Bartender with Benefits

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Bartender with Benefits Page 54

by Mickey Miller

  “Reduced to?” I smirk. “Don’t act like you’ve never wanted to hook up in one of these. This is hot. Look at all the tools we have around here.” I pick up a mop and hold it, smiling. “We could really have some fun with this.”

  Lacy rolls her eyes as she unbuttons my shirt. She smiles.

  “I think there’s another big, long item in here I’d rather have fun with,” she says.

  She rolls her hand down my abdomen, my white shirt finally undone. She slips her hand further down and grabs hold of my rapidly hardening erection.

  I groan, take the back of her head, and pull her into me for a deep kiss while she works to undo my belt buckle.

  “Fuck, Lacy, those lips taste so good,” I growl. “But not as good as this pussy’s gonna taste.” My fingers drift down her ass, and I cup her butt over the cloth of her sexy white pants. My other hand drifts up her shirt, sliding under her bra. The makeout is sloppy, it’s sweaty. And it’s oh-so-fucking-hot, feeling Lacy’s heat against me.

  We look each other in the eye, and I can tell she’s feral and on the brink of losing control. Just like me.

  I unbutton her white pants and slide them off. They stick on her heels, and she goes to unbuckle them.

  “Leave the heels on,” I command.

  Once her creamy thighs are revealed to me, I can’t take anymore. I hoist her up onto the convenient waist-high stool and slide her panties off. I dive between her legs, flicking my tongue over her clit, and it tastes every bit as heavenly as I imagined. She comes at least once, quivering as I eagerly lap her up.

  After a while, she grabs awkwardly at my cock until she finally grips it. “Please Zane. I want my boss to fuck me now. Make me purr.”


  How’d I do?

  -Mr. X

  P.S. - Pants changed to reflect the hottest girl in the office’s pants color today. I was inspired.

  My eyes widen at the screen. I’m frazzled, and, holy heck, I’m aroused by whoever wrote this. My heartbeat quickens and I can feel my pulse in my throat.

  I look down at my pants, just to confirm I wasn’t dreaming this morning when I put them on.

  Yep. Still white.

  I click off the email, and just in time, because Bob approaches my desk. I click onto another email, appearing very into whatever I’m reading.

  “Morning, Brett!” Bob says, and he’s got a little more of a skip in his step today.

  “Hi Bob. Top o’ the mornin’ to you.”

  “We have an all-staff meeting at eight-thirty. Quarterly thing and all that jazz. Just wanted to make sure you have it on your calendar.”

  I pull up my email calendar. “I do. I have it right here. Thanks.”

  “Perfect.” He turns to leave, but then spins back. “I almost forgot. There’s something I need to tell you.”

  I swallow. Bob’s look is mischievous. He has to be Mr. X.

  “We’re starting a task force,” he says, taking his time with his words. “It’s a cross-department team that will focus all of its efforts on completing the Blackwell Ranch project, and might bleed into the Shallowater distillery as well. It will have a few people from all teams. Sales, designers, suppliers, etc. Congratulations. Somebody high up likes you. Must be that sale you snagged this week.”

  “Sounds great,” I say.

  “Yep. You’ll meet up on floor nine.”

  “Thanks. Well, I had better check a few more emails before that eight-thirty meeting.”

  The all staff meeting is pretty boring, per usual. Mr. Blackwell’s staff lawyer, Kim, is running it. It’s mostly about mandatory company policy. Basically, they are talking to us to make sure Blackwell Industries is covered in the case of any type of lawsuit. I do notice that Kim shoots me a couple of weird looks throughout the meeting, but I don’t think too much of them.

  Once the meeting wraps up after about twenty-five minutes, I have just enough time to head to the meeting on floor nine.

  I grab a seat at a round table, and seven other employees fill in the chairs around me. We introduce ourselves. Other than me and Kim, there’s one other girl--the designer.

  “Mr. Blackwell will be with us shortly,” Kim says. “He’s wrapping something up. But he wants me to thank all of you for being here and being a part of this task force.”

  A few minutes later, Sebastian enters. Today he wears a navy blue suit with a vest.

  He hangs up his suit coat, and rolls up his sleeves.

  “Alright y’all. It’s time to hammer out some project details, and really get deep into this one. Blackwell Ranch is an ambitious undertaking, and we need all of us on the same page if we’re going to get through this efficiently. You’ve all been chosen for one thing--talent and dedication.”

  He leans forward just a bit, setting his palms on the desk. I can’t help but stare into Sebastian’s dark brown eyes, the gorgeous things hidden under long eyelashes as he continues speaking.

  “The work we’re going to put in will be substantial. But as a reward, I’m providing each of you with a substantial stock-benefits package.”

  Troy, one of the younger sales guys seated around the table, raises his hand.

  “Yes, Troy,” Sebastian says, nodding at him.

  “So there will be stock benefits. But Mr. Blackwell, will there be like any other benefits?” He winks.

  Our little group cracks up, myself included.

  Sebastian is smooth, and doesn’t miss a beat with his response. “There are, of course, the added benefits of working on a team with a diverse group of individuals from different parts of the company. Throw in the fact that you’ll get to work one on one with yours truly, and I’d say you have a whole slew of benefits, Troy. Any other questions?”

  I swallow as Sebastian scans the faces of everyone in our group. When his eyes make contact with mine, electricity spikes through me as if the man can send a spark across the air between us. Seeing one on one before was hot, sure, but knowing how Sebastian can take control of a room is supreme sexy boss material.

  I make a mental note that Zane is going to do it with Lacy after one such meeting.

  “No more questions. Alright then. Schedules will be sent out. I look forward to seeing more of you all.”

  On the way out, Troy stops me. “Hey there,” he says. “Troy.”

  “Brett,” I say. “Nice to meet you.”

  Troy is the self-proclaimed ‘bro’ of the office. He’s got an effortless charm about him, and two cute dimples. He pulls out a card and flashes an easy, natural smile.

  “Here’s my card. I know you’re new around the office. Call me if you need anything. I’m happy to help you in any way I can.”

  “Oh. Well thanks. I don’t have a card,” I say as we reach the shiny silver elevator doors.

  “That’s the first thing I’d be happy to help you with,” he says as we step in. “Email me and I’ll tell you how to get your business cards made up for free.”

  “Okay,” I say, and I have to smile because I think I just made my first office friend.

  As the elevator doors close, I catch a glimpse of Sebastian’s face, watching me curiously. I can’t help flashing a smile back at him, wondering if he’s jealous.



  Later that night, I’m waiting to go home, but the rain is pounding so hard outside I can’t even see the buildings across the street, let alone think about driving.

  I glance at my email, and a message is waiting for me in our Blackwell official messenger.

  It’s Mr. X.

  Mr. X: It’s really coming down outside.

  Brett: Who are you?

  Mr. X: Just a guy who’s good with technology. And who loves to read your writing.

  Brett: You’re good with words, too. Did you really write that today?

  Mr. X: What, a random guy can’t have some writing skills?

  Brett: Something tells me you’re not a ‘random’ guy. What was your inspiration?

  Mr. X: When I saw
you today I couldn’t help myself

  My heart thumps hard, hammering through my blouse. I don’t know if I should be upset or turned on.

  The reality is I’m both. And I’m curious. I need to know who the heck this guy is.

  Brett: It’s raining

  Mr. X: Yeah, really hard

  Brett: Name the movie

  Mr. X: Oh please. Mean Girls. You better believe I grew up on Lindsay Lohan.

  Brett: I’m all done with my work for the day. I don’t know what I’m going to do while I wait

  Mr. X: I can think of a few special tasks for you to do

  Brett: Yeah like what?

  Mr. X: Well for starters you can eat the skittles I put next to your desk.

  My eyes widen and I notice the bag of rainbow candies now next to me. I take the bag, open it, and put one in my mouth.

  Mr. X: Huh. You’re a strawberry girl. I wouldn’t have guessed that

  Brett: Holy shit. You’re watching me

  Mr. X: I’m not. Good idea though

  I cross my legs. Then uncross them. My mouth dries and my chest tightens. The sweet strawberry flavor of my red skittle spreads through my mouth.

  Brett: I want to know who you are

  Mr. X: What and end our fun little game?

  Brett: There are other fun games we can play

  Mr. X: This one is so much fun though

  I stand up, popping my head over the level of the cubicles so I can see if there are any other employees here. Only the secondary lights are on, and I see no one aside from the janitor.

  I decide to take a gamble. I have a hunch who Mr. X is and I need to verify if my guess is right. I have flats on today, not heels, so I’m in stealth mode as I walk briskly on the carpet to Sebastian’s office.

  Fiona is gone, and as I approach I can see one light glowing in his office.

  The door is open a crack, and I push it all the way open and proudly raise my voice as I enter.


  Terror spreads through me as I realize the room is totally empty. Thunder crashes outside, and I spin around in a panic to leave.

  I run into what feels like a brick wall.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my office?” Sebastian Blackwell booms.

  I’m short, but I wish I were even shorter. I try to leave, but he blocks the exit and shuts the door.

  Thunder explodes again outside, and I notice the lights everywhere in the building flicker and dim.

  “Nothing,” I finally say. “I was just leaving.”

  “I don’t think so,” Sebastian retorts. “You’re not going anywhere. You’ve got some explaining to do. This is the second time you’ve been caught snooping in my office. I’m not going to ask you again, Brett. What the fuck are you doing in your boss’s office?”

  My palms sweat as I hear him shut the door behind me.

  “I thought that…” I stammer, my words barely audible, and then I stop.

  Holy fuck. Is it possible I am totally wrong and off base? That the reality where Mr X and Mr Blackwell are the same person is all in my head, a little fantasy of my own creation?

  “Have a seat,” Sebastian growls, his voice husky as he gestures to the chair in front of me. Nervously, I pull out my phone as he saunters slowly to the bar in his office. His suit coat is off and he wears a navy blue vest to go along with his pants. I stare at the man’s frame from behind.

  The white noise of the storm crashing against the glass window behind him is the only comforting sound in my environment.

  Otherwise, I feel very much alone right now. I glance at the screen of my phone, and it goes dead. No service.

  “Electricity is out in the town,” Sebastian says, his back facing me while he pours a drink. “And the storm is supposed to last another three hours.”

  He spins around and our gazes meet. I wonder if he can sense my fear.

  “Are you a whisky drinker, Brett?”

  “That’s what my daddy used to drink.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  His steps are slow and methodical as he walks toward me, then hands me the drink.

  “Thanks,” I say, nervous as I look up at him.

  “Cheers, Brett.”

  “Cheers,” I return as we clink glasses.

  “Let’s get down to business, Brett.”

  “Let’s,” I squeak, my voice suddenly meek.

  “You know I hired you because you are supremely talented. I can see that. Anyone can see that. And talent is just something you can’t teach. It’s like height. Either you have it or you don’t. One of the main reasons I’ve been successful is my ability to spot talent.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  He runs a hand through his hair, walks around to the other side of his desk, and sits with his hands folded.

  “But the thing with talent, is that the most talented individuals are usually the most difficult to control. And it’s evident that you do not give a shit about spending your time wisely at this job.”

  I shift my weight from side to side. “Um. Excuse me?”

  Sebastian leans in, and licks his lips, like he’s a lion about to pounce on his prey.

  “I’m going to give you one chance to answer truthfully. What were you doing in my office?”

  He takes a long sip of his whisky, sets the glass down and leans back, methodically examining me with his eyes, and flashing a cocky smirk.

  I take a deep breath.

  “I was looking for you,” I breathe, and the possibilities flash through me of what this could lead to. Will he fire me?

  Is there a chance that look in his eyes I’ve been sensing means the feeling is mutual?

  “Why were you looking for me?”

  I take a big, huge swig of my drink before I say what I’m about to.

  “I needed to know if you’re Mr. X. I want to know if you’ve been thinking about that.”

  Without saying anything, Sebastian rises up from his desk. I cross my legs and uncross them. I unfocus my eyes, in a sort of trance, until he reappears just in front of me.

  “Do you like what Mr. X was saying?” He arches an eyebrow.

  “I do,” I mouth. “I want to get to know Mr. X. He’s got a way with”

  “And if Mr. X were here, what would you want to do with him?”

  He steps as close to me as he can. I stand up, and there are only inches between us.

  “You want to fuck me. Don’t you, Miss Blue?” he growls, cocking his chin back.

  His words send a bolt of electricity through my body. Holy shit, he’s crossing the line.

  I lick my lips and whisper the only true word I can muster, “Yes.” I nod

  My heart pounds and my vision goes blurry. He takes my hand and guides me to his desk.

  “Brett.” He takes my hand. “I’ve been watching you for the past few weeks, and I want you. I want to get to know you more. I don’t know what this is, but I need to find out more. Are you okay with that?”

  “I’m okay with that.”

  “Alright. Good. Before we go any further. I’m going to need you to sign a NDA. This is ironclad. We will speak of none of this outside of you and I.”

  I hesitate for a moment, because this is happening so fast. Then again, a man like Sebastian probably can’t take any risks.

  “An NDA is fine with me,” I say. “And actually, that’s what I would prefer. I don’t want to be that girl who ‘slept her way to the top.’ Whatever this is, we need to keep it between us.”

  I bend down to glance over the document. It appears to just be a standard NDA.

  The pen shakes in my hand as I sign on the line, and when I’m done, I press my hand to his chest, almost involuntarily.

  He grabs hold of my wrist and kisses me on the hand.

  “Miss Blue. Or...should I call you Lacy?” He smiles.

  He holds onto my waist through my skirt, and attacks me like a feral animal, pressing me into the cold glass w

  “Call me whatever you want,” I mutter as he kisses my cheek, covering all of the surface area available.

  He pulls back and runs a hand through my hair, grabs a fistful, and inhales. I smell him too, and his scent is musky and intoxicating. I run a hand on his cheek, feeling his five o'clock shadow.

  The storm thunders outside, but it’s nothing compared to the tornado that starts inside me when my boss pulls me to his body.

  “Lacy. Brett. Miss Blue. I’m going to be honest--I don’t give a fuck what your name is. I want to call you all three. I’ve been enamored with you ever since I laid eyes on you. I can’t stop thinking about you. There’s something about you. It’s your spirit. It’s your vibe. It’s your goddamn scent--it’s everything about you. I was already so physically attracted to you. And when I saw what you were writing--which is a whole other conversation we need to have, by the way--I couldn’t help myself.”

  He runs his hand the length of my body, starting at the top of my back and working down to my hips, my ass, before landing his hand on the back of my thigh. “A girl as sexy as you shouldn’t get to be as fucking smart and talented, too. It makes no sense, Lacy. You make no sense to me. No sense at all.”

  “And a guy as good-looking as you shouldn’t also be the leader of a company. And an alright writer yourself. It makes no sense, Zane,” I smile, saying his made up fantasy name. “No sense at all.”

  He kisses me once on the lips,

  The rain pounds outside and the lightning flashes, but inside Sebastian’s big arms I feel safe.

  Inside, my heart pounds furiously, and I’m so glad it’s sound drowned out by the thunder outside so he won’t realize how much I want him in this moment. Maybe it’s silly of me to try to cover up my desire in any way, but I can’t help but think of that moment seven years ago when I caught him by surprise and kissed him.

  Now, though I’m still his employee, all bets are off about how far we’ll take things. I’m not just some sixteen-year-old girl with a fleeting crush.

  We’re both consenting adults, and I want to go all the way with him.

  My breath hitches as I reach around and grab onto his ass, and the thing is just as hard as I thought it would be when I saw his buns in the shower. Dear God it’s nice.


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