Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Tara Rose

  She didn’t answer for a few seconds, and his heart skipped a beat as she gazed into his eyes. Hers filled with a clarity that he didn’t dare believe was real. She wasn’t upset or repulsed by what he’d just said. She was turned on. He’d bet his last two paychecks on it. Holy shit. What was going to happen here?

  “I like you both, too.” Her voice was quiet, but it overflowed with lust and certainty. There was nothing hesitant about it.

  “What do we do, Ria? I have to know.”

  “I don’t know, and that’s the truth. But for now, let’s go have dinner. I can smell their marinara sauce all the way out here.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her hair, which didn’t smell like marinara sauce. It smelled as fragrant as a spring day. He wanted to kiss her lips as well, but he knew if he did, they wouldn’t make it inside for dinner, and he was hungry. But later…the possibility of later loomed in his mind as he released the embrace and exited the car, sprinting around to her door this time before she could open it. He was a gentleman, after all.

  Chapter Nine

  Ria secretly loved it when guys opened doors for her, but she was so unaccustomed to it that she never knew how to react. Couple that with the fact that she was still shivering from Wyatt’s quick kiss on the top of her head, and she hung onto his hand not because it seemed the polite thing to do as he helped her from the car. It was because she was drunk with desire, and afraid she’d slip on the ice in the parking lot if she didn’t.

  Gino’s was crowded every night. It was one of the few downtown businesses that had escaped damage from the tornado, and the increase in business after that had never died down. Ria wrapped her hand around Wyatt’s arm as they stepped inside, where Vito Santori was greeting customers tonight. Vito was a warm person who had a smile and a handshake for everyone. Wyatt had obviously called ahead, because Vito led them to a table tucked into a corner where they’d have some privacy.

  On the way there, she spotted Gina with Zach and Harrison, as well as Kari, Noah, and Adison, sitting with them. They all waved, but the looks on their faces ranged from mild disbelief to outright incredulity. Ria’s earlier elation at finally having it out with her parents was replaced with the same fear that she’d expressed to Trent, earlier that morning. She was never going to climb out of this pit. How did she ever expect to overcome this? She could waltz in here with both Wyatt and Trent every night and it wouldn’t change a damn thing.

  Wyatt helped her take off her coat, then wolf-whistled as he eyed her perfect black dress, which helped dim the images of Gina and the others shooting daggers at her from across the room. She’d worn the dress on purpose, of course, and had paired it with the red-and-silver jewelry that Marisol had given her two Christmases ago. Wyatt wouldn’t know that, but she did. She’d worn it as part of her commitment to making things right one day with her former best friend.

  “You look incredible.”

  “Thank you.” She let him push in her chair, and then eyed his sexy ass in dark gray dress pants as he turned to walk around the table and take his seat. His royal blue button-down shirt brought out the color of his eyes, and his tie featured a rendition of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. She couldn’t stop staring at it. “I love that. Where did you get it? Busler’s never had anything so unique.”

  He chuckled. “No, they certainly didn’t. And I don’t imagine that once they rebuild it, that will change. I got it in Chicago.”

  “I love Chicago. Marisol and I used to go there once a month, even if all we did was walk up and down Michigan Avenue, drooling over boots.”

  He smiled, and her heart fluttered. “Those are nice ones you have on tonight. Did you buy them in Chicago?”

  “Yes. Last year.” During happier times with good friends.

  Their server came to take their drink orders, and they ordered calamari as an appetizer as well. As soon as she left the table, Ria glanced over her shoulder to find Gina and Kari still watching them. She faced Wyatt again, wondering if he’d even noticed. “It’s not going to end, no matter what I do, is it?”

  He glanced up from his menu. “What?”

  “The nasty looks.”

  He gazed at a spot over her shoulder, then focused on her face again. “One step at time, okay? They don’t know what you did today. Not yet, anyway.”

  “Meaning what?”

  He smiled again, and she was seized with an urge to lean across the table and kiss him right on the mouth. The hell with whoever was watching. “Meaning all it takes is someone they know and trust to start putting bugs in their ears.”

  “Like you?”

  “Like me and Trent.”

  “Why? Why would you both do that for me?”

  He put down the menu and took her hands. The jolt of electricity shooting through her body at his touch was hot and exciting. “I’ll say it again because you need to hear it right now. We like you. A lot. We both do. And we both want to help you do this. But you have to be patient with them, and with yourself. You have to give it time. This isn’t going to change overnight. You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, and a lot of proving yourself to them. Are you ready for that, Ria? Can you do that?”

  She nodded because she didn’t trust her voice right now.

  “You’ve already taken the first step today. An important one. And I’m so very proud of you for doing so.”

  “Thank you.” It had been years since anyone had told her they were proud of her for anything.

  “Trent will be proud of you, too. In fact, I should…”

  His voice trailed off and Ria followed his gaze, glancing over her shoulder to watch Trent, dressed in a sports coat, forest-green shirt, dark slacks, and a tie advance toward them with a big smile on his face.

  “Did you know he was coming?” Wyatt’s voice was hard.

  She met his gaze and shook her head. “Absolutely not.”

  Wyatt stood as Trent reached the table. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m joining you.” He took a seat between Wyatt and Ria, then picked up Wyatt’s menu. “Have you two ordered yet?”

  Wyatt lowered his voice, but it was still as hard as steel when he spoke. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Calm down and take your seat. They’re all watching us. Act like you knew this was happening, okay? Ria has enough to deal with from them without the two of us acting like kids right now.”

  She glanced from Trent to Wyatt and back again, completely at a loss for words. Wyatt finally took his seat, but he didn’t look at either of them. Their server returned with their drinks, and to his credit, Wyatt explained, without missing a beat, that Trent was joining them as well. Trent gave their server his drink order and then he put down the menu. “I already know what I want. I love the food here.”

  Wyatt stared at Trent like he’d lost his mind. “Why? Just tell me why.”

  “Because we’re in this together now, whether you want to admit it or not. Because I can’t stop it. I don’t want to. So let’s just see where it leads us, okay?”

  The two stared at each other for a long time, and Ria shivered as she swore they communicated without words. She’d heard of twins being able to do that, but had never actually watched it happen. It was both fascinating and spooky at the same time. She’d never been that close to any of her siblings, even as a kid. What they had together must be very special, but it still took what felt like long moments before the anger faded from both their eyes.

  Finally, Wyatt leaned back in his chair. “All right. Okay. I’ll give this a fair shot.” He glanced at Ria. “Can you do the same? It’s your call, after all, not ours.”

  The question hung in the air, full of so many possibilities that Ria wasn’t sure whether she could grasp them. What was he asking? Could she go on a date with them both, or was he talking about sex? Or even play at the club? They were both Doms. She knew that. Or at least, Trent had been before he’d left Racy. Was he still? She knew that Wyatt was. “Yes. I want to try this.”

It was the truth. Whatever Wyatt meant, she’d go along with it because the alternative was not to see either of them again, and she didn’t want that. She couldn’t back out now. Not after this morning, and not after Wyatt had told her that he was proud of her. If she was going to do all the things she’d decided to do, she needed their help. But it wasn’t only that. She’d been attracted to them both for years. This was her chance, and she wasn’t going to throw it away.

  “So do I,” said Trent, giving her a look so full of desire that it brought back every second of their hot kisses. Ria could barely take a full breath. When the calamari arrived, she had to wait and collect herself before tasting it because her hands were shaking.

  “Ria didn’t tell you what she did today,” said Wyatt, his voice dripping with pride. “You’ll love this.”

  Trent grinned. “What did you do?”

  She took a sip of wine to give her courage then told him about talking to her parents, and that she’d probably be moving above Luke’s Bar soon.

  Trent raised his wine glass and clinked it against hers, then against his twin’s. “To freedom and taking that first step. I am so proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” She took another sip of wine, watching them both, wondering how it had taken her thirty-three years to talk to these two. They’d been here all along, except for the few years when Trent had lived somewhere else, and she had never exchanged a dozen words with either of them. How the hell does that happen in a town this damn small?

  Their food arrived, and Trent attacked his eggplant parmesan like he’d never eaten before. They might be identical twins, but the way they ate was as different as night and day. Wyatt was almost fussy in his movements, as though they were sitting in an exclusive country club instead of the local Italian restaurant. But not Trent. He might as well be outdoors at a barbeque for all the care he took with his table manners.

  She had ordered whitefish, and it was heaven, as was all the food here. What must it be like to afford to eat here all the time? “This is amazing. How are your dishes?”

  Trent nodded several times, grunting, his mouth obviously full of food. Wyatt gave him a disgusted look and swallowed his food before he spoke. “It’s delicious. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. So when do you think you’ll be moving?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I should just do it before I come home from work one night and find all my stuff on the front lawn.”

  “Were things really that bad when you talked to them?” asked Trent.

  She nodded. “They were really that bad.”

  He frowned. “I’m sorry. You know, I don’t mean to put down your parents or anything, but I don’t get it. If I had children, I’d never let something like this come between me and them.”

  “Me either. And I know you don’t mean any disrespect by it. I don’t have any excuse for them. They’re very old-fashioned and strict. They always have been. Both sets of grandparents were like that as well. It’s all they know how to be.”

  “Did they know you were having dinner with me tonight?” asked Wyatt.

  “Oh heck no. I told them I was going out with Bonnie and Leela.”

  “That might become a problem, then.”

  She shrugged. “What they don’t know can’t hurt them.”

  He put down his fork and covered her hand. “Stop and think about what you just said. If you’re serious about making up with Marisol and presenting a different persona to the BDSM community, you have to start by being honest with everyone, including your parents. You berated them for not accepting their sons’ lifestyles, but you can’t even be honest with them about having dinner with a Dom.”

  “I just didn’t think telling them who I was going out with tonight would add value to the conversation. They know who goes to Maddox’s club regularly.”

  Wyatt and Trent exchanged a quick glance. “But that’s exactly what I mean. What happens if we progress to that one day? Taking you to the club? If you can’t tell them you’re having dinner with me, how will you tell them that?”

  She swallowed hard as both shame and desire coursed through her body at the same time. They were right, of course. She’d just lectured her parents on accepting how Luke and Rafe had chosen to live their lives, but she’d lied about who she was going out with. “Okay. I get that. You’re right.”

  They both gazed at her with so much intensity that she swore she could make herself come, right there in the middle of the restaurant, if she continued to stare into their eyes. Would they notice if she did? “Do you think I should also tell my parents I might be going to Maddox’s club with both of you?”

  “I think you need to know what you’ll say to them if that should happen, yes. You can’t suggest to them that they accept Marisol, Alexa, Luke, and Rafe, and then lie to them about who you’re with and what you’re doing.”

  “Except that we haven’t actually asked her if she has any interest in that,” said Trent, quietly. He watched her face carefully as though he wasn’t sure how she would react to what he’d just said.

  “That’s true. We haven’t. All right. I’m asking now.”

  Ria let the strength and warmth from Wyatt’s hand flow through her body, but it didn’t help. She was ice cold inside, but not from fear or indecision. This was what she’d fantasized about for years, but never had she actually believed it would happen. She wanted to glance over her shoulder toward the table where Gina, Kari, and their Doms sat, but didn’t dare. What would they all say if they could hear the questions Wyatt and Trent had just asked her?

  Did it matter? Yes, it did. Because they were Trent’s and Wyatt’s friends, not hers. Would they ever accept her, even with these incredibly sexy Doms behind her? What if they didn’t? What if they never let her make up for what she had done? Would these two men then toss her aside, rather than lose the respect of the rest of their friends?

  Wyatt rubbed the back of her hand in a gesture so simple yet sexy she couldn’t hold back the soft moan. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and she knew there was no way she could say “no” to these two. No fucking way.

  “What’s your answer?” His voice was soft, but it held a note of command she’d never heard before. Or, maybe she had, but because the stakes were different now, it hadn’t affected her the way it now did.

  Ria reached across the table with her other hand and took Trent’s as well. She wanted to touch them both right now. She wanted to touch them both, period. Would that really happen? Had she interpreted their intentions correctly? “My answer is ‘yes.’ I want to do this. With both of you. I want to understand your lifestyle, and learn it, and experience everything that I’ve fantasized about for years.”

  She swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. “And, just so we’re clear, those fantasies have included both of you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Wyatt ate the rest of his dinner without being able to stop staring at Ria. He had no clue how this was going to work, or even why Trent was all right with it, but he couldn’t very well ask him now. She was okay with it, and that’s what kept reverberating through his mind, even by the time they’d all ordered dessert and coffee.

  He caught movement and glanced toward the table where Noah, Adison, Kari, Gina, Harrison, and Zach had been sitting to find Zach approaching their table. Fuck. Wyatt stood, and as soon as Trent realized what his brother had seen, he did as well.

  “Hey there, how are you both?” Zach shook Trent’s and Wyatt’s hands as though he hadn’t seen them in years. Then he clapped Trent on the back. “Glad to have you back in town. You working as an EMT again for Memorial?”

  “A paramedic. I earned my advanced certification in Indy.”

  “Fabulous.” Zach glanced at Ria, and Wyatt stiffened. Surely he wouldn’t pull any shit right here in the middle of Gino’s. “Your brother has been a godsend in the comptroller’s office. We’re so glad to have him.”

  “I’m sure he’s glad to be there.”

  Wyatt didn’t miss t
he way Zach looked slightly embarrassed. What was wrong with him? Surely he knew that Rafe no longer spoke to his sister. But what a perfect answer Ria had given him. He especially loved the way she’d looked him right in the eyes, and her voice hadn’t held any trace of discomfort or hesitancy. Good for her.

  Zach turned his attention toward Trent. “We haven’t seen you in Maddox’s club since your return. You plan on coming back?”


  Trent’s voice held a note of annoyance, but Wyatt didn’t think Zach would notice that. No one else knew what had happened with Deanna, and this certainly wasn’t the time to bring it up. It was Trent’s place to tell Zach and the others, not his.

  “Well, I’ve got to get going. Nice to see you all.” Zach shook their hands again, gave Ria one more glance that Wyatt couldn’t interpret, and then he left. Wyatt and Trent took their seats.

  “What the fuck was that?” asked Ria, her voice soft but full of anger. “Posing for the masses? Leela said he’s changed a lot since becoming mayor.”

  “I’m not sure what he was doing,” said Wyatt. That was the truth, at least. He liked Zach, but coming over here was a bit over-the-top, even for him. He didn’t think Zach had changed, but perhaps he didn’t have the same perspective as someone who worked closely with him every day.

  “Is what he said true?” she asked Trent. “You haven’t you been back to Maddox’s club since your return?”

  It was an innocent question. She didn’t know what had happened, and Trent had been back in Racy for six weeks now.

  Trent cleared his throat and averted his gaze. “Another time, okay?”


  Wyatt signaled for their server. “Let’s get out of here so we can talk privately.” He only wanted to get Ria back to the condo. He had no idea what might or might not happen, but he suddenly didn’t want to be in this crowded restaurant with half of Racy watching them.

  Trent followed them in his truck, and Wyatt was grateful that she’d chosen to ride home with him. It was only a few minutes, but he could pretend they’d been on a real date that hadn’t been interrupted by Trent and Zach. On the heels of that thought he remembered that he’d agreed to go along with this threesome. Only now, sitting here with her, he couldn’t figure out why.


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