Reclaiming Reagan (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 2)

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Reclaiming Reagan (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 2) Page 1

by A. Lynn



  Unsaintly kings Mc: book 2

  A. Lynn

  Unsaintly Kings MC

  wickenburg, Arizona

  est. 1975

  For the real-life Jiving Jimmy

  All my love,


  This book is on the darker side and intended for mature readers.

  All characters and events in this book are completely fictitious and in no way a representation of actual people or situations.

  Hey, Guys!

  I just wanted to take a second to thank you all for your support! You rock! This wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for you all wanting to read what I write. Please know that I appreciate you!

  A. lynn



  SPOILER ALERT: I’m an asshole.

  I royally fucked up—that’s not a secret at this point. I threw away the only woman I have ever loved because I’m an egotistical, insecure, jealous prick. I wanted to hurt her because I was hurting, so I said some disgustingly fucked up shit and walked out the door; but like I said, I’m an asshole.

  During this time disorder that is hitting the Unsaintly Kings from all sides, I need to keep her and Jordan safe at all cost. I hope that she can forgive me because letting her go isn’t an option. Not now, not ever.

  *This is the conclusion to Reagan and Crow’s story: Loving Crow has to be read first.*

  **This book contains explicit scenes that center around sexual assault. If you have sexual triggers, please be warned.**

  Unsaintly Kings


  Co-Founder(previous Prez): Collin “Trigger” MacDonald

  Old Lady: Clara MacDonald

  Co-Founder(previous VP): Patrick “Gauge” Keys

  Old Lady: Emma/Em Keys

  Prez: Brandon “Gunner” MacDonald

  VP: Axle “Axle” Keys

  Secretary: Michael “Tex” Lee

  Treasurer: Eli “Smoke” Wilson

  Road Captain #1: Isaac “Crow” Greene Jr.

  Road Captain #2: Mason “Mase” Clark

  Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Drake “Smooth” Turner

  Enforcer: Rhys “Rhys” Evans

  Tech: Jasper “Einstein” Craig

  Prospect Manager: Noah “Hollywood” Carter

  Old Lady: Marley Carter


  Richard “Doc” Howard

  Old Lady: Trish Howard

  Levi “Shadow” Howard

  Isaac “Colt” Greene Sr

  Old Lady: Estella/Stella Greene

  Declan “Dec” Greene

  Alex “Capone” Lopez

  Carl “Juice” Carter

  David “Jagger” Williams

  Credence “Creed” Monroe

  Cash “Cash” Mitchell

  Liam “Horse” Harris

  Desmond “Unit” Addams

  Bobby “Bob” Lewis

  Ethan “Easy” Jackson

  Ellery “Ghost” Jackson

  Matthew “Rock” Ballard

  Timmy “Moose” Mudd

  Anthony “Bane” Garcia

  Shane “Peezy” Ballinger


  Killian “Killy” O’Brien

  Diego “Dub” Sanchez

  Quinn “Lucky” Alvarez

  Josh “Motherfucker” Jones



  Sasha: We just landed.

  Me: Okay. I’ll wait outside, don’t want to scare the locals.

  Sasha: Ha-ha.

  Me: Not joking, wish I was.

  I haven’t gone into detail with her about the attack, and truth be told, I probably won’t. She doesn’t need to have that ugly shit in her head. The less she knows the better. She is already going to be torn up over what Ryan has done, I won’t add to her worries.

  Now, I find myself sitting in the parking garage of the airport doing my best to keep myself together. I am nervous for Sasha to see me, but it pales in comparison to the terror I feel when I think about Jordan seeing me like this.

  Will he be afraid of me? Will he not want me? So many questions about what is to come in the next few weeks.

  And now this shit with Crow? I don’t know what that was back at the house. The vile things that he said to me have my heart in tatters. He must have really been blowing smoke up my ass about us being forever and having a family. I feel so stupid for believing all that shit. And look at me now… pregnant and alone.

  If he didn’t want the baby, he could have just said so. But denying the baby is his like he hasn’t been fucking the shit out of me without condoms? Isn’t he a touch too old for that shit? I mean, really? Come on, now. Lying ass bastard. Where the hell is Maury Povich when you need him? I guess I need to make a call and make reservations for September.

  I don’t know how we can come back from this—but more importantly—I don’t know if I want to. He made it very clear that he was done with me. Crystal clear, in fact.

  Rancid ass? Stupid whore? Nasty bitch? As ugly as those words are and the scarring that they will cause, they were just that, words. It was unforgivable for him to accuse me of being involved in getting my ass handed to me. How could he think I was involved with the destruction that fucking psycho inflicted on my body? Blaming me for shit that was done to me because of his fucking club is inexcusable. But he wasn’t just blaming me either, he was shaming me.

  I wouldn’t wish the shit that happened to me on my worst enemy.

  I just need a little time away. At least until my face heals and I can go back to work. I don’t just want to sit idle, my head is the last place I need to get caught up in. That’s why I rented a cabin for a few weeks. Having Jordan back and some fresh air will take my mind off of Crow. Which is why I packed a bag for Jordan and me. I want to head out as soon as possible.

  With overly large sunglasses and a hat that will conceal the gauze wrapped around my head, I walk out of the parking garage. My phone chimes.

  Sasha: We are at baggage claim now. Should be out soon.

  Me: I’m walking out of the parking garage now. See you soon.

  I am hurting something fierce and heartbroken, but I am also excited to see my baby. I missed him so much this week. I feel like a walking contradiction. I need to feel my boy in my arms.

  And there he is. I see him when I step up on the curb.

  Sasha makes eye contact with me just as I call, “J!”

  His head snaps in my direction, and he has the biggest smile on his face he calls back, “Wea!” He starts to run to me as I head in his direction. The closer he gets, the smaller his smile gets.

  “Be careful, Jordan. Remember me telling you that Rea was in an accident and she hurts?”

  “I’s twy, MiMi,” he says as we reach each other and he wraps his arms around my legs. “You’s otay, Wea?”

  “I feel better now that you are here,” I say, awkwardly bending to hug him.

  “Whas happen, Wea?” He asks with a hitch in his throat.

  “Let’s get to the car and I will tell you,” I tell him as Sasha catches up to him.

  “Otay, Wea. Wets bwow dis popysicy stand,” he says, taking my hand. “I’s misseded you so much, Wea.”

  “I missed you, baby,” I smile. “Hey, Sasha. did you guys have fun together?”

  Jordan starts nodding his head when Sasha says, “We really did.”

  “I can’t wait to hear about it! Did you bring me anything?”

  “I’s gots you’s a shiwt.”

  “You did?! You are too sweet.”

  “I’s knows dat,” he says making me laugh. He is too muc

  With their bags in the trunk with mine, Jordan climbs in Sasha’s lap giving me an expectant look. I reach over and take his hand. “This,” I say pointing at my face, “Was an accident. I wasn’t watching where I was walking and I tripped over a big crack on the sidewalk. I had stuff in my hands and didn’t get them up fast enough to stop this side of my face from hitting the sidewalk.”

  “Can I’s see?”

  I take a deep breath and nod. I take the hat off first because there isn’t anything to see there. I point at the gauze around my head and say, “This is so I don’t open my mouth too much.” Now for the glasses. I slide them off but keep my face hidden behind my hair.

  I raise my head and turn to look at him and even before we make eye contact, a scream escapes his throat. He wraps his arms around Sasha’s neck in a death grip.

  “Wea!! No! MiMi, help me’s!” He screams and what’s left of my heart is destroyed.

  “You don’t have to be scared, baby, I won’t hurt you,” I say putting my sunglasses back on. I make no move to touch him or get closer, instead, I push myself against the door as much as I can without hurting myself. I just scared the shit out of my son and there is nothing that I can do to make it better.

  “Jordan, honey,” Sasha says softly to soothe him. “It’s just, Rea. She just has some boo-boos.”

  “No, MiMi. No!”

  I can’t wipe the tears away fast enough. “I was going to take him away for a few weeks while I heal… but maybe he should stay with you,” I whisper, brokenly. “At least until the bruises fade.”

  “You’re probably right,” she says with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Rea.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Wet’s go, MiMi,” Jordan cries. “Pwease.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Climb back to your car seat—”

  “No! Wet’s go, now! Pwease!”

  “It’s okay, Sasha, I will order you an Uber,” I cry. “I don’t want to scare him any more than I already have.” Or break my heart more.

  “Where are you going to go?”

  “I rented a cabin with Flagstaff Cabin Rentals,” I answer as I order her a car. “The bruises should be gone in a week or so. You just had him for a week and now you are taking him for an undetermined amount of time.”

  She reaches out and grabs my hand, “I don’t mind and you know it. You three are the only family I have, Rea. There are no bounds when it comes to my family.”

  “That reminds me,” I say as I hand over the envelope with the paperwork and letter from Ryan.

  “What’s this?”

  “R-Y-A-N left it in the mailbox the other day. Don’t read it until you’re alone later,” I reply. “Please don’t mention anything to him. I will handle it when I get him back.”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you, Sasha. I’ll make it up to you,” I promise her.

  “Not necessary,” she says, then pauses. “Where is Crow? I thought he was picking us up?”

  Feeling more tears coming, I just shake my head and text her.

  Me: He dumped me.

  Sasha: What? Why?

  Me: They took blood at the hospital and when the reports came back this morning, it said I was pregnant. He accused me of trying to pin some other guy’s baby on him.

  Sasha: Pregnant? But you haven’t been together that long…

  Me: That was his argument. But the doctor said that your hormones will reveal pregnancy six to eight days after.

  Sasha: He broke up with you because you’re pregnant? What an asshole.

  Me: Yup

  Sasha: This week has been shitty for you. It’s a wonder you are still standing.

  Me: I know right.

  My phone chimes with a message from another number.

  968-212-0049: This is Hannah, with Uber, I am here.

  “The car is here,” I look in the backseat to see Jordan knocked out. “Let me help you with the bags.”

  “Okay,” she replies as she bends to pick him up from the backseat. “Do we need the car seat?”

  “No, I asked for there to be one in the car,” I say as I go give Jordan as much love as I can without him waking up. Letting him go again after just getting him back is making tears stream down my face.

  “It will be over before you know it,” she says.

  “I know, I already miss him so much,” I sob and grab the bags. “She is supposed to be in a white sedan.”

  “Is this her?” She asks just as the girl turns and holds up a sign with my name on it.

  I raise my hand to her, and she jumps out of her vehicle to open the trunk.

  I give Jordan a few more kisses before she straps him in the car seat. “Thank you, Sasha.”

  “It’s no problem, Rea. Don’t worry about us. Just rest and let yourself heal.”

  “I will.”

  “Text me when you get there, okay?”

  I nod and squeeze her hand before I turn to go back to my car.

  Chapter 1


  one month later…

  I’m taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm my nerves. In through my nose and out through my mouth, but it doesn’t seem to be helping in the least. If anything it’s making me feel a little lightheaded… and parched. I can’t believe I forgot my cup of ice in Dr. Brooks’s exam room.

  Dr. Brooks—who insists I call her Wendy—delivered Jordan. I am so stoked to have her deliver his brother or sister as well.

  Getting back on the task at hand, I push the car door open and hop out before I have a chance to change my mind. Once I am out of the car, I start to falter again. I don’t know why I am so nervous, Stella loves me, surely she wouldn’t have given my job away. Unless she is siding with her son, which is understandable because he is her blood after all.

  I have lost track of how long I have been standing out here trying to pull up my big girl panties, when a voice behind me says, “Reagan?”

  I turn to see Marley standing there with a confused look on her face. “Hey, Marley. How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing good,” she smiles. “It’s nice to see you, but why are you hanging out here in the parking lot?”

  “Working up the nerve to take my ass in there and talk to Stella.”

  “She will be so happy to see you. She has been going out of her mind with worry since you up and disappeared.”

  “I just needed to get away, you know?”

  “I do. It would have just been nice of you to let us know.”

  “I’m sorry I left you in a lurch,” I start.

  “I don’t care about the job, Reagan, I care about you.”

  My eyes find my feet and I reply, “I really am sorry, Marley. I promise I will do better in the future.”

  “You better,” she mom glares at me, opening her arms. “Now, get over here and give me some sugar.” I smile and throw myself into her arms. “Now, let’s go see Stella.”

  “Let’s do this,” I say with more confidence than I feel.

  When we get to the doorway of the office, Marley announces, “Look who I found hanging out in the parking lot.”

  As soon as Stella’s eyes lock on me, a myriad of emotions cross her face—surprise, relief, anger, worry—but relief is the one that remains. Then she is on her feet, crossing the room, and pulling me into a hug. “I was so worried, Novia. I called and texted many times.”

  “I know,” I sigh. “I just needed to escape from here for a little while. What I looked like after the attack scared Jordan, so I disappeared until my face was back to normal.”

  “Did Jordan not go with you?”

  “No, he stayed with Sasha. He’s been through so much lately, I didn’t want to compound on that. It hurt being away from him for that long, though.”

  “Why didn’t Crow go with you? I asked him where you were but he said he didn’t know.”

  “Why would he?”

  “Because you are together,” she says slowly like I’m stupid.

we’re not. He broke up with me the day that I left to go to the cabin.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You will have to ask him about that.”

  “Why has he kept it to himself? It’s not like I haven’t asked about you every time I see him.”

  “I don’t know, Stella, but that is why I am here this morning.”

  “You’re not quitting, are you? You said you wouldn’t.”

  “No, I’m not going to quit. I love working here, but it is going to have to come with a few special considerations, though. He is your son, I get it, but I need him to stay away from me. The things he said to me are unforgivable,” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

  “Rea…” she starts, but I raise my hand to stop her from coming to me.

  “I love him, Stella, but I can’t be with him. He has hurt me in the past, but I put it aside and kept letting him come back. I can’t do it this time, everything about us was toxic. I don’t want Jordan and this one to grow up around that.”

  “This one?” She asks, tilting her head in confusion. “Are you pregnant, Reagan?”

  Shit! I didn’t mean for that to come slipping out. “Uh… yes,” I reply as torrents of tears start streaming down her cheeks.

  “I’m going to be an Abuela?” I nod as she lays both hands on my stomach. “Does he know?”

  “Yes. I told him when I found out.”

  “When was that?”

  “The day I left.”

  “What?! He didn’t tell me anything,” she seethes as she dials a number. “Kane! Where are you?” Pause. “You have five minutes to get here…” Pause. “Just bring your fucking ass up here! Now!”

  “Stella, what did we just talk about?!”

  “I’m sorry, Rea, but I need to get to the bottom of this. The two of you being present is imperative for that,” she answers, not sounding sorry at all.


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