Reclaiming Reagan (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 2)

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Reclaiming Reagan (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 2) Page 20

by A. Lynn

  “Thank god!”

  “We will be home in about an hour.”

  “Hurry, honey. I need to hold you both.”

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you,” she says just before the line goes dead.

  When we are pulling up to the gate an hour or so later, I am happy to see that it isn’t standing open like it was before. Fucking Lucky. As it opens I see that the brothers that went to Tuscon are already back and impatiently waiting in the parking lot with Reagan and Ma.

  Once we have parked in front of the clubhouse, the doors are opened from the outside. “Hand her here, Colt,” Doc says.

  His arms tighten around her body. “I got her.”

  “I’ll give her back, Brother. I just want to help you get out of the van.” Pop looks down at Sky’s sleeping, still form and sighs like handing her to Doc for a minute is going to cause him physical pain.

  “Go be with your families, brothers. We will have Church in an hour,” Gunner calls out, dismissing the crowd.

  With Skylar safe in his arms once again, we trail behind Doc to the triage area. “Axle,” Skylar moans once again, bringing the anger back. I’m going to have to have a talk with that asshole. Soon.

  At the door to the triage room, Doc spins stops us in our tracks. “You can be in the room while I’m tending to Jordan, but given Sky’s current state, I am only going to allow Stella in here.”

  “Bullshit!” Pop yells. “I’ll be with my baby girl—”

  “Isaac, baby, he’s right. This is not something that Skylar is going to want an audience for. I’ll go with her and that will be the end of it,” Ma says in a no-nonsense tone.

  “Fine,” he says with a glare aimed at Doc.

  “Lay him on the bed, Crow, and I will get started.


  “Alright, let’s get started,” Gunner says and smacks the gavel on the table. “What happened in Growler?”

  “We parked a mile or so out from the ruins and split up; some of us taking to the trees and the rest of us walking on the street. We were going to meet in the middle but we didn’t get there until everything was done and over because we didn’t know that the entrance was in a tree,” Tex says in an accusatory tone.

  “Don’t act like we just decided to keep valuable information from you,” Axle throws back. “We didn’t have time to call you guys. Crow heard cries coming from below and we were on our hands and knees at that point searching all of the areas that the permit plans showed. That was when Smooth noticed the door in the tree. We didn’t have time to waste; we just acted.”

  “I was the first to go in,” I tell everyone. “Dec was just sitting at a table with a gun—waiting for us. Ran his mouth about how long it took us to find him. Asshole. Then Pop wanted to know why he would do this to Skylar after he stood up for him.”

  “Clearly family means shit to him,” Rhys adds.

  “What did he have to say for himself?” Gunner asks Pop.

  “He said that he didn’t want her but she wouldn’t hand over Jordan so he had to revise,” Pop pauses and when he speaks again, his voice is thick. “He said it was a win-win though because Chains had been having a good time with her.”

  “Piece of shit,” Smoke spits.

  “Where was Chains?” Horse asks.

  “He was already dead, but he was in the room with Sky and little man,” Smooth answers. “He was bragging to Axle that she was a screamer and that Chains had left some for him. That was when I went in and started to get them freed because Axle was only concerned with finding out where his sister was.”

  “Which we will be talking about, Axle,” I threaten. “Both slights you handed her tonight.” I pause to get myself under control. “I asked him why, but all he would say is that it was about the money. And then he went on for a while about how I’m the ‘golden boy’ or some shit—it was all very Jan Brady.”

  “Jan Brady?” Mase questions with his head tilted in confusion.

  “You know, Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!” Tex tells him in a high-pitched voice.

  “Oh,” Mase replies, still not seeming to get it.

  “Then he got on a tirade about how Crow chose Mase over him for the second road captain position,” Axle says, rolling his eyes. “Like Crow was the only one who made that decision.”

  “I didn’t vote for him, though,” I add.

  “And you shouldn’t have,” Pop states. “He wasn’t ready for a seat at the officer’s table.”

  “He wasn’t ready for a spot at the member’s table either,” Hollywood adds.

  “He was running his mouth about how we were walking around here like we own the place, but we didn’t run shit because we were a bunch of pussies, and they were going to take us out,” Axle continues.

  “Who pulled the trigger?” Rhys asks.

  “I did,” Pop whispers. “Axle was going to because he wouldn’t give any information on Harley’s whereabouts, but Crow stopped him because he thought he should do it. I stopped Crow because Dec was my cross to bear. I foolishly stood behind him even when I knew he was wrong—I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

  The silence in the room is deafening until Trigger rounds the table to pull Pop into a tight hug. “You are a far stronger man than I. I like to think I could make the decision if the situation demanded it, but we both know I couldn’t.” Fist pounding on the table greets the men when they pull away from each other. “It’s a difficult decision to make on the best of days.”

  “Not really,” Pop says with more strength than his face implies he feels. “He would have let my two other children die. Take out the one for the many.”

  “You just saved countless people, Colt,” Gunner states, and Pop nods.

  “You know what I don’t get?” Ghost asks. “Why did he kill Chains?”

  “I don’t know… but he didn’t try to kill any of us either,” I answer.

  “What do you think that means?”

  “I don’t think for a second that he wouldn’t have, I just don’t think he reached the end of his gloating yet.”

  “Still doesn’t explain why he killed Chains,” Tex reasons. “Something isn’t adding up for me.”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. My sister is still missing,” Axle snaps. “Did you find anything in Tuscon?”

  “No, there wasn’t anything there. The house, I mean, was burnt out,” Gunner replies.

  “I guess the question now is, what are we going to do about Cash?” Moose says.

  “There’s nothing to do with Cash. I’m pretty sure Dec took him out, if him saying ‘his body would never be found’ is any indication,” I sigh heavily, thinking of all the brothers that have been lost recently.

  “I worried about that,” Moose says sadly.

  “Is that everything? Are we all up to speed?” Gunner asks.

  “I would like to bring something to the table,” I say. “I think it’s time we give Killy his top rocker.”

  “I second that motion,” Pop agrees.

  “All opposed?” Gunner asks, but only gets silence. “All for?” The pounding on the table carries the motion. “We will take care of that as soon as possible. He is going to be laid up for a long time. The bullet hit his liver and they were having a hard time stopping the bleeding but he is resting comfortably now. Anything else? Good, meeting adjourned.”


  I walk into the suite and find Regan sitting on the couch staring at Jordan. It’s the exact same position she was in when I left earlier to check on Skylar before Church. “You going to stare at him all night?”

  “Maybe,” she says without looking at me. I drop a kiss on her head and pick him up off the couch. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking him to the bed so we can lay down.”

  “I’m not done watching him,” she says.

  “I know, babe, that’s why I am carrying him to our bedroom.”

  “Oh, okay” she sighs as I lay him on her side of the bed so she can hold onto
him while I hold onto her.

  After laying there for who knows how long I break the silence. “How was your appointment? We didn’t get a chance to talk about it earlier.”

  She slowly moves into a sitting position—careful not to disturb Jordan or hurt Peanut—in the cramped space, giving me a beautiful smile. “I completely forgot!” She whisper yells in excitement. “Let me up, I got something for you.”

  “I got something for you, too,” I say as I get up from the bed to get her gift out of the closet.

  “You did? What is it?”

  “I guess you’re just going to have to open it.”

  “Let me get yours and I will,” she says with a smile and climbs off the bed to grab a slightly smaller box out from under the bed. Once we are both seated on the bed again, we exchange boxes. “You first.”

  I smile and raise the top of the box off and pull the tissue paper out of the way to see a sealed envelope. I tear the top off and pull out a few pictures. “You had an ultrasound today?”

  “I did.”

  “Why? Is everything good with Peanut?”

  “Everything is perfect.”

  “Thanks, babe. I’m happy I got to see the baby. Wish I could have been there, though,” I say leaning in to kiss her. “I love it.”

  “That’s not your gift, dumber. I mean it is, but it isn’t. Remove that next layer of tissue paper,” she tells me with a giggle.

  I remove the paper and see a pink bodysuit thing with an ultrasound pinned on top and a blue one right next to it. I raise my eyes to hers and see tears shining and feel like I missed something. “What are you telling me, baby?”

  “Pick up the pink one and look hard at the picture.”

  I bring it closer to my face but I don’t see what she is wanting me to see. I’m about to get frustrated when I see a small chat bubble and pull it a little closer still, finally seeing it, “Twin A: I’m a girl!” I drop it back in the box and pick up the blue one to see it says’ “Twin B: I’m a boy!” I sit and stare at them for a minute and feel tears brimming in my eyes.

  “Say something, Kane,” she whispers.



  “A boy and a girl?”

  “Yeah, honey.”

  “I can’t believe it! We’re going to have two babies?”

  “Are you happy?”

  “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “We don’t have the best track record with pregnancy revelations,” she shrugs.

  This is why she lied to me earlier. Well, not lied but was being evasive. I jump from the bed and pick her up in a hold—box and all—and carry her into the living room, setting her down on the couch. I pull the bedroom door shut so we don’t disturb little man. I drop to my knees in front of her and wrap my arms around her waist and give the babies kisses.

  “I know I fucked up before and I can never take that back, but I can assure you that something like that will never happen again. I am so unbelievably happy that I get to be a daddy to a beautiful little girl with her Moma’s looks that I can spoil and protect and love with everything that I am. And a little boy that will keep little man from committing assault when he finds out they have a sister, too. Two sons that I get to teach to ride motorcycles, how to treat a woman, and how special their sister is. I am so happy, baby. We get Olivia Estella and Isaac Mitchell. This is a great thing.”

  “I was worried. I am so excited, Kane, but I am also nervous. We are going to go from having one child to three in just a few months. And I know that you were upset that you weren’t with me today—I felt so damn guilty that I got all this great news without you—that I set up an appointment to a have another done next month so you can see them in my belly.”

  “Thank you, baby.”

  “I think I want to get one of the 4D ultrasounds that are offered now. They don’t have an option for that at Dr. Brooks' office, so I will find one around here in a couple of months.”

  “That will be awesome. Your turn.”

  She smiles, lifts the box top off, and gasps when she sees her property cut. “Kane, it’s beautiful. Are you sure?” She asks when she turns it over to see the back of it—caressing the lettering that will only add to the binding that is going to be our future.

  “Of course I am. I proposed to you, didn’t I?”

  “Being your wife doesn’t automatically make me your old lady. Your brothers think I’m crazy, after all.”

  “Well don’t grab Gunner’s dick again and no one will think that.”

  “It was one time!” she cries indignantly. “They need to stop being so sensitive!”

  I laugh. “You going to try it on?”

  Her eyes lower seductively. “Depends.”

  “On what?”

  She shrugs. “If you’re going to fuck me in or not,” she says taking her sleep shirt off.

  “Try to stop me,” I tell her as I grip her hips, pulling her to her feet so I can drag her panties down her legs. I bury my nose in the pussy and take a deep breath, feeling my cock start to stiffen. She spreads her legs enough for my tongue to catch the wetness that is starting to show itself on top of her clit but not enough to get as up close and personal as I want with Polly.

  I lower her onto the couch, spread her legs, and run my tongue from top to bottom. I give long slow strokes and slip two fingers side, allowing her clenching walls to dictate the speed I use when I start licking the alphabet on that little bundle of nerves.

  Her hips are swiveling and pumping to meet my fingers stroke for stroke. The clenching is turning into a rapid fluttering and a litany of moans and groans fill the air. “You like that, baby?” I ask as I flip my hand palm up so I can rub that spot inside that sends her flying.


  “You going to come all over my face?”

  “Uh-huh…” she repeats through breathless panting. “I am so close.” I suck her clit into my mouth and hollow my cheeks just before biting down, giving her that last little bit to send her over. “Oh, fuck! Fuck, Kane! Don’t stop, that feels so good…” she trails off as the clenching begins so slow.

  I grip the back of her neck and bring her mouth to mine so she can see how good she tastes. She is fucking delicious. I pull back and get to my feet so I can push my basketball shorts down as she slips to her knees in front of me. She reaches for my cock but I stop her.


  “I’m not going to last long and I want to blow my load deep inside you while I look at ‘Property of Crow’ across your back.”

  She smiles and turns to drape her tits and arms across the couch cushion—presenting her ass to me. “Like this, love?” I don’t answer her. I just drop to my knees behind her, line up, and drive deep in one thrust. “Ohh,” she moans.

  “Play with your clit, baby. I want to feel your pussy strangling my cock when I come,” I demand, watching as one of her hands slips off the cushion and out of sight. The clenching I already feel inside of her has my hips shooting forward at a vicious momentum. She is so fucking responsive right now and her pregnancy has turned my baby into a fiend.

  “Fuck, Kane, harder. I am almost there,” she moans.

  “Let go, baby, I’m ready to follow.”

  Her body stiffens with the force of her second orgasm, making her scream out loud for a second before she buries her head in the couch. Her muffled screams and the sounds of slapping skin filling the air have my hips faltering as I blow.

  I pull out of her with a groan and get to my feet and pull on my shorts. “Stay here, baby. I will go get a washcloth.”

  “That’s okay, I need to use the bathroom anyway,” she says as she pulls her shirt over her head.

  When we are back in bed, I broach a topic that has been on my mind all night. “Babe?”

  “Yeah?” She asks as she turns to face me.

  “Want to start planning the wedding? Now that the shit with Dec is over.”

  “I already have it planned. Sky and I have bee
n working on it for a little while…”


  “I want to wait to have the ceremony until Sky is able to stand beside me.”

  “She’s going to be maid of honor or whatever?”

  “That’s the plan. We already have our dresses ordered.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “But I would be completely down to eloping at one of those same-day weddings with just you and me. That way we can get the paperwork started for J’s adoption.”

  “I think that is what I want to do. I don’t want to wait any longer than we need to. I am ready for you to be my wife.”

  “My sentiments exactly,” she says heading for the bathroom. She turns back to me with a hopeful expression on her face. “Honey?”


  “Can we go home now?”

  “I don’t see why not,” I reply, making a smile split her face. “I love you, baby.”

  “As I love you.”



  I have decided that it is time that Axle speaks to me. He has avoided me for the last month and I want to know why. It is truly painful watching him avoid me like the fucking plague. It’s time to shit or get off the pot. I can’t keep stringing myself along with someone who will never accept me. So now I am in the bar looking around for him, but surprise, he isn’t here. So I plop my ass on a stool and prepare to get fucked up.

  “Hey, Skylar. How are you doing, hun?” Peaches asks.

  “Four shots of vodka, please.”

  “Okay.” I shoot each shot the second she sets them before me. “You want to talk about it?”

  “Naw, I’m good, Peaches. Four more, please.” I pause for a few seconds so I can shoot the latest round of shots, feeling that comforting heat that only comes from straight liquor. “Thanks,” I say as I get up to head to my room. My room—I don’t even know why the hell I’m still staying here, lockdown ended after Dec was killed. I guess the simple answer is that I don’t want to go home and be alone, but the truth is I have been sitting here waiting for Axle to finally see me. Which he hasn’t.


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