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Shadow Aspect

Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  “And you think, maybe it’s because of what I am that you’re ability is somehow not able to work?”

  “Blocked.” I reply. “I sensed your presence in the street, but that could be down to instinct and awareness of my surroundings. Something you need when you’re working the streets. So if there’s going to be other shadows there,” I say waving my hand at him “I might not be able to get you what you want. I couldn’t guarantee it and I sure as shit don’t work for free or money after the event has transpired. And I have a strictly no refunds policy.”

  “Hmm, well I suppose it’s possible that other shadows could be there, but there really aren’t all that many of us left, so I’d say it would be a long shot if it was one of them.”

  I put the wine glass back down on the table and stand up. Feeling a little bit bold with him. I take two steps towards him. “And I knew exactly how to please you in the bathroom because…” I let my words trail off and smile. I don’t want to loose the job. Not if it means I get paid well enough not to put with bad sex on the streets of Melbourne for awhile and not if it means I might get to have sex with Tarin in the process. My brain is busy telling me how so worth the price, that will be.

  “Because why?” He asks unable to not take my bait. I walk over in front of him and straddled his lap. Tarin’s hands moved to my denim covered ass and hold me there. I can feel his erection again, through his jeans. I want that erection inside me. Not pressing against me, teasing me.

  I lean forward, towards his face, angling down for that mouth. “That’s a secret.” I say softly. I feel his hands go from cupping my ass on him, to sliding up my back, under my jacket, under my t-shirt, touching my skin.

  “If you play nice, I will too.” He smirks back at me.

  “Oh I am always, nice Mr Armadel. Wether my clients deserve it or not.” His hands trace lazy palmed circles and strokes over my back.

  “Are there other paranormals that you find yourself blocked on?”

  “Haven’t come across any but maybe the exotic and rare kind, like yourself might pose a problem..” I say back at him. “But I guess, we won’t know until I do some field work for you, huh? Unless perhaps you can get your lovely, talented hands, on a guest list, we could perhaps peruse over and figure out some things on? Like who’s going to be there, what they are and if they’re likely to be the one you’re after?” Tarin’s hands slid up my sides, his thumbs coasting over the grooves of my abdominal muscles before brushing my bra again.

  “I might be able to do that.”

  “So what type of event is it?” I ask as his fingers pulled down the edge of my bra so he can tweak my nipples between his fingers. “Because my wardrobe attire, is coming out of your pay packet at your expense. Let me guess, it’s a company function and I’ll need to be your assistant for the evening.”

  Tarin’s mouth quirks, like the idea of minion in corporate pencil skirt and pinstripes had appeal to it. “No. Nothing like that. You’re secret identity for this job will be as my lover.” Tarin says pulling on my nipples, just a bit harder, making me let out a soft gasp.


  “Yes, that way, we can work any angle we want for you to get close to others if need be. You could be cheating on me, you could be up for trade, you could be,”

  “Whoa! Wait a second.” I say putting my hands directly on his shoulders. He flicks my bra straps down my shoulders and pushes my bra down again, so he can cup and continue to fondle my breasts. “You are not handing me around.”

  “But if you require touch to get the information,”

  I push back from his shoulders but he grips my breasts tightly. “Katelyn don’t defy me.”

  “I told you I can get information from being close as well. I don’t always have to have touch.” He loosens his grip on my breasts. “But it helps.” I conceded. “That doesn’t mean you get to pass me around to your mates.”

  “Not my intention. I merely meant that if you had to say, have sex with someone to get my information, then, we would have the ruse to use as an excuse for you. And no one would be any the wiser. After all, you’re kind of rare and exotic and unheard of in the wider community, aren’t you? I only happened to find out about you through the luck of what passed for mundane conversation.” He begins pulling my bra back up and my bra straps.

  I sit up straight and re-adjust my breasts into my bra as he removes his hands from under my t-shirt. “Yes.”

  “And the more anonymity we can give you, the better it will work for me. That way no one will be any wiser as to what is actually going on and we’ll more than likely bait the hook with you.”

  I lift my head back and laugh out loud. At my own stupidity really. “So I’ll be bait to lure in those you think are the threats to you and likely to hold your information. Under the ruse of being your lover, they can what, abscond with me? “I shake my head at myself again. “That’s what tonight was, it was a dry run, a test run over a business proposal.”

  Train looks at me again, poker faced and serious. The mask of cool aloofness firmly in place. “So well go over the finer details when I have more tomorrow, but we can agree on a few things now. Whilst with me, no sex with other men,” He continues on as if I haven’t just connected the dots on his mindset with that revelation.

  “But you just said,”

  He holds up a hand dismissively “You’ll be at my beck and call until this is done or I’m satisfied it’s done. You can live in one of the bedrooms here and”


  He raises his eyebrows at me in surprise at my defiance. “I have my own place, I live there.”

  “Well then how do you expect to be at my beck and call?” Tarin asks me as if it has never occurred to him that I would never say no. I’d guess not a lot of people ever said no to him.

  “I don’t. Not more than is necessary.” He remains silent and impassive. “Oh fine, get me a mobile phone then. Coming out of my fast growing expense account that you will provide me with for the job.”

  “Agreed.” We fell into silence again and I find myself holding his gaze.

  “I will ensure my driver is available to you at any time. You will not work your regular night time profession or take on any other jobs while you are with me.”

  “Agreed, although we already covered the no sex part.” I say back at him cheekily.

  “I never said no sex Katelyn.” He says pushing me against his erection, so I can feel it against the entrance to me.

  “Agreed.” I mutter heatedly. Why am I so needy to have sex with this guy? No male I’d ever met had made me want to actually have sex with him in a purely pleasurable sense like this. “And you need to be aware and agree, that whilst I’m hired for this specific job of yours, I may not be able to get you what you want in the end. Because I just don’t know enough of how my ability works on paranormals, you’re kind of like a first, here.”

  Tarin tilts his head to the side and gives a courteous nod. “Do you have any other terms of agreement we need to go over?”

  “My fee.” I state at him, all business again.

  “I’ll pay what you ask Katelyn.”

  “So what? I can just name my price up front?” He thinks about it for a nano second.

  Tarin tilts his head as he looks back at me. “Yes but I won’t be taken. But you seem rather smart Katelyn, so I’ll negotiate if I truly have to.” He makes it sound like negotiating is a time waster.

  “With an expense account on top of that –Agreed?” Tarin looks back at me with a wide smile flashing a hell of a lot of fang at me.

  “You do want to do business with me, don’t you Katelyn?”

  “I do.” I reply holding out my hand for him to shake.

  “That’s not how I seal a deal.” I raise an eyebrow at him. He slaps my ass then, so it makes a resounding smack. “Well, it’s getting late, and we will sign off on this tomorrow when we meet back here, I’ll have my driver deliver you, your mobile phone and collect you for our meeting. And we�
�ll go over the finer details of the actual job itself.” He lifts me up by the hips and I stand up over him, before removing myself. I’m being dismissed.

  But not before seeing he is still pressing hard into those jeans. I’m not sure I get Tarin. What a crazy night this is turning out to be. Crazy and lucrative for me, so who am I to argue with him?

  I accept that our business for the night is done and agree to meet with him the next day to plot our course of action once he has more information to give me. His driver takes me home and I go to bed, for the first time ever in my life, utterly, sexually, frustrated.


  I don’t sleep well that night. I try masturbating it isn’t nearly as satisfying as I’d like it to be. And it isn’t like I can go out and find a john to fuck me, because I’ve agreed to not do that, with Tarin. Although, technically, we haven’t signed all the paperwork yet on my new job, so to speak. So I am free for the next few hours. But what would the point be? No john I’ve ever met has interested me in sex for pleasure.

  I groan and glance across at the shelf near my bed and the new, mobile phone that sits on it, charging away, brightly in the night time space of my bedroom.

  Tarin’s driver, man servant, whatever, has gotten me set up on a mobile phone that is programmed with Tarin’s phone number in it, before I’d even got home. I’ve never really bothered with mobile phones before. Never really saw a point. After all, they are for keeping you in touch with people and as Tarin had so succinctly put it, at they’re beck and call.

  I don’t have people I keep in touch with. I don’t have people. I don’t have friends and I’d long ago left my family. There is just me and my daily interactions as they play out, wherever I happen to be. That is my life. My clients find me directly, one way or another and we deal with communications, as needed when doing dealings.

  I’d played around with the phone earlier on for awhile and discovered it did things other than make phone calls. It wasn’t called a smart phone for no reason at all it seemed. It seemed simple enough to use. I picked up the phone and looked at it, willing Tarin to call me on it. It gave me nothing and did nothing. I sigh and put it back on the shelf and pull the covers up over my naked body and try again for sleep.

  How is it that it my mind drifts back to Tarin Armadel? What is it about him that has me focussed on him? It’s probably the job, something about the job, I decide. After all, why hadn’t we signed off on the preliminaries tonight? That doesn’t really make much sense to me.

  What kind of businessman asks for your services to hire you for a job, discusses the details and then lets you walk away without completing, the transaction so to speak? I look up at the high roof of my warehouse.

  But really, had we discussed details? There wasn’t all that much that he’d told me, now that I thought about it. Tarin the elusive was back in control of the situation when he’d given me some information, but not all. I don’t even know what type of event it is that I am going to be accompanying him to, as his lover.

  Why hasn’t he just said girlfriend? Partner? Maybe he isn’t too concerned with labels. I’m not. But again, it is a small thought that strikes me as odd. But then, Tarin Armadel didn’t strike me as in anyway ordinary. Which is kind of nice, for a change, actually. Even if he did leave me high and dry after I got him off.

  I thump the pillow next to me, as I turn onto my side. I have an aching need inside of me. Being around Tarin had stirred something I wasn’t sure I’d ever truly possessed before, a sex drive. Lusting after someone just isn’t the normal thing for me to do. Sure, I find attractiveness in bodies, in people. But wanting that connection for me to latch onto their skin and feel them within me, that’s like an annoying itch that needs scratching. Repeatedly.

  Romance was not a notion I subscribed to. And the term love making is completely alien to me. As far as I am concerned people fucked and they had sex, they mated and they had intercourse. That was about it.

  Which leads me to wonder if Tarin is having as hard a night sleeping as I am and if he is touching himself, thinking of me, like I have been thinking of him. I found myself hoping so as I turn back to look at the mobile phone before closing my eyes.

  “Why are you so fucking cock struck? Go to fucking sleep Katelyn.”


  When I walk into Tarin’s mansion the next evening at the appointed time, I am not escorted through the house by anyone. Either the butler, man-servant slash driver – Rick, as I found out his name is, leave me to my own devices once through the front door.

  Tarin is not there to greet me and I wonder if he cares to keep up the niceties he’s shown me the night before now that he knows, I’ll take the job he wants to hire me for.

  I look up at the wide staircase and decide, he can wait a bit longer if he isn’t going to show me some good old fashioned manners and be at the door to greet me. After all he knows I am due here, because he’s sent Rick to collect me and Rick had texted my new mobile phone, when he was ten minutes out from my residence.

  I’ve never met a client as elusive as Tarin. Whilst most clients are secretive to an extent, I can accept that things are on a need to know basis. That is part and parcel of my business dealings. But Tarin seems to go above and beyond that.

  After all, if he doesn’t want to make an impression on me, if he just wants to get my business and get it done then he didn’t have to invite me to his place of residence. He didn’t have to have me for dinner followed by amazing foreplay. Even though we’ve justified that by testing our chemistry for our pretend relationship. Which we will have to portray at this event to give the wrong people, the wrong impression of us, so I can conduct my business, for him.

  I walk over to the first room I spot on the ground floor and open the door and hit the light switch. It leads out to the undercover garage. Boring. I turn off the light and close the door again. Looking around me and heading opposite to the room on the other side of the foyer.

  The room is a library. Walls are packed with books, lots and lots of books, everywhere, from floor to ceiling. There is no window in the room. There is one antique looking chair in there, a reading chair I realise. A small table next to it, also antique looking of mahogany wood. Beside that is single cabinet table with a record player on it. An honest to goodness, record player with vinyl records stacked in the compartment underneath it, ready to be slipped out and played to create a mood while reading.

  That makes me smile, I’m not sure why. But it humours me to think of the god of heavy metal, as I viewed him last night, sitting here, reading and listening to… I look at the record cover left out and on top of the record player’s plastic protective hard top cover. Nina Simone.

  Good choice, from one intense moody diva to another. I move to the antique chair and have just sat down in it when the diva of the hour, appears in the library doorway, making me spring back out of the chair like my bottom is on fire.

  “Katelyn,” Tarin greets me with as he stands in the doorway. His eyes glancing over my outfit choice. I’m wearing a white, black and blue chequered cowgirl looking shirt, and another short skirt, this one black and pleated with ankle boots.

  My brown hair is un-brushed, and wavy and hanging down past my shoulders. There is only so much you could do with hair, when you’re having a bad hair day. I’ve given up getting it past the “I’m frustrated you haven’t fucked me, you prick tease.” look

  “Tarin.” I reply, thinking how he looks far too well rested. My eyes glance down the front of his again, a plain black shirt, half undone, leather pants, and not seeing a monster erection or any form of tenting. He is again barefoot. His blonde hair over one of his shoulders. He looks amused by busting me in his reading room. Damn him, I bet he slept just fine.

  “Shall we?” He suggests sweeping a hand outwards, back into the rest of the house. I flick my own loose hair over my shoulders and walk towards the doorway with him in it. I brush past him and we head back up to the dinning hall. “Hope you’re hungry” Tarin says
as we take the stairs together.

  “Sure.” I reply. I had expected dinner given the time of our agreed meeting. I walk into the dinning room and see another mini feast for two on the table again. With two plate settings.

  “Would you like a drink?” He asks playing the perfect host for me, again.

  “Sure.” I reply standing with my hands together and watching him go to a wine rack on the wall before turning to face me.

  “Everything alright?” He asks causing me to look at him surprised.


  “That’s the third sure, you’ve said and the only word next to my name you’ve said since you arrived here.”


  He turns back to the wine rack wall and looks at it. “At least you’re expanding your vocabulary.” He said holding up five fingers “Fifth word you’ve used. Are you sure, everything’s alright Katelyn?” Tarin persists as he reaches for a bottle of red wine and again turns to face me. “Would you prefer red or white?”

  I frown. I’m not sure I understand Tarin. He is throwing me for a loop with the manners and everything. “Let’s just cut the crap Tarin and get on with business shall we?” I blurt out annoyed at him.

  His eyes narrow on me a little. “This is how I conduct my business and wish to conduct my business with you Katelyn.” He walks over to another wine rack on the adjacent wall and pulled out a white wine bottle. “Refrigerated wine rack, genius.” He says walking back over to the table and putting both bottles down next to our feast.

  I am ready to start pacing around in circles. I feel restless being this close to him and annoyed at his utter calm demeanour and my lack of ability to pick up much of anything on him. If I could at least get a read some of him, I could feel somewhat in control, and in my element. I could feel, confident. But again, Tarin shadow-ness is like an instant block to my ability.

  “I’m afraid if you can’t tell me what is troubling you Katelyn that your mood doesn’t lead me to believe we will work well together.” Tarin says looking back at me.


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