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Torment Page 9

by Scarlett Dawn

  Poppy ground her teeth together. Quiet.

  “And you have Godric’s gun,” he stated. He pointed at it, his head cocking. “Do you know where the safety is on it?”

  Without looking down, Poppy’s thumb instantly moved against the weapon.

  A quiet click resounded in the hush.

  Godric nodded. “Very good. Anytime you want me to stop hurting your friends, all you have to do is kill this body.” He waved his hands up and down his frame. “It’s very simple. Point and pull the trigger, and all this current fun will end.”

  “Why are you doing this to us?” Poppy shouted, leaning forward in her fury.

  “Because someone needs to be taught a lesson in pain.” Godric grinned, but his eyes held pure contempt. “And you’re going to help me with that.”

  “Rune was right,” she hissed. “Fuck you.”

  “I believe this body already did that.” He leaned down to the bottom of the rock and pressed something. Then he brought his hand to the hilt of the sword and flicked his wrist. The sword starting spinning in a rapid blur, staying in place on top of the flat rock. Godric peeked up at her, and whispered with amusement, “I wonder who it will land on first.”

  I growled, “Poppy, kill that bastard.”

  She flinched, her hand tightening on the gun, but kept her eyes on the twirling sword.


  Her gaze swung to mine, wild and raw with horror. She choked, “It’s Godric.”

  My blood ran even colder, sending a shiver down my limbs.

  Jesus Christ. She wasn’t going to kill him.

  Poppy would let all of us die to save her lover.

  My gaze flew to Rune. Wide and fearful.

  Nausea turned my stomach again.

  Golden eyes held mine. Rune’s black brows were lowered, and his breathing was ragged, but he didn’t look as worried as he should. He stood still against the pole, confident for whatever insane reason. He murmured, “It will be okay, Megan. Trust me. We won’t actually die.”

  I blinked.

  Fuck, he was really crazy.

  Like, he needed to be in a hospital crazy.

  My wide, dry eyes jerked to the sword as it started to slow down.

  And it stopped.

  Godric straightened and clapped his hands in cheer. “Mr. Baker, you lucky bastard. You get to die first.”

  Mina cursed behind her gag. “You demented piece of shit. I’m going to rip your fucking balls off when you stop hiding like a pathetic rat.”

  “Hush now,” Godric crooned. “You’ll have your turn to die too. Don’t be jealous.”

  He rubbed his hands together as he strolled with ease in Finn’s direction.

  Poppy’s body jerked, and she stared down at the chain around her ankle. She raced across the sand until her body stopped from the pull of the chain. She stretched her leg out from her frame and then pointed the gun at the taut chain. Her little pointer finger squeezed.

  I jerked against my pole, a great crack vibrating in the air, my eardrums ringing in pain.

  I blinked at the gun and shook my head. “Whoa.”

  Poppy growled and squeezed her finger two more times.

  Crack. Crack.

  Godric shook his head at her. “There are only so many bullets. Be wise how you waste them.” A point at the long chain and cuff on her ankle. “That’s spelled. Only when Godric’s dead will the bonds break. It’s his power and mine holding them.”

  Poppy walked right up to him, baring her teeth. “Then I’ll make his body weak.”

  She pointed the gun at his right leg.

  Godric shook his head and patted his leg. “Smart, but not good enough. His power has nothing to do with his body. But, if he’s bleeding enough, he’ll bleed out and die.” He waved at his body. “So shoot away.”

  Poppy jerked the gun to the side, her red brows furrowing.

  “Okay, then watch your first friend die.”

  Godric pulled his arm back, then… punched his fist right inside Finn’s chest.

  Finn gasped, his body jerking. But he didn’t scream.

  In fact, he glared right into Godric’s eyes until his blue eyes fluttered shut.

  In death. Dead.

  I held perfectly still, my entire body shaking like a hurricane was rocking it.

  Darkness threatened to take over my vision, but I shook my head hard. I wanted to see death coming for me. I wanted to look it in the eye and let it know just what I thought of it. Just how sick and thieving it could be.

  Godric pulled his hand back and gripped Finn’s heart in his palm.

  He held it out to Poppy, and asked conversationally, “Want it?”

  Mina choked, gagging at the sight.

  Poppy’s chest pumped hard, her breathing labored. Her hand shook as she gripped the gun more fiercely. “You are a revolting, vile creature.”

  Godric chucked the mutilated, bloody heart over his shoulder and shrugged. A smirk stole along his features. “Let’s spin the sword again, shall we?”

  He did a goddamn little shuffle dance with his bare feet as he made his way to the rock, sand shooting every direction into the air. “Are you coming, Ms. Carvene?”

  Her feet remained completely rooted to the sand, not stepping toward him.

  Poppy’s chin jutted out in anger, glowering into her lover’s eyes.

  Godric merely laughed at the sight, rubbing at his face with his bloody hand, amused at her fearless actions. Blood streaked from his forehead down his cheek, a warrior in the heat of battle. He mumbled with cheer, “I hope it’s someone good.”

  He grabbed the hilt of the sword and gave it a hard shove.

  My attention was completely on the spinning blade.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  I didn’t dare blink, my heart hammering inside my chest—for now.

  The sword slowed and eventually stopped.

  Godric’s brow furrowed, glancing at the person. “Do you think a king can kill a king?”

  Theron’s dark eyes were murderous. “Find out, asshole.”

  Godric tapped his fingers on his bottom lip in thought. He eyed Theron, running his gaze up and down his body.

  A full minute of silence went by before he shook his head. “No, I think I’ll wait.”

  He spun the sword again.

  I cried out when it stopped, my stomach dropping.

  “No, no,” I shouted, shaking my head. “Leave him alone!”

  Godric snorted, shaking his head at me. “You’re the new one. It shows.” Then he started walking toward Rune, waggling his fingers at him. “Ready for the pain, Mr. Mason?”

  “We are going to kill you,” Rune hissed.

  “But not before you die,” Godric crooned, stopping directly in front of him. His eyes flicked to the woman with the gun. “Are you watching?”

  He didn’t wait for her comment. His fist was a blur, flying forward into Rune’s chest.

  “No!” I shrieked, pulling my wrist as hard as I could. Blood has a taste when it’s in the air. I had long ago learned that. Rune’s blood tasted like agony and spice. Hot, painful tears burned my eyes, spilling over to pour down my cheeks. I choked on bile. “Fucking bastard.”

  Godric pulled his fist out of Rune’s chest, the god-man dead, his entire frame slumping with no muscle to hold it up. Rune’s heart was in Godric’s hand, and he turned toward me and crushed it inside his fist. He bared his teeth in a disgusting smile, enjoying my pain and horror. “Your scream is so pretty. Do it again.”

  I swallowed hard and turned my head away, my whole body jerking from shock.

  Godric shook his hand down by his side, the remainder of the heart splattering the sand. His hips swung with a pleased swagger as he strolled back to the rock, his gaze turning to the redhead. “Isn’t this the best time, Ms. Carvene? You must be enjoying it since you haven’t killed this body yet.”

  The back of her free hand was against her mouth, her words choked, “Death won’t be good enough for yo

  He hit the hilt of the sword again, allowing it to spin in a rapid motion. “Blah, blah, blah. Let’s see who the next person is! That’s so much more fun than the empty threats.”

  Through tear-filled eyes, I stared at the sword.

  It stopped.

  Poppy finally reacted, her hand dropping to her side. She hissed, “Don’t touch him.”

  Godric’s brows rose high on his forehead. “There it is. A little fire.”

  His feet danced across the sand, the shit flying everywhere again.

  Poppy moved with him, tracking his progress.

  Her reaction pleased him immensely as he stopped directly in front of Cassander. He pointed a bloody finger at him, watching her face. Smirking in triumph. “So you care if he dies?”

  Poppy growled, “He’s the seer.”

  “And this body is a king.” Godric opened his arms wide and blatantly flexed his muscles. “And a king can kill the seer.”

  She moved a step closer to her lover. “Do. Not. Touch. Him.”

  Godric lifted one finger and pressed it to Cassander’s chest. “You mean like this?”

  Cassander jerked his shoulders brutally, trying to throw off Godric’s touch.

  Godric only pressed harder, his whole palm flattening against Cassander’s chest—right over his heart.

  Poppy took one large last step and lifted the gun. Her hand shook terribly, but she held the barrel of the weapon right against her lover’s temple, holding her ground. She snarled in rage, “Get your fucking hand off him.”

  Godric’s eyes lit with demented evil. “Not a chance, Ms. Carvene.”

  His fingers curled over Cassander’s heart, and his muscles flexed. He pushed.


  My head jerked at the sound, my chest heaving in oxygen.

  Godric’s massive body swayed to the left and then crumpled down to the sand. Half his head was lying all around him, brain matter and hair and his skull, all splattering the area. Blood pooled from the gaping wound, crimson and loss like a halo atop his head. His eyes were wide open, staring lifelessly across the sand he lay upon.

  Poppy’s arm dropped to her side.

  The gun tumbled to the ground, hitting the sand with a soft thud.

  Cassander’s muscles bulged, and he bellowed in the horrible silence. His arms flew out in front of him, the cuffs around his wrists breaking. He grabbed at the gag in his mouth and yanked it out, rushing to order, “Turn away from the body. Breathe through it.”

  Poppy’s head shook in a negative. Her body continued to quiver. She stared down at her dead lover.

  All around, the remaining men, who were alive, were breaking free of their bonds.

  Cassander bent at the waist, ripping through the cuffs at his ankles, demanding, “Do as I said. You don’t have to look.”

  It went on deaf ears, her mind elsewhere.

  She fell to her knees, a scream ripping from her throat.

  I tried pulling on my cuffs, but they were still solid. I couldn’t break mine.

  My head swam as the adrenaline drained from my body. I would live. It was over.

  Then I turned my eyes to Rune.

  There was no oxygen. No sound.

  I would live. He wouldn’t. None of it made sense.

  What the hell had just happened here?

  My eyes fluttered shut.

  I let the darkness take me down this time.


  “Wake up, beautiful,” Rune crooned. The heated pads of his fingers ran down my cheek. “Wake up. I know you’re getting there.”

  My eyes shot wide open, and I grabbed his hand near my face. I shrieked in shock and started patting all over his face, my heart hammering inside my chest. “You’re real. You’re here.”

  He placed his hands over mine, holding them to his cheeks. “It’s all right. Calm down.”

  “But…but…” I choked on air, coughing and shaking my head. “You can’t be real.”

  “I am,” he stated simply.

  Gawking at his golden eyes, my heaven. Up and down. Up and down.

  My chin started trembling as the realization hit. “I died too?”

  Still holding my hands, he brought them together in front of his mouth. He kissed the top of each one, his gaze holding mine. “No, Megan. You’re alive. I am too.”

  I shook my head again. “You died, Rune. He crushed your fucking heart in his hand.”

  He exhaled a heavy sigh and lowered our hands to his lap. Leaning over me on the couch that I lay on—it looked like the one in Godric’s living area—he questioned slowly, “Are you ready to hear all about my world yet?”

  My mouth bobbed and my brows scrunched together. I didn’t speak.

  Rune’s head tilted, and his black hair fell over one eye. “Is that a yes or no, beautiful?”

  I snapped my mouth shut, considering all my options.

  There were many.

  Run the hell away and never look back. Pretend what happened hadn’t really happened. Go to a therapist and let them tell me I’m hallucinating—maybe I would believe it. Let him tell me his dark secrets and dive deeper into his fucked up world. Or simply go back to sleep and hope this was a dream.

  Mina walked by out of nowhere, mumbling, “You need to know, Megan.”

  Then she disappeared past my line of sight behind the couch.

  Rune watched her movements, and then looked back down to me. He commented softly, “She’s gone now. We have privacy.”

  I swallowed on a dry throat. “You’re really not dead?”

  He shook his head. “Right here in front of you, enjoying your fine smell.”

  I blinked. “You’re flirting with me right now?”

  “I can’t help it.” He shrugged sheepishly, a small smile teasing at his lips. “It’s how I get around you.”

  “Smooth,” I mumbled absently, turning my head away from him. I stared at a lamp across the room instead of his mesmerizing golden eyes. I asked honestly, “On a scale of one to ten, how much will this information fuck me?”

  “That’s hard to answer.” He resituated himself on the couch, getting more comfortable. “For one thing, it won’t fuck you. Not physically. But it may screw with your mind until it sinks in. What I will tell you will blow you away.”

  “Will anyone hunt me down to obtain the knowledge?”

  “Not likely. More people know on this earth than you can imagine—even though it’s the best-kept secret ever. But there are always greedy bastards who might pop up.”

  I cleared my throat and returned my regard back to him. To his eyes. “Then tell me. I’ve been kidnapped twice now. I think I need to know.”

  He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair, all cockiness gone as he stared down at me. It was a serious side I doubted he showed many people. It looked good on him, as did every other emotion he wore on his face. “First, I’m immortal. Kind of.”

  “Kind of?” We were going to hit crazy-town by the time this talk was through.

  “The seer or my mate could kill me. Anyone else—including myself—can’t do shit to me. I come back alive and whole every time. Even if a bomb exploded on top of my head.”

  I rubbed at my forehead. “Am I supposed to be taking this all seriously?”

  His black brows furrowed, and he rubbed at his own forehead. “I think, if I showed you something first, it would help you believe me.”

  I snorted. “Give it your best shot. Because this is fucking twisted.”

  He placed his hands on the back of the couch and pushed off the back of it to stand to his feet. His muscles rippled on his bare flesh while he pulled a t-shirt off over his head. “First, my people are shifters. We shift into certain animals—one animal per person. And all shifters are male.” He kicked off his shoes and started unbuttoning his dress slacks…that had his dried blood splattered all over them. “Second, when I do this, don’t be scared. I’m still me. Just a little furry.”

  My gaze traveled up an
d down his frame. Now bare. I gradually sat up on the couch, firmly planting my feet on the ground while I ran my fingers through my tangled black hair. I shook my head, genuinely wondering at his sanity—not that I already wasn’t. I muttered in exasperation, “Do you want to have sex or something?”

  He held up his hand for patience. “Remember, I’m still me.”

  I gurgled deep in my throat as a twister of white sparkles exploded in front of my eyes.

  Then I screamed at the top of my lungs. I scrambled over the back of the couch, gripping the leather. My eyes barely peeked over the upper part of it as I whispered in a shaky breath, “Nice kitty. Just stay there… or I’m sure there’s someone else around here you might want to snack on.”

  The enormous black panther, sitting on its haunches, lifted its golden eyes to the ceiling and shook its head a little.

  Alaric and Wolfe raced into the room, their chests heaving. Two sets of eyes scanned the living room, blades in their hands. Finn skidded to a halt behind them, a long sword flashing in the light.

  Alaric ran his eyes up and down my frame, appraising how I was hiding behind the couch. Then his attention turned to the black panther, who stretched his mouth open wide and yawned…showing lots of sharp teeth. Alaric snorted and began putting his blades away, muttering, “That went over well.”

  Not moving from my squatting position, I blinked at Finn. “You’re alive too?”

  Finn just shook his head and walked away. “This day ranks right up there with dog shit.”

  “Wait!” I shrieked, holding up my hands when the other two men started to leave. I pointed one digit over the top of the couch when they stopped and turned around. “There is a fucking black panther right there. Don’t you see it?”

  Alaric snorted. “Megan, it’s Rune. Believe me, he won’t hurt you.”

  Then they both sauntered out of the living room, leaving me alone with the feline.

  I blinked in confusion. My eyes traveled back to the black panther.

  My head jerked back, and I froze.

  His face was an inch away from mine, resting on top of the couch. His big body sat fluidly on the cushions, and his tail swung back and forth. Like he wanted to play with me—no teeth showing this time.

  My mouth bobbed until I sputtered, “Is that really you, Rune?”


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