His Need

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His Need Page 2

by Ana Fawkes

“You were thrusting yourself as you tasted me.”

  Had I been doing that?

  The warm mess between my legs answered that question…

  “Yes,” Jonathan said. “Yes, you were.”

  His hands were then on my ass, turning me. I spun around and faced the desk next to his chair. Jonathan was behind me. His hands came up and when he pressed against my lower back, I bent over. The balancing act was next to impossible and I had no choice but to rest on his desk. I was on his paperwork and my hair was scattered across my face.

  I felt his hands move back down me and under my skirt. His fingers against my skin made me shudder and my sex started to ache for him. He lifted my skirt just as he did back at his office. His fingers ran along the lines of my panties again and I cried out for him.

  “Tell me how bad you want me,” Jonathan said.

  “I need you,” I said. “I desperately need you…”

  “Of course you do,” he whispered.

  A moment later I felt his lips pressing against my backside, followed by the tip of his tongue. He tasted my skin, licking up once, and then he was gone. But he wasn’t done with me. His fingers moved under my panties and with the gentlest of pulls, he exposed me. My wetness and need were for his taking, my hands in cuffs, my body bent over. There was nothing I could do. Even if I tried, his strength would win the battle. He kept one hand on my back, holding me down and bent over and his tongue flicked at me.

  The flick was just a tease, just a way of telling me he was there. My entire body jumped. My hands made fists and I pulled again, hurting my wrists. He then moved the tip of his tongue like an erotic dagger, going to my tender hole, circling it enough so that I started to thrust at him. Then in a wild move, he moved as hard and as fast as he could towards the most sensitive spot of my sex, my clitoris, and he had his way. It took all of a minute before I started to orgasm. His tongue was relentless, moving faster than my body and mind could keep up with. He hit my sweet spot and stayed there. Even as I came, I bent my knees, wanting to close my legs and savor the intense orgasm, but Jonathan wouldn’t allow it. He stayed there, at me, pleasuring me and torturing me, all in the stroke of his tongue.

  When he finally pulled away and released his hold on me, I had no choice but to fall back to my knees. I was gasping for air, my body thundering from my heart, everything warm… and good.

  Jonathan stood over me now and touched my hair again.

  “You’re simply amazing,” he said. “Inside and out. Your taste is mine forever. Isabella Grace.”

  He said no more and I listened as he reached into his pocket and produced the key to the cuffs. He reached down and freed me, letting the cuffs fall to the floor of the airplane. I brought my hands around slowly and looked at my red wrists. I turned my hands to look at my palms and watched as my hands shook. When I glanced over my shoulder, Jonathan Black still stood over me, his eyes upon me like a blanket.

  It was that moment, that moment of erotic lust, domination, and complete command… that was the moment I fell in love with him.

  I loved Jonathan Black.

  He touched my hair again as if he could read my mind.

  “We’re landing in ten minutes. Fix yourself. We have business to tend to. My lovely Isabella Grace.”


  It was warm when we landed and the weather felt great. I wanted a change of clothes but was too afraid to ask Jonathan. He needed me to trust him and be under his complete command.

  I followed him off the airplane to a waiting limo. It didn’t surprise me to see the limo but there was still something about it that made my stomach flutter. The notion of luxury and wealth seemed so foreign to me.

  Once we were inside the limo and driving, Jonathan put his arm out across the seat of the limo. I looked to his hand and then to him.

  “Come close,” he said. “I want to feel you.”

  I slid to Jonathan and his hand came down on me, holding me tight. He squeezed and took a deep breath.

  “Did you bring your bag with you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said. “I wouldn’t forget it.”

  “Good,” he said. There was a pause. “Do you understand what happened in the plane?”

  I had an idea, even separating the pleasure from the purpose.

  “I needed to see if I can trust you,” he said. “If I can really command you. If I can have you. There’s a difference between a person with what they feel is their own control and someone who is handcuffed, working to earn their freedom.”

  I just nodded, absorbing his words. I loved his voice. It was deep and powerful, and just hearing him gave me a sense of confidence because I felt protected. I felt like I could trust Jonathan with my life. It was no surprise that the man was a billionaire.

  Who wouldn’t trust him?

  “Your trust is perhaps the most amazing part of you to give to me,” he said. “My eyes have your beauty, my tongue has your body, but my heart, Isabella Grace, my heart needs your trust.”

  “You have it,” I said as my bottom lip quivered. I had the sudden urge to weep. He was so dominating, even with his words. “I swear, you have it…”

  “I know I do,” Jonathan said. “I know I do.”

  He pulled me even tighter and I slowly lowered my head until I rested it on his chest. I listened for his heart and when I heard it, I couldn’t believe my ears. His heartbeat was calm, normal. Not what I would have thought for a man who just handcuffed a woman on his airplane… received pleasure… gave pleasure… and was now almost three thousand miles across the country for an important business meeting.

  He was like no man I had ever met before. He was powerful and addicting. I didn’t need his arm around me to have my head on his chest. And I didn’t need handcuffs to prove my trust.

  Our ride lasted all of five minutes before the limo came to a stop.

  “This is where we part, for now,” Jonathan said.

  The door closest to me opened and the limo driver placed his hand towards me, in case I needed help out of the limo.

  The first thing I did – besides not get out of limo – was look down to the bag between my legs.

  “You can take that along,” Jonathan said. “You’ll need it soon enough.” There was a glimmer of a smile on his face but it quickly faded. “A cab will be taking you to the hotel and I’ll meet you there.”

  “A cab?” I asked as though I were accustomed to riding only in limousines.

  “Are you allowed to question me?” Jonathan asked.

  He didn’t even look me in the eyes. He stared ahead, his face full of annoyance. I knew better than to believe it was all because of me.

  “Sorry,” I whispered as I reached down and grabbed my bag.

  I slid my way across the seat and as I put one foot out of the limo, I felt Jonathan’s hand grab at my wrist. He squeezed to the point of hurting me and I looked back.

  “There are people who don’t appreciate my work,” Jonathan said. “It’s better, right now, for everyone to believe I’m alone. If there’s no strings to grab at, they won’t try.”

  His hand released its hard grip on my wrist and I exited the limo.

  I felt a little more empowered, knowing that I had received an answer from him. Maybe there was more to Jonathan than met the eyes.

  Of course, I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

  In my case it was both.

  I was instructed by the limo driver, who had been instructed by Jonathan, to walk to the end of the block and wait for a cab to show up. Everything would be paid in advance, it would just be for appearance. When I looked at the limo driver to question everything that I had just been told I could see it in his eyes that he knew no more than I did. I couldn’t help myself as I watched the limo drive away with Jonathan inside.

  Then it occurred to me… just what had he gotten me into?

  I heard him this morning scolding an executive about some paperwork due to be sent to Los Angeles and now here we were. And
here I was, alone, with no clue of where I was. My knowledge of Los Angeles was none other than television shows and celebrity reality shows, but I knew I was far from the hangouts of celebrities and I was certainly out and about during the wrong time of the day.

  Right on cue, as I stood on the corner I was directed to stand on, a cab pulled up. I opened the door and got inside.

  “Where to, ma’am?” the driver asked. He stared in the rearview mirror and all I could see looking back at me was a set of brown eyes. The kind of eyes that had a hidden, dark past.

  “I’m not exactly sure,” I replied and smiled.

  “Just what I needed to hear,” he said.

  He nodded at me and then focused on the road. The cab started to roll forward as the driver prepared to pull back out into traffic when there was a loud sounding thunk on the driver’s side of the cab. By the time I could figure out what was happening, the door was open and a man climbed inside the cab.

  “Sorry about this,” he said, “I’ve been waiting for a ride all day.”

  “Hey!” the driver shouted. “This cab is taken. Get out, buddy.”

  “Why don’t you just drive, buddy?” the man asked.

  When the cab driver turned around, the man reached into his coat and produced a gun.

  I flew back against the door and felt all color leave my face. The cab driver looked at the gun, then to me. He muttered something that sounded like fuck and then started to drive.

  The man turned his head to me and smiled, the gun pointed at the back of the cab driver’s head. “Why do people have to make everything so difficult?”


  I trusted Jonathan Black, I really did. I trusted him with my life, even as I stared at the black boldness of the gun. It was just a handgun but did it really matter? I was a couple feet from the man. It wouldn’t matter if he had a handgun, a shotgun, or a bazooka… one pull of the trigger with that thing pointed at me…

  “You’re here with Jonathan Black, aren’t you?”

  My eyes moved to him, to his face.

  He looked calm, much like Jonathan did during times of intense duress. When he smiled, he had boyish dimples, and when he wasn’t smiling, his lips came together that gave him the look of a man filled with confidence.

  “Can you talk?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  I wanted Jonathan Black there. I wanted him in the cab with me. Even with an opponent with a gun, something inside me felt that Jonathan could handle this. Mentally or physically, he would beat this guy.

  “Again, people making things difficult… okay, let’s try this. If you don’t start talking to me, I’m going to pull this trigger and blow this guy’s brains out his nose.”

  “What did I do?!” the cab driver cried out.

  His eyes went to the mirror and I saw the fear in his eyes.

  “Yes,” I finally whispered. “Yes. I’m with Jonathan.”

  “Oh, is it just Jonathan? Wow, you must be really close with him.”

  I sat frozen.

  “Come here, come closer to me. I’m sorry this had to become so tense. I thought it could be a relaxing cab ride.”

  “You’re holding a gun to a man’s head,” I said. “How could anything be relaxing?”

  “Point taken.”

  The man took the gun away and returned the gun to his pocket. He put his hands up and wiggled his fingers.

  “There,” he said, “no more gun. Now, let’s all take a breath.”

  He did.

  I did too, but I tried to keep mine silent.

  “Tell me about Jonathan Black,” he said.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “My name isn’t important, just ask Mr. Black. He’ll tell you that. Now, what’s your name?”

  “What makes my name important?” I asked.

  I couldn’t believe I was getting sassy with a man who had a gun on him. He gently reminded me of his weapon as he placed his hand back to his jacket.

  “Isabella Grace,” I said.

  “Isabella Grace?” he asked. “My gosh, that’s the most beautiful name I’ve ever heard. And you’re with a piece of scum like Jonathan Black?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “How long have you known him? Are you… his? Or just a thing he enjoys for right now?”

  “Am I a whore?” I asked. “Is that what you’re asking?”

  The man nodded.

  I’ll admit that I thought about it for a second, but then realized I wasn’t a whore. Not by a long shot. I was Jonathan’s. I submitted to him and only him. I was under his command and only his command. And no money had ever been given to me.

  “No,” I replied. “I’m not a whore.”

  “I bet to him you are,” the man said.

  His top lip started to curl and when he swallowed, his eyes filled with water. He was a handsome looking man with amazing features, but the more emotional he became the more he looked young and unstable. He put his hand to the seat and it was shaking.

  “He took my life away,” the man said.

  For as calm as he looked holding the gun to the cab driver’s head a minute ago, he looked the complete opposite now. I hoped the cab driver wasn’t dumb enough to actually drive to the hotel, giving away my location.

  “Who took your life away?” I asked.

  “Jonathan fucking Black did, that’s who. He came and just… took it all. My job, my money, my company. My fucking life. You hear me?”

  I nodded. I tried to stay calm not wanting to add more stress to the situation. I don’t know how I did it, but I remained calm. At least on the outside.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said.

  “You probably reaped those benefits,” he said. He looked at me, eyeing me up and down. “Then again, I don’t know. You look too normal to be involved with a man like that. You’re too beautiful, natural, and your eyes… you’re in pain too.”

  “Everyone is,” I said.

  “Everyone but Jonathan Black. He’s not in pain. He’s rolling in my money. Did he give you some?”

  I shook my head. “No. He’s never given me any money. I swear to you.”

  “So not only is he a thief, he’s greedy. Doesn’t even pay the women he fucks.”

  The man convulsed a few times, trying to hold back from fully losing himself. I hoped that if he did lose himself, it would give the cab driver a chance to pull over and get this guy out of the cab. Or at least call police. He was too unstable to be carrying a gun.

  “Did he tell you about me?” the man asked.

  “No, I don’t even know your name.”

  “I had a software company two years ago. I started it at the worst possible time but fuck it, I had the drive to make it work. And I did. I made it work. My two partners then insisted we upgrade and expand. I wasn’t ready, not with the economy like this. He insisted it, demanded it, and I caved. I told them if they brought financing, I’d sign. He found financing, but it was extortion. Three months later we were out of money, product, and the business was done. Then came Jonathan Black. He was supposed to be this investor, this angel investor who had the magic touch to solve problems and make money. His good looks, expensive suits, calm demeanor…”

  Was it wrong that I was getting turned on hearing this man describe Jonathan?

  “… And he had a plan. A plan that looked like it would work, on paper. A month later, the company was taken apart, the patents and other small assets sold off, and we were all without jobs.” The man looked at me, his eyes full of tears. “All of us. From myself all the way to the college students I had employed who were helping on product design. All twenty of us were gone, left on the street. And you know what he did? You know what Jonathan Black did?”

  I shook my head.

  “He got into his fancy limo and drove away. He collected his money off the sale of the company’s assets and was gone. But I never forget. No, not me. You can’t just bully me around.”

  He reached for his gun again and I lunged at h

  I put my hand to his arm and squeezed. I was too close for my own comfort but I didn’t want to get shot. If this guy took the gun out again, he was going to use it. There were three people in the cab and I didn’t have the heart or stomach to see anyone of us shot, even if he killed himself.

  “Please, don’t,” I said. “It’s not worth it.”

  “You’re right,” the man said. “Not here, not now. He wouldn’t get it if I did this here… oh Isabella Grace, why does someone like you fall for someone like him?”

  He looked like he wanted to kiss me and I found myself biting on my lip. A man as rich and powerful as Jonathan Black had an appeal that was addicting, but a man like this, a man lost and in pain… he had an appeal too…

  “I can’t help what I want,” I whispered.

  He moved more towards me, our lips separated by inches. “Neither can I.”

  I slightly opened my mouth, and for a second, I pictured kissing the man. I saw myself comforting him. But I quickly snapped out of it as the man turned and put his hand to the cab driver’s throat.

  “You can stop now,” he said.

  The driver applied the brakes and when the cab came to a stop, he looked at me.

  “I’ll see you soon… Isabella Grace…”

  As he opened the door, I caught sight of the inside of his jacket. The gun made me freeze again as he left the cab. He ran right into the middle of the street and I almost wished he would get hit by a car.

  He didn’t.

  He made it across the street and was then gone. Lost in a small crowd and then beyond.

  I looked to the driver and said, “Call the police.”

  “No, I can’t do that,” he said.

  I was staring at a set of eyes in the rearview mirror again.

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “I’m under orders. From Mr. Black. I was instructed to take you to your hotel. Anything that happens in between that gets reported to him and nobody else.”

  The cab driver drove again and I sat quietly, feeling a little colder than when I had landed in the sunny and warm city of Los Angeles. I thought about something Jonathan had said to me…

  “Men have enemies to appreciate love.”


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