Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter [Unmated at Midnight] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter [Unmated at Midnight] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 5

by Joyee Flynn

  * * * *


  “Can we talk, Ramses?” Ant asked me the next day at work when he took a break. I glanced over and saw Brad deep into his game with his headset on and dictating notes. I nodded and headed to the back terrace so we could talk alone. It was freezing out so I knew we’d have privacy since I doubted anyone would stumble out into the cold. Since it was the pride’s house, it was always busy. “How did you know it was a conversation for private?”

  “Because you’re smart and I’m pretty sure you figured out a few things,” I answered with a chuckle. “I never lied, Ant. I wouldn’t disrespect you like that.”

  “Technically,” Ant drawled, raising an eyebrow at me as if daring me to deny it. Gavin stepped out a moment later.

  “You bust him yet?” his mate asked.

  “Just getting to it.” Ant glanced at me then. “Want to tell us why you left your MBA from one of the best colleges in the country off your resume?”

  “You know why, Ant.”

  “We want to hear it from you though. You can see as people who care about Brad that your hiding things to get close to us worries us,” Gavin said in his best Alpha voice.

  I nodded, completely getting it from their point of view. I told them the story I’d told James the night before. Ant sat at the iron table with his hands folded and his head resting on them, staring at me intently as if hearing a romance tale. Gavin was a little less easily influenced. I didn’t blame him.

  “So you did it to get to know Brad after he was too shy to talk to you? That’s so romantic,” Ant gushed. “And now you guys are dating. He was so happy today. Well, embarrassed that he fell asleep when you guys brought him to your room, but happy.”

  “We tuckered him out,” I snickered.

  “What are we going to do about this, though?” Gavin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to just quit when you have Brad for good? What was the game plan once Brad gave you a chance?”

  “I hadn’t gotten that far to be honest.” I shrugged. “I don’t do much with the bank or company I started. My schedule’s flexible enough that if I needed to handle something I could. To be honest, I was bored before I got this job. And now that I’m dating Brad and James, I want to be close to them anyways. If you want me to give the position up to someone who needs the money, I’d understand and all.”

  “I think we were wondering if you’d want a bigger role given your qualifications,” Ant hedged as he glanced at Gavin. “I mean, depending on what your MBA is and all.”

  “I have a few actually. They were all connected really so it took me three years to get them.” I shrugged again and made sure not to laugh when their jaws dropped open. “I have one for marketing, human resources, and accounting.”

  “I need all three really,” Gavin said with a sigh.

  “I could use two of three,” Ant agreed. “The only employee I have is Brad, technically, and he’s never going to be a problem.”

  “I should warn you I hate accounting. I have a great CPA that handles all my business stuff though. He’s a vampire and he does our coven’s finances.”

  “Okay, if you could e-mail me the guy’s name and number I could check him out. We need someone for our stuff and the pride. My company has an accountant for its operations but I want to keep things separate and make sure they don’t have access to accounts.”

  I pulled out my phone and e-mailed him the saved contact. “Done. What else?”

  “Find someone to replace you for errands and notes,” Gavin chuckled, shaking his head.

  “Actually, I need to know something first.” Ant waited until I nodded to go on. “Do you love him?”

  I thought about it a moment and realized I did. I was past lust and liking Brad. I loved him and was falling deeply in love with him. “That’s something he should know before I tell his friend and boss.”

  “Fair enough, but there’s something you need to know about Brad if you’re going to be with him and I know he’ll never tell you.”

  “Does it explain why he doesn’t like to make decisions in his personal life?” Ant’s eyes went wide and I knew I was on the right track. “And he doesn’t like cars. Not only doesn’t he own one and I know he makes enough to afford one, but every time he’s in one he looks like he’s going to throw up.”

  “I noticed that last night after dinner as well,” James said from behind me. I wondered how long he’d been there. Given how cold it was outside, my nose was stuffed and I couldn’t smell shit. He hadn’t made a sound though. “He specifically asked me not to have any more wine when we were talking in the bathroom as well. I thought about that all morning. Someone was killed by a drunk driver in his family would be my guess.”

  “It’s way worse,” Ant replied sadly. “A drunk driver crashed into his parents’ car, with Brad in the backseat. They went off a bridge and into a river. His parents were knocked out but Brad was awake. Luckily his window had been open and he was able to get out. He wasn’t sure which one to try and save first and went with his mom because she was sitting on the same side as him and the door opened right up.

  “He pulled her to shore and revived her before going back for his dad. Brad almost died trying to get to his dad in the rapids of the river and it was still too late.”

  “Oh fuck me sideways,” I whispered in horror. I felt James’s hand on my shoulder squeezing it supportively.

  “His mom died too though,” Gavin continued when Ant got choked up. “She had internal bleeding from the accident and back then the doctors didn’t have the technology to save her. She was so beaten up that even being a shifter didn’t heal her up.”

  “So in his mind he chose wrong and now doesn’t want to make decisions,” James surmised.

  “Would you?” Ant sniffled. I shook my head. No, I wouldn’t either. I couldn’t imagine losing family that way.

  “I’ll forgive you for all sitting out here talking about me and my past because I know you all had the best intentions,” Brad said from behind us. I turned around and saw hurt in his eyes. “But you should have asked me first before you told them that. They probably won’t want me now.”

  “Of course we do!” James and I exclaimed. I scrambled out of the chair and we darted over to him.

  “I was just explaining that I wanted to get to know you so badly that I took a job that I’m totally overqualified for,” I rambled. James and I pulled Brad into our arms, hugging him tightly.

  “And I told Ramses last night that you make me believe that maybe I can have a real relationship. We want you so much we were willing to share you,” James added.

  “Even after you know I’m damaged?” Brad gave each of us a hesitant look, but didn’t try to pull away anymore.

  “Everyone’s damaged in one way or another, little mouse,” James answered with a wink. “You heard all my drama and still wanted me. What makes you think that you weren’t worth dealing with your past?”

  I saw the look on his face and knew full well Brad thought he wasn’t worth it. “We still want you, Brad.”

  He nodded before focusing on me. “Why take the job? You didn’t know me at all.”

  “I thought you were delectable, for one,” I purred as I ran my hands over his body. “And you were just the sweetest guy I’d ever seen. The way you snuck cheese from the snack table was so cute I wanted to eat you up. I knew if I had you in my life I’d be the happiest man around. And when I smelled your sweet blood when you bumped into me I was dying to taste you.”

  “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Brad whispered as his eyes shined up at me. “Will you show me and drink from me again after our workout?”

  “Do I have to wait that long?” I growled as I pulled him against me and ran my fangs over his neck. “I’m starving for another taste of you.”

  “Um, yeah, has to wait,” Gavin drawled. I glanced up just in time to see Ant smack his mate. “We have your employment to discuss. We pieced together that y
ou were overqualified, Ramses. But we needed to hear the truth from you and now we can figure out what comes next.”

  “Are you going to fire him?” Brad squeaked as he moved in front of me in an endearing gesture as if to protect me.

  “No, not at all,” Ant chuckled. He stood and wrapped his arms around himself. “Let’s go inside now though. My nuts are about to freeze off. Now that Brad knows, he can be involved in the conversation.”

  “Yeah, I was shocked to find you all out here. It’s December after all,” Brad giggled. We all rushed back inside, the sweaters we were wearing because it was winter not able to keep out the majority of the cold.

  “I’ll make cocoa,” James offered. I gave him an appreciative smile and licked my lips at the idea. “Something else we have in common as well.”

  “You guys are starting to like each other,” Brad said quietly as he stared at his hands.

  “Yes, but that’s a good thing since it will make it that much easier for all of us to be together. That way we won’t fight over you, but keep you in the middle.” I pulled him onto my lap and let him feel how much the idea got me hard. He chuckled and snuggled up against me. I buried my face in his neck and breathed in deeply. “Yummy.”

  “Okay, back to work,” Ant giggled. “So the marketing MBA would be helpful for the pride. We need to get some good press and involved into the community. Same thing for Gavin’s company.”

  “My consultant firm and bank hold a charity ball every year. We can always use more sponsors,” I offered. “It’s in a few weeks and just about done but we can add you to the promotion and press releases. I know there are still a few tables that need to be filled.”

  “Done and done,” Gavin said with a shocked look and smile. “And lastly, I have someone for human resources for my company but I need help with the pride. There’s been a lot of issues helping us get back on track after my father was put in jail and I took over the pride. The amount of squabbles I listen to and fighting rules, not paying attention to new rules, is ridiculous. I was thinking of hiring an outside mediator. I just can’t do it all anymore. I’m losing what’s left of my mind.”

  “And then there’s more drama because Gavin bites both sides,” Ant said as he rolled his eyes as Gavin.

  “I only did that once,” he growled as he hugged Ant. “And they both deserved it. They threatened to eat you and Brad to prove their point that prey didn’t fit in with predator shifters.”

  “So you shifted and bit them?” I asked, trying not to laugh.

  “Yeah, well, they were being petty to me basically. I was making a statement so no one would bother trying to threaten it again.”

  “No, you don’t need someone to handle interpersonal conflicts,” I drawled. “Yeah, I’ll start running errands in the morning and setting up appointments in the afternoon to mediate. I just have to be done by the time Brad is because I promised I’d work out with him. What else do you guys need?”

  “Um, nothing then,” Gavin said as he glanced at Ant who nodded. “You just solved a bunch of our headaches in a matter of minutes.”

  “My boyfriend’s cool like that,” Brad chuckled and then froze. He slowly turned in my lap to look at me as if an actor in a horror movie. “I’m sorry.”

  “For calling me your boyfriend or saying I’m cool? Because both get me hot coming from your mouth.”

  “Really? I thought you’d be pissed that I called you that after one date.” His eyebrows shot up to his hairline in shock at my response.

  “I’m thrilled you want to be my boyfriend. Hell, I want to send a notice out to every paranormal in the area that you’re taken so they don’t try to steal you from us.”

  “Can I be considered your boyfriend as well?” James asked hesitantly as he set down a few mugs of cocoa on the table.

  “If you want to be.” Brad’s cheeks turned so bright red as he ducked his head that I worried that the sudden blood flow change might have him passing out.

  “Very much so,” James purred as he sat next to me. He leaned in and kissed Brad’s cheek before shocking both of us and doing the same to mine. “I had the best night’s sleep like ever last night and I know it’s because being in bed with both of you felt right.”

  “Even though I zonked out on you guys?” Brad teased with a wink. Oh, I liked that side of him! James growled and flashed his elongated teeth.

  “We tuckered you out and it was just proof of a job well done. Tonight we’re going to skip dinner and a movie and go right to dessert. Then we’ll feed you.”

  “After we feed you lots of cock,” I hissed so only James and Brad could hear. Our little mouse shivered on my lap and I knew he’d heard me loud and clear on that one.


  Chapter 5


  James and Ramses both worked out with me that night at Ramses’s home gym. Today’s workout was legs and butt with jogging intervals on the treadmill. They were so patient with me and giving me stares that kept my blood pumping in a way that had nothing to do with the exertion that I barely paid attention to what we were doing. At least in the good way that I didn’t hate what I was doing and wanted it over.

  I officially agreed with the theory that having workout buddies made the time go faster and was more enjoyable… Especially when they were both as hot as could be.

  When we were done we showered in the bathroom attached to Ramses’s bedroom, their hands all over me. By the time they stretched me out with the waterproof lube I was seconds from blowing.

  “You ready, baby?” Ramses asked after we were all in his bed, soaking the sheets.

  “We couldn’t dry off?” I teased as I nodded, spreading my legs for him.

  “We couldn’t wait,” James growled as he moved behind me so that I was leaning against his chest.

  “No, no we couldn’t,” Ramses agreed. He pushed my knees to my chest and slicked up his cock with the lube he’d grabbed. “Say yes, Brad.”

  “Yes, yes, and some more yeses,” I moaned as his cock rubbed against my hole. He gave me a fangy grin as he pushed inside of me. I gasped at the slight burn. No matter how much they stretched me it had been a very long time since I’d had sex so it hurt slightly.

  “Let me know when I can move,” he said in a tight voice once he was all the way inside of me.

  “Go ahead. The burning will pass when you start moving.” He nodded and did as I said, going slowly and adding extra slick when there was a little friction. When he thrust back into me I gasped as he nailed my prostate.

  “Is his cock as fat as it looks, little mouse?” James taunted as he pinched my nipples. “Does it stretch you wide?”

  “Yes, so wide,” I squeaked. Then I cried out as Ramses snapped his hips faster, moving one of my legs up his back so he could go deeper. “So good!”

  “You’re perfect, baby,” he groaned as he pumped his huge dick inside of me. “Oh I knew it would be good but I could never have imagined it would be like this.”

  “It’s never been like this for me,” I admitted. James moved one of his hands to my cock, barely fitting it there between Ramses’s and my bodies. The moment he touched me I blew. To call it an orgasm just didn’t do it justice.

  James tilted my neck for Ramses and he sank his fangs into me. It sent me on a climax on top of my peak. I saw spots before my eyes as I screamed out in bliss until my throat hurt. It didn’t stop like my normal orgasms though… It just kept going and going until I was sure the next wave of it would shoot something vital out of my cock instead of cum.

  Ramses lifted his head, pulling his fangs out of me, and roared out my name as he found his orgasm. I reveled in the feeling of his seed filling me up, the very proof of the pleasure I made him feel inside of me.

  “Oh fuck. So tight and wet and warm,” Ramses mumbled as his arms and whole body shook. When he was spent he slumped against me, gasping for air. “Jesus, baby, I think you might have killed me.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” I whispered, not ha
ving enough energy to be any louder.

  “No way. That was too hot to watch for both of you to leave me hanging,” James grumbled and kissed my shoulder. At the same time Ramses leaned up and licked his bite closed.

  “Take me, stud,” I giggled, all the happy hormones flowing through my body. Ramses rolled us over so I was lying on top of him and James moved behind me. I moaned when he pulled Ramses’s cock out of me and spread my legs wider.

  “Now it’s time for some lion loving,” James growled as he slowly pushed into me.

  “Oh yes, yes, it is,” I cried out as he thrust into my tender hole. It wasn’t the bad kind of tender where it hurt really. It was more the oversensitive kind where it was so pleasurable it was almost painful. But ninety percent pleasure.

  “I’ve wanted this from the moment I saw you, little mouse,” he moaned as he pounded into me. Ramses kissed me as my dick filled back up, rubbing against his firm abs. Then when James grabbed the cheeks of my ass and spread them apart even more, I screamed. He was going so deep that I swear I didn’t think I went that far inside. The man was hung after all. “Yeah, scream for me.”

  “He is a screamer. I wouldn’t have thought that,” Ramses cooed as I tried to catch my breath. “I like it.”

  “Me too.” James thrust harder until I was not only screaming, but coming all over Ramses a moment later. My big, strong lion followed me right over and added his seed to Ramses’s as we both rode the massive orgasms we were having.

  “So good it killed me,” I mumbled when we were both spent. “Nice knowing you both.” They chuckled and I smiled against Ramses’s chest. It was nice to have people who wanted me who actually liked me as well. They even thought I was funny. That was rare.

  For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace… And loved.

  * * * *


  The next morning I was walking around whistling, even as I went through boring complaints filed for Gavin to take a look at. All this stupid personal shit because ex-Elder Ashby ran the pride with an iron fist and now people were floundering with the freedom Gavin gave them. And how did they use it? By squabbling all the time.


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