down her sexy legs, he lost all thought. Smooth, creamy skin – perfectly shaped legs, long and lean and kissable. “Yeah, I’m up for that.”


  In a flash, he jumped up from the floor and leapt at her. She yelped in surprise as he tackled her onto the bed.

  “I’m just taking them off to sleep, you idiot,” she said laughing as he covered her face and neck in kisses.

  “Mmmm.” He inhaled deeply, relishing her sweet scent. “You should know better than to bare your legs in front of me. You’ll never be left innocent when you do that.”

  Chuckling, she looked up into his eyes ran a finger across his forehead, down his cheek then traced his lips. “You need to sleep.”

  “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” He moved downward and lifted her shirt with his teeth then kissed her belly. “I only have a lifetime to corrupt you.”

  “Corrupt me?” She giggled and squirmed as he nipped her soft skin. “You make me sound like some kind of blessed virgin.”

  He breathed against her belly, inhaling her scent, letting it fill his lungs and his memory. When he exhaled, it must’ve tickled her because she wriggled and tried to push him off.

  “Stay still,” he ordered. When she did, he dragged his gaze up and down her body. Why was she still wearing clothes? The urge to be naked, feel her skin against his, was strong.

  “God, you’re hot,” he mumbled, staring at her breasts.

  Frowning, she covered them with her arms.

  He tsked. “None of that.” Girls were so self-conscious of their bodies. He’d never understand it. It was their natural god-given curves, soft skin, and girly scent that men loved. Every imperfection – stretch mark, mole, wrinkle – just added to the humanness, gave women character. The guys he knew didn’t want a boring Barbie doll.

  Emerson was real, and beautiful, and her tiny body felt perfect under his. He leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on, clasping her hands together like she never wanted to let go.

  Some deep part of him, the manly caveman way down inside, felt a strange satisfaction in her clinging to him so securely. She wanted him, needed him. The mix of emotion and full blown ego boost made his cock ache to be inside her.

  He unzipped his pants to relieve the pressure then looked down at his prize. She bit her lip as she gazed up at him, open and trusting, his nerdy little robot. How did he get so lucky?

  Leaning over her, he placed little kisses on her thighs as he moved up to her panties. Bright red silk caught his attention and make his dick stir. Fuck they were hot. He peeled them off slowly, watching her smirk as he did it. That she was flirty and sassy in bed was a big surprise.

  Gone were the fantasies of a kindergarten teacher he could corrupt. He wanted his naughty computer nerd with the sex kitten glasses and mischievous eyes.

  She sat up and pulled down his jeans, licking her lips, stirring his imagination. Was she teasing him? After he kicked his jeans off, he backed away from the bed and crooked a finger.

  Looking confused, she stood up and went to him.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “You wanna tease me, pretty girl?” He pointed at the floor. “You’re gonna pay the price.”

  She started shaking her head but her smirk said she was playing hard to get. With a hand in her hair, he forced her to her knees, enjoying the hiss that came from her lips. Before lining up her mouth with his dick, he checked her expression, just to be sure she was okay.

  Being pushy was one thing, forcing her out of her comfort zone was another. He didn’t want her scared, he wanted her turned on. He leaned her head back and looked into her eyes. They narrowed as if challenging him and then she licked her lips.

  He chuckled then pushed her mouth over his erection. This time he hissed as warmth engulfed him. Shit. Maybe this was backfiring. Even holding her hair in his fist, controlling her movement, he was very much aware that with her teeth scraping over his skin, she was the one in control.

  “Be nice, Emerson, or you’ll regret it,” he choked out, not sounding nearly as intimidating as he wanted.

  She chuckled, vibrating him, making him suck in a breath. He was going to explode. He wanted to at least wait until he was inside her.

  Her tongue slid up and down like an expert as her little mouth took him in and sucked. He groaned, feeling the sudden need to grab onto something to stay standing. A moment later, he yanked her head back, stopping her, but mostly stopping himself. Making a mess all over the poor girl was not how he wanted to start this relationship.

  “Get on the bed,” he rasped.

  She scrambled up then went straight t
o the bed. Kneeling there, she watched him with wide eyes. He stumbled over and threw her backward. Hands around her ankles, he yanked her toward him at the end of the bed.

  She squeaked.

  He spared a moment, though his dick was throbbing painfully, to open her legs and look at her. Wetness glistened over her smooth lips, making him smile. She was wet. For him.

  After he put a condom on, he plunged inside her. Damn. He remembered this. Warm and tight, he filled her completely, fitting perfectly inside her, like they were made for each other. He pumped in and out of her slowly, gazing down at her, watching her every expression, committing to memory the things that made her gasp and squirm.

  When he felt like he had her on the cusp, he commanded, “Look at me.”

  Her eyes popped open.

  “You’re mine, Emerson.” He didn’t understand why he had to say it, to confirm it, but he did. “Say it. Now.” He jammed himself into her, accentuating each word with a thrust into her g-spot.

  “Yes,” she whispered, keeping eye contact. “I’m yours.”

  Just those simple words clicked something in his brain. He’d found his other half. His dream girl had been Emerson all along. He felt her squeeze around him, she gasped then threw her head back, pulling from his grip. He pumped faster, pushing her harder. She screamed. Then pleasure took over every sensation and his knees buckled. Panting, he fell forward, exploding inside her in a moment of ecstasy.

  He toppled onto the bed, trying not to squish her then pulled her into his arms. She smelled like sex, and like him. That proprietary instinct rose up, and he was glad to mark her, to make her his. His girl. His love. The woman he planned to keep forever.


  Emerson stared at the ceiling – the same one she’d been staring at for the last two miserable nights. Only now she was naked, deeply satisfied, and laying next to the man she loved.


  She fought the urge to grin. She loved Levi and he loved her. How amazing was that? He pulled her further against his body and she buried her face in him. The loneliness of the past few days – no, years – dissipated. And as they’d made love, she’d had the overwhelming feeling that she’d never be lonely again.

  It brought tears to her eyes, making her feel like a huge dork. She’d banned crying over boys a long time ago, but somehow her pride crumbled when she was around him. She felt as vulnerable as a kitten, but trusted he wouldn’t hurt her. Trust was never easily won but he’d gone and done it. It wasn’t just his charming smile – anyone could have that. It was his willingness to be silly just to make her laugh. It was that he supported her work even though he had no clue what it was about. And when he looked at her, she felt like the smartest, most beautiful person in the world.

  “I’ll be right back, love,” he said then started to stand up.

  Panic struck and she gripped him hard.

  He chuckled. “I’m not going far. Stay here.”

  Reluctantly she let go and watched as he cleaned himself off in the bathroom. He returned to her, naked. She relished the view, enjoying how his muscles moved as he gracefully crossed the room, like some beautiful lethal animal.

  Once in the bed, he laid on his side and gazed at her, wearing a smile that made her heart skip a beat. He stroked his index finger across her collar bone and she shuddered. As much as she wanted to stay in this moment forever, the earth still spun and life went on, which meant they had things to discuss.

  “I got a job offer for a company in Texas,” she told him, figuring it was better to get that out of the way now.

  His finger froze for a second before resuming its path. “Texas?”

  “Yeah. Can you picture me wearing cowboy boots?”

  He exhaled a laugh. “No.”

  It was silent for a moment. She waited for a sign that said he liked or hated the idea. “The starting salary is a hundred and ten thousand a year.”

  “Holy shit.” He lifted his head and stared at her with wide eyes. “Are you serious?”


  “Is it the type of work you like doing?”

  “Pretty much. Not sure about the whole boss thing though. That might take some adjusting.” She chuckled.

  “So, are you going to take it?” he asked. “Should I buy myself a cowboy hat?”

  She turned her head to look at him, confused. “You would follow me there?”

  His small smile and steady gaze said yes before his words did. “I’d follow you anywhere, Emerson.”

  She returned his smile. He moved his finger to her chin then slid it lightly across her cheek and over her forehead. Her eyes fluttered closed and she realized just how tired she was.

  But there was more to tell. With a sigh, she opened her eyes again. “Fortunately, I don’t have to move to Texas. Most of their employees work in mobile offices and telecommute.” She’d learned that when she and Michael had chatted a day ago. She still wasn’t completely sold on the idea of a real job, but if she was going to start a life with Levi, he deserved someone who’d pull their weight.

  “Well that’s even better,” he said, smiling.

  “Do you think I should take it?”

  His forehead creased. “I don’t know, Em. It’s your career. The money would be great for you. But if anyone understands passion and free time for creativity, it’s a broke, failing musician.” He laughed.

  “You’re not failing. You just haven’t hit your stride yet.” A thought occurred to her. “Hey, maybe I take this job and buy the equipment you need to compose. You said you just needed a good synthesizer and computer software, right?”

  “No. I’m not going to let you waste all your money on me. Even hypothetical money.”

  She arched a brow. “I don’t see how you can stop me.”

  He chuckled then grabbed the blanket and slung it over their bodies. “Shh. We’ll nap on it.”

  She nestled into him, feeling warm and sleepy. “Nap on it?”

  “Yeah. Like sleeping on it only less time.”

  Laughing, she pecked him on the lips. “Dork.”

  His smile faded and he cupped her cheek, gazing into her eyes softly. “Emerson…”

  “Yes?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  “I less than three you.”

  It took a moment to sink in. He gave her a sly smile and she laughed. “And you say I’m a nerd.”

  When her laughter died down, he pressed his forehead against hers, his breath tickling her skin. “You are a nerd. My nerd.”

  Her arm was trapped between their bodies and she could feel his heart beating against it, solid and strong, and so very hers. Lightly, she slid her lips against his. “I less than three you too.”


  This book took me forever to write, and even longer to work up to publishing. After months of controversy and going around and around about my options, I finally bit the bullet and pressed that upload button. I have a lot of people to thank, and I lot of people to apologize to for being a giant pain in the ass.

  So, sorrys go out to Holly Roberts and Sorcha Black who counseled me as I went back and forth and back and forth and then back again and then forth again about publishing this book. You hung in there with me and encouraged me, no matter how much I whined and stomped my feet. I’m so grateful you didn’t block me on Facebook. Lol.

  Thanks to my editor Lina Sacher (best editor ever!) for being courageous enough to tell me the truth. Also, a big thank you to my cover artist, Fiona Jayde, for putting up with my crazy cover ideas and bringing them to life.

  And I can’t forget my betas! Tequila Rose, Janine, Cari Silverwood, Joann, and Tia! You guys are the best and I can’t do this shit without you. Seriously.

  About the Author

  Leia Shaw is the author of two bestselling romance series. Shadows of Destiny is a sexy, dangerous paranormal series that gives her a way to express those dark places in her mind. She lets her naughtier side out with Badass Brats – a heartwarming, humorous BDSM
ménage series. More recently, she’s started a quirky contemporary new adult series.

  She’s passionate about tattoos, anything chocolate and peanut butter, and of course, reading.

  Leia lives in New England with her husband and two kids. Though she will go to her grave denying it, her husband insists she would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.

  Coming soon from Leia!

  A geeky New Adult follow up to Boy Meets Nerd

  My name is Eliza Johnson, but you may know me as ValkyrieLvr – star of a popular YouTube channel where I review all things geeky. In real life, I’m plain, old Liz – just a girl trying to find something genuine among all the fanboys in love with my persona.

  But the internet can fix everything, right? When Max and I hit it off online, I might have told him I was into hiking. I mean, It’s just walking – how hard can it be?

  Klutzy girls aren’t impressive on long backpacking trips and when I get injured, he ditches me at the Ranger Station with Luke, a mysterious sexpot whose bedside manner sets my panties on fire.

  But when Max returns with apologies, and Luke suddenly gives me the cold shoulder, I’m not sure who to trust.

  Also by Leia…

  Shadows of Destiny

  Destiny Divided

  Destiny United

  Destiny Unchained

  Destined for Harmony

  Destiny Bewitched

  Destiny Forgiven

  Destined for Eden

  Slaves of Destiny

  Badass Brats

  The Dom with a Safeword

  The Dom on the Naughty List

  The Dom with the Perfect Brats

  The Dom with the Clever Tongue

  Single Titles

  31 Flavors of Kink

  My Scottish Keeper




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