Her Every Fantasy

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Her Every Fantasy Page 13

by Stephanie Morris

  “Kristen, I am so sorry for waking you, but I need your help. Somer can’t be found. I think that she may have run away.”

  She heard her sister start moving around. “What? What do you mean she ran away? What happened?”

  She sighed. “Meet me over at Brigette’s house as soon as you can, and I will explain everything there. I promise.”

  She disconnected with Kristen and dialed Keirra’s number. Eric answered the phone on the third ring. “This had better be an emergency.” The irritation in his voice was obvious.

  “It is. I am sorry to wake you, Eric. Can you get Keirra for me?”

  She held on while Eric woke up Keirra. Her sister came on the line a moment later and sounded even more irritated than Eric had.

  “Sorry to wake you, Keirra, but Brigette needs our help. Somer is gone, and Brigette can’t find her.”

  “Where are you?” She heard the confusion and concern in her sister’s voice.

  “Right now I’m at Mr. Feldon’s house, but can you meet me at Brigette’s as soon as possible?”

  “I will be there.”

  She hung up and looked at James. He was completely dressed, and even in a state of emergency, she couldn’t help but to notice how sexy he looked. He gave her a gentle smile as if he could read her thoughts.

  “I am going to wake up Jamie.”

  She shook her head in protest. “Let her sleep.”

  “Right now, we need all of the help we can get. If anyone knows Somer, it’s Jamie. She would be upset if we didn’t wake her.”

  She knew that James was probably right. The two teenagers were close and spent a lot of time together. “Okay, go ahead and wake her up.”

  He left the room, and she began getting dressed. She slipped into her bra and panties before putting her clothes back on. When James returned, she was dressed and ready. She slipped her feet into her sneakers, glad that she hadn’t worn heels to work. They wouldn’t be practical to wear when trying to search for someone.

  “Jamie will be ready in—”

  “I am ready.”

  They both looked at a frantic Jamie who now stood in the doorway, and Kristen smiled at the teenager.

  “Come here, Jamie. There is something that I want to tell you.”

  Jamie entered the room and sat on the edge of her father’s bed. Kayla sat down next to her and took a deep breath then told Jamie what was going on. The teenager was truly confused by the information, but she handled it very well.

  “What I need for you to do is to think about any place that Somer might be.”

  Jamie nodded. “I can think of a few places. I will see if I can think of any others on the way.”

  She gave Jamie a hug. “Good, and try not to worry. Somer is just confused right now, and she needs our help.”

  Jamie agreed, and Kayla felt that the teenage understood exactly what she meant. Kayla stood, and James and Jamie followed. He stopped by Dennis’s room to tell him what was going on with the promise to call as soon as there were any developments. The ride over to Brigette’s house was a quiet one. They pulled into the driveway behind Kristen’s car, and Keirra was behind them. Kayla took a deep breath as Randy and Eric appeared by her sisters. She led the way up to Brigette’s door, and it quickly swung open. A distraught Brigette stood there, and Kayla embraced her. “I hope that you don’t mind, but I brought some help.”

  Brigette her head and gave everyone an appreciative look. “I just want to find my daughter.”

  “Our daughter.”

  Everyone turned in surprise as Dan’s voice sounded from behind them. Kayla interjected not giving anyone a chance to speak.

  “Before we do, I think that everyone should be told everything that is going on with this situation.”

  Everyone moved into the house, and Brigette and Dan filled everyone in on what had happened nearly sixteen years ago. Only Kristen had a question when they were finished. “So was that you that I saw in Dan’s truck a few weeks ago?”

  Brigette hesitated briefly. “But it wasn’t what you think. We were discussing how we are going to tell Somer and Holly about this.”

  Kristen held up her hands. “You don’t ever have to explain anything to me. Right now, we need to focus on finding Somer.”

  Everyone consented, and Randy and Eric set down the bags that they had been carrying. The men pulled out flashlights, two-way radios, and thermoses that held hot chocolate and cider. Kayla found herself smiling, glad to have both men along. They had thought of things that she hadn’t.

  Kayla held up her hand to get everyone’s attention. “The only suggestion that I have is that whoever finds Somer doesn’t move in until we can get Jamie there.” She looked at Jamie. “The girls share a bond and a comfort zone that right now will probably be the only thing that Somer will respond to.”

  Bridget gave an anxious nod. “I agree. I don’t want Somer any more upset than she already seems to be.”

  Looking Jamie in the eye she gave her a gentle smile. “I know it is asking a lot, but do you think that you can you handle that?”

  Jamie nodded without hesitation. “Yes, I can.”

  “Let me know if things get overwhelming.”

  Kayla sighed in relief as Jamie began giving the adults ideas of where she thought Somer could be. They all agreed to split up and search each of the places.

  Kayla tried not to allow her nervousness to show as Jamie climbed into the backseat. She couldn’t imagine what Jamie was thinking, but she knew Jamie would be there for Somer. Their friendship was a good one and had been since she’d moved to Baxley. Her thoughts were interrupted when Jamie spoke as they pulled up to the park.

  “She’s here.”

  Kayla’s gaze met James’s briefly, as they both turned to look back at Jamie, but neither of them questioned the teenager. Her expression spoke of confidence. Kayla got on the radio and informed everyone that they had found Somer at the park.

  All came back stating that they would be there shortly. Kayla put down the radio before handing Jamie her coat, the flashlight, and a thermos. “My cell phone is in the inside zipper pocket. Call us if anything happens.”

  James brushed a kiss on her forehead. “Be careful.”

  “I will,” she stated as she climbed out of the car. Kayla tried to relax as she watched Jamie disappear. She could have never imagined they would be standing out here like this. James wrapped his arm around her waist, giving her a squeeze, as if he sensed her inner turmoil. He brushed his lips across her forehead.

  “Everything will be okay. You know the relationship Jamie and Somer have. If anyone can get through to her, it will be Jamie.”

  Kayla nodded, trying to relax. She tapered her nerves down even more when Brigette and Dan arrived. They looked frazzled enough. Kayla had to keep her head. She had to remain calm, but it was difficult. Jamie had been out of their sight for some time now. The wait seemed like an eternity. She jumped when James’s cell phone rang. He gave her another quick squeeze as he reached for his phone and handed it to her.

  Kayla answered before the end of the second ring.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Kayla could hear the smile in Jamie’s voice when she spoke. “We’re fine. Somer wants to talk to you. Oh wait. Actually, she wants to see you.”

  “Where are you?” Kayla asked her.

  Jamie told Kayla where they were. “Okay, I will be there as soon as I can.”

  Kayla hung up the phone, giving everyone a smile of relief. “Jamie found Somer. Somer is okay, but she wants to talk to me.”

  Brigette released a pent up breath, some of the strain leaving her face. “Thank God. Please give her a hug for me.”

  Kayla reached out and squeezed Brigette’s hand. “I will.”

  Kayla gave everyone one last look before heading off in the direction Jamie indicated they were in. It wasn’t hard to find the girls. When she did, Kayla went straight to Somer. She embraced Somer tightly. When she pulled back, the corners of her
mouth curled upward. “That was from your mom.”

  Kayla situated herself on the ground between the two teenagers and wrapped her arms around both of them so that they could all share their warmth. “Now, what do you want to talk about?”

  The most important question fell from Somer’s lips rapidly. “Why did my mom wait so long to tell me that Dan is my father?”

  Kayla looked Somer straight in the eyes. “I can’t tell you why your mother did what she did, because I don’t know. But maybe I can give you some history of what may have led to that decision.”

  Kayla told her about the rough times that Brigette had experienced growing up in her home life and social life. All of the ridicule that she’d faced, especially after she’d gotten pregnant. The fact that her mother had never given up and had worked even harder. That she had kept going to school full-time and had worked to provide for Somer and herself.

  “Your mom made the best decision that she could, but only she can tell you why she made it. What I can tell you is that your mom has always loved you. She was always proud of you, and everything that she has done has been for you.” Kayla gave her a gentle smile. “I think the least you can do is give your mom the opportunity to explain.”

  Somer was silent for a moment. Finally, she sighed.

  “I am willing to hear her out.”

  Kayla gave her another hug. “Try to understand as well. When you have all of the information, ask yourself what you would have done if it were you in the same exact situation.”

  Somer nodded, and they gathered up everything then headed back to the area where everyone was waiting. Brigette stood there, wringing her hands nervously while Dan was pacing. Somer approached her mother tentatively and embraced her tightly. Kayla reached out and hugged Jamie just as tightly.

  She gave the teenager a look of admiration. “I am proud of what you did tonight.”

  Jamie ducked her head in embarrassment at the praise. “I only did for Somer what she would have done for me.”

  The corners of her mouth curled upward. “That is what a true friend does, and I am proud of you anyway.”

  Brigette was finally calm enough for Dan to take her and Somer home. She thanked all of them one more time before Dan drove off. Kayla turned to face her sisters once they had.

  “Thank you guys for coming to help.”

  Keirra stepped forward to embrace her. “I would say anytime, but I hope that this is the last.”

  Kayla laughed as she hugged her sister back. “I hope it’s the last time as well.”

  James pulled her into his embrace after she hugged Kristen, and she went willingly, needing his warmth and strength. Tonight had been emotionally draining, and she hoped that Brigette, Somer, and Dan were able to work it out. She also had to prepare herself for Monday because this could mean more trouble ahead once this got out.

  Everyone said good night and climbed into the cars. Kayla gave James a grateful look as he helped her into the car, and he could tell that tonight had done an emotional number on her. Seeing her in action this morning only increased the feelings that he had for her. He couldn’t wait to get her home to take care of her as she’d taken care of so many others in this chaotic situation. It amazed him at how selfless she was when she didn’t have to be. She was an amazing woman to say the least, and he was glad that neither of them had been paying attention to where they were going that day outside of Sam’s Café. It was one of the best accidents that he could have had. James glanced over at Kayla during the drive home realizing that somewhere along the way he’d started to fall in love with her, and that scared the hell out of him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kayla looked at the clock on the stove and frowned. It was six in the morning, and no one in their right mind would be knocking on her door this early on a Saturday. After taking the pot off the stove, she headed out of the kitchen and through the living room toward the front door. She looked through the peephole and smiled when saw James. He was standing there holding a bag and two cups of steaming coffee. She opened the door and pulled him inside. After she closed the door, she allowed him to pull her close and to place brief but passionate kiss on her lips.

  “Good morning,” she whispered as she pulled back.

  “Good morning to you too.”

  She turned and led the way back to the kitchen. “What brings you by this early?”


  She’d just reached the stove but turned to look at him with concern. They had made it through two weeks without any other incidents except that Baxley was abuzz with the recent news that Dan was Somer’s father. It had brought some of the fallout that she’d expected but not in the way that she’d imagined it would.

  “Is something wrong?”

  He nodded. “With me. Or at least Jamie said there was. I guess she figured we needed to see each other again.”

  Kayla shook her head and turned off the pot of boiling water. “Well, I am glad she was smart enough to suggest it, and that you were smart enough to follow the suggestion even at this awful hour.”

  He chuckled as he handed her the bag with Lori’s Bakery logo on it. “So am I, and I also brought breakfast for two.”

  She took the bag, and the scent of the cinnamon roll assailed her. “How did you know?”

  “Jamie says that she sees you with one every Wednesday and figured that it was your favorite.”

  She pulled the container holding the cinnamon roll out of the bag. “She is right. This is my favorite, but I try to limit myself to one a week.”

  It was that she didn’t want her hips to expand anymore than they already had. She set the container on the cabinet and pulled out another container. It looked like it contained pigs in the blanket.

  She set it on the counter just as James walked up behind her. His arms went around her waist, and she leaned back into him. Her knees weakened at the feel of his lips on her throat.

  “If you don’t stop that, you won’t be eating breakfast.”

  James’s answer was to spin her around and back her up into the counter. She gripped the counter with her hands as he pressed her into it, and then she leaned back to look into his eyes and saw pure passion.

  “I thought you were hungry?”

  He grinned wickedly. “I am. Just not for food.”

  He chuckled as she moaned at his touch. Reaching down he began busying himself with untying her robe. When he parted it, his breath came out on a pained gasp. She was completely naked beneath the purple terry cloth robe. The woman’s body was breathtaking. Leaning forward, he captured her nipple between his lips. Her hands came up to clutch his shoulders. Effortlessly, he lifted her onto the edge of the counter. Her legs fell open on either side of him, and he stepped closer to her. She inhaled sharply at the sensation that he caused. She was becoming so tense that he knew she was approaching her limit. Her long legs circled his waist, and he dug his fingers into the flesh of her hips. When his hand came around to the front and his fingers found her, she was slick, soft, and ready. When he removed his fingers, she whimpered in frustration.

  He couldn’t wait other minute himself. The woman turned him on beyond belief. Before either of them could take their next breath, James had his pants and his boxers down around his ankles. His arousal was almost painful. He loved the way that she watched as he opened a packet that would protect them. Moving closer to her, he lifted her legs high over his arms and thrust into her. She was so tight around him, so incredibly hot and tight. Her moans and the rocking of her hips spurred him on. She matched him thrust for thrust. Each rock of her hips brought him deeper within her body. He couldn’t believe the way that he filled her so completely, and with each thrust, she cried out. They were soft little cries at first, cries that grew wilder and harsher as her passion escalated. She let out one ear-shattering cry of pleasure when she exploded.

  Fire swept through him, and he called her name as he trembled with the force of his release. He collapsed against her and held her against hi
s chest as their passion faded. Her cheek rested against the hollow of his shoulder. He ran his hand up and down her back, a caress that allowed him to revel in the softness of her skin. It was becoming harder and harder for him to keep his hands off her.

  “So much for breakfast.”

  His laughter escaped as a puff of air. “We are still going to have breakfast, but only after we get cleaned up.”

  He withdrew from her and pulled the robe back around her. She hopped down off the counter with his help then exited the kitchen. By the time she returned, he’d discarded the condom, and she handed him a towel so that he could clean himself up.

  “How about we do this every Saturday morning?”

  “I wouldn’t be able to keep up with you like this every Saturday.”

  He laughed then pulled her close. “What do you say to putting breakfast away and going back to bed for a while?”

  She agreed and he felt her eyes on him as he placed the items in the refrigerator. He turned back to her, swept her up in his arms, and carried her up the stairs. When they awoke a few hours later, he was giving serious consideration to his earlier suggestion of him bringing breakfast over every Saturday morning. The way that she felt in his arms, it might not be a bad idea.

  “So you are sure that you don’t mind?”

  Kayla shook her head and opened her door wider. She’d spoken with James a few moments ago. The law firm that he did accounting for as a consultant had an emergency issue with an audit that required him to fly out to Houston. He had asked her if the kids and his father could stay with her while he was out of town since he wasn’t sure how long he would be gone. It was late, but he needed to catch a flight right away to be on time in the morning. She stepped back, and James stepped inside, followed by Jana, Jenna, and Dennis. Jamie brought up the rear holding a sleeping Josh in her arms. Kayla closed the door and led everyone upstairs. She showed Jana and Jenna to their rooms. They had a connecting bathroom, and they didn’t seem to be upset about that. She put Dennis in the next room. The bathroom was across the hall.


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