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Torment Page 12

by Scarlett Dawn

  Alaric swiftly peered over my head to his friend. “Are you okay with this?”

  “As long as you are. She’s right,” murmured softly.

  The three of us stopped at the edge of a small cliff where a river ran below.

  All the others were lined up along the edge.

  No one said a word. We just stared out into the sky, lost in our own thoughts, while we waited for Poppy to arrive with Godric’s ashes. Tissues were silently passed down the line, Mina handing them out from seemingly nowhere.

  My attention jerked to the right when Poppy stepped up, standing in the middle of the long line. With her chin raised, the sun was shining down on her face. She breathed in and out, not crying, but clutching the urn with a white-knuckled grip.

  My lips pinched, wondering who would say the eulogy.

  Theron would be the logical choice, as the alpha king, but he was Godric’s father. Cassander would have been the next pick, outside of the laws that control shifters, but he was Godric’s brother. And Poppy was his everything. Family didn’t generally give the eulogy. For that matter, they were all as close as family.

  My eyes widened as a newcomer came from behind and stepped beside Poppy.

  General Carvene. Poppy’s father. And Godric’s biggest adversary for rule.

  I quickly glanced up at Rune, but he wasn’t surprised. None seemed to be.

  General Carvene cleared his throat, out of his dress uniform, and wearing a respectable black suit. He stared out at the horizon before us, and stated, “I’ll be honest with you guys. I never thought in a million years that I would be doing this. But when Poppy called me to tell me that Godric had requested in his will that I conduct his eulogy, I was humbled.

  “Godric King was a man who I came to respect. Now, I’m not saying I agreed with all of his decisions—because I obviously did not. But he was a trustworthy, dedicated, loyal, giving, caring, loving, strong, and funny individual. I couldn’t have asked for a better man for my daughter. Godric had a vision for this planet, taking our world from a wasteland to a place with possibilities again—giving us hope for a brighter future. He loved us enough to give us a fighting chance for survival.

  “Godric wasn’t only a business man, though. He was also a friend. A lover. A man who gave everything he had of himself to those he held closest. That would be all of you here. I doubt any of you knew this, but he would contact me occasionally to make sure I was doing well. Probably for Poppy’s sake, but he still did it.”

  A few of us chuckled and dabbed at our eyes with the gifted tissues.

  General Carvene continued gently, “There were times where our conversations would run long. And he didn’t just talk about the woman he loved with his whole heart. Godric would get off track and start telling me stories about his friends. With each word and with every laugh, his love for you shined through. I never once doubted my daughter was surrounded by people as good as he was.”

  Rune leaned on me, his weight heavy. His chin quivered fiercely, but he kept silent.

  I let go of his arm to run my hand around his waist, gripping him tight. He draped his arm over my shoulder and held me close…but it didn’t stop me from keeping my arm hooked through Alaric’s.

  I sniffed hard and swallowed the burn in my throat. I needed to be strong.

  General Carvene draped his own arm around his daughter’s shoulders when tears started leaking down her flushed cheeks. He continued his speech, “The thing about a man such as Godric King is simple. He won’t be forgotten. He made sure everyone on this planet knew who he was. And he didn’t do it with horrors. He did it through love. And that will last forever.

  “Godric will be missed, but he won’t be forgotten. If it helps in your time of need, just remember this. You knew and loved one of the best men to have ever lived, and he returned your love—ten fold.”

  Poppy openly wept, pressed against her father. Her shoulders shook with each sob, and she held the urn close to her chest. A woman who was breaking apart but still firm in her conviction.

  Theron’s chest heaved, and he rubbed at his face—wiping away any wayward tears. “Godric… He was a better man than me. I felt so blessed when he came into my life, and each day afterward, I was reminded of what it was like to live. I had forgotten along the way somewhere, and he brought all the joy and happiness back into my life. I worry I won’t be the same without him here, but I pray that I have learned something from him. To be happy.”

  He ran his hand over his face again. “Godric, I love you. Be at peace now and play in the sunshine until I meet you there.”

  I rubbed my cheek against Rune’s jacket, hot tears now pouring down my face.

  Cassander coughed. A few times. Then he began in a clogged voice, “I have one regret, God. And I dislike regrets. You know that. I can’t stand that you died with hate in your heart for me. I should have taken Theron’s advice. I should have listened to you, to what you tried to tell me. And I didn’t. I’m so sorry for that. All the lost time simply because we didn’t sit down and talk to each other. I’ll never do that again—with anyone.”

  He chuckled on a choke. “Even in death, you’re still teaching me. And I love you for that. And I… I’m going to miss you so damn much.” His shoulders shook as he ran his fingers through his silver hair, crying as I had never seen a man do before. His expression was haunted, one I knew well. “I hope somewhere out there, you hear this. I’m sorry, asshole. I’m sorry.”

  My breath caught as a warm breeze suddenly swirled around us, casting off the chill of the morning and basking us in its heated embrace. Our hair shifted in the tickling wind, twirling and swaying like a hug. With one last touch, it faded away, slipping up our bodies to the sky…and I could have sworn I heard something.

  Cassander peered to the heavens, whispering in awe, “Thank you. And I always wondered where souls went.”

  Poppy was standing up straight on her own, her eyes wide upon her face. “He was saying good-bye. I heard him.”

  Rune wiped off his face, a look of wonder etching his features. “He called me a prick.”

  General Carvene was visibly shaken. “I won’t tell you what I heard.”

  “I think he said something different to all of us,” Theron swallowed, his throat bobbing.

  Rune glanced down at me, his brows lifting in silent question.

  I repeatedly blinked, muttering quietly, “I thought I heard him say…”

  He waited.

  I shook my head. “It didn’t make sense. I don’t think I heard him right.”

  Magic. These beings were made of magic. I had to remember that. Nothing would ever be normal with this group.

  “Maybe I can help you.” Rune kissed my forehead.

  “Well, what I heard was…” My face scrunched up. “Give him a bad nickname.”

  Rune’s eyes widened, then his head tipped back as he laughed in the quiet chatter—everyone talking about what they’d heard if they wanted to share. He shook his head adamantly, hurrying to blather, “Please don’t. Don’t listen to him. He hated that I called him God. And it stuck. All of his friends started calling him that.”

  I blinked. “But it’s a dying man’s wish. I can’t deny that.”

  His expression turned serious in an instant. “Please don’t.”

  My lips pinched in subdued humor. “I guess it wasn’t technically a dying man’s wish.”

  His chest heaved in relief, truly worried I would have done it. “Thank you.”

  “But if he comes back to haunt me, then I’ll do it.”

  “Ghosts aren’t real.”

  “Are you sure? Because what would you call what just happened?”

  “A final good-bye. God was powerful. If anyone could have waited a few days, it was him.”

  “Is he actually gone now?” I questioned honestly.

  Rune’s eyes flew to the sky, his lips thinning into a straight line. “He’s gone.”

  I pulled his muscled body closer to mine. “I’m h
ere. Remember.”

  He nodded, staying quiet.

  Gradually, all the discussions and excitement quieted down.

  Poppy held the urn and stared down at it. “I feel silly now doing this.”

  Theron stepped back and walked to stand beside her. “I’ll do it. It’s okay.”

  She shook her head instantly. “I’ll do it. It’s what he wanted.”

  Her father held her shoulder tight as she stepped to the very edge of the cliff.

  She removed the lid and handed it back to her father. He took it with his free hand.

  “I miss you,” Poppy whispered, a fresh wave of tears falling. “I love you.”

  Her hands tilted the urn to the side.

  And Godric’s ashes flew through the air, fluttering across the expanse of the ravine.

  A man who was loved. A man who would never be forgotten.


  “I cannot believe I talked to General-freaking-Carvene today,” I mumbled in excitement. I shoved a sleep shirt over my head. “We talked for two hours. He’s pretty damn funny. Poppy’s a lucky gal.”

  Rune tossed the blanket back on my mattress, growling, “I can’t believe we’re just sleeping again.” He paused, sniffing under his armpits. “Do I stink or something? I can take a shower if that’ll help.”

  I bent over and laughed, holding my stomach. I managed to shake my head, and mutter, “No. You don’t stink. Promise.” His smell of forest and sunshine was already stuck to my sheets, and I loved it. It was soothing to fall asleep to.

  His hands were on his hips as he glared. “It’s not funny. I don’t understand. We’ve only had sex once.”

  I straightened and stretched back, pulling at the muscles in my stomach that hurt from laughing so hard. “It has nothing to do with us. It’s just…”

  “Just what?” he questioned, his golden eyes following my actions.

  I bent down and crawled into bed, peeking up at him. “I had to work today. It’s really late, and I’m exhausted.”

  His brows snapped together. “Is that the only reason?”


  Rune didn’t move to get into bed. “What else is it?”

  “We went to a funeral today,” I whined. I pulled the blanket up over my shoulders. “It doesn’t seem proper to have sex on a funeral day.”

  He snorted. “Since when do you care what’s proper?”

  “I don’t normally, but on this one I do. It somehow seems wrong.” I stared up at him, begging him with my eyes to understand. “Please get in bed with me.”

  He gazed down at me for another second, before he grumbled, “Fine.”

  I sighed in contentment as he snuggled up next to me.

  “Dammit,” he groaned. “I forgot the light.”

  Like a flash, I slipped out of bed, turned off the light, Then I jumped back onto the bed and burrowed down into the covers. And into his waiting arms. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

  “Mad? No. Sexually deprived? Yes.”

  I blinked in surprise. “You haven’t had sex with anyone else since we did it?”

  His arms tightened around my stomach. “Excuse me?”

  My mouth snapped shut. That wasn’t a happy question.

  He leaned up on one arm, and golden eyes found mine in the dark. “You’re my mate.”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  His eyes narrowed. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  My jaw dropped. “I haven’t had time to sleep with anyone else if that’s what you’re implying.”

  The black panther huffed. “Do you want to sleep with someone else?”


  His head cocked, the animal inside him on the hunt. “Then why would you ask if I had slept with anyone else?”

  “Uh. I didn’t know we weren’t doing that.”

  Rune blinked extremely slow. “We really do suck at this relationship stuff. Maybe we should have…you know…a discussion on the other person’s expectations. I know there are couples in the shifter community who eventually take breaks from one another, but I’m pretty sure I’m not one of those people.”

  My eyes widened. “You mean I get you all to myself? Not just for baby-making shit?”

  “If I get you all to myself too, then I’d say we have a deal.”

  I wiggled underneath him and smiled so large all my teeth showed. “Deal.”

  His eyes lingered on my mouth. “Deal.”

  “Anything else we should discuss?”

  “Birth control. You need to hop on the bandwagon. I don’t want kids for a long ass time.” Both his brows lifted in expectation. “I’ll pay for it, okay?”

  “How long is a ‘long ass time?’” I inquired.

  “Like, in a thousand years…maybe.”

  My lips pinched. “Is that negotiable?”

  “We live forever. That means you’ll have a kid who’ll always bug you forever.”

  “Ah.” I hummed, thinking that through. “You’re probably right. Birth control is a must, and I’ll graciously let you pay for it. A long ass time should stay a long ass time. I need to come to terms with the fact we’re immortal—and all that comes with that.”

  He snorted. “I’m still learning how to cope with it. It doesn’t get any easier. The problems just change the older you get.”

  “How old are you?” I couldn’t believe I hadn’t asked that yet.

  “I’m almost two hundred years old.” And he said it so simply too.

  I gasped in fake horror, “I fucked an old geezer?”

  He leaned down to kiss the tip of my nose, purring, “I age better than most.”

  “Yes, you do, stud.” I kissed his lips softly. “Time to go to sleep now. If I’m getting on birth control, then we should wake up early and hit the clinic before you go to work.”

  He flopped back down beside me. “You’re not sleeping in?”

  “Another double shift for me.”

  “Can’t they find anyone else?” he grouched. “You’re going to be tired again tomorrow night.”

  My lips twitched. “Patience is a virtue.”

  “You need a new job. The sooner we off your father, the sooner you’ll become a princess.”

  “If they hire me. Height restrictions, remember? Princesses are supposed to be tall.”

  “I know a few people there. I can get you the job if you want.”

  “Let me think on that.” I snorted. “Fuck yes. Get me that job.”

  He kissed my temple as I closed my eyes. “We need to talk about your father sometime.”

  “Not tonight.” I yawned. “Right now, I need to pass out.”

  He kissed my temple once more. “Sweet dreams.”

  * * *

  “Do you know what I just realized?” I asked, my eyes widening.

  “What?” Rune sipped at a gourmet coffee in a fancy cup. “That you need to find a new clinic?”

  I snorted. “The line isn’t that long.”

  “We’ve already been here for thirty minutes, and the sun isn’t even up yet.” He took another drink of his coffee, the scent lingering on him. Delicious. “Can you take off work tomorrow? Have someone else work your shift?”

  “Is it important?” My brows snapped together.

  “It’s about your father. Plans and stuff.”

  I quickly nodded. “It’s too late to request off, but I’ll call in sick.”

  “Good. I think you’ll want to be there for this.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  Anything that had to do with taking my father out was a priority. But that was enough about him for right now. I was living in the moment with a god-man.

  I spread my hands wide in front of me. “Anyway, do you know what this is?”

  He peered around at the others around us. “A place that three drunks can wander into and pass out with a safe place to sleep their day away?” His finger pointed around his coffee to three individuals with questionable attire. They were snori
ng too.

  I chuckled and shook my head. “No, stud. This is our first date!”

  Rune’s eyes continued to eye the other occupants. “Well, it’s stamped and approved. We are officially the weirdest couple ever.” His gaze flicked to mine, and he waggled his brows. “What do you think?”

  “I can’t complain.” I thumped the small, white bag on my lap. It was full of sugared donut holes. “My man got me sweets on our way here.”

  He nodded solemnly. “Sounds like a fine man.”

  “And he has a fine ass.” I dipped my hands into the bag and popped a delicious sugary treat into my mouth.

  Rune snorted in his coffee, holding a napkin up to his mouth. His golden eyes danced with merriment as he wiped off his face. “That woman over there is crossing herself. I don’t think she appreciates our conversation. But do tell me more about your man’s fine attributes. I’d love to hear what you think.”

  “He smells like the forest. And sunshine. But he’s not as sweet as someone might think. He has the biggest cock I’ve ever seen.” I winked. “He knows how to work it, too.”

  A woman two seats down and across from us jumped to her feet. She shook her head and marched right out the front door of the clinic, mumbling under her breath.

  I asked, “Do I want to know what she was saying?”

  “That we’re going Hell.” But his attention was only for me, hunger dilating his eyes, darkening them. “You liked how he moved his cock inside you?”

  “Oh yes.” I closed my eyes and pictured us in the storage closet. The way his hips had pounded against mine and the sound of our skin slapping. I licked my suddenly dry lips, and groaned, “It was divine.”

  Rune groaned in pain. “I have a hard-on now. This is embarrassing.”

  “Megan Marshall?” A woman called. “Come on up.”

  I sighed and opened my eyes, my lips curved into a grin. I dumped the white bag on his lap. “Here you go. Carry that for me.”

  He grumbled as we stood us, but he definitely kept the white bag right in front of his crotch. He even walked a little stiff legged as we made our way through the rows of sitting people. Rune hissed against my ear, “You’re evil.”


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