BETWEEN CLOUDS AND STARS: A Sexy Standalone Romance

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BETWEEN CLOUDS AND STARS: A Sexy Standalone Romance Page 11

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  “Are you in pain?” I was very worried about her.

  “A little.”

  “Where exactly does it hurt?”

  She removed her cover and pointed her finger at the stitched-up incision. I lifted her nightie and revealed her wonderful nude body to my eyes. I leaned over her and kissed the skin near the dressing. Estelle’s hips contracted in response to my touch. My fingers slid along her belly and she moaned. It was wrong to arouse her right now, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to touch her.

  “Where else does it hurt?” My voice had become hoarse.

  She pointed to the bruise on her jaw. I leaned in and very gently pressed my lips against her contused flesh. Then I slid my hot tongue along her neck. The moan she let out of her mouth made me even more aroused, but I had to control myself.

  I kissed her and with my lips pressed against hers, whispered, “I love you, my love.” I wouldn’t get bored of repeating those words until the end of my days.

  I’d always been an impatient person, so I decided now was as good a time as any. Kneeling by the bed, I took her hand in mine and blurted out, “I know this isn’t the most appropriate moment. But I can wait no longer. You’re my entire world. I can’t imagine living without you. I love you, Estelle Klide, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

  Her face displayed a mixture of surprise and shock. “Nick, you don’t have to do this. We can live together and raise our child without being married.”

  I frowned at her reply. Doesn’t she want me? I so want to make her Mrs. Frey.

  Didn’t she realize that, even though she’d hurt my pride, her refusal was making me want her even more?

  “Don’t you love me?”

  “I love you more than anything in the world.” Her delicate fingers escaped from my hand and stroked my face.

  “So what’s stopping you from accepting my proposal then? I don’t get it.”

  “What if it turns out we’re not a good match?”

  “Have you noticed anything so far to suggest that?” I felt my expression become even icier.

  “Well…no.” She shrugged.

  “So what is it then?”

  “God, I don’t actually have anything to be afraid of,” she mumbled thoughtfully, then took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Nick. I want to be your wife.”

  I stood up, leaned in and tasted her sweet-like-cherries lips.

  My Estelle! My wife! Only mine!

  “Oh, dear God! I can’t believe I just witnessed such an event,” a squeaky female voice said, interrupting our kiss. A short, plump woman stood at the door, tray in hand and a blush spreading across her rounded cheeks.

  How hadn’t I heard the door opening? Or perhaps the doctor hadn’t actually shut it when she’d left? Naturally, I was a bit embarrassed by Estelle’s reply. Especially since I knew mine hadn’t been the most romantic of proposals. In fact, it hadn’t been romantic in the slightest. But I’d make arrangements for a trip to Paris as soon as she recovered. Hire a restaurant with a view of the Eiffel Tower, and with a ring with a huge diamond in hand, fall to my knees and propose to her again. Moments ago, I hadn’t been able to wait any longer. I’d needed to hear the words “yes, I want to be your wife” from her lips.

  The woman coughed politely and, as she entered the room, said, “I’m Nurse Forrest.” She put the food tray on the retractable table attached to the hospital bed. Then she leaned toward Estelle and whispered in her ear. “You go, girl. We finally have someone who’s managed to make him settle down.” She winked at her, happy with her words. If she thought I hadn’t heard anything, she had another think coming.

  While turning around, the nurse almost knocked the tray over with her rotund belly. This annoyed me, because she might’ve spilled hot soup all over Estelle. But, thank God, it didn’t get to that.

  “I wonder whether I’d be paid if I told some gossip magazine I’d witnessed your marriage proposal?” As she uttered her question, the nurse’s cheeks started to burn an even brighter red.

  Wow, what an unpleasant woman. I decided to find her later and give her money to keep her mouth shut. But I didn’t want my future wife to find out, so I said, “If you’d be so kind, don’t mention she initially turned me down.”

  “It’s not what you think.” Estelle’s gentle voice made me turn to face her. Our gazes met, and I melted like butter at the love raging in her eyes. I’d do anything for this woman.

  Embarrassed, Estelle swallowed and continued, “After everything I’ve been through, I don’t believe marriage is that important. We can be together without wedding rings. But I won’t hide it—my heart fills with great joy at the thought of becoming Mrs. Frey.”

  The annoying nurse coughed again. “I’ll leave you two alone. If you need anything, just press the button and I’ll be here in a jiffy.”

  In a jiffy was an unlikely prospect given how clumsily, slowly, and sluggishly Nurse Forrest moved.

  “Nick.” My attention was locked back on Estelle. “I truly want to be your wife.”

  It was when I pulled the table with food near to her that I noticed the chocolates wrapped in golden paper. I unwrapped one of them and passed it to her. Estelle took it in her mouth and moaned, savoring the taste.

  “You only get to have one. I don’t want you to ruin your dinner.” I realized I sounded like a strict father, but I wanted her to eat healthily and recuperate as quickly as possible.

  I twisted the golden chocolate wrapper into the shape of a ring. Taking her hand in mine, I put the improvised ring on her finger. The setting sun was sending its last rays into the room, illuminating her face and making her irises seem even brighter.

  Suddenly, she put her arms around my neck and pulled me to her, giving me a deep kiss. When she pulled away from me, both of us could barely catch our breath. “I’ll keep this ring until the day I die.” Tears rolled down from her eyes.

  “Why are you sad, my love?” My thumb gently wiped away the wetness. “Are you in pain?”

  “I’m not sad. On the contrary, I’m happy to have met you, that we’re having a baby. I never dreamed of experiencing such happiness. Thank you for everything you do for me.”

  Fuck, I could barely hold back my tears. I’d turned into a pussy. But I was allowed a moment of weakness, given that I’d just been through hell. I’d been so worried I’d lose her. The entire day had been too emotional.



  I was almost finished making a birthday cake for our little girl, Alina, whom we affectionately called Ali. She was going to be three years old.

  While I was arranging icing roses on the cake, I could hear her laugh with her aunt, April. They were Skyping. Ali was a very clever child and had learned how to connect via the TV all by herself.

  On Saturday, we planned to hold a big party at our house in the Hamptons. We had invited many children. Ali couldn’t wait to see her grandparents, Tina and Roger Frey, who always spoiled their granddaughter rotten and brought her tons of presents. But I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make me happy. As a child, I’d often ended up without a single present, so now, seeing my daughter grow up surrounded by so much love, I couldn’t imagine being any happier.

  After some consideration, I’d decided that our house in the Hamptons was the only one I saw as and could call my home, for the reason that it was the only place where Nick hadn’t brought other women. That was also why I’d insisted on having our wedding reception here. And we’d gradually settled to live in the Hamptons on a permanent basis.

  My husband had kept his promise to Ben and bought him a fembot called Sarah. They spent most of their time with us, helping Conchita and her husband with the housekeeping.

  Ali had become really attached to Ben, who turned out to be a great babysitter. Who would’ve thought that this huge robot would be so gentle with a little girl? She’d really started to take advantage of his tolerance once she’d found he’d indulge all sorts of chil
dish mischief, such as letting her ride him like a horse.

  I loved Ben and saw him as a member of the family. To me, he was much more than just a robot. If it hadn’t been for Ben, I’d be dead and would’ve never found out what it was like to be infinitely happy. Of course, I also owed my life to my husband. If he hadn’t told Ben to clean the apartment on that day and hadn’t called 911, I wouldn’t be among the living today.

  I couldn’t imagine having a better and more devoted husband than Nicholas Frey.

  “Where’s my little princess?” Nick’s voice washed over me like a hot wave. It’d been four years since we’d met, yet I was more in love with my husband than ever. And I didn’t think those feelings would ever change.

  Ali shouted excitedly, “Daaaddy.” She then started giggling.

  “Where’s Mommy?”

  “In the kitchen, making me a cake.” My daughter’s sweet voice made me smile just when they entered the room.

  “Isn’t Mommy the most beautiful woman in the world?” Nick was holding Ali in his arms and she was beaming, one of her arms wrapped around his neck.

  “My mommy is the most beautiful, and my daddy is the strongest.”

  My husband came over to me, hugged me, and kissed me on the lips. “I missed you, my love,” he whispered tenderly.

  Ali leaned over the cake, dipped her finger into the icing and licked it. “Mmm… Mommy makes the best cakes,” she said, licking her lips.

  “Did you help her? Remember our agreement to help her more? Mommy’s pregnant and gets tired much more quickly than usual.”

  “Yes, I helped. We whisked the eggs into white foam, but Auntie April called and Mommy said I could play puppet theatre with her on Skype.”

  My son, who was growing inside my belly, kicked me, reminding me of his presence. Unlike my daughter, he moved a lot. But the doctors had reassured me this was perfectly normal.

  Nick put Ali down on her feet, knelt beside her and placed his hands on my belly. “Let’s say hi to Christian.”

  “Hi, Chris.” Ali raised her arms. Nick lifted her, and she placed her small hands on my belly and pressed her ear against it.

  “He can’t answer. But you can feel him move.” Nick took her hand and placed it on the right spot, as I’d shown them.

  “Daddy, he’s kicking. I want him to come out more quickly so I can hug him.”

  Nick and I burst out laughing. I rushed to caress my little girl’s head, leaving my other hand resting on my husband back.

  “You’ll have to be patient for a few more months.”

  To me, my family was the biggest treasure in the world. There was nothing more precious to me. I couldn’t and didn’t want to imagine a life without them. Nick, Ali, and my unborn son, Christian, were everything to me. I wouldn’t swap the love they gave me for anything.

  * * *

  It was half past eight and Ali was almost asleep. I’d just taken off my dress when the door opened and Nick walked in. He came over to me and put his hands on my belly. “The pregnancy is making you even more beautiful, honey.”

  “I feel fat and clumsy,” I said, scowling.

  “Don’t talk nonsense… You’re gorgeous. If someone were to see you from behind, they wouldn’t be able to tell that you were pregnant. Not until you turned around and they noticed your belly.” His hands slid up and down the stretched skin. “I can’t describe how sublime it feels, knowing that my son is growing here, inside you. There’s nothing more important to me than you, Ali, and this tiny creature.”

  His lips slid along my neck. I let my head hang to the side to give him better access and moaned when he bit my earlobe.

  “Mommy. I can’t sleep.” I turned to see Ali standing at the door, her hair mussed, her hands tightly gripping her cuddly beast. It was a funny, somewhat grotesque cuddly toy. Ali had fallen in love with it at first sight and it almost never left her hands, except when she was having a bath. She’d convinced herself that the beast—whom she’d named Oscar—was an enchanted prince and she had to take care of him until the spell was broken.

  “I’m afraid the witch might take Oscar away from me.”

  I should probably reconsider reading her fairy tales about enchanted princes.

  Nick went over to her and gave me a look to indicate I should go to bed and leave our daughter to him. “Hey, doll. Don’t be afraid. Witches and sorcerers don’t actually exist. People write books to entertain their readers.” He picked her up and kissed her on the cheek. Ali was so sweet in her white nightie. Like a white cherub.

  “What does ‘readers’ mean?” I heard her childish voice say out in the corridor.

  “They are…” Nick’s voice was cut off as he entered her room and shut the door.

  I took off my bra and put on my silk nightie. The fabric caressed my skin and soothed the itchiness around my nipples, which had appeared as a result of my pregnancy.

  I cocooned myself in the bed sheets and started to reread Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Despite being a great tragedy, the book was one of my favorites. Perhaps because it showed what a devastating storm can be created by people’s hate and bitterness. For some inexplicable reason, it made me value my family even more and strengthened my resolve to protect them with my own life.

  I felt hunger pangs, so I went down to the kitchen. I opened a cupboard and my eyes stopped at the delicious chocolates my husband had brought me from Belgium.

  I swallowed the saliva filling my mouth. I didn’t want to stuff myself needlessly and also had to ensure my blood sugar stayed within the normal range. So I decided to satisfy my craving with strawberries and low-fat cream. I washed the fruit in a bowl, took the cream with me and headed to our bedroom.

  I’d just settled comfortably on the bed, with my head resting on the backboard, when Nick came in. He started to undress, which couldn’t fail to attract my attention. Having lost my interest in the strawberries, I shamelessly ogled my husband’s muscular thighs and wide shoulders. He turned to look at me over his shoulder and gave me a stunning smile.

  Good God! I still felt butterflies in my stomach and was madly in love with my husband. Was that normal? After all, we hadn’t only just met, yet his stunning handsomeness had the same effect on me as in the beginning. I gazed at his beautiful brown eyes and submerged myself under a wave of heat. My gaze moved down to his prominent chest, his well-defined six-pack… Oh, heavens. Or to be more precise, thank you God for making my husband a paragon of masculinity. I felt like I’d hit the jackpot, which actually wasn’t far from the truth.

  I imagined him filling me up completely, his lips sliding along my neck, his hands…

  “Estelle.” His deep voice snapped me back to reality. “I know that horny look.” He smiled, and I patted a spot on the mattress next to me.

  “Stop dawdling and come to me. I can’t wait for you to embrace me.” The pregnancy had made me quite ungainly, so it was much easier for Nick to come to me than vice versa.

  “With great pleasure, Mrs. Frey,” he replied, pulled the bedcover aside and settled next to me. He put his arm around me, making sure he wasn’t putting too much pressure on my stomach, and then took a bite of the strawberry I was just about to eat.

  “Ali’s asleep, right? Did you lock the door?” Our daughter was still really young and didn’t understand anything, but I didn’t want to risk her walking in on us while we were making love.

  Nick tenderly kissed me on the neck. “Don’t worry. I hadn’t even finished the story when she fell into a deep sleep.”

  “We need to be careful about what stories we read to her. She has a really wild imagination. I don’t want her to have nightmares.”

  “Okay, we’ll be careful.” Nick pulled down one of the straps of my nightie, and his hot lips closed around my erect nipple.

  I moaned softly and pressed myself tighter against him. “The door.”

  He released my nipple. “Relax, it’s locked.” His insatiable mouth did the same to my right breast.

  My fingers enveloped his neck and then slid along his silky hair.

  “Oh, Nick, I want you so much.”

  He raised his head, and my heart started beating even faster, even though that shouldn’t have been possible. It was already galloping like a herd of stampeding horses.

  Nick pushed himself up and pulled me up to take off my silk nightie and my already-wet panties. Then he removed his boxers too.

  “I’m hungry, but not for strawberries.” His eyes turned even darker. Sparks of desire crackled in the space between us.

  He reached over and picked up the cream from my nightstand. “Cream and my sweet wife… What a great combination.” He unscrewed the top and squeezed out some cream on my swollen belly.

  The heat in my body intensified to actual flames when Nick leaned over me and swirled his tongue around my navel.

  “What’s my little baby doing inside?” His lips gave me feather-light kisses.


  “Very good, because his father intends to have some alone time with his gorgeous mother.”

  Nick raised himself up on his knees, lifted my leg, and ran his lips along my foot. I tried to pull it away from his hand, but he didn’t let me. “It tickles.”

  My husband was the most beautiful sight I’d ever dreamed of seeing between my legs. His manhood was stunning. His tongue slowly passed across my calf and reached the sensitive spot behind my knee.

  “Oh, don’t, it tickles. Stop it right now!” I tried to push him away.

  He grabbed my wrist so I’d let go of his hair. “Dammit, woman. You’re going to scalp me.”

  “Sorry. Did it hurt? I didn’t mean it… When I’m being tickled, I can’t control myself.”

  Nick laughed, and his powerful chest shook. “You’re like a small child. Ali’s exactly the same. Honey, try to control yourself. You’ll enjoy it, believe me.”

  “I know, but I can’t. I’m just too ticklish.”

  “Okay then. I’ll make a start on the most important part of your body.” The fire of passion ignited in his eyes. His tongue licked my thick lower lip and then he gently pulled it between his teeth, making me tremble with desire.


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