Snatched: MC Romance (Haven MC Book 1)

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Snatched: MC Romance (Haven MC Book 1) Page 6

by Carson Mackenzie

  We unhooked Stone and took him back to his cell. That had been a couple hours ago. We left him and Jacks alone just like we’d discussed earlier and I’d spent that time listening to the recorder. The tape was proof that if enough pain was administered on a man they’d tell you their life story. So needless to say when the door opened and I got a good look at Jacks’s face as Freak and Stone led him in, told me the plan had been effective and that Stone more or less talked in his passed out state.

  “Just sit him in that extra chair. He can’t get out of here and I don’t think we are going to have to strap him up and use your methods this time around.” I watched Freak pull the chair to the center of the room and he positioned it to face me.

  “I want to know what the hell that rat bastard spouted off about,” Jacks said as Shock pushed him down into the chair.

  “Ah, now you want to talk?” I cocked my brow at him.

  “You know the deal, Moose. My loyalty was with Stone, we joined Haven together under Wild Bill’s dad. And did you really expect for me to talk when you brought us here, so you could turn around and kill us earlier?”

  “Who gave you the idea we were going to kill ya?” I thought I knew, I just wanted him to verify it for me.

  “We saw the news where you killed Jacob and Don, then burnt the bodies in that house fire.” I wanted to smile, that had taken some doing. The General stepped in for us and we ended up paying for the cadavers from the nearby college that were used. The house had been an old one that was on the controlled burn list for the local fire department. But the cost was worth it.

  “Jacks, Spud, and Tater should be glad we didn’t give them over to Black Hawk. We did them one last service of being members of this club at one time. Only people to blame for their actions are themselves for being dumb enough to follow Stone in the first place.

  “Now, you want to tell me why the hell you were down in Black Hawk territory? Don’t say it was all for Carly either. You might feed that bullshit to someone else but we know better.”

  “Stone had planned to use her to get her real dad to help us out with Wild Bill. He hadn’t done his research so he didn’t know Wild Bill had been in the service with the leaders there. He was mad that Wild Bill hid Carly and Sami there because we were going to use them against him.”

  “Was that when Stone was going to let you and Creeper have a little fun with her before Kosnoff said he wanted her to be pure because she’d bring a bigger price?” I watched the shock form on his face.

  “Goddamn, that asshole told you that? We didn’t make no deal like that. Why would Creeper and I want some young girl that had more of a boy’s shape than a woman’s? We didn’t need her to have a good time, the bitch’s mother was more than willing to take and give us what we wanted, the more the merrier too.” I stopped him on that little rant because I knew it was a crock of shit.

  “Don’t call Carly a bitch, especially when you actually knew her; she was a teenager who lost her mother, thought she had a father in Stone until he found out she wasn’t really his and decided to make her pay for the mother’s deception. And you and Creeper not interested? Jacks, the club cleaned out you boys’ places after you took off with Stone. We found it all, the pics, the videos you had purchased and hidden behind the others on your TV stand. We even found a couple emails and chats with young girls on your computer. Thank God, those little girls’ families had taught them right. You closed your account, even did a basic scrub on the hard drive, that is the only reason they hadn’t busted you for it, they couldn’t find you when the parents turned you two in to the police, but nothing ever really goes away if you know where to look for it. Made me want to vomit when we brought up the video you had sent of you jacking off and asking that girl to take her shirt off. You and Creeper are two sick and perverted individuals. What’d you do with those videos? Watch them with Creeper and beat your meat while little girls took their clothes off on the screen?” Jacks’s eyes flashed and I knew I pushed the right buttons with him. He was cut from the same cloth as Stone and trying to cover for his own self.

  “You bastard,” Jacks yelled as he went to lunge for me from his chair. It didn’t work out for him since Shock and Freak stood on each side of him. When Shock hit him with the charge from the battery cables, Jacks fell back onto the chair.

  “When you catch your breath and your ears stop ringing, start fucking talking because if you don’t, Freak here is going to give you a little dose of what Stone dealt with.” Jacks’s eyes followed Freak as he put on his gloves and lifted the lid off the rattler’s cage. When Freak’s hand reached in, Jacks started talking. At one point, I pulled out my phone and texted Wild Bill so he could line a few things up.

  Jacks answered every question I asked and then some. By the time we were finished I could have killed him and Stone and never blinked an eye. When we were done, the three of us walked Jacks back to his cell next to Stone.

  “What did you tell them, Jacks?” Stone asked as I shut the cell door. Jacks laid on his cot and rolled over giving his back to Stone. “I’m going to have you killed a nice slow death!” I laughed and so did Shock and Freak who stood by the open door.

  “Yeah, I’m scared, Stone,” I said and started toward the door.

  “Kosnoff will do it too. What you did to me will be nothing compared to what he will do to you!”

  “He is going to be too busy to worry about any of us, thanks to the two of you.” Stone pushed up off his cot and stood.

  “What are you talking about? You’ve got nothing and I didn’t say shit.” Stone leaned against the bars. I reached in my pocket and took out the small recorder and pushed play. Stone’s whole demeanor changed when his voice began playing. “You can’t prove any of that!”

  “Ah, but I don’t have to.” Stone and Freak moved apart and I walked out with them at my heels. I heard the door close and lock but kept walking until I was out in the common room before I turned around.

  “They gettin’ picked up in the morning?” Shock asked.

  “Sometime tomorrow,” I answered and smiled at the two men. I knew what was bothering him. “They’ll be out of your way tomorrow. Go have a cold beer before you hit the sheets.”

  “What about the other issue?” Freak asked.

  “Ah, when we are done, they won’t be our problem.” I headed for the stairs that led up to the main clubhouse floor. I heard two doors shut as I started up the stairs.

  I knew when I reached the first floor that the others would be there, Wild Bill had called Church after I had texted him.

  When I reached his office, I knocked and waited. The day had been long and was looking to be longer.

  Chapter Eight


  “Open!” Wild Bill yelled and I opened the door and walked in his office. The others were already seated, waiting. After I took my place, Keg slapped me on the back.

  “You called that shit right, again,” he said, then handed me six one hundred dollar bills. I looked over at our prez.

  “What? Did you think I wasn’t going to go in on the bet?” The others chuckled at the Prez’s words.

  “I didn’t take you as a man who like throwing away money,” I said and pulled my wallet out to place the money in it.

  “I don’t, but paying you for winning on how long it would take to get those fuckers talking, was well worth it. They become the Feds’ issue tomorrow and Haven will damn near be on track once more. Haven’t been able to say that for few years. It feels damn good.”

  “You got that right,” Hawk agreed and so did the others.

  “As much as I enjoy taking your money, were you able to get ahold of Latch?” I asked Keg.

  “Yeah, he headed out with Taylor and Sparks after I called him. He checked in after they got to the hospital, Kathryn was still there. She doesn’t...” he looked at his watch, “get off for another four hours. They will hang there and then they will take shifts at her place when she goes home. Latch caught one of orderlies on a smoke br
eak and started a conversation with him. He found out she is off for the few days when she finishes up her shift today. That will make shit a lot easier,” Keg finished and I nodded.

  “Okay, let’s start Church and see where we are at. Hit us, Moose, with what all you’ve learned. I gotta ask though, why don’t you just let us listen to the recording?” Prez asked. It would have been much easier but the blow of some of the news was going to hit hard and close to home, like it had done for me when I first heard it.

  “I want to start with the stuff dealing with Kosnoff and Stone’s involvement with him first, because when I get to the part about Haven, tempers are going to flare.” The Prez and the others sat up straighter in their chairs. All eyes were on me.

  “Fair enough. No one interrupt him. Save any questions for after Moose is done,” the Prez said, then crossed his arms, “Begin.” I nodded in reply, then jumped right in.

  “Stone got mixed up with Kosnoff when he came across a post that most people would have overlooked because it talked of buying and selling young chicks, it had everything that made the site look as though they were dealing in poultry when actually it dealt with the selling of young girls. Stone, Jacks, and Creeper liked to dabble with the young and trust me that is putting it mildly. Stone met with a man and they worked out a deal on Stone and his boys getting the use of a few young girls free if they would transport and sell drugs and guns for them. The man he made the deal with worked for Kosnoff. After a while, Stone saw the amount of drugs and the cash coming in for them and started skimming both. You don’t get to where Kosnoff is by being stupid, and it didn’t take him long to figure it out. To keep from being killed, Stone cut a deal, not only would they continue what they were doing for Kosnoff already, they stepped it up a level and were supplying young girls for the trafficking part of Kosnoff’s operation. Since Stone and the boys were doing such a good job, Kosnoff promised to help him take over Haven, so there was nothing or no one to step in their way.

  “Paul Stevens, Kathryn’s dad, pretty much ended up in the same circumstance as Stone when he used bad judgment in borrowing Kosnoff’s money to try to make him more. Kosnoff kept Paul in line by threatening his family but what he didn’t tell Paul was they had no intention of harming his wife, only Kathryn. That is why I texted you and then wanted some men on her. I also have an idea that might push Paul enough to be a willing participant in taking Kosnoff down. Something the Feds have been trying to do but can’t get near the man. It doesn’t help that they never knew what he looked like before, they only had his name, and that he is Russian, wealthy, and loved in the shipping industry.

  “They at least know what he looks like now though, since I texted my dad too and had him dig in his pictures and find the one with him in it and had him forward it to the Feds. The man has never been married but has had plenty of women, women no one can locate after he is done with them and while they were with him, they tended not to want to bite the hand that was feeding them so they wouldn’t give any information on him.” I stopped and took a drink out of the coke can that was setting on table when I came in. My brothers must have known I would need the boost and beer was out of the question. At least while attending to business.

  “Goddamn, that shit could be a movie or at the very least a book. What happened that made Stone run, instead of staying and using Kosnoff’s help in taking over?” Hawk asked.

  “Several things led to that. Carly moving in with Prez was one. Stone, Jacks, and Creeper were going to sell her off to Kosnoff for trafficking.” The look on Keg’s and Wild Bill’s faces were ones of murder. I had already had that moment when Jacks had said it downstairs. “Add to that, he had been selling within the club and then the ready supply that was available to Carly’s mom started to cost him, and finally when Wild Bill started to question and get rid of some of the members who had lost their way due to the drugs, Stone’s backing was diminishing, which gave someone else the opportunity to step in. The final thing that sent him on the run was he started skimming again and it wasn’t just from Haven. Some of that in the notebook Pinch went through was Kosnoff’s money. I’m going to take it that Madison hasn’t gotten back to you on that account, has she?” I asked and Pinch shook his head no.

  “No need for her to comprise her job. The money was going into that account for a reason. And that is the reason for our latest couple of issues in the club. Plus, I have a gut feeling that is more than just dealing with them. We have to let that one lay for just a little while longer because we don’t want Kosnoff to take off to Russia before the Feds have everything they need to take him down and charge him. They want him for it all.”

  “How are they expecting to get him on the trafficking? Only hope they are going to have is with Stone and Jacks, and that is if they know where and how they are doing it,” Crank interrupted.

  “That is why you had me call the General, so he could push the Feds to look into the case they are working on against Paul?” I nodded in agreement to my prez and then he yelled, “Sonofabitch, those fake e-trade accounts Mr. Stevens set up. Fuckers weren’t Kosnoff’s fake accounts, they were trafficking payments from the damn buyers of the girls he was selling.” My lips twitched, I would have bet money on one of them figuring that out when I laid out everything.

  “Did you get that from Stone or Jacks, or did you figure it out? ‘Cause I gotta say, if you figured that out, Moose, you are one scary and smart motherfucker,” Tram said and coming from him that was a helluva a compliment.

  “He uses that woo woo thinking while we are out on a job. How the fuck do you think he always figures out were the terrorist assholes are hold up?” Keg said and smacked Tram on the back.

  “Prez is correct. Stone and Jacks both mentioned about some accounts that were set up for the buyers to funnel money, and I knew Paul had set the fake accounts up, it wasn’t a far reach. We should know soon enough on those. The trafficking, they used the Peace Arch Crossing and knew the times the guard they had on payroll would be working. Which by the way, is probably being picked up now for questioning and that is going to piss Kosnoff off when he finds out. Anyway they would take them up to Vancouver, cross into Alaska, and head to the Bering Sea. If you recall, the news said a Chinese ship was spotted close there, well, it was Kosnoff’s buyer picking up. Sometimes his own ships would if they were making the journey back to Vladivostok because it would have been easy to do drops or arrange pick up for them since Tokyo, Japan; Beijing, China; Korea, all set close to the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific. The man has greased so many hands that when they do take him down, a lot of jobs are going to open up after everyone goes down.

  “Not that I don’t care, because Kosnoff is the Feds problem; at least now I know Kathryn will be safe.” I took another drink to prepare for the next bit of information I had to share. I could tell Wild Bill was getting impatient because his leg bounced under the table and his fingers tapped the top.

  “Alright, is that it with the club? Other than waiting to handle the last two issues,” Wild Bill asked.

  “No, just a couple more things. Some you know already from the shit that went down with Carly and the Black Hawks. Stone admitted to killing Speed’s dad, and their mom by fixing the needle that caused her overdose and then he dumped her body in an alley by a dumpster. That happened after he found out Carly wasn’t his and her mom had threatened to leave and take her to Cutter, her and Speed’s real dad.

  “The Haven VP from before Stone was Ratchet, right?” I looked toward Wild Bill.

  “Yeah, he and my dad had been best friends. They grew up together in the club.” Wild Bill’s brow furrowed and I knew when it hit him. “Are you telling me that fucker was responsible for Ratchet’s death?” He pushed his chair back, stood, and slammed his hands down on the table.

  “Yes, Stone and Jacks. Stone promised Jacks he would talk your dad into bringing him into the leadership.”

  “Goddamn, I should go down and kill that motherfucker now.” Wild Bill walked back an
d forth across the office floor. We sat and watched until he walked up and stood in front of me. “Stone and Jacks were with my dad when he was shot. They told me he died on the spot and they couldn’t bring him back because the damn deal they were doing went bad and they had to get out quick. I never questioned them about leaving his body behind. I had his body sent from the morgue to the mortuary. That was after the cops notified me of his death and then they told me that he was shot in an open field and the only evidence that others were there was the tire tracks left behind.” As I looked over at Keg when Wild Bill put his hand on Keg’s shoulder, Keg didn’t look up. He sat there with his head bowed down.

  It was quiet in the office while we let the two men take a few minutes to grieve again for the loss of their family member. As I watched them, I tried to imagine what I would do if my dad had been killed and I had the man responsible in arm’s reach. It was too late now but I should’ve waited to tell them after the Feds picked Stone and Jacks up.

  We’d been in Church for so long that the sun was up and it shined through the blinds. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time and it buzzed just as someone knocked at the door. I read the text from Latch letting me know that Kathryn was gathering her stuff to leave and he would be the one to watch her at home for the first shift instead of Taylor. I texted Latch back to let him know I would be at my house if he needed me and when I looked back up Roach stepped in the office.

  “Feds are pulling around the back, Prez,” Roach said, then looked at the rest of us and lifted his chin.


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