Bartender with Benefits

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Bartender with Benefits Page 66

by Mickey Miller

  My blood vessels tighten, and fuck if I’m going to let Kim talk that way about a girl who could very possibly be my wife in the future. Plus, communicating over text is damn near impossible.

  Sebastian: I called a meeting for eight thirty, let’s talk after

  Kim: You didn’t pay me. If I don’t see that money in the next thirty minutes I’m forwarding it to all of the employees here.

  Sebastian: Is this about the money or the morals?

  Kim: Just do as I say, and then maybe you won’t end up the latest billionaire laughing stock of the country

  Kim forwards me a chain of photos. She took a few, all of Brett, sitting in just her apron at the dinner table next to me.

  In each photo, Brett looks absolutely stunning. I wish I could take a moment to admire them, but right now, I need a plan to squash Kim.

  I take a deep breath, and try to stay calm. I clench my fists, and feel my blood boiling over.

  When the hell did Kim get so vindictive? She’s been doing such a good job here, that I haven’t even been supervising her much when it comes to her job.

  I run my hand on my chin and think back to the new hires, and my heart races at a realization.

  For all of the interviews I’ve done in the past couple of years, Kim has only found it necessary to ‘randomly sit in’ on the female candidates.

  Is she...weirdly jealous of them?

  I glance at my watch, and it’s time to head to the Bristol room so I’ll be able to make it there in time for the meeting.

  As I walk, I formulate a plan so crazy, it just might work.

  My grandfather’s words ring in my ear.

  Tell the truth, and let it kill you.

  I press the elevator door to the sixth floor, where the meeting room is. I feel a rush as I step into the elevator. I’m ecstatic. I’m nervous. I’m seething with anger. All at the same time. I barely sense the people around me in the elevator.

  The world around me is moving in slow motion.

  When I get to the meeting room, about half of the chairs are filled.

  I step onto the elevated stage, which puts me about a foot and a half above everyone.

  My employees settle into the room, and once the time hits eight thirty, they quiet down.

  I notice Kim file into the back, just as the doors are closed.

  She smiles devilishly, and taps her phone three times, then rubs her thumb and forefinger together in a ‘show me the money’ motion.

  Brett arrives late, and my heart pounds like mad at the sight of her. Today, she sports a white dress with a pink cardigan. We make knowing eye contact, and I realize I probably should have texted her to let her know what I’m about to say. Or talked it out with Brett beforehand.

  But Kim’s threats bring Brett and my situation to the forefront.

  I tap my heart a few times, and hope she’ll understand what I’m about to say.

  “Thank you all for being here,” I start. I gesture as I speak. “I know Monday morning meetings are rough, especially when they are impromptu. But I called you all here for a very important reason. At this time, I need to address the more personal side of being an owner and a businessman in a small town.”

  I notice Bob files in late, and takes a seat right next to Brett. For some reason, that puts me on edge. Reading Brett’s face, she looks slightly uncomfortable.

  I clench my jaw.

  “Anyways, today I want to talk to you all about the benefits we all get from being part of this company. You’ve all been so great, that everyone here, in this room, I am giving a raise of a thousand dollars per year, effective immediately.”

  There are a couple of “wooo’s” from the crowd, and a few claps. Troy, who is sitting in the first row, lets out a whoop.

  “Hell yeah, Mr. Blackwell!” he says, with a knowing smile. “Someone’s in a good mood today!”

  “I am in a good mood,” I continue, speaking clearly. This next part of the speech is where the rubber hits the road, and I need to make sure I’m on my game.

  “Because I’m in love,” I say, flat out, and nod with a smile to a crowd whose jaws fall open. The crowd goes silent.

  “Over the last couple of months, I started something that I vowed I never would. And something that’s forbidden in the company’s handbook, explicitly.”

  I glance at my HR guy, who’s sitting in the front row, eyes wide.

  “I went and fell in love with an employee,” I say, and the crowd gasps, then starts looking around and chatting with each other. “Silence!” I clap my hands a few times and they pipe down.

  I look over at Brett, and her face is stark white, but she’s not even paying attention to me.

  Bob has his arm on her shoulder, and she’s sinking further down into her chair to avoid him touching her.

  “I hired her. And then I fell head over heels, right in love, with Brett Blue.”

  Bob makes eye contact with me, and slowly removes his hand from Brett’s shoulder.

  “Brett’s my employee, yes. And I tried my best to resist her. I didn’t want to fall for someone at this company, because it’s damn complicated. But I did. So now, here we are, and I’m confessing this to all of you, because I want you all to know why your Boss is the happiest guy in the company today.”

  Troy stands up. “Hell yeah, Mr. Blackwell!” He starts a slow clap.

  The crowd gets into it, and after a few moments, they break into full applause.

  Brett stands up. “It’s weird, and it’s true. Sebastian and I are in love.”

  Kim runs up from the back, clamoring down the aisle.

  “Yeah! True love, that’s what you call it!” she yells as she gets to the front row, and stops in front of the stage.

  “Alright people, listen up. This is all a bunch of bullshit, I’ll have you know. You want to know what Mr. Blackwell and Brett are really up to?! Let me show you.”

  I watch as Kim presses a couple of buttons on her cell, and seconds later everyones’ phones buzz in their pockets.

  Mine does too.

  I pull it out and swallow as I look at the image. It’s Brett, in her cute as fuck apron and nothing else. In the picture, she has some serious side boob, and I wish this situation were less stressful so I could take some time and admire her.

  “See?” Kim yells to the crowd. “That’s what you call love? I mean come on,” she scoffs. “When two people are in love, they don’t get naked and cook dinner. That’s just not what happens. This is a clear sign of-”

  “Shut. Up.” The voice comes from the middle of the room. It’s Brett’s.

  “Exca-use me!?” Kim yells, her voice shrill.

  The room is dead silent with the exception of the two ladies.

  “Enough!” Brett continues, weaving her way out of her row of chairs. My veins tighten, not knowing what she’ll say, as she makes her way to the front of the room.

  “I’m sick and tired of sitting here and listening to this crazy person try to blackmail us. It’s true. Sebastian and I have had a thing going for some time now.”

  All of the jaws in the room are agape.

  “Sebastian and I have a connection--a really great one. And who are we to deny that just because he’s my boss?”

  Kim runs in front of her, huffing like a mad woman. This whole thing is unfolding like a spectator event in front of my employees. Of course, this is better than if Kim had gone straight to the press with that picture.

  Whatever happens now, we’re coming out with the truth.

  My grandfather’s words ring in my ear again, and I know we’re doing the right thing by telling the truth right now. No matter how big the pit is that’s forming in my stomach right now.

  As Brett nears my area on the podium, my heart warms by her mere presence.

  In the face of a possible crisis, with the entire company staring at her, she smiles with confidence.

  “Look,” she says firmly, taking the mic. “I’m not going to let you people who live in glass houses
sit up and judge me. You’re all going to act like you haven’t ever done something freaky fun for love? Like getting dressed up in just an apron to make dinner for your man?”

  Everyone’s eyes seem to widen in the crowd.

  “Fuck yeah!” Troy says from the first row, pumping his fist in the air. “That’s the kind of girl I want when I grow up!”

  The crowd chuckles a bit, and I do too.

  “When I met this man seven years ago,” Brett continues, “he defended me. I don’t have to go into that story now, but two months ago, he dropped into my life again. To be honest, at first I thought he was a cocky asshole, and I didn’t really want to be with him. But for all of you who haven’t been as lucky to spend time behind the scenes with this man, he’s not an asshole. He’s actually the type of man who will give someone he loves anything they want. And when I say anything, I mean absolutely anything at all.”

  She turns to me and winks.

  Our hands knock together at our sides, and I take her hand in mine, interlocking our fingers. “Let’s not go over all the details,” I whisper to her.

  “This doesn’t change a damn thing!” Kim yells as she power walks to the front of the room. That’s when I notice Kim already smells like liquor.

  Uh oh. I think someone might have a problem.

  “If you do not promise that you and her will never be together, I’m going to unleash this photo on social media and give it to all the employees! Imagine the headlines! ‘Small town business owner has kinky affair with employee.’”

  Brett looks over at the picture and nods. “Hmm. I like it. I look pretty hot in that apron. I think you’ve actually gotten my good side. Here, let me do it.”

  I’m astonished by Brett’s honesty and boldness. This is a side of her I don’t really know.

  She snatches Kim’s phone from her hand, and with a few quick motions, she forwards it to the entire employee list.

  All of their phones buzz collectively, and they all take them out and look at the very sexy picture of Brett.

  Kim grabs her phone back, her tone worrisome. “No! You can’t do that! I’m blackmailing you!”

  Brett shrugs. “No, you’re not. Because, I don’t care anymore! Show that picture to anyone you want. Big deal.”

  I let my hand slip to Brett’s waist as I inhale her sexy, peachy scent. God help me, I’m so in love with this woman. And I’m so damn happy.

  “Baby,” I say, turning to Brett. “You know what I think of all the stuff that has happened between us in the last couple of months?”


  “I think we need to do more of this.”

  I lean down and kiss Brett on the mouth.

  The crowd erupts in applause.

  I kiss her harder, egging them on.

  All of the employees stand up, and their applause gets louder.

  “No. No!” Kim raises her voice above the volume of everyone who is clapping.

  “Kim,” I say, when I’m finished with my kiss. “You’re fired. Pack up your things, and get out of here.” I dial my phone, calling Fiona, and tell her to send security to escort Kim out.

  “Hey, Brett,” I say as the applause still echoes around us. “Tell me, how exactly does that book of yours end?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t come up with the official ending yet.”

  “Alright. Well let me know if you want to act out any more of those scenes, baby.”

  “Of course.”

  Security arrives and takes Kim out.

  “Alright everyone,” I say, taking the microphone again. “Let’s get back to work. I love you all very much. But especially you, Brett,” I wink.

  “Yeah, fuck yeah! Sebastian’s the man!” Troy yells and does a couple more fist pumps. He winks at me and Brett. Troy and myself exchange knowing glances between us.

  Troy’s a stand-up guy, and I wish him the best.

  The crowd gradually spills out until it’s just us again.

  Everyone's gone now. We kiss again on the podium, and electricity shoots through me.

  “Brett, you know what I like the best about this, all this?”

  “What?” she murmurs, looking up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes that I can’t wait to stare at for the rest of my life.

  “You were so ridiculous today, you made me realize something big. You’re just the right kind of crazy for me.”



  Three months later

  It’s a brisk Friday night in February. Sebastian has been driving me around for what seems like forever, though he won’t tell me where we are going.

  “Are we there yet?” I ask, adjusting the blindfold and taking a deep breath. I’m tempted to reach up and remove it, but I don’t.

  “Almost,” Sebastian says, and I swear I can hear him smirking even though I can’t see a thing.

  “Seriously, where are we going? I feel like we’ve been driving in circles forever.”

  Sebastian laughs, and I wiggle in the front seat of his truck.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. Don’t you trust me? After all we’ve been through.”

  “Yes, of course, but I just like knowing where we are headed.”

  He reaches across from the driver’s seat and pats the skin of my thigh.

  It’s a cold February night, but I insisted on donning a black skirt. Lucky for me, Sebastian’s truck has a new feature: heated seats with a self- massaging feature.

  “I just want to make sure you are good and surprised for dinner tonight. This is a special celebration for your book coming out this weekend.”

  I lean back and enjoy the heat of the chair warmer on my body.

  “At this point, we could be on a plane back in Nashville by now.”

  The truck jolts to a halt, and I hear Sebastian put the engine into park.

  “We’re here!” he exclaims. “Don’t move yet though. I need to do something.”

  “What now?”

  He reaches across and I feel him unbuckle my seatbelt. “You look gorgeous tonight,” he whispers in my ear, his voice grizzly.

  “I wish I could see you to tell you the same. But you know, I’ve got this.”

  “It’s okay. You can feel this.”

  He guides my hand to his bicep, and I feel the hardness of his muscle over his jacket.

  “Have you been doing extra pull ups in the morning?” I exclaim.

  “Nah,” he answers. “I have been doing a lot of cross training on the weekends though.”

  “Cross training? You’re gonna have to tell me about that.”

  “Oh. Let’s just say it involves keeping my body hovering above a certain someone as I do a lot of this.”

  He leans in and surprises me with a soft string of kisses that start at my neck and work their way up my jawline, until he lands one on my cheek, and finally puts one on my lips.

  I moan softly and my whole body tingles. I squeeze his arm, and the fact that I still can’t see a thing enhances all the other senses.

  He drags a single finger from my ear down to my chin and kisses me once more.

  “Not fair,” I breathe. “You’re getting me all hot and bothered and we haven’t even gotten to the actual date yet.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Does it turn you on when I do this?” He kisses me softly on the lips again and slips a hand between my thighs, running it ever so gently closer to my panties.

  “Sebastian,” I whisper, my legs quivering. “I’m getting so turned on.”

  “Shit, sorry babe. I need to show you this first.”

  “Don’t lie. You’re not sorry you turned me on.”

  “Okay fine. Sorry I’m not sorry. But I do have to show you something.”

  He removes the keys, and gets out of the door on his side.

  Walking around to my side, he opens my door and takes hold of my hand, helping me out of the car.

  Outside now, I can hear a few odd people chatting in the night on the sidewalk. My heels click on the concrete as S
ebastian guides me across the street. Taking hold of my shoulders, he turns my body around. I keep my eyes closed underneath the blindfold.

  “Can I please see now?”

  “Wait. Keep your eyes closed just a minute more. I’m going to take off the blindfold and then cover your eyes with my hands.”

  I do as he says, and he stands behind me while he covers my eyes with his hands.

  “One. Two. You sure you’re ready?”

  “Yes! For the love of God just show me what it is.”

  “Three,” he says as he lets his hands drop to my waist. I open my eyes, and I’m nearly blinded by the red, yellow, and blue neon lights of a big sign in front of the brick building that was formerly Blackwell Country Pizzeria. My jaw drops in awe at the new wording of the sign.

  Instead of saying BCP, it says Blue Pizzeria.

  “Oh my gosh. It looks amazing!”

  I spin around, still in Sebastian’s arms.

  “I thought it was appropriate since we had our first awkward encounter here.”

  I shrug. “I was pretty awkward back then. I’ll give that to you.”

  “Smart. But awkward. Come here, Blue.” I get on my tippy toes to kiss him, and adrenaline pounds through me.

  “So are you ready for dinner?”

  “Sure!” I say. “I’m starving.”

  “Good. We’ve got a lot of celebrating to do for release weekend for your book.”

  I hold his arm as we cross the street. Sebastian holds the door open for me. “After you, my lady.”

  “Oh, you’re such a gentleman,” I say, glancing over my shoulder. “More guys should—“

  My thoughts are interrupted when I notice that there isn’t a single sound coming from the restaurant on a Friday night. It sounds suspiciously silent.

  I whip my head around and see banners draped throughout the restaurant that say Congrats, Brett Blue, on your book release!

  “Um, Sebastian, what is—“

  “Surprise!” shout a dozen or so people as they jump out from behind the bar, and from various pieces of furniture throughout the restaurant.

  “Holy crap,” I mutter, as well as a few other expletives, and I literally jump up when I see them all.


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