Shadow Aspect

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Shadow Aspect Page 10

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Why’s that?” I ask accepting the wine off of him.

  “Why Katelyn darling, you’re the talk of the party.” He says drinking from his own beer. I frown. He has to be kidding me, there are at least a hundred people here, why would anyone be paying attention to me, other than perhaps that I am with Tarin and from what I could figure out, he hadn’t been seen in these social circles for quite some time.

  “You’re kidding right?” Shaye smiles and laughs, shaking his head.

  “Nope, honest to goodness, truth. You’re the gossip of the evening.” I look at him and without ruse, I put my hand on his wrist, two fingers over his pulse. He looks from my hand back up to me, raising an eyebrow.

  “Just checking if you’re lying.” I state as I count the beats in his pulse before dropping my hand away. His pulse is normal as far as normal goes, it isn’t racing and elevated and you don’t have to be a truth-sayer to figure out elevation equals lying in the context of our interaction if it had been racing. Basically, Shaye is telling the truth. What a novelty.

  “You feel uncomfortable about knowing you’re the centre of attention.” He replies looking at me.

  “Yep.” I sip my wine.

  He glances me over and looks away, back out at the party crowd. “You dressed like that, to not get noticed?”

  “Can’t a girl look nice these days?” Shaye looks at me then, full wattage charm in his smile.

  “You’ve been hanging around Tarin too long, answering a question with a question. Yes, you are entitled to look nice, but you look more than nice Katelyn, and that kind of attention to detail just isn’t going to go away.” I hold his gaze and wonder if my inept social abilities, mean I was understanding Shaye Armadel correctly.

  “It’s all fake.” I smile back at him. Should I read him to be sure that I am hearing his message right? He isn’t an intended target and the idea of reading him, somehow seems, kind of wrong. Hell, Tarin hadn’t even known he’d be here. Him or his bitch sister.

  He laughs but continues on “Especially given you’re the only human here, and that’s, uh, kind of rare at these events, in the capacity of being one’s date for the night. Given these parties tend to have a no humans allowed silent rule attached to them.”

  Wasn’t the whole point to how I operated to be low key, under the radar? And yet we’d gone on the premise that I’d need to draw attention to me, to snag the real targets for the job. Had I fucked up somehow? Getting a few heated glances of interest and lust was one thing, having an entire party buzzing about the only human there, was something else entirely, unwelcome.

  “So humans don’t get invited to these, shin-digs. So how come no one told Tarin that?” I look around the room, Tarin and the Selki woman have been joined by some other people.

  “He knows the rules Katelyn.” There is a warning there, of some kind in his words. I wonder if he is telling me to back off from his brother, or if he just doesn’t like so many people here, approve of Tarin hooking up with a human like me.

  I drink another mouthful of wine and know I probably shouldn’t. I can feel the beginning of it affecting me kicking into my system. But I am getting pissed off with these people and playing nice is getting harder to do.

  The whole job is turning out to be a lot more complicated and unpleasant than I’d thought it would be. Most of my jobs, are in and out kind of affairs. I can sit beside some weak willed soul at a café and read them while having a latte.

  “So no humans allowed. How very elitist of you all. What you normally do with them if they come along, human sacrifice?” I bitch back at him undeservedly. Shaye laughs at me and keeps watching the party around us.

  “Maybe they’re all just jealous that Tarin has you and they don’t.” He smirks.

  “Really? You think that’s it? Given they all appear to think so lowly of me being just a human.” I reply sipping my wine and looking back at him. The look Shaye gave me in return could have sizzled my dress right off me.

  “Not all of us.”

  His eyes scan over my skin, of which I suddenly became aware of. There is a lot of it on display. As tasteful as I’m dressed, I suddenly felt very exposed under the look of lust that is coming from him. He takes his time looking me over before dragging his gaze back up to my face. It isn’t sleazy and I’m not uncomfortable with how he is looking at me. I’m used to that kind of look. He doesn’t need to say anything more. I get the point but I’m here with his brother. I shove my drink at him in silence and wander off. I don’t need to see that on the guy who isn’t either my date or my boss for the evening.

  Heading to where I know the female restroom is I regroup and focus on my job. And how the hell I am going to continue to stand in my new high heels for the hours still to come, now that I know I am considered some kind of item of taboo there. I am going to shake the notion that Shaye Armadel looks at me in a way only his brother, has before him, I do not need further complications to this job.


  As it turns out, we aren’t there all that much longer. It is Tarin who pulls me away from the bustle of the party which is slowing down. Is it poor form to hang around a party until its died completely. Or is that just the sign of a good party guest?

  We headed towards the limousine and I note the queue of vehicles to leave the Mansions grounds. Rick the driver goes to open the door for us, but Tarin waves him away and opens the door for me instead. Bending down to move inside, I glance over my shoulder back at Tarin. He is staring at my rear end, my dress having risen with the movement of me getting into the car. His eyes flash over to mine. I step into the limo and have barely sat down when he moves in beside me, the door closes heavily behind him.

  Tarin pulls me into him and within the second that it takes for him to draw us closer together, he’s undone the one button at the neck of my dress, that holds the light, flimsy, material over my body.

  It slides down my body effortlessly and pools around my hips. Tarin’s mouth descended on me, he leaves a trail of tongue strokes from my neck to my breasts, where he took great time in sucking on my puckered nipples. Teasing them as I pant to the warmth he is fast building in me.

  My hands ran along the blonde braid of his hair that descends down his back and I tug on it, till I have the end of it wrapped around my hand. His hands moved to my hips as his mouth comes back up my throat, to my lips and we both tug at the dress, until it slides down my legs and off me completely.

  I unwrap his hair from my hand and began, hurriedly to undo it. Rough and fast. I wanted to see all that sunshine yellow flowing about him, like a lion’s mane. When his hair is free he flicks it out of his face with a shrug and I raise a shoed foot to my hand, grabbing the heel of the shoe.

  “Leave them on.” Tarin instructs. “They make you’re legs look incredibly lean and long.” He mutters into my skin as we continue to kiss and his hands ghost over the only remaining piece of clothing on me. Tarin stops to look down at the flesh covered g-string. “This is all that separated me from you all night? This tiny bit of material under your dress?” My hands are on his shirt, unbuttoning it, so I can feel the smooth hard flesh of his chest underneath.

  I want to laugh at him. Has he really been so damn eager to undress me and take me all night long? I thought he’d been very civilized during the duration of the entire party.


  “Hmm, the enemy must be taken down.” He mutters and begins ripping the material off my body eagerly. He throws away the scrap of material and grins, proud of himself, displaying his fangs as his nostrils flared to inhale the wet scent of me.

  “Katelyn, Katelyn, Katelyn.” He mutters softly as he slides down my body till he is kneeling on the floor of the limo, between my thighs. He pulls me forward with a yank of my hips. His mouth descending on me as his tongue delves into me immediately and I buck up into him.

  I gasp unable to stop myself at the feeling of him lapping me up so eagerly. This isn’t a type of pleasure I receive often and of the few ti
mes I have received it, it hasn’t been nearly this good.

  Tarin has a touch that sets my body into high alert mode. It knows there will be pleasure to be unbound and it begins searching for it, as his touch, his tongue, lips, mouth, work me towards it. My body races to reach for it’s climax and I try to grip the seat, to hold his shoulders, to touch something to keep me anchored so my body can rise up and receive it’s just rewards.

  My hips have a mind of their own and start to move against him, determined to make the madness of waiting come sooner rather than later. Tarin’s talented tongue makes me reach my orgasm fast, I doubt the limo is even off the Mansion grounds yet.

  My hips buck up and I lift off the seat as he grabs my ass and drinks every last bit of my arousal down. My legs, in their high heels still on the limo floor, straining every muscle inside them as I arch to enjoy every minute detail of my climax.

  When my body has milked me and I begins to feel soft again, slouching naked against the backseat in the limo, the job is done. We are leaving the party, now all there is to do is to debrief and part ways.

  So despite the fact that I am tired and feel tiredness tugging at me more and more, I refuse to give in to sleep when I can have one last fling with Tarin. I can’t help but entertain the thought that maybe, we might continue the sex part, after the job has well and truly ended. On a more regular personal basis. I can see it happening.

  “I’ve had to watch you all night with those others.” He says to me, his eyes roaming over my naked, supple form. We both move to the seats and I pick up my discarded dress. “Don’t.” Tarin says looking at me through hooded lids, his fangs still out on display. I raise an eyebrow at him. He looks rather thoroughly dishevelled and there is a monster erection tenting in his pants, waiting to be unleashed. I wonder what I look like by comparison.

  “So I’m just supposed to sit her, butt naked and dripping wet all over the leather?”

  Tarin moans deep in his throat. “Yes.”

  I put my dress beside me so I am sitting on the seat naked save for my bracelet , earrings, and shoes. “What if I get cold?” I tease him.

  Tarin shrugs off his suit jacket and holds it out to me. I slip it on and wrap it around my naked form, tucking my legs up on the seat beside me. I look back at him and his eyes darken and he draws me into his side quickly, a hand slipping underneath the jacket to cup and feel the breast he can see from the way the jacket gapes.

  “Katelyn Phoenix.” He mutters softly. “It has been a great pleasure doing business with you.” He smirks at me. I blow a bit of loose hair out of my face.

  “Oh the pleasure has been mutual Mr Armadel. But you still owe me. He smiles then. A full wattage, fangs and all smile, it makes him look young and full of mischief.

  “I know I do. But I think we should discuss the rest of the info you gathered for me before I bite you and tire you out.”

  I think that sounds fair, given how tired, I truly feel. Reading multiple people, standing around in heels for hours, splitting my concentration three ways while reading someone’s truth, it is more than I’d ever done when it came to my abilities. It have pushed myself and I have just soldiered through the evening doing what I had to, didn’t know if I couldn’t, so I did what I could. I’ve gathered Intel on those Tarin wants it gathered on.

  It was only after I’ve finished talking about the last person I’ve read at the party that I realise, the car ride is taking longer than I remember. Either that or I am getting more tired and losing track of time. I try looking out the tinted windows but its pitch black outside, without a building, house or cityscape of light to be seen.

  “Where are we?” I ask confused, as he keeps his arm wrapped around my dinner jacket covered side.

  “I thought I’d take you to a place you can see the stars clearly from. No pollution hiding them.” Tarin replies looking out the window beside himself.

  “As surprisingly romantic as that sounds, I have to say I’d rather just get home. Reading more than one person in one night, so thoroughly has really wiped me out.”

  “But Katelyn,” He practically purrs at me all seductive heat and want. “I still have to fang fuck you yet.” I lick my lips. “So I thought we could do it under the stars.” He makes it sound amazing. And I know it will be amazing, because I’ve already experienced it and honestly want to experience it again. But my body is beginning to relax and I can feel the fight to keep my eyes open, begin. It has to be going into the early hours of morning.

  We’ve been up all night, and his sexual appetite is persistent. Like the man himself. Which means we’ll be up for a few more hours of fucking if I am lucky enough.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I do want that which you owe me, but I’m” I didn’t get to finish the sentence as Tarin moves swiftly, undoing his pants. I feel myself caught up in the moment because my want for those fangs inside me along with his cock is great.

  I pick up my purse and pull out a condom for him. He snatches it out of my hand and puts it on. No words are exchanged and none are needed. It isn’t like either of us didn’t know where this is going.

  Besides, it is the last time I’ll get to enjoy the delights of Tarin Armadal’s sexual prowess before we go our separate ways again. Tarin doesn’t seem like the I’ll call you later type.

  Tarin doesn’t wait, I am already dripping wet from the mouth watering orgasm he’s delivered to me and so he pulls me down off the seat, right onto him. He slides into me, filling me to the hilt as we sit, me straddling him on the limousine floor. He pauses with me on him, arching back to look at him, jutting my breasts out at him as the dinner jacket opens.

  “I don’t want to be slow, I don’t want to be nice about this at all.”

  “Then don’t be.” I reply.

  Tarin starts thrusting into me hard and fast and my body knows no better than to go with the motion as I try to remember how to breathe myself through him fucking my brains out. I ended up on my back on the floor of the limousine, my legs around his neck as he drives home his cock into me, repeatedly. Growling as he becomes faster and faster, until his fangs slid down and out of his mouth. I watch them in fascination. Good god, I realise I’m a fang-banger, maybe that is why sex has never ‘done it’ for me previously.

  Throwing back his head, Tarin releases himself as he buries his cock till it is balls deep inside of me. His mouth arches down and his fangs pierce my skin, skimming past my collar bone as he buries them into my flesh, tearing it apart and sucking on the blood that flows from me to him.

  My own orgasm soars to life at the sensation of being so filled by him. I can feel his fangs throbbing in my body, my flesh humming as his cock pounds into me and builds me from one end to another.

  It is like experiencing an all over body orgasm. I wonder how I will survive the multiple intense waves of pleasure pounding through me. Tarin keeps sucking and the waves keep ebbing me on and I began to cry out from the exquisite sensation of him so thoroughly in my body. Noisy sex really isn’t my thing. But now I found myself unable to stop my mouth from making noises because of the affect he is having on me.

  I start to feel a tingling in my body along with the continual sensation of orgasm, although it seemed less intense. Like the orgasm is dying and the tingling, like pins and needles is increasing. My toes, my finger tips tingle and I wiggle under Tarin whose hands smooth their way over my biceps, spreading my arms out, and above my head on the floor. His hips kept moving, slower now, as he presses further into me, bearing his weight on me and I frown. It is kind of uncomfortable. If he falls asleep on me he’ll be like dead weight for me to get out from under.

  I start to get worried when Tarin began to press down on my wrists and keeps sucking on me, even as my orgasm starts to fade rather rapidly and the tingling increases.

  “Tarin,” I say quickly. “Tarin, enough.” I get out as his lips latch onto me harder still. I try to kick my legs out from under him, but he had me pinned completely, we are locked into each others bodies. Tar
in is on top of me and lost in blood lust. “No!” I croak as my legs began to feel like lead. Tarin presses harder and that was when I know I am in trouble.

  Tarin tries to bury his fangs into me even more. Panic rises up in me and I try to push my arms up and move my body, despite our joining. I try to make more noise and it occurs to me if I can I might get the attention of Rick the driver who can help me. But then I have almost the same instant thought that it was Rick who under instruction from Tarin had driven us out to the middle of nowhere. As Tarin hadn’t spoken to him or communicated with him in anyway during our drive, I have to assume Rick is in on the plan to do this to me.

  I try to buck against him, want him to get out of me, desperately. Tears well in my eyes and I feel vile rise in my throat. I try to not loose myself to upset feelings, I need anger to fight him off of me.

  Anger will power the adrenaline I need to get him the hell off me. I try to shove Tarin with my chest. Try to raise it and throw him somehow. But I just don’t have the advantage of space or freedom to move.

  I can feel him draining me, drinking down my blood combined with how tired my body was prior to our sex, it is just too hard for me to dig deep enough to rid myself of Tarin Armadel. I am in serious trouble.

  A tear slides down my face as the slurping off Tarin’s blood sucking registers with my ears and I feel my eyes flutter continuously. He is going to drain me dry and kill me. I hope that Tarin will realise at the last moment that he has taken our sex too far and realises he needs to stop. But some part of me knows, even as my legs twitch and my feet curl and uncurl again and again, that Tarin knows exactly what he is doing.

  There is a reason I’ve never been able to get a clear read on Tarin Armadel. And it is because this is what he was. He might have looked like a good guy, a bit eccentric or self-involved, but there is so much more to him than that and he’d kept it utterly hidden from me, on purpose, just so he could do this to me. Because he knew, before we’d had sex, he was going to do this to me.


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