Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance

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Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance Page 16

by Katie Wright

  I did but the car seemed to swerve around me back and forth. I waved to go around but they wouldn't. Finally I pulled over preparing to go back to Casey's when the car finally sped around me and flew down the street.

  "Fucking asshole." I could feel my heart beating faster by the second. I tried to calm myself but just felt the need to cry and let it all out.

  I sat in the car a good twenty minutes until I felt good enough to drive back. I hoped I'd never run into that car or driver again.

  Chapter 16: Three Men's a Charm

  I should have taken Casey's advice but the opportunity never arose. Now I found myself inside Dan's apartment (did I mention in Philly) and sitting on his couch. There were sheets of paper covering his coffee table. All the work we had to do in a giant pile before me.

  Dan came out of his kitchen with two bottles.

  "Wanna a beer?" He handed me a cold one before I was even allowed to answer.

  I sat up a little straighter on his couch, "Suuure…"

  It was opened so I took a sip which I instantly regretted. Beer wasn't really my drink of choose.

  "Okay then, here are Sanders and Potter. Did you bring what I asked for?"

  Surprisingly he wanted to do work. Relieved I smiled and picked up my satchel. I pulled out copies of the letters I found from Captain Potter.

  "Here you go."

  Dan picked them up. "See here," he pointed to a name on a ship's log.


  "Well here Captain Potter mentions taking aboard a slave. Although he didn't mention the name but on the log of people aboard the ship there is an 'x.'"

  "What does that mean?" I have to say little historical mysteries are what inspired me to become a history major. Although through school I only worked on research papers with dull theses. I did nothing but write fact to fact without any interest in the subject matter I was working on.

  Dan's face brightened, "Slaves tended to write their signatures with an 'x' due in part to no schooling. What's really interesting is why he was on a whaling vessel."

  "It's a mystery."

  Dan laughed, "Yeah it is."

  Maybe I wouldn't have to tell Dan how I wanted to have meetings at my house instead of his apartment.

  Dan continued to look down the list of names, "Here's another one. I wonder why they had them aboard. It's also interesting he mentions them."


  "The captain."

  After another hour of looking for more signatures we realized there were none. Dan would have to go through more logs tomorrow.

  I looked over at his walk clock, almost nine o'clock.

  I moved to get up.

  "You're going already?" Dan gave me something that almost looked like puppy eyes but to me he couldn't pull it off.

  "Actually I was wondering where your bathroom was."

  "Oh," he nodded towards a hallway, "Past the kitchen and through the bedroom. There's two doors, one's a closet the next is the bathroom."

  I nodded, "Okay."

  I walked through the kitchen and then towards the hallway which dead ended. There was only one way to go. I stepped into Dan's bedroom and switched on a light. It wasn't what I had expected. It was immaculate. No clothes on the floor, and his comforter was white. Pristine in appearance it kind of gave me the creeps. I know there are some men that are clean but I didn't even think I saw a shoe or anything misplaced.

  I turned around to open the bathroom door but realized I had opened the closet. His clothes were evenly placed and in rows of specific colors. I wondered what his dresser drawers were like.

  Then I noticed something out of place. A row of shoe boxes on a shelf with the list of dates on them. They were all written in black magic marker. One said, 'August 2005,' then there was a September and October also.

  Footsteps were coming in my direction so I quickly shut the doors and jumped into the bathroom.

  I heard from the outside, "Heather is everything okay?"

  "Yeah, sorry, I, uh have gas." I smacked myself on the head.

  "Oh," I heard him mutter. And then the footsteps retreated.

  Well at least it had worked. I wondered what was in the boxes. It was possible they were for his research. I tried not to make a big deal about it and went about my business. Once I got out I told Dan I wasn't feeling very good. He accepted my excuse readily and in fifteen minutes I was home and safe in bed.

  The next day I went into work and found out Dan would not be coming in and that I also didn't have to see him that night.

  I was a little relieved and was looking forward to a night of doing absolutely nothing when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the caller.

  I answered, "Hey Anthony!"

  "Hey Heather," said the chipper male voice at the other end.

  Anthony Ragone was a friend from college. Well we were a little more than friends especially before we both graduated. Our celebrating got a little out of hand due to some drinking and rousing from our friends we both found ourselves making out on one of my couches with everyone around us.

  The day after wasn't very awkward since we were close friends and at least I thought Anthony was good enough to make out with. In addition I knew we'd only see one another for a week and then he'd return to Ohio or was it Indiana. We corresponded briefly over e-mails but fell out of touch.

  "So what's going on? I wasn't expecting to hear from you."

  "Yeah ever again right?" He laughed.

  I pouted, "I didn't mean it that way!"

  He chuckled, "I know I was joking. With your consent I was wondering if we could hang out."

  "Hang out? In Indiana?"

  "No in Philadelphia and I lived in Ohio."

  "Ohio," I cursed to myself. Never second guess one self. "Wait you live in Ohio so why are you Philly?"

  "I moved there yesterday. I have an apartment off of South Street. And I remembered you're not too far from here so I figured I'd give you a call."

  Oh wow I couldn't believe it, "Wow yeah sure. When did you want to?"

  "Well I was thinking about tonight if it isn't too short of notice?"

  I was excited. I missed my friends from school, the only time I spoke to them were over brief e-mails. "Actually I'm free tonight!"

  "Haha, okay then. But I hate to ask you if you wouldn't mind coming here since I don't have a car and I don't know where I'm going."

  "Yes, sure. Where off of South Street?"

  After getting off the phone with Anthony and finding out where he lived which wasn't too far from Dan's, yippy, I drove right over.

  I looked at the four story apartment building. I pushed the call button and was immediately buzzed in. Anthony should have really made sure it was me before buzzing me in.

  I went up and noticed his door was open. I knocked and looked in. There were tons of boxes all over the floor, some opened and spewing its contents and some not.

  The apartment was in actuality a loft. As soon as one entered you found yourself looking up at the twenty foot ceilings and over to the fifteen foot windows. The place was very naked but he had just moved in yesterday.

  "Anthony?" I called out.

  A brown head popped out from the far end of the room. It was Anthony in a yellow long sleeved t-shirt and pair of brown corduroy pants.

  "Heath!" He ran over to me and spun me.

  "Ah! Tony I'm going to be sick!" He let go of me and looked me over.

  "You look good."

  I pretended to be coy and patted his arm, "Oh stop."

  He spun around, "Well what about me, don't I look good too?"

  I snickered, "Yes you do you ass."

  "And that's not the only thing that looks good."

  I shook my head. The 'Italian Stallion' was not an understatement. His full head of brown hair and piercing brown eyes were not the only thing a girl could gawk over. He was a little over 6 foot with an amazing body. A little too ripped for me but that's why he had so many flings. It never bothered me since I was
never into Anthony like that. You may be thinking but you hooked up with him at school but I protest that didn't count. Who wouldn't want to kiss those full lips?

  Anthony grinned, "Someone's blushing?"

  I clicked my tongue, "No, but I am kind of hot."

  Anthony walked away and told me to shut the door which I did.

  He started messing with something on the wall, "I don't know how to work these thermostats. Stupid shit."

  I plopped myself on the floor and removed my coat.

  Anthony appeared over me, "So you like?"

  "Yes I do," I honestly told him.

  "Good then you can help me unpack and tell me everything."

  He was serious I did end up helping him unpack mostly odds and ends for the kitchen.

  Before I started talking about myself I thought it only polite to find out why he was here and what his plans were. Anthony told me in he had moved here for a job offer as a computer security analyst for a marketing firm. Then he also revealed he broke up with his recent girlfriend because he didn't see the point in dating anyone that far away.

  Finally the conversation steered towards me and if I was seeing anyone. I mentioned that I wasn't and Anthony seemed to think I was making it up. Maybe I was because I didn't want to explain the Casey situation. I did end up telling him about Dan. Even Anthony agreed with Casey but added that Dan sounded like a "dirt bag."

  "So there's no one?" I shook my head. "Except for psycho Dan."

  "He's not a psycho, just a little odd."

  "I wonder what those boxes are in his place. Next time you go over you should open one and see."

  "We'll see, I think I'm just making a big deal out of nothing."

  "The guy gives you the creeps. You should be a little cautious about him."

  "But I might be making it up all in my head."

  "Most people have a sixth sense and if it's telling you not to trust him then maybe you shouldn't. Where's the guy from anyway?"

  "Well actually he's only a few blocks from here."

  "Oh really you want me to kick his ass for you?"

  I bitterly laughed, "No."

  "Okay but I'm only offering my services once. My other ones you can ask me about later."

  "You're sick!" I threw a roll of paper towels at his head which he caught.

  It was getting late so I told him I would be going home but maybe I would take him out the night before Thanksgiving. It was an annual event, a tradition if you will. Jane, Cara, and I went out, even before we were legal, and got drunk. He eagerly agreed and I knew he would because he enjoyed getting trashed more than me.

  When I got in the door my cell phone rang out. I picked it up and answered.

  "Hey." Not sure of the voice I asked who it was.

  "It's Casey."

  "Oh, hey Casey." I was little shocked that he was calling me this late. "What's up?"

  "I was just wondering how you were, you know about Dan?"

  "Um actually I did end up going over. And before you say anything it wasn't as bad as I thought. You know I told you I think I made it up in my head."

  "Oh, well that's good."

  "Is that why you called?"

  There was a pause and then, "Yeah it was. I just wanted to make sure, you know. I tried to get in touch with you earlier but I didn't hear anything."

  "Oh," I pulled the phone away and noticed two missed calls. I brought the phone back to my ear, "Yeah I was in Philly visiting a friend from college. They just moved here." Something was holding me back from saying the friend was a 'he' and 'he' was named Anthony.

  "That's cool. I'm glad you're okay. Alright I guess I'll talk to you later. Bye."

  "Okay bye and thanks for calling." I hit 'end' and stared at the phone for a few seconds.

  I went to not having any male attention to having three to deal with. Not that dealing with Casey really counted. He was still dating Lucy and I hadn't heard anything from Sarah about that ending. It was time to give up on him. He considered me a friend and like Anthony he was just worried about me. I just needed to accept he was with Lucy. Plus I had someone new to keep me occupied, my good old, attractive friend, Anthony.

  Chapter 17: Annual Event

  As we all know in the United States Thanksgiving is a national holiday. Although what older Americans don't know are what we younger twenty ones and older do, the night before Thanksgiving Day. It is our national holiday. We all go to a bar of our choosing and get piss drunk.

  My plan was to have Anthony, Jane, and I drive in one car together. I decided I would drive since Anthony would need to be picked up in Philly. Cara, Brian, and, I assumed, Mickey as well were supposed to meet us there.

  Jane and Anthony started talking and they hit it off right away.

  "Bullshit Tony!" Jane turned around and tried to hit Tony. He jumped in the back and I heard a 'thump.'

  "Tony!" I screamed but was still laughing.

  "I'm sorry!" I looked in my rear view mirror and watched as he placed his hands up in the air defending himself.

  Jane looked back at me, "I can't believe he called me that."

  I chuckled, "Well that's Tony for you."

  Tony's head popped up between our seats, "What is this, 'that's Tony for you?'"

  I glanced over at him. "Nothing," I replied innocently.

  Tony grabbed at my waist and started tickling me.

  "Stop it Tony I have to drive," I squealed trying to keep the car on the road. Luckily we made to the bar without further incident.

  Tony dropped himself next to me and ordered a round of shots for the three of us.

  "I like him already," Jane said.

  I turned, "You would!"

  Jane laughed and so did I. Tony gave us our shots and offered a toast, "To getting shit faced!"

  "Here, here!" I cheered. I poured the intense drink down my throat. Shit, it was a rocky mountain mother fucker, such a nasty one, but it would get the job done. I didn't know what had come over me but I was in a mood to get really drunk that night.

  Tony looked over at me, "So I know I talked to you the other day but how are things going?"

  "What do you mean?" I sipped some of my smurf.

  "I just mean I thought you were going to go back to school. Take the LSAT's."

  I grumbled, "I don't know. I don't think I'm even interested in being a lawyer anymore."

  Tony looked shocked, "Are you kidding me? You watched Law & Order every night and were convinced you could do just a good job as that D.A."

  "It was a tv show Tony. I was fanaticizing because I was still in school and didn't realize that I would have loans to pay for when I got out."

  "So you're quitting?"

  I swallowed a huge amount of my drink down my throat. I didn't want to remember the bad days of old. I enjoyed college but I also had a lot of nonrealistic dreams as well.

  "I don't think I want to."

  Tony gave me the puppy eyes and his were sincere or maybe he just did them better than anyone I knew, "I think you should at least try."

  I shrugged, "We'll see."

  "Okay I can't ask for more." Then Tony got up from his seat and gave me a friendly hug.

  "Who's this?" I heard a female voice behind me. I turned and smiled, it was Cara.

  "Hey!" I gave her a hug.

  "Where's Jane," she inquired.

  "Um, I think she met up with some people or something."

  Cara smiled and looked over at Tony, "And this is?"

  "Oh," I said embarrassed, "This is my friend Tony I said was coming. Tony this is Cara."

  Tony shook her hand, "Nice to meet you."

  "You too," she said.

  "Hey!" I saw Brian's tall frame come into view. I made an introduction again. Tony and Brian started getting into a conversation. It seemed at first Brian seemed surprised that this was the Tony I had mentioned was coming but then he gave me a smirk. I was a bit confused by the look but remembered that Brian is a bit odd.


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