Affairs & Atonements

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Affairs & Atonements Page 14

by Cartharn, Clarissa

“Yes… yes,” drawled Ashton. “Marshall… you need to come get Marshall too.”

  Christy slapped her forehead in disbelief. Marshall wasn’t in his room?

  “Are you drinking with Marshall?” she asked, racing up the stairs towards Marshall’s room. She turned the knob and it was unlocked. She stepped inside carefully, just in case Ashton was completely out of his drunken mind. But she could already sense there wasn’t anyone in it.

  “Yes. Come and get me and Marshall.”

  “Stay right there,” she growled. “I’m coming to get you both.”


  She followed the tail-lights of Margaret’s pick-up, maneuvering her crew cab expertly in the dark. She gave one angry glance at Ashton sleeping in the passenger seat, his head braced against the window.

  They turned right into their driveway and parked alongside each other. Christy leaped out first.

  “I’m really sorry about waking you up at such a late hour, Margaret,” she said. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Don’t you worry about it, honey.” Margaret rubbed her arms gently. “Men will be men. And I know you don’t agree with what Marshall has done, but I’m glad he took Ashton out. Sometimes, they just need to sort things out over a glass of beer.”

  “A glass- yes. They drank a ton, Marge,” she grumbled. “I didn’t want Marshall going getting drunk right before traveling to Bennett. What would Beth say? That is why I opened an expensive bottle of Chardonnay.”

  Marshall slammed his door behind him. “No disrespect to Chardonnay, but wine doesn’t cut it as much as beer. So am I forgiven?”

  “Yes, I guess.” She scowled.

  “Really? Love you sis.” He wrapped his arms around her tightly, giving her a small hug.

  “Oh, you knew I would forgive you, you smart-ass.” She slapped him away. “Now, go to bed, you slobbering drunk. You’ve got an early flight tomorrow.”

  “Yes, yes.” He put an arm around Margaret and kissed her on the temples. “Come on, darling. Let’s go to bed.”

  “What about you?” Margaret asked Christy. “Aren’t you coming?”

  “I might stay with him for a little while.” She gave a small nod towards Ashton still sleeping in the crew cab. “Just to make sure he is okay.”

  “That would be good,” said Margaret. “He looks as if he’s completely out of it. He could get sick.”

  “The man cannot hold his liquor. Totally executive. Not like us hard-hats.” Marshall chuckled.

  “That’s not something to be proud of, Marshall,” Christy growled.

  “I think it is.” Marshall perked up his chin proudly and defiantly.

  “But what in the world did you give him to drink?”

  He scratched the crown of his head. “I don’t know. There was this list and we just worked our way down it.” He chuckled again. “The man cannot hold down his liquor.”

  “Oh, for god sakes, go to bed, Marshall,” Christy let out tiredly.

  “Come on, beautiful,” he said, pulling Margaret along with him.

  “Listen, honey,” Margaret said quickly before he could drag her any further. “Why don’t you sleep-in tomorrow? Don’t worry about, Marshall. I’ll take him to the airport.”

  “But, Margaret-”

  “Tut. You deserve it. You’ve been working late and this midnight trip is not going to do you any good. You need that extra sleep when you can get it. As for Marshall, he’ll be asleep on his flight back to Denver and then he’ll get another good nap on his bus to Bennett. He’s gonna get all the time he needs to sleep off his inebriety before he even meets Beth.”

  “Thanks, Margaret.”

  Margaret smiled and glanced at Ashton. “You better get him to bed too.”

  “Marge, come on,” Marshall called out to her. “I ain’t letting you walk in the dark alone, beautiful.”

  “I should go before he wakes the entire lodge up,” Margaret giggled. “Goodnight, honey.”


  Christy opened the passenger door of her truck and sighed as she looked at Ashton.

  “Ashton.” She shook him but all he did was groan. “Ashton, you’ve got to help me a bit, okay?”

  She tugged him out of the vehicle and then shouldered him as she slammed the door shut. She pulled in another deep breath before heaving him into the lodge and up the stairs to his bedroom.

  She threw him onto his bed and slumped down beside him, trying to catch her breath.

  “Christy,” he mumbled.

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Come here.”

  She frowned and leaned towards him. Was he sick? God, please let it not be alcohol poisoning. Should she call for an ambulance?

  He pulled her onto his chest, caressing her face. “I love you.”

  She froze, her skin prickling at the sounds of his words. Her eyes welled with her tears. I love you too. She laid her chin on his chest, her body suddenly heavy and immovable. She wanted it to be real. She felt his heart beat against her face, the warmth of his body enveloping her. She felt comfortable. It’s where she belonged.

  She sniveled, shaking her tears away. She sat back up and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Yeah, sure you do. Let’s see if you feel the same way when your senses return to you tomorrow. Yep, you’ll be racing back to Naomi. Na-ooooo- mi.” Why did all models have to be called Naomi? She scrunched her nose. “If I had some fancy name like that, perhaps you’d have given me a second look too, wouldn’t you?”

  She peeled his clothes off one at a time, trying not to pay too much attention to his now near-naked body and what it was doing to the heat rising in the core of her womanhood. She left his drawers on, saving what was left of his dignity.

  “I can’t believe you drank yourself out of your mind,” she muttered, trying to mask the sexual hoarseness in her voice. She glanced down at the bulge in his skivvies and she felt the wetness between her thighs creaming the crotch of her panties. She groaned and pulled the covers over him. He wasn’t helping make this any easy on her.

  She unbuttoned and pulled down her jeans. She pulled her top off and then unhooked her bra from under her nude camisole. She had to sleep with him just to be certain he would be fine through the night. At least, that was what she was telling herself as she slipped under the covers beside him.

  She turned, keeping her back faced to him. He was too much of a temptation for her. She only hoped she would get some sleep without consistently being disturbed by her sinful visions of them doing more than just sleeping together.

  “Christy,” he moaned and in one swift movement, he pulled her into his arms, his legs thrown over her hips.

  She was now looking directly at his Adam’s apple. She watched it move slightly as he swallowed and she couldn’t resist feeling it with the tips of her fingers. They traveled slowly up his throat to his jaw, where they rested, caressing it, feeling his stubbles prickle against them.

  He moved, resting his chin on her head. And she smiled, snuggling into the curve of his neck.


  He awoke with an urgency to urinate and he reluctantly rose out of bed. He ruffled the crown of his head sleepily as he headed towards the bathroom. His gaze fell upon the black and white forestry wall paper while he relieved himself. It was mysterious, possessing elements of intrigue and adventure.

  He scratched his chin. He wasn’t sure if he wanted adventure in his bathroom. He preferred something more relaxing and hypnotizing. He wondered if Christy had anything to do with the choice of wall paper. It certainly exhibited her tastes.

  He sighed. They were so different. Rarely did they share anything similar. If he was attracted to one thing, she liked the other. Naomi, on the other hand, lived in the same world as he did. He wasn’t sure if he could settle for the simplicities of life which Christy craved. Perhaps, she was right. He should just let her go.

  He pulled his briefs back up and ambled lazily towards the bed again. He stopped short, for the first time noticing the w
oman sprawled on his bed. Her hands were tucked under her head and her long dark hair was splayed over his pillows.

  He leaned back tiredly onto the door frame of his bathroom, watching her. Was there any woman more beautiful? He stood there at a distance, afraid to touch her in case it was indeed a dream and she’d flitter away into nothingness. Probably, he was still drunk and she was just his visions, his hallucinations.

  But what if she was real? He’d most likely wake her up and she would lecture him on how wrong it was and run away like she always did. And he didn’t want that. He wanted her on his bed- and under him, if it was possible.

  He returned to the bathroom. He stunk of booze and stale morning breath. He glanced at himself in the bathroom, lifting his chin up to have a good look at his stubbles.

  This was the first time he had woken up next to her and he smelled almost repulsive. Time for a shave, Ashton. Or you’ll be guaranteed to lose her this time.


  The bed creaked and she felt the left of the mattress depress. She blinked open her eyes, catching sight of the morning light seeping in through the blinds. She smelled fresh lime and male musk mingle in the air, and she pulled in a deep breath of pleasure, sending erotic waves directly down to her core.

  She turned to find the source and smiled. “What time is it?”

  “Well after nine o’clock,” he said. He lay on his side, his eyes roaming over her face, his head braced in his hand. “Did I wake you? I tried my best to not disturb you.”

  “No. It was my bio-alarm clock rather. Why is it so dark then?”

  “I think it might rain.”

  She bit her lower lip, staring back at him quietly. “I should go.”

  “No, don’t.” He moved quickly, his hand sweeping over her waist, his body moving over hers.

  “I have to. Marshall-”

  “Marshall’s flight was at eight-thirty. He must be in the air just about now.”

  She palmed her forehead, regret sweeping over her. “I should have turned my phone alarm on. I should have been there when he left.”

  “You should have done nothing.” He moved her hand away from her face. “Marshall knows you love him. And he also knows how much you need to take some time-off for yourself for once.”

  Her eyes met his and she was immediately caught in his gaze, having no will to shake him off. “You shaved,” she whispered. Her fingers caressed his jaw, feeling the smoothness of his skin.

  He moved slightly, adjusting himself above her and a droplet of water fell to her cheek. She broke her gaze, noticing the dampness clinging to his hair. She ran her fingers through his dark mane, relishing its coolness.

  He lowered his head, his lips softly touching hers.

  I don’t need this. I mustn’t let him do this to me. I must stop feeling… feel-

  She opened her mouth and let him in. His tongue probed delightfully inside, playfully wrangling with hers. Her fingers tangled tightly into his hair, pulling him further into her.

  He pulled her camisole up and above her head. Her breasts fell in full view and he grasped it, kneaded it, played with it before teasing her nipple with his teeth, tantalizing her areola with his tongue.

  She arched with pleasure, her core growing wet and dripping, eager to have him inside her. She reached out for his cock, tugging it out of his skivvies. She wrapped her palm around his erection, squeezing it gently, running her hand up and down his length.

  He groaned. “Christy, stop,” he begged. “Not like this. Not today.”

  He unclasped her hand from his member, laying soft kisses on her palm. He trailed down to her womanhood, leaving a path of wet kisses until he found her throbbing clitoris. He pushed her thighs apart, running his tongue along her slit, taunting her clit until she pleaded for him to fill her.

  He guided himself into her and pushed himself to the hilt. She cried from the erotic pleasures it did to her mind, imploring him to take her harder, faster, and deeper.


  She lay on his bed, looking up at him as he played with her hair splayed about her.

  “I wasn’t too rough, was I?” he asked.


  “You just look awfully quiet. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she whispered. She pulled in a deep breath and tried to slip to the side from under him. “It’s late, Ashton. It’s time I get some work done.”

  “For heaven’s sake, Christy. It’s about to rain. Can’t you take a day off for once?”

  She pushed him off and pulled on her clothes as quickly as she could. “No, because this is my business and my home. There is no one else to make sure that everything runs smoothly as it should. You’ll go back to being the fancy advertising executive while I’ll be left holding the dust-pan, cleaning up all the dirt after this rendezvous.”

  “What does that mean?” He frowned.

  “It means you can afford to have an affair because you’re on vacation, Ashton. I’m not.”

  “Hey, wait a minute!” He jumped out of bed stark naked, rushing up to her and blocking her pathway before she could exit his room. “I didn’t force you to sleep with me. You wanted it just as much as I did.”

  “Yes, I did,” she replied sharply. “But the dream is over and we’re awake and back to reality. Now, could you please get out of my way? I have things to do.”

  “Right. Of course,” he muttered angrily. “Yeah, sure. I get it. This was just a lay and we were conveniently available. Thanks. It was great, just so you know.”

  He moved aside to let her pass. She stood riveted at her spot though, her legs growing numb and wobbly. His words had hit her directly into her heart. He had said them once before. By the way, thanks for the fuck. It was great, she recalled their first night together as a couple. And despite his callousness, she still loved him.

  She bit her trembling lips and started towards the door.

  “Christy,” he said firmly. “If you walk out of that door, I’m not coming after you. Not this time.”

  She shut the door behind her and stood in the empty hallway of her lodge. Her mind reeled with the visions of their conversation. A tear trickled down her cheek. She walked in a daze as she descended the staircase. A little part of her hoped he would come after her. But he didn’t. And she should be grateful that he hadn’t. Yes, it had hurt to walk out of there. It hurt to let him go. But if she had stayed, hoping that he would stay too, it would have hurt her more. Because sooner or later, someone would have to leave.


  He punched into the air furiously, stamping his feet in rage. He threw his head back, clinging onto his nape with frustration.

  What the fuck was she doing! One minute she writhed in his arms, begging him to take her and the next she was as cold as ice.

  He was tired of the emotional roller coaster she was putting him through. It was like she had tossed him into a washer, wrung him inside-out and then spun him dry.

  He wasn’t going to deal with this anymore. He wanted out. He had done his best to show her he cared. But not anymore. He had never allowed a woman do this to him. Except, Christy. It had always been Christy.

  He was going to end his three weeks with JR and then he would never have to see her again. He was going to have to make arrangements for JR’s visits. Because he sure as hell was never coming to Puyallup again!

  He pulled on his clothes and raced down to the crew cab. For now though, he needed to get away from the lodge. He needed to calm down before he could face his son again.


  Heavy rain clouds clustered in the sky, darkening out the sun. Lightning flashed, preceding claps of thunder.

  He pressed down onto his accelerator, heading down the highway and away from Puyallup. His mind recapped every inch of their conversation.

  What had happened? When had it turned a wrong course?

  He veered to the side of the road and skidded to an abrupt stop. He banged onto the steering wheel furiously, le
tting out a scream embodying eleven years of bottled frustration.

  He recalled the tumultuous episodes of emotions he had been through all those years back. Anger, rage, hurt. He had thought finding Christy would put him at peace again. Instead, she had worsened his obsession for her.

  Now, he was running from her. Where was he gonna go? Philadelphia? It wasn’t even far enough, because he knew exactly where he would find her. And that little detail wasn’t going to do him any good at all.

  He leaned his head wearily against the wheel, thinking for a long time. He then turned his blinker on and swerved back towards Puyallup.


  He pulled up in the driveway and walked hastily into the house.

  He found Margaret in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the guests in the lodge. She had a tray of delicious chicken finger sandwiches laid out before her and was in the process of filling out a second.

  “Margaret,” he said.

  She spread the filling onto another slice of bread. “Are you hungry? Do you want a sandwich?” she asked without looking up at him.

  “Umm… no,” he said, glancing down at the trays. “Margaret, have you seen Christy?”

  “She was cleaning out the stables. Could you tell her to wrap-it up? It’s going to pour and I don’t want her caught in the rain.”

  He rushed out the door, and towards the stables. He found her collecting the horse blankets she had hung out to dry.

  “Christy,” he called out.

  “I can’t talk right now, Ashton,” she replied tersely as she heaved the blankets into the stables.

  “Well, I do. “

  “This is not the time.”

  He grabbed her wrist, stopping her in the middle of her task. “If I left it to you, you’d never have time.”

  “Let me go,” she threatened.

  He glared at her, holding her wrist tighter than before.

  She shook him off and marched back outside. She tugged at a bale of hay, trying to pull it inside the stable.


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