An Act of Release: Order & Chaos Book 2

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An Act of Release: Order & Chaos Book 2 Page 14

by Samantha Wolfe

  "Elliott," my dad began gravely, still eying his son sternly, "I'd like you to meet my son, Andy, and my daughter, Jenny."

  Carter's face lit up into a wide welcoming smile that even reached his eyes. My God, it was terrifying how genuine it seemed. If I didn't know what he really was, I would have been sucked in by it myself.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you," he spoke in his refined English accent as he reached a hand out toward Andy. "Your father speaks highly of you."

  Andy wisely kept his mouth shut as he shook Carter's hand briefly, before giving him a curt nod and stepping aside for him to greet me.

  "It's nice meet you," I blurted out before Carter gave away that he already knew me. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he played along.

  "The pleasure is all mine," Carter murmured in a low tone as he let his eyes wander down my body leeringly. It made me feel dirty and cheap. It was nothing like the way Ford looked at me, and I suddenly felt the urge to go scrub myself clean.

  Carter took my outstretched hand and squeezed it firmly as he shook it. The corner of his mouth quirked up into a ghost of his usual smug grin as he held my hand a little longer than I liked. I somehow managed to suppress a shudder of distaste as I pulled my hand away and rubbed it on my dress. Like I could wipe off the oily blackness that his touch left on me. His eyes darted down to my hand, and amusement glittered in his crystal blue eyes. It pissed me off, and made me wish like hell that I could slap the shit out of him. I stepped away to return to my chair before I gave in to the temptation to assault him. Thankfully, my father and brother missed our silent exchange since they were behind Carter and couldn't see his face.

  "Let's get started, shall we?" Dad announced. Andy returned to the chair next to mine with a blank expression that didn't quite reach his irate eyes. Dad and Carter sat down across from us.

  For the next fifteen minutes or so, Carter laid it on thick as he outlined his plan for a partnership with us that would supposedly leave us in control with Carter as a silent partner. His charisma was undeniable and mesmerizing. My God, I thought he was charming eight years ago, but now he was utterly convincing, his demeanor seemingly genuine and sincere.

  My father was completely enthralled by this evil bastard, Carter's charm and subtle compliments luring him in with precision and skill. It was sickening to watch, and I felt nauseous with guilt. This shouldn't be happening, and I wished that I had a way out. Even though everything Carter proposed seemed fair and equitable, I knew better. There was no way in hell that Carter didn't have a plan to wrest control of our family business away from us. However, the only other option was us losing everything, and I was helpless to stop this. Finally, Carter finished, and asked if we had any questions.

  "I have a question," Andy said pointedly as he leaned toward Carter, anger clearly evident in his tone. It was the first words he'd uttered since Carter entered the room. "Why the hell should we believe a single damn thing you've said? How do we know you're not out to screw us all over?" My brother was frighteningly on the mark, and I couldn't even back him up. Great, more guilt.

  "Andrew," Dad snapped out in shock as he narrowed his eyes at his son.

  "No, it's quite alright," Carter said calmly as he raised a placating hand toward my father. "Your son has every right to ask that. It's understandable to be emotional about this. It's his family's business after all, and it affects his future." He held my brother's gaze firmly, unfazed by Andy's antagonism. "I assure you, Andrew." I cringed. Andy hated being called by his full name most of the time, and as far as I knew he only tolerated being called that by our parents and David.

  Carter continued, despite Andy's worsening ire and clenched jaw. "I understand what's at stake here. I want you to know that family is very important to me as well, especially since I lost my mother thirteen years ago, and more recently my father. The Bennett Corporation may be big, but we didn't start out that way. It was once a small family business as well."

  "There are a lot of big businesses that started out that way," Andy snapped back. "It didn't stop some of them from being unethical or playing fast and loose with other people's lives." My brother crossed his arms defiantly and glared at Carter fiercely. "It seems to me that you aren't really risking anything in this, while we have everything to lose here."

  I saw a flash of anger cross Carter's eyes for a moment, and so did Andy. My brother's mouth twitched wryly, his eyes glittering triumphantly. Carter narrowed his eyes at him as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the conference table.

  "Andrew," he began, and I was the only one to hear my brother's soft growl in reaction. "I'm truly sorry that you feel that way, but I want you to know how sincere I am." I fought the urge to retch at that statement. "I didn't always appreciate my family, and especially my father while he was still alive." Carter's face grew grave and a little emotional. He was so full of shit. "Now that both my parents are gone, and I've had to take over everything, I have a better understanding of what I had. I assure you that keeping your dealership within your family and making it thrive are my priorities with this partnership."

  Andy let out a harsh breath. "Well, forgive me if I'm not fucking convinced," he said bitterly. "A big smile and a few empty promises are about as worthless as my cheap suit. This is all a bunch of bullshit, and we all know it. So save us all some trouble and move on to some other gullible fucking mark." He stood with a glare still fixed on Carter then stormed across the room without another word.

  "Andrew!" Dad called out angrily, but Andy ignored as he walked out the door, leaving it swinging open. "I'm so sorry," Dad said apologetically to Carter as he stood. "He's pretty emotional about this. I'll talk to him."

  "That's quite alright," Carter answered understandingly with a tight-lipped smile as he leaned back in his chair. "I understand completely."

  My father nodded with a pained expression, then hurried out the door after his son.

  Now I was all alone with the bastard, and I almost shivered when his eyes focused sharply on me. He laced his fingers together and leaned his elbows on the table again, his calculating gaze pinning me to my chair. His force of will was intense and intimidating.

  "It would be a real shame if your family's business fell apart because of your brother's obstinate attitude," Carter said pointedly. "It would also be a real shame if I decided to take a personal interest in say a certain restaurant where his wife works. Given the right price, I've found that almost anyone is willing to sell. Perhaps adding The Glass House to my business ventures would be advantageous. One might even be tempted to clean house and hire all new employees, including a new head-chef perhaps?"

  "You wouldn't dare," I hissed, horrified by his implications that he'd get my sister-in-law Lydia fired from her job. She loved that job, and she'd worked so hard to get promoted to the head-chef position. Lydia and Andy were trying to start a family too, and it would financially destroy them if they both lost their jobs.

  "Wouldn't I?" he said in a low harsh tone. His eyes hardened, and the monster inside him peered out at me with cold dead eyes. I shrank back into my chair in fear. "You'd best get your brother on board, or I'll pull this deal off the table permanently, and leave your entire family with nothing."

  " bastard," I spit out as I fought the tears that burned my eyes.

  "Yes," he admitted unashamedly with dark amusement. "A very rich and very powerful bastard. You'd to well to remember that, love."

  His face broke into a wide grin that oozed with evil satisfaction. He'd won again, and I had no choice but to keep playing his game. Nausea roiled in my gut. A hard sob burst out of me against my will and I stood to leave before I lost it completely. I fled from the bastard like a coward again, with that fucking vile smirk of his seared into my mind and my heart sick with shame.

  Chapter 7


  I got out of my truck and stared in awe at the vehicle I'd parked next to in the Purcell Auto parking lot. It was an Aston Martin Vanquish in a deep dark red. Holy
hell, it was fucking gorgeous, goddamn expensive, and I knew its V12 engine could reach sixty miles per hour in under four seconds. The thing sat low to the ground with the front end looking like it was snarling viciously, yet the car was elegant and refined with flowing clean lines and its paint gleaming in the sun. The British didn't mess around with their high end cars. I'd never seen one in real life. I walked around it, trying not to drool as I gawked openly at it. I might not want or need a car like this, but I could certainly appreciate it.

  "I don't give a bloody fuck," an angry male voice suddenly spoke in an English accent behind me.

  I turned to see a tall fit man about my age dressed in a tailored light-gray suit striding toward me with a phone pressed to his ear. He walked with an arrogant authority that instantly put me off. I studied him closely. His short-cropped dark hair was expertly cut, and his chiseled jaw and crystal blue eyes looked familiar. More than likely, I'd seen him at one of my mom's parties or charity functions, but I couldn't recall a name to put to the face.

  "Make it happen, or you'll be looking for new employment by the end of the day," he continued in a cruel clipped voice as he stopped several yards away. He lowered the phone and ended the call without another word, glowering at it in his hand. Hell, he sounded like an asshole. I was glad I didn't know his name.

  He glanced up and saw me standing next to what I now assumed was his Aston Martin. His eyes focused on me, taking in my bare tattooed arms and my scruffy casual appearance in worn jeans and a tank, then gave me a look of open disdain. Pretentious fucking prick. I wondered what he'd think if he knew I had that same Tom Ford suit in my closet. I didn't dress up often, but I liked the way the high end designer suits fit and could afford them, so I had several.

  "Nice car, man," I told him in a friendly voice, wanting to see how he'd react to me. His eyes narrowed as he continued walking toward me. His eyes glanced over to my '65 Ford F-100 pickup, and his disdain turned to disgust.

  "Thanks," he said in a dismissive tone as he breezed past me. I watched him open the Aston Martin's door, the luxurious scent of high end leather wafting up out of the car.

  "How much does one of these things run?" I asked, playing dumb and wanting to push his buttons a little. I hated rich assholes like this guy. It reminded me of who I could have been if I hadn't worked to better myself. I was grateful every damn day that I hadn't ended up like this self-important prick.

  He turned and pinned me with an arrogant stare and narrowed his eyes. "If you have to ask, then you can't afford it, mate." The word "mate" dripped with derision.

  I held his gaze, unafraid. He didn't intimidate me one damn bit. I let the Dom in me come out a little, hardening my eyes and staring right back at him. We stood like that for several long moments before he finally looked away first with a contemptuous huff. I watched him lower himself into his car, start the Aston Martin, and drive off without another word.

  "Dick," I grumbled under my breath. I was used to being judged by my appearance, and I couldn't give a fuck what most people thought of me. I shook my head and walked toward the building, already putting the encounter out of my mind.

  I'd come to surprise Jen and take her to lunch today. She'd been so stressed out and needy the last two days, that I was worried about her. I figured I could cheer her up and distract her for a while.

  I'd been here enough to know my way around now, and headed through the large bay doors. I glanced around to look for Andy as I walked through the garage, but he was no where in sight. I felt a little disappointed. I liked the guy, and he was fun to talk to. I figured we'd end up friends, and maybe family someday, since I had no intention of ever leaving Jen again. Holy hell, I could see myself marrying her one day. The thought filled me with longing like I'd never felt before. Damn, I had it bad.

  I nodded in greeting at a few of the guys I passed. They recognized me and nodded back with knowing smiles. Possessive feelings hit me hard. Yeah, that's right, Jen is mine.

  I went through a door in the back and walked down the hall toward Jen's office. As I passed the partly open door right before Jen's, I heard Andy's voice raised in anger. I paused in curiosity.

  "I don't give a fuck," he snarled out vehemently. "This deal is a bunch of bullshit, and we both know it."

  "Andrew," his father's voice replied in a tired voice. "I think you're overreacting here. I know you don't think we need help, but things aren't good. If we don't do something soon, we'll have to start laying people off."

  Holy hell, Jen wasn't kidding about the dealership's problems.

  "Then we can get help from somewhere else," Andy answered. "My gut says this deal isn't a good idea, Dad."

  "Damn it, Andy," Ted grumbled then let out a beleaguered sigh. "Fine, I'll look into some other alternatives. Okay?"

  "That's all I'm asking, Dad." Andy sounded relieved. "I just don't want us to jump into the first deal that comes along without looking at all our options. I think that would be a mistake."

  I pressed my lips together and continued down the hall, feeling a little guilty for eavesdropping. No wonder Jen was a mess right now, and came to me last night begging for her rope and my dominance. I was grateful that I could give her some kind of respite from all her stress, even if only for a short time. I stopped at Jen's closed door and knocked on it gently. After a moment, I heard Jen call out for me to come in, her voice soft and subdued.

  I walked in and noticed immediately that she'd been crying. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were red, and she was hastily gathering up a small pile of wadded up tissues to hide the evidence. She glanced up to see me, and pure relief flooded her eyes. She flew up out of her desk chair and hurried toward me. I opened my arms and caught her up in a fierce hug as she threw herself at me.

  "Ford," she murmured warmly against my chest as she burrowed her face against me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm so glad you're here." Her vanilla musk engulfed me, and my body immediately reacted to her with my heart pounding and my dick twitching. Fuck, I hoped I'd always respond to her this way.

  "I thought I would surprise you," I said softly. "I've been worried about you." I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and breathed her in. I stepped back and cupped her face in my palms, studying her face closely. "You've been crying. Are you okay?"

  "I am now," she whispered with a soft smile, but her eyes were still a little watery and sad.

  "Good," I replied. I pressed a gentle kiss to her soft lips. "Let me take you to lunch."

  "Okay," she said as her smile brightened. She went to her desk to fetch her purse, then I took her hand and led her through the building and out to my truck. I opened the door for her to climb in and circled the vehicle to get in myself.

  When we were out on the road, I took her hand in mine and gripped it firmly, needing to comfort her. Her stress level was really high right now, and I could tell that it was wearing her down. I felt kind of helpless since I couldn't take her stress away, but I'd do what I could to ease her burden right now. Even if it was something as simple as taking her to lunch.

  I was just about to ask her where she'd like to eat, when my phone began ringing. I released Jen's hand and pulled my phone out, seeing that it was my mom calling. I sighed, wondering what drama she was in now, yet still happy to hear from her. No matter what, I knew that my mother loved me, even if her emotional roller coaster drove me crazy sometimes.

  "Hi, Mom," I answered warmly.

  "Ford?" a female voice that wasn't my mother spoke worriedly. "This is Audrey."

  "Is Mom okay?" I blurted out as worry spiked inside me. Audrey was my mother's cook and housekeeper. If she was calling me on Mom's phone, then something was going on, and it probably wasn't good.

  "I'm not sure," she answered with exasperation. "She's locked herself in her bedroom, and she's been in there all day. She won't open the door, and I can hear her crying, and I don't know why." Audrey sighed. "Usually, I can get her to come out and settle down after an hour or so, but she isn't ev
en responding when I knock anymore."

  "I'm on my way," I told her. "I'll be there in ten minutes." I ended the call and immediately pulled into a strip mall to turn my truck around.

  "Ford?" Jenny asked in a concerned tone. "Is your mom alright?"

  "She will be," I answered with a curt nod. "She's upset about something, and I just need to go check on her and talk her down." I grabbed her hand again. "I can drop you off back at work if you want me to." I didn't want to burden Jen with my problems today. She was already stressed out enough.

  "I can go with you," she offered softly, her eyes sympathetic.

  "You don't have to, honey," I replied, not wanting her to feel obligated to go. This was my problem, not hers.

  "I want to," she said firmly. She squeezed my hand comfortingly, and gave me a reassuring smile.

  "Okay," I said, surprised by the relief I suddenly felt. I actually wanted her to go with me, needed her just for the moral support alone. It was a strange sensation having someone there for me like this, but I liked it. "Thank you," I whispered gratefully as I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it gently.

  "You're welcome," she murmured back in a soft affectionate tone, then lapsed into silence as I drove, sensing that's what I needed right now. Holy hell, she was amazing and all mine. My love for her swelled up overwhelmingly inside me, and I wondered how I'd ever thought that I wanted to spend my life alone before I met her.


  Audrey opened the front door mere seconds after I rang the doorbell of my mother's upscale four-story townhouse. She looked up at me and the relief on her face was profound, yet the worried tension around her eyes remained. Her gray-streaked dark hair was coming loose from her usual bun, and the apron she wore over a pink short-sleeved blouse and khaki slacks was slightly askew. Wow, I'd never seen Audrey so thrown off by Mom's drama before. She was usually so calm and coolheaded.

  "She still hasn't come out, Ford," she announced in a slightly frantic tone as she stepped back to let me lead Jenny inside. "I've never seen her quite like this before. I have no idea why she's even in there." She glanced at Jenny curiously.


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