Red Consumed

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Red Consumed Page 4

by Allyson Lindt

  “You know I’m bisexual, right?” Parker might have some concerns about his girlfriend being attracted to a lying, manipulative asshole, but he didn’t appreciate the shade being cast on what they did with their private lives.

  “That’s not what I’m saying. You’ve loved her forever, and you’re going to let her fuck another guy?”

  “Let me? As if it’s not my decision? And by the way, I’m still here, you know.”

  Parker looked at her. “I love you and trust you. You know that, and I don’t care what anyone else says. I have to believe what we have is strong, and that you’ll stay mine at the end of the day.” The words felt solid and true as he said them. “Besides, it was pretty hot.” He threw the last bit in to piss off Nick.

  Fiona’s smile shifted to a smirk.

  Nick pushed away from the wall. “You two are insane. That’s not love; it’s fucked up. And if you’re going to be insane, I don’t want to hear about it, and I doubly don’t want it to be such a raging, explicit, obviously dangerous conflict of interest.”

  “I think you missed the part of my life that makes it mine and keeps you from having a vote in my relationships. And even if you’ve suddenly turned into a possessive pig of a brother—”

  “Someone stalked and kidnapped you.” Nick’s voice rose. “I’m allowed to be concerned.”

  “This isn’t concern.” Fiona’s retort matched Parker’s thoughts. “And I already told Wyatt no, we don’t need him in our lives.”

  That was new. It sounded a lot more concrete than the way she left things at the end of lunch the other day.

  “Good,” Nick said.

  Fiona narrowed her gaze. “Though you’re tempting me to call him back.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Nick ordered. “Don’t ruin this business opportunity for us because you’ve got some nasty, disturbing kinks—”

  “Stop.” Parker was sick of this. “I think you need to go back to your room.”

  Nick turned his disbelief on Parker. “Talk some sense into your girlfriend.”

  “She’s already sensible. Go back to your room before you say more things you’ll regret.”

  Nick shook his head. “Un-fucking-believable. Fine.” He turned on his toe and stormed from the room, the hotel door slamming shut behind him.

  FURY SPILLED THROUGH Fiona at her brother’s words and was barely tempered by the fact that Parker never hesitated to take her side. She’d felt guilty about talking to Wyatt, but spite replaced that. She stared at the door Nick walked through. Did he think that little of the decisions she made and her ability to think for herself?

  Maybe it was only this one thing that threw him off, but she’d never pegged him as closed minded before.

  Parker wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and pressed his lips to the back of her neck. “I’m sorry.” His words tingled against her skin.

  “Me too.” She leaned back into him, letting his touch chase away irrational thoughts. She needed to organize her brain better.

  “How’d the meeting go otherwise?” Parker asked.

  The change of topic was good. It would let her cool down. She spun to face him, not breaking his grip, and draped her arms around his neck. “I’m going to Houma, Louisiana, to check out their call center. Are you up for a change of scenery?”

  “You know it. If Wyatt weren’t so attached to this contract, I’d tell you to ask him if he’d show us around, just to piss Nick off.”

  Fiona wasn’t going to call him on the lie. The tightening in her gut couldn’t help but focus on how similar his suggestion was to Wyatt’s. “If only.”

  “I’m sorry for spilling your secret.”

  “Our secret.” She kept the teasing in her voice. “And it’s okay. I’ve asked a lot of you, and you’ve given it to me without hesitation. You couldn’t know.”

  “Do you want to open this relationship up?”

  Fiona’s brain stumbled on the new subject, and tripped on the question itself. “I... what?” The abruptness of his suggestion ached inside. He wanted to see other people? She didn’t have a right to be wounded, but that didn’t make the feeling go away. “Do you?”

  “No.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I mean, maybe? I don’t know. It’s not like I’m saying I want to take a break or see other people. I couldn’t stand that.”

  “Okay.” Relief trickled back in.

  “But if you wanted to sometimes bring in a third person...”

  The idea was enticing and bothersome at the same time. This is more about Wyatt than a generic third body. She swallowed the response, because it wasn’t true. She was using Wyatt as an excuse to do what she enjoyed. Maybe it was time to stop casting that on him. “I’m not saying no, but I’m also not saying yes.”

  Parker gave a short laugh. “That’s specific.”

  The sting of Nick’s words still hummed under her skin, but Parker wasn’t shaming her. This was the opposite, and she wanted to approach it that way. “I guess I’m not ruling it out, but I’m not interested in actively looking. I’d rather...” What?

  “Rather what?”

  She loved how on the same page they were today. “If we experiment, I’d rather it start with me and you.”

  “I’m fantastic with that.” He dropped onto the edge of the mattress and pulled her down with him.

  The result was a tangled mess and a bit of giggling, before they adjusted so she sat facing him, her legs tucked to one side.

  “You have to tell me what you want, though,” Parker said. “I guess we’ve never had that conversation.”

  Wyatt seemed to instinctively know. But that wasn’t fair or reasonable. “Can I start with a bit of everything?”

  “Probably not, but only because everything is a big list. We could do one-quarter of everything today, and fit the rest in tomorrow.” Parker winked.

  What should she say? There was an entire dungeon of fantasy tucked inside her thoughts, but she didn’t know where to start. “It’s too bad you had to lock in your channel description before the contest started.”


  “You could do travel reviews of the best hotels to have kinky sex in and the best positions for each one. Give Ms. Passion a run for her sex-toy affiliate code.” Fiona liked the sound of that. Showing that woman up at her own thing.

  “I don’t think we draw the same crowd.”

  “No, but people do watch you for the sex appeal. I did.” She traced a finger up his inner thigh, to emphasize her point.

  He sucked in a sharp breath, as she drew higher. “Past tense?” he asked.

  “Because I’m with you now. I get the full experience. Besides...” She trailed off as her mind caught up with what she was about to say. She needed to make sure it didn’t come out as discouraging. “Your format has changed since I got here. You’re more guarded. Less... flirty.”

  A frown shadowed across his face. “I do that for you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want you to change the way you film, for me.”

  “Besides not mentioning you, making my filming locations match your work schedule—”

  “No.” She didn’t want this. This arrangement was supposed to make it possible for both of them to do what they loved. “The first doesn’t have anything to do with how you talk to the camera. The second, I appreciate. I adore having you by my side so much, but if it’s not working for you, don’t blame me.”

  “It’s not blame. It’s a statement of fact. We’ve both changed since the contest began, and that’s going to reflect in how I talk to the camera.”

  That wasn’t the same as what he’d started saying, but she didn’t want to pick a fight. The one with Nick was bad, but she was tired of arguing with Parker. “I still love the format and think your channel is awesome. And I’m not just saying that because I get to fuck the star of the show.”

  His smile no longer reached his eyes. “Thanks.”

  Turned out despondent Parker was almost as bad as argumentativ
e. That sucked.


  WYATT HAD TO PUSH, to finish his work at the call center in the morning. Even then, he didn’t get out until after two. He’d already adjusted his schedule to be in town when Fiona was, and as he wrapped up for the day, he wished he hadn’t.

  He knew she’d take him up on his offer. Been so certain, he was willing to call in a couple of favors, to make sure he was here at the same time as her.

  Now, he had to respect her no, and that meant working not to run into her. She made herself clear. He might be arrogant and aggressive, but he wouldn’t stalk her. The stunt he pulled in Atlanta, placing himself as her lunch date, left a bad taste in his mouth.

  He’d avoided her in the building today. Now he could grab a late lunch at a local place no one in the office ever went to, and then head back to his hotel, to work.

  The short drive was pleasant. He loved this little suburb. This time of day, traffic wasn’t bad, and the sandwich shop wouldn’t be busy. It would give him time to sit and bullshit with the staff. That was always fun.

  He was smiling by the time he reached his destination. As he pushed through the front door, a little bell chimed. So kitschy. So perfect.

  “This was fantastic, thank you.” A familiar voice drifted toward him, and he groaned inwardly. Parker.

  Sure enough, he stood near the front counter, camera gear slung over one shoulder, as he chatted with the owner, Mike.

  Wyatt could find another place for lunch. He turned to leave, and had his hand on the door, when he heard, “Are you kidding me with this?”

  Busted. Which was ridiculous, because Wyatt was the opposite of up to something. He pasted on a pleasant mask and turned back to face Parker.

  “How’s it going?” Wyatt closed the distance between them, to keep the conversation quiet, in case it wasn’t civil.

  Parker snorted. “I can’t believe you’re here. Fiona told you no.”

  “Which is why I’m here, and not at the call center. If I wanted to follow Fiona, I’d put myself where she is, rather than going out of my way to be where she’s not.” Irritation crept into his tone.

  Parker rolled his eyes. “So you happened to walk into the same place I was filming—”

  “You’ve stopped announcing your schedule beforehand.” Wyatt wasn’t in the mood to be lectured. He wanted his lunch. “So if you’re going to spin it that way, you happened to be filming in the place I always eat lunch when I’m in town.”

  Parker faltered. “I heard they make an incredible meatball sub here.”

  They did. It was the house specialty, and it was a mess to eat. Worth it, though. “And?”

  “I wasn’t disappointed.”

  “Hey.” Mike interrupted, voice cheerful. “I didn’t know you two were friends.”

  Wyatt clapped Parker on the shoulder. “Absolutely. We go way back. Can I get my usual, to go?” It wouldn’t be the meatball sub. That didn’t work well with white shirts and eating on a park bench. But he’d learned to make the hand-carved turkey yield.

  Mike hollered Wyatt’s order back to the kitchen, then turned back to him and Parker. “Up in five. Let me know if I can get either of you anything else.” He returned to his work.

  Wyatt pulled out a seat to wait, hiding his pleased surprise when Parker grabbed the chair across from him, spun it backwards, and straddled it.

  Parker rested his arms on the back of the seat. “So maybe you know the place.”

  “Thanks for the consensus,” Wyatt said dryly. Inspiration struck, and he almost felt like a cartoon character with a light bulb going on above his head. Could he work his way back into the couple’s good graces through Parker? Maybe tearing them apart was a bad idea. “What’s your afternoon look like?”

  “Editing this footage. Trying to stay out of any fistfights. Praying to God this place doesn’t change its mind about signing the release form.”

  The fistfight comment caught Wyatt’s attention, but before he could ask, Mike returned with his food. “On the house. As thanks for your friend’s free advertising.”

  “Absolutely not.” Wyatt plucked a twenty from his wallet. “Keep the change. But I’m glad you’re working with Parker. I’m a huge fan of his show.”

  Mike grinned. “He’s a nice guy, and who am I to turn down publicity? Besides, it was a lot of fun.” He shook Parker’s hand. “Catch you both around.”

  Wyatt grabbed the paper bag with his lunch and stood. “I’m going for a walk in the park, if you want to join me,” he said to Parker.

  “Not really.” Parker fell into step beside him anyway. “Thanks for the good word.” He sounded genuinely grateful.

  Yeah, this could work. “I don’t have to be in the office this afternoon. In fact, I’m trying to avoid it, for the previously mentioned redheaded reason. If you’ve got an hour or two, I’ll give you the highlights tour of the town.”

  “Don’t you want to eat?”

  Wyatt nodded across the street. “We’ll start there. I can point out a lot of from a bench.”

  “What’s the catch?” Parker crossed the road with him.

  “Why do you assume there’s a catch?”

  Parker gave a short laugh. “Gee, I wonder why I might not trust that your intentions are altruistic.”

  Wyatt brushed some loose grass from a wooden bench and made himself comfortable. “The longer I keep you talking, the more likely I am to find my way back into your lives.” Sometimes honesty was the best deception. “And if it doesn’t work, I have some company for the afternoon, regardless.”

  “It’s not going to work, but I’ll take the tour anyway.”

  “Perfect.” This was what Wyatt needed.

  Except, despite the confidence flowing through and out, he wondered if this was a mistake. He should let Fiona go. Trying to forget Fiona last time didn’t work so well for him, but if she decided to take this to his bosses and complain about harassment, it would cost him his job. Besides, he was acting like an obsessed fucking puppy.

  So why wasn’t any of that enough to make him stop?

  PARKER LEANED BACK against the warm wood of the bench and enjoyed the heat of the sun on his face. It clashed with a gentle breeze and set the air at the perfect temperature.

  He couldn’t believe he was sitting with Wyatt, while the man ate lunch, and listening to a brief history of this town and some of its lesser-known attractions. The part of him that wanted to tell this guy to fuck off, again, was eerily silent.

  It wasn’t as if Parker had let his defenses down, though. Wyatt used him and Fiona, and if he was offering an olive branch in the form of help with filming—ulterior motives or not—Parker was going to take it.

  This was also a chance to figure out what Fiona saw in Wyatt. Parker saw an arrogant man, who wasn’t afraid to use people but managed to stay fucking sexy in the process.

  And something about that drew Parker in. It was the same un-nameable quality that compelled him to accept any of Wyatt’s invitations—the same thing that captured Parker’s attention every time, however often he insisted to himself he was only putting up with Wyatt for Fiona’s sake.

  He was fascinated, and annoyed with himself and Wyatt because of it.

  “About two miles south, there’s a candy shop.” Wyatt threw the bag holding the crumpled remnants of his lunch in the air and caught it. “They pull the taffy by hand. If you want, I can put you in touch with the manager.”

  Parker wanted to keep the I’m so not interested demeanor in place, but the conversation wasn’t bad. He frowned when he realized how low the sun had fallen, and glanced at the clock on his phone. It was almost five. “Maybe. I’ll think about it. I need to let Fiona know where I am.” He sent her a quick text. Her reply came in a moment later. “She’ll meet me here in about ten,” he warned Wyatt.

  “That’s my cue to leave.” Wyatt stood and tossed his garbage in the nearby can.

  Parker stood too. “Thanks for the info. Seriously. It’ll make a big difference

  “You know, if Fiona gets this contract, I’ll be in a lot of the same places she will. If you want a tour guide...”

  Parker expected this. Hell, Wyatt told him it was coming. Despite his annoyance, he couldn’t help being impressed that Wyatt slid into the offer without hesitation. “I’m not going to take you up on that, because I respect Fiona’s answer. But I am curious about you’re so eager to help me out.”

  “I told you. I want to make amends for what I did. Believe it or not, I was being honest when I said I’m a fan of the show. I’m rooting for you.”

  Parker should let him go before Fiona arrived, but he needed a real answer. “I would have thought Ms. Passion would be more up your alley.”

  “She’s got her pluses. I’m not a fan of the anti-Parker-and-Fiona rhetoric, though.”

  “So your offer is completely selfless.” Parker pushed harder.

  “Fuck no. I want to spend more time with Fiona. And for you to forgive me.”

  Considering a large part of Parker’s issue with Wyatt was Fiona— “The two are a bit contradictory.”

  Wyatt shrugged and stepped closer, holding Parker’s gaze. “It doesn’t matter. I respect Fiona’s no.” His tone had shifted, and something Parker couldn’t identify mixed with the confidence. “Until she changes her mind. If you only want a list of places, I’ll give them to you, and I’ll put in a good word with the staff.”

  “And...?” Each time Parker thought he was about to get an answer, he was diverted again.

  “And nothing.”

  “You’re doing this out of the goodness of your heart?” Parker’s irritation slipped through. He didn’t like playing Wyatt’s games. “You were willing to cost Fiona everything, until you face-planted in her pussy. And now you’re going to give me this information and drop everything else?” The moment he said it, he knew he’d missed too much. Until she changes her mind.

  He was an idiot. Wyatt was doing what he said he would, and Parker chose to brush that off? Because he thought was smart enough to avoid it?


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