Dashing Dukes and Romantic Rogues

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Dashing Dukes and Romantic Rogues Page 78

by Caldwell, Christi

  A soft knock sounded at the door. “Who is it?” she called as she crossed the bedroom into the sitting area.

  “Tricia,” the other woman called from behind the door.

  Rose pulled on the latch and swung the door open. The duchess stood in the hall.

  “Hello,” Rose tried to give the woman an easy smile.

  “Good morning. May I come in?” Tricia asked.

  “Of course.” Rose swept her hand into the room as a gesture of welcome.

  “I heard that you had a dizzy spell this morning? Are you feeling recovered?” Tricia turned as she made it into the center of the room and her gaze was so sympathetic that Rose instantly relaxed.

  “Much better, thank you.” Rose closed the door as she gestured to a settee by the window. “Would you care to sit?”

  “Thank you.” Tricia took a seat.

  Rose sat across from her. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Ryker mentioned to me that Lord Addington proposed.” Tricia took a breath and looked at the ceiling as though it held some fascinating piece of information. “At the risk of being meddlesome, he also said you may have fainted because of it and you did not answer. I thought perhaps, you could use someone to talk to.”

  Rose stared at the other woman, uncertain to what to say. It wasn’t that she wasn’t considering it. She’d like to confide in someone. And though the duchess had a warmth about her, it seemed unwise. “That’s most kind, but really I am fine.”

  Tricia leaned forward. “I met my husband when I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night to search for my cousin in the docklands.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Rose choked on the words a little.

  Tricia scooted a little further out on her seat. “You can tell me all of it. I won’t judge.”

  There was such kindness in her eyes that before Rose knew it, she found herself sharing her story with the other woman. As Tricia nodded, she told her about how she’d thought him a thief but how her heart had always thought differently.

  Tricia nodded. “I understand. And his work as a spy must have left clues that would make it seem he was actually the thief.”

  Rose gasped. “You know he’s a spy?”

  Tricia nodded. “Prinny told Ryker and he mentioned it to me.” She waved her hand. “Ryker also had me tell Lady Bridgeton about the safe so that she might suggest to her husband to lock the jewels away.”

  Blinking, Rose attempted to clear her shock. Tricia had been helping to get her diamonds back? “I didn’t know that you were involved.”

  Tricia shook her head. “I’m not really. But tell me, why haven’t you answered him?”

  Rose shrugged her shoulder up and down. “I don’t know. At first I thought him a thief and now, everything has grown so muddled. Where does rumor end and the real man begin?”

  Tricia tsked. “I think you know.” She reached over and grabbed her hand. “Search your heart and it will answer.

  “Do you really think so?” Hope floated up in her chest.

  Tricia’s smile was gentle. “If you don’t want to believe me than ask him yourself. I have a feeling he just hasn’t had an opportunity to tell you.”

  Rose sat back in her chair. They’d have to be alone to have such a conversation. Tingling spread through her at the thought. She knew exactly how and when to discuss the matter.

  Chapter Eleven

  Will and Ryker tromped through the woods. It was nearly time to circle back to the house but a problem had arisen. Perrault wouldn’t leave them be. He’d been glued to their side all morning.

  “What shall we do with him?” Ryker whispered as Perrault fell a few paces behind.

  “Lose him or take him to strengthen our case.” Will whispered back.

  He watched Ryker mull the matter, the man’s eyes hard and calculating. He liked the Duke of Landon very much, he had to admit. He was smart and resourceful and had managed to successfully thumb society. What wasn’t to like? “You’re right. Let’s take him.”

  With a nod, Will turned back to Perrault. “Hey, old chap, I’d like to check on Lady Rose. See how she fares after this morning. Would you mind escorting me back? I don’t want risk any further damage to her reputation.”

  Perrault frowned. “Leave the hunt?”

  “Good idea.” Ryker gave him a wink. “I’ve realized I’ve my cufflinks in my pocket and I’d love to put them in your safe.”

  Pennault’s frown deepened. “You’ve got the combination and then you can chaperone Lord Addington and Lady Roselyn. You can help each other, I’d say. Though I think you should both wait until after the hunt.”

  “We’ll go now. Feel free to join us or not.” Will turned to go, knowing Perrault would follow. Though it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t.

  Perrault paused for moment and then threw up his hands. “Fine then. But we’ve only just escaped the house and the women, I don’t know why you’d want to return.”

  Will bit back a chuckle. He wondered if he’d ever feel that way about Rose. Somehow, he doubted it. Every minute he spent with her made him even more greedy for her company. He wished he really was going to the house to check on her.

  He wasn’t entirely certain how she’d taken the news about him being a spy. On the one hand, she now knew he wasn’t a thief. On the other, he’d deliberately kept her in the dark about his profession, his motives, and pretty much every part of his life, with the exception of his name. “You can attribute it to new love.”

  Perrault snorted but refrained from speaking. Will had been circling them back to the house all morning so they left the woods near the rear entrance by the kitchen. As they entered the house, they used the servants’ stairs to travel to the study.

  Ryker looked back at him as they made it to the landing. It was meant as a silent communication that he was ready for action. Entering the hall, Ryker stuck out his arm to stop them. “I hear something,” he whispered.

  Perrault opened his mouth, but Will immediately shushed him. “Careful.”

  Perrault ducked his head closer to whisper, “It’s just a servant.”

  “Sounds strange for a servant.” Ryker craned his head. Will had to give him credit, he had excellent hearing and there was no noise, but Ryker made the ruse believable. They hadn’t planned this part and Will had been growing concerned about bursting in on a criminal during the act. Especially with Perrault ,who didn’t know that was about to happen.

  “Let’s just check shall we.” He pumped his hands down. “But quietly and carefully just in case.”

  They both stepped in front of Perrault. While the man had irritated him this morning, Will did prefer his host not get shot.

  The study door was closed but as they approached, they actually could hear the sound of someone hurriedly shuffling about.

  “That is odd,” Perrault stood straighter.

  “Shhhh,” Will reminded him, grasping the door of the handle to slowly turn it. But it barely made a quarter turn before it stopped. The door was locked.

  The shuffling continued inside as Will gently put the knob back in position and let it go.

  Will stepped back for a moment. It was essential that they catch Bridgeton in the act but did he dare pick the lock in front of Perrault?

  But without a word Perrault stepped forward and inserted a key into the lock. Swinging the door open, the man strode forward.

  Will saw it unfolding. Bridgeton stood with his hands full of papers and as he dropped them, he reached into his pocket pulling out his derringer.

  In an instant, he was behind Perrault and as Bridgeton raised the pistol, Will gave Perrault a shove. The man crashed to the ground and he felt the bullet graze his arm, but he paid it no mind as he picked up a paperweight on the desk and aimed for Bridgeton. The throw landed directly between the man’s eyes and Bridgeton was on the floor with a large thud.

  “Well done,” Ryker called as he helped Perrault off the floor.

  “Did you have to shove me like that
?” Perrault brushed his hunting coat off as he glared at Ryker. Then his eyes grew round. “You’re bleeding.”

  Will glanced down at his arm then moved it up and down. “It’s just a scratch. I’ve had worse.” Then it was his turn to glare at Perrault. “The bullet was meant for you. You’re welcome.”

  Will stepped around the desk and gestured for the other two men to do the same. Bridgeton was still alive at least and as they checked his pockets, they found multiple items from the safe. He’d taken land deeds, currency, and even jewels,—but not his wife’s, of course. Or more accurately, Rose’s.

  Will tied his hands and feet and then Perrault left to find a servant to fetch the constable.

  “Do you need to sit?” Ryker looked down at his arm.

  “I’m fine, Landon. Truly, it’s nothing.” He glanced down at it again. It was bleeding a bit and should be wrapped soon but it wouldn’t trouble him.

  Will used his other arm to scrub his face. “What I can’t decide is how I will get the set of jewelry to Rose. Lady Bridgeton arrived with the stones.”

  Ryker gave a chuckle. “It’s a good thing you’re retiring. You distract Perrault when the constable is here. I will tell the constable that the jewelry belongs to Rose and her father. He won’t ask questions. Place them with the rest of the stolen goods.”

  “You don’t think Perrault will notice that the stones placed in his safe by Lord Bridgeton went home with a woman other than Lady Bridgeton?” Will cocked an eyebrow. He’d already had to collect one of Ryker’s plans.

  “The man is a proven thief. Just explain to Perrault that the jewelry was stolen.”

  Well that was bloody simple.

  And it might possibly work. Which made him a little light-headed, though that might also be the blood loss. But he needed to see her and finish their conversation from this morning. Did she think she could forgive him? He just needed to know if it was even possible.

  * * *

  Rose tried the knob of his door and found it unlocked. Creeping into the room, she discovered it empty. She had a little niggle of disappointment that he didn’t sit in the same chair he had on the first night she’d crept inside.

  Taking a breath, she made her way over to the bed. She knew that Will had caught Lord Bridgeton today and the constable had carted him off. Lady Bridgeton had snuck off sometime during all the activity.

  She didn’t know where her mother’s heirlooms were now, but she trusted Will to be looking after them. They weren’t why she was here tonight.

  Reaching the bed, she undid the stays of her dress and slowly allowed it to slip to the floor. Then she began on the corset strings, loosening it so she might remove it as well.

  “Do you need help with that?” A low voice rumbled from the balcony. Will. The very sound made her shiver with anticipation.

  He stepped in through the doors and her heart began to beat wildly in her chest. “I believe I do.”

  Stepping around the bed, his fingers were in the laces as he deftly loosened them until the contraption fell on top of her dress. Then he spun her about and, without another word, his lips descended onto hers.

  The touch of his lips consumed her. She forgot everything but him as he kissed her over and over, exploring her mouth with his.

  As the kiss continued, her passion grew and he filled her every thought, her need driving her forward.

  Rose clung to his neck and before she knew it, they had moved, shifted somehow and she lay under him on the bed. The press of his hips to hers felt better than she’d ever imagined possible and she moaned at the contact.

  They hadn’t spoken, didn’t need to, as Will’s fingers came to his own shirt. In a moment, he’d undone his cravat and then his shirt as it sailed over his head. Rose got a glimpse of his lean muscular chest before he was pressed against her again. The feel of him was more erotic than even their time in the library had been and she found herself trying to press closer still.

  “Rose,” he groaned out. “If we go much further I won’t be able to stop.”

  She trailed her hands down the hard ridges of his back, delighting in their feel. “I don’t want to stop,” she whispered. “Being here with you is more than I could have ever…” she stopped, afraid of how much she’d reveal.

  “Finish,” he gave a light but firm command.

  “It’s more than I could have hoped for. Whatever time you want me…” She took a breath, hoping the words didn’t reveal too much. “I am yours.”

  “I will always want you.” He pulled back a little, his hands framing her face. “Don’t you understand? I love you, Rose.”

  Her breath caught. “You don’t have to say that. I will stay with you tonight even if you don’t.” She wasn’t sure when she’d made this decision. But he’d given her everything she’d asked and, in her heart, she wanted to give back to him.

  “I would never allow you to stay if I didn’t think you’d be staying forever.” He kissed her again.

  Rose attempted to push down her doubt. She knew he wanted her. He’d returned her life to her as well as the one piece of her mother she could have. At least, he would. He didn’t need to make her these promises.

  He rose off the bed and regret lanced through her, she missed the feel of his chest pressed to hers. And the intensity of his glare made her squirm, her gaze turning to the side. “I am not a beauty. I don’t look like the other women who the ton fancy.”

  When he stood, raising himself off the bed, tears pricked at her eyes.

  But he bent down and began removing his boots. She propped herself up on elbows as slowly he unlaced his breaches and then pulled them off to add to the growing pile of clothing. She let her gaze wander up his powerful thighs to his manhood and she couldn’t hide the gasp that escaped her lips.

  “Take off your shift.” He rumbled as his hands came to the hem. Before she could formulate an answer, he dispersed the rest of her clothing and pulled her up on her knees in front of him. Then he traced every curve, every hollow of her body, until she hummed with the touch. “You, my love, are perfection. Not every man wants a stick for a woman, certainly not me. It will take some time, years perhaps, but you will understand just how much I appreciate your beauty.” And then he lowered his mouth to suck one of her nipples.

  It was as though her insides exploded from the sensation and she gave a cry as she threaded her fingers through his hair. He turned his attention to the other nipple and she lost track of time, of her surroundings, as he lay her down again and settled himself between her legs.

  A little fear niggled in her belly, but so much stronger was the desire to be his. To complete their relationship through this joining and as he pressed inside her, she held back her cry of pain, instead pulling him closer. “I love you, too,” she whispered in his ear as he began to move inside her.

  He threaded his fingers into her mass of hair as they gently rocked together. The pain subsided and was replaced by an ache that grew into pleasure. He kissed every inch of her face until they were both panting with a need she hadn’t thought possible and finally, as they came together, her pleasure exploded into an array of colors behind her lids that left her limp with satisfaction.

  He groaned his own release as she held him close. If what he’d said was true, and despite her own reservations, she believed him, he would be hers forever.

  That was her last thought as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next evening, Rose watched the dancers twirl about. This was the final event of the house party, and tomorrow everyone would begin the journey home.

  She’d played croquet with Will and a party of others this afternoon. And they communicated, silently of course, across the table at dinner. But since the men had gone off to smoke, he hadn’t returned to the party. Rose wondered what might be keeping him.

  This time, she wasn’t worried by his absence, only curious. She cared little for dancing but she’d like his company. They had yet to be alone since last
night when he’d carried her back to her room in the wee hours of the morning and she longed to touch him again.

  He finally appeared in the doorway. He searched the room until his gaze locked on hers. Though he was a nearly a head taller than many of the guests, she couldn’t see most of him until he approached and then she noticed that he carried a velvet-trimmed box in his hand.

  Once he stood in front of her, he held out his hand to her and pulled Rose to her feet. “My lady,” he rumbled.

  She gave him a smile in return, though most of the party had stopped to watch them. He handed her the box and her fingers trembled as she took it. “What is it?”

  He leaned close and whispered, “Open it.” Then with a grin. “But don’t take it out. Let them wonder.”

  She cracked open the lid, and there, nestled in folds of silk were her mother’s diamonds glinting in the low light. A gasp escaped her lips as tears filled her eyes. She blinked them away and looked up to Will again but found him on one knee before her.

  “Lady Roselyn, your father has consented to allow me to ask for your hand in marriage.” Will gave her a soft grin as he looked to his right.

  She followed his gaze and saw her father grinning back as he gave her a nod of approval. “Oh my,” she murmured her breath catching on the final word. This couldn’t be happening.

  “Oh yes,” his words pulled her back to him and as she looked into his dark eyes, warmth and love spread through her. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  It was so perfect, she could hardly breathe. She’d grown up hearing how her father had retrieved the stones and presented them to her mother when he’d proposed. And now, here was Will, giving her that same experience.

  How had he known? Even as a spy, it was miraculous. Not that it mattered. It connected her to her mother, it brought Will into her family in a way she’d never dreamed possible. “Yes,” she said. “The honor is mine.”

  The room burst into wild applause as Will stood, taking her hands in his as they held the velvet box together.


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