Voyager - Exploration, Space, And The Third Great Age Of Discovery

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Voyager - Exploration, Space, And The Third Great Age Of Discovery Page 46

by Stephen J. Pyne

  Deep Space Network (DSN)

  blind pointing

  Interagency Array Study

  and Pioneer

  tasks of

  upgrading facilities

  and Voyager 2

  Defense Department, Advanced Research Projects Agency

  Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe

  Delta Scorpii (star)

  de Soto, Hernando

  Despina (Neptune moon)

  Dias, Bartolomeu

  Diaz, Bernal

  Dione (Saturnian moon)



  and first encounters

  first sightings

  great ages, see Great Ages of Discovery

  international law on

  and land claims

  moral shock of

  and names

  and national sovereignty

  of new worlds

  by people

  by robots

  souvenirs of

  Discovery to Antarctica

  Disney Studios

  Doppler shift

  Drake, Sir Francis

  Drake, Frank

  Druyan, Ann

  Dutch explorers

  Dutton, Clarence

  Dyson, Freeman

  Eagle orbiter


  exploration of; see also Great Voyages

  fire on

  gravitational pull of

  as pale blue dot

  photos of

  in planetary perspective

  radiation belts of

  scientific scan of

  Eden, Rycharde

  A Treatyse of the Newe India

  Egloffstein, F. W. von

  Ehricke, Krafft, Space Flight

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  EMPIRE (Early Manned Planetary Roundtrip Expeditions)

  Enceladus (Saturnian moon)




  Corps of Discovery in

  and evolution

  motives for exploration in

  and natural history

  and natural philosophy

  and Second Great Age

  and solar system studies

  Enterprise of the Indies

  Epimetheus (Saturnian moon)

  equator, crossing


  Etzioni, Amitai

  The Moon-doggle

  Europa (Jovian moon)


  code of chivalry in

  competitions within

  and Enlightenment

  ethnocentricity of


  exploration era of

  grand tours of

  and Great Voyages

  imperialism of

  volcanoes of

  European Space Agency

  Evans, Arthur



  analogies to

  artistic images of

  and autonomy



  competition in

  cultural factors in

  cycles of


  as elite activity

  and first encounters


  and the future

  and geopolitics

  as human impulse

  ideal seaman described


  interpreters for

  knowledge transfer in

  launch sequences of

  lumpers vs. splitters

  and mapping

  meanings and purposes of

  military vs. civilian aims of

  and moving beyond ourselves

  mythological aspects of

  and names

  national creation stories of

  and national sovereignty

  navigation and pilotage in

  points of departure

  political barriers to

  power of

  public support of

  as quest

  research derived from

  and return

  self-reference of

  and settlement

  ships’ logs of

  of space

  and treaties

  by unwelcome visitors


  see also Great Ages of Discovery

  Explorer 1:

  launch of

  meanings of

  as museum exhibit

  success of

  Faulkner, William

  Fernandes, António

  Fernández-Armesto, Felipe

  Ferris, Timothy

  First Great Age, see Great Voyages

  FitzRoy, Robert

  Flandro, Gary

  Fletcher, James

  Florida, name of

  Fomalhaut (star)

  Forster, Georg, A Voyage Round the World


  France, explorers from

  Francis Xavier, Saint

  Franklin, Sir John

  Franklin Expedition

  Fremont, Bessie

  Fremont, John Charles

  Freud, Sigmund

  Friedman, Louis

  Fritz, Father Samuel

  Frobisher, Martin

  Frost, Robert

  Galaissière, Legentil de la

  Galapagos Islands

  Galatea (Neptune moon)

  Galilean moons

  Galileo Galilei

  Galileo spacecraft

  Ganymede (Jovian moon)

  Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

  Gemini, as museum exhibit

  Giacobini-Zinner comet probe ICE

  Gilbert, G. K.

  Gilbert, Humphrey

  Giotto Halley probes

  Glennan, T. Keith

  Glomar Challenger (RV)

  Goddard, Robert

  Goddard Space Flight Center

  Gödel, Kurt

  Goetzmann, William

  Goldberger, Marvin

  Golden Hind

  Gomeisa (star)

  Grand Canyon

  Grand Tour:

  beginning of

  completion of

  costs of

  duration of

  escape velocities of

  external pressures of

  future possibilities for

  as grand gesture

  idea of

  inevitability of

  internal pressures of

  launch window for

  as MJS 77

  mythological aspects of

  and national prestige

  occultation of

  opponents of

  opportunity for

  Pioneer preparations for

  planning for

  promotion of

  and termination shock

  vision of

  see also Voyager program

  gravitational perturbation technique

  gravity assistance

  Great Ages of Discovery:

  continuity of

  First (Great Voyages)

  islands as symbols of

  lumpers vs. splitters on



  Great Conjunction

  Greater Modernism

  Great Game

  Great Observatories

  Great Red Spot

  Great Salt Lake, discovery of

  Great Surveys of the American West

  Great Voyages:

  circumnavigation in

  commercial and geopolitical purposes of

  communication in

  critics of

  echoes of

  as First Great Age

  fleets in

  freelancers in

  grand gesture of

  and islands

  names assigned in

  and national sovereignty

  Ocean Sea discovered in

  passages of

  passage to India sought in

  promoters of

  questing mariners of

  sails and shipbuilding

  and science

  tide and winds

  treaties of

  and volcanoes


  Griego, John


  Grotius, Hugo

  Guerrero, Gonzalo

  Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory

  Haynes, Norm

  Hakluyt, Richard

  Halley probes

  Hansen, Candice

  Harrison, John

  Hawkesworth, John

  Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer

  Hayden Expedition

  Haynes, Norman

  Hazard, Allan

  Heacock, Raymond

  Heinlein, Robert

  Heisenberg, Werner

  heliopause, and termination shock


  heliosheath, perimeter of

  heliosphere, structure of

  Henry Mountains

  Henry the Navigator, Prince

  Hess, Harry, “History of Ocean Basins”

  Hetherington, Norriss

  Hilton, James

  Hodges, William

  Hohmann, Walter

  Hohmann transfer ellipses

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  Homer, Odyssey

  Hooker, Joseph

  Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

  Hudson, Henry

  Humboldt, Alexander von

  atlas created by

  as exemplar of the age

  and New Spain

  writings of

  Hurley, Frank

  Huxley, Thomas

  Huygens mission to Titan

  Hyperion (Saturnian moon)

  Iapetus (Saturnian moon)

  Ibn Majid (navigator)

  Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition


  Britain vs. France in

  routes sought to

  satellites of

  trade sought with

  Institut d’Egypte

  The Description of Egypt

  and Rosetta Stone

  International Astronomical Union (IAU)

  International Court of Justice

  International Geophysical Year (IGY)

  and Antarctica

  beginning of

  new age proclaimed in

  and ocean exploration

  and planetary exploration

  and Sputnik

  Upper Atmosphere Research Panel

  International Polar Year

  International Seabed Authority

  Io (Jovian moon):

  photo images of

  volcanoes of

  Islam, travelers of

  Island of the Seven Cities


  Ives, Joseph

  Jackson, David

  James, Thomas

  James, William

  James Caird

  Japan, satellites of

  Jason (robot)

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeffreys, Sir Harold


  Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL):

  Advanced Studies Office

  on autopilot

  beginning of

  and Explorer

  as exploring institution

  foundational framework for vehicles of

  Grand Tour planning in

  and gravity assist

  Image Processing Laboratory

  managerial style of

  Mars group

  military and civilian goals in

  mission controllers in

  mission-design program

  and NASA

  and Pioneer

  and Ranger

  Voyager communications with

  Voyager made possible by

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Samuel

  Joint Long Range Proving Ground


  bow shock at

  distance to

  Galileo mission to

  Grand Tour planning for

  gravitational assist from

  and Great Conjunction

  hard geography of

  Jovian system

  launch window for

  magnetosphere of

  moons of

  photos of

  Pioneer’s encounters with

  radiation field

  rings of

  soft geography of

  surveys of

  and three-body problem

  volcanoes of

  Voyagers’ encounters with

  Jupiter missiles (IRBM)

  Kármán, Theodore von

  Kerkar, Surashri Kesarbai

  Khabarov, Yerofey

  King, Clarence

  King Survey

  Kipling, Rudyard, “Recessional”

  Knute, King

  Kohlhase, Charles

  Koppes, Clayton

  Krebs cycle

  Kubrick, Stanley

  Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

  Kuiper, Gerald P.

  Kuiper Belt

  La Condamine, Charles-Marie de

  Laeser, Richard

  Lagrange points

  La Malinche

  Langley Research Center

  Larissa (Neptune moon)

  La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier de

  Las Casas, Bartolomé de


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