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Torment Page 14

by Scarlett Dawn

  “I can understand that. There aren’t very many women around here who are mates, and it gets tedious lying all the time to people.” She nodded slowly. “I’ll start up my training sessions again with her tomorrow. See if that helps. And I wouldn’t mind some female company, either.”

  “After I get settled at Rune’s place, I can swing by too. Us girls, we can all hang out.”

  Poppy attempted a smile. She almost did it. “Come by anytime. Kick my ass out of bed if I’m still in it too. I’m trying to cut that out, but some days are better than others.”

  My lips thinned. “I’ll kick your ass clear outside to the water and dunk you. How about that?”

  She snorted. “I’ll like having you around.” Her head tilted, and she quit whispering, speaking in her usual tone. “Are you going to try for a CA position again once your father is taken care of?”


  “You’ll stay bartending then? I bet you have fun there.”

  “It is fun, but I’m going to switch jobs. Do something that makes me happier.”

  “What is it?” Her red brows rose in interest.

  My mouth opened, and then snapped shut. I was certain others wouldn’t understand my interest.

  Mina leaned over the arm of her chair and stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. “So it’s true? You’re getting a new job at Sparkle World?”

  Poppy blinked. “Isn’t that an amusement park?”

  I thumped the back of my head against the headrest. “Who told you, Mina?”

  “Finn did. He said Rune told him you were getting a job at Sparkle World, and that you wanted to be a princess there and spend your time cheering kids up.”

  I waited for it. Just waited for it.

  The jubilation of Poppy’s laughter filled the entire train cabin.

  My cheeks flamed red, perspiration settling on my forehead. I grumbled, “Thanks, Mina.”

  Mina tittered, a smidge devious. “She’s laughing at you, isn’t she? So hush.”

  Poppy waved both of her hands in front of her face, blowing air on her cheeks to cool herself down. The woman kept laughing until tears were rolling down her cheeks. Her tiny hand patted my knee several times during her mirth. She shook her head and babbled, “Tell me when you start, Megan. I’ll go just to take pictures of you hugging little kids while prancing around in a fairy tale dress.”

  I flicked her forehead. “Don’t tease me about it. I’m actually really excited.”

  Mina sat back on her chair, mumbling, “I give it two weeks.”

  “I say a month.” Poppy eyed my features. “She looks like she wants it bad.”

  My eyes narrowed. “You two are horrible. I’ll be there for a long time.”

  Both snickered quietly.

  “Oh!” Mina suddenly sat forward. “I almost forgot.”

  “What?” Poppy questioned with wariness in her tone.

  Mina dug through her stylish bag and lifted out two containers. “I brought these for you two. I thought you might need some energy before going to kick ass—or whatever.” She leaned again and handed them over to us.

  I popped the lid on my container and stared down into it. My eyes glazed over in complete bliss. I jerked my attention back to the gift giver. “Mina, you can come along any time. Thank you.”

  Poppy nodded grandly and licked her bottom lip. “Those look delicious.”

  “Not mine.” I turned my back to her so she couldn’t thieve my goodies. “You have your own. I’m not sharing.”

  Mina laughed, soft and sweet. “Don’t get the wrong idea. I didn’t bake those. I just bought a bag of oatmeal cookies at the store, and dumped some of them in containers.”

  “Either way, these are mine.” I held the container close to my chest and nibbled on a scrumptious delight. “I haven’t had a cookie in a long time.”

  Poppy snorted, her voice dry. “Rune sure knows how to spoil a lady.”

  I spoke around a mouthful of yum. “We’re learning as we go.”

  “How very romantic.” Poppy deadpanned.

  I shrugged. “I think it is. And so does he.”

  She sighed in resignation. “I guess that’s all that really matters, right?”

  “No shit.”

  * * *

  Poppy planted her back against the wall next to the entrance. She had two short swords in her hands, her eyes pinched at the corners, her cheeks puffed in and out, as she hyped herself up. Brown eyes found my blue ones. She asked, “Are you ready for this?”

  I nodded once. This was our door to enter through.

  I gripped the hilts of my two sharp blades and rotated my wrists.

  She peered down at her bracelet. Time slowed as she waited for the signal. All of his businesses would be hit at the exact same time. It would be annihilation.

  Her silver bracelet buzzed. She snapped her head up and nodded. I sucked in a breath and kicked the locked door with all my might right near the handle. The wood creaked and splintered. One more kick and the door flew open.

  The bouncer was already running down the hall toward the door and skidded to a halt seeing me under the streetlamp. His head tilted, apparently not noticing the screams coming from further inside the building. “Megan, is that you?”

  My lips pinched. This was one of Father’s men who had helped me escape once.


  I glanced at Poppy where she was still hidden, staring right at me. Then my attention flew back to the bouncer. I hissed quietly, “Get the fuck out of here, David. Run. And fast. You never saw me.”

  His head turned slightly, listening behind him.

  “David, come on!” I waved with one of my blades for him to hurry.

  When his kind eyes met mine, he grinned—proud. “You’re finally getting him back.”

  “Just. Go.”

  “Yep. I’m going.” He raced toward me, and I moved out of his way. As he sped by, he whispered, “I never saw you.”

  My chest heaved, and I twisted back to the door. I eyed the inside. “Are you just going to stand there all night or are you going to come inside with me and have some fun?”

  Poppy’s lips quirked up. “I was being polite and waiting. I didn’t know if you were going to let any more of your criminal friends run free.”

  “David isn’t so bad.” I marched forward, with or without her. She followed and then slid up beside me. We walked down the dimly lit hallway to the only other door—the one that entered the club. I further clarified, “Father got his claws into him when he was young, but he wasn’t cut out for the hard business. So my father put him in a lower position—like guarding a door.”

  A moment later, Poppy asked, “Will you be able to handle this? There may be more of your friends inside.”

  “If not, I’ll let you know,” I answered honestly.

  She nodded. “That’ll work.” Then she lifted her foot and kicked the next locked door. The door flew open, wood splinters flying everywhere. “Huh. I’ve still got it.”

  “Show off,” I muttered, and then I was racing inside.

  Poppy followed.

  We were immediately attacked by two individuals of the ‘cleaning crew.’

  Poppy and I faced off with them, her swords and my knives swinging through the air. Metal hitting metal rang over the screams of the adult customers in the corpse rooms being hauled away—the people who liked to fuck almost dead bodies. I gritted my teeth, and shoved the man off, kicking him square in the stomach to do so. Then I charged him fast and swung low. My nose crinkled as his intestines spilled out of the gaping wound in his lower gut, but I quickly lifted and shoved my other knife up under his chin and twisted sharply. I tilted to the side as a spray of blood spewed from his neck.

  Poppy’s assailant fell to the ground at the same time mine did. Both dead.

  We moved along down the hallway, our boots silent on the old, shabby carpet. Our heads snapped back when we heard footfalls, but it was only the medics running down the hallway, then turnin
g into the rooms we’d passed. If they were able to save those poor almost dead souls, then it would be a miracle. This club worked and worked to keep their “entertainment” barely alive for the enjoyment of its demented customers.

  We stopped as we turned a corner. Our eyes scanned the main club area.

  “Where should we start?” Poppy asked.

  I shrugged. “On the left, maybe. Then we can work our way over.”

  She nodded, her lips lifting into a cruel smile. “This’ll be fun.”


  We rushed to the left, diving headlong into the frenzied fight.


  “Down this way, Ms. Marshall.” The CA soldier pointed to the hallway on the right. “Just follow me, and you won’t get lost.”

  I brushed a piece of my black hair away from my face. “Rune’s there?”

  She nodded. “Mr. Mason is waiting for you.”

  My hand caked with dried blood waved in the direction we were supposed to go. “Lead the way then. But don’t walk too fast. I’m tired.”

  Her gaze ran up and down my frame, blood and guts splattered every inch of my clothing and exposed flesh. “I would imagine so.”

  She began the journey to Rune while I followed closely behind.

  The black uniform she wore was glaringly clean under the harsh neon light. The white walls and white tiles should be repelling me out of the CA headquarters. But instead, they welcomed me further into their abyss of many hallways and stairs leading down and then up, pulling me deeper and deeper until I had lost all sense of direction.

  I muttered, “It’s a damn maze in here.”

  “Wood Corporation was the architecture company for this building. It’s supposed to confuse individuals who aren’t allowed inside.”

  “Alaric did a stellar job with it then.”

  She sniggered. “I think it was actually him who designed it, not one of his employees.”

  “It makes sense. It’s an integral building for New City.”

  And the soldier just kept walking.

  “Are we even above ground right now?” I asked in exasperation. “There aren’t any windows in this part.”

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  “That’s so helpful. Fuck you very much.”

  Her shoulders shook in front of me. Sounding amused, the soldier inquired, “I have a question for you.”

  “I may not be at liberty to say.”

  The soldier snorted. “I read in the rags that you’re dating Mr. Mason. Is that true?”

  My blue eyes zeroed in on the back of her head. “Let me guess. You’re a fan of his.”

  “That would be no. But I am curious. You never know if what you read is true.”

  I rubbed at my forehead, ready for bed. A long shower first, of course. I explained in a quiet tired voice, “Yes, Rune and I are dating. It’s serious too. So if you know any women who want to jump him, tell them to please refrain—unless they like broken bones.”

  “Thank you for being candid with me.” We moved down four more hallways before she eventually added, “I’ll let everyone know that Mr. Mason’s cock is off limits.”

  Rune stuck his head outside a room, his brows furrowed. “Why are you talking about my cock?”

  The soldier halted, her back straightening. “Sir, I apologize.”

  “Don’t do it again. I’m taken,” he growled, his golden eyes alarmingly scary. Then his head disappeared back into the room.

  It dawned on me that he couldn’t see me behind her. The small part of me that was showing was covered in dried blood. And the blood most likely hid my scent.

  My lips trembled in humor as I passed her, patting her on the shoulder in sympathy.

  But Rune unwittingly passed a test with flying colors. Because the soldier was knockout gorgeous. A typical man would beg to even speak with her, much less have sexual relations with her.

  I knocked on the open door to the room. “I’m here.”

  Sitting at a round table, Rune and Finn both looked up from a translucent notepad they were viewing. They didn’t look anywhere near as bad as I did. I only saw a few spots of blood on their clothing, and the location they had gone to was considered hostile.

  My eyes narrowed on them. “Did you guys even fight anyone? Or did you just walk in after the hard part was done to grab my father?”

  Rune jerked to his feet. “Are you all right?”

  I held up my hands. “I’m past exhausted, but I didn’t get hurt. Not one blade or fist landed on my delicate body.” My hands then waved up and down my frame to indicate how ‘delicate’ I wasn’t.

  His nostrils flare, and he inhaled deeply.

  I rolled my eyes. “None of it is my blood.”

  Rune sniffed a few more times but eventually nodded. “I have some news. Do you want to sit down for it?”

  “Do I need to?”

  “It would probably be best.”

  I trudged forward and plopped my ass on a seat next to his vacated one. I rubbed at my forehead. I made myself speak the words, “Just tell me. If he got away, it’s okay. We’ll find him eventually.”

  “Actually, we did find out that we have another mole in the CA ranks. We thought we’d gotten them all when I was sent to jail.” Rune ran his fingers down my cheek before he sat down on his chair. “Your father was notified ten minutes before the raids began.”

  My brows pinched when I felt no disappointment.

  Rune opened his mouth, and I quickly held up a hand to stop him. His mouth closed.

  I lowered my hand and knocked my knuckles on the table while I studied his face. The god-man’s perfect blend of features, utterly captivating and enthralling, but, eventually, my eyes landed on his heart.

  Had I fallen for him? Because that was the only reason I wouldn’t be the slightest bit disappointed. To know he had tried his hardest… And that was enough for me. The one time I really had a shot of taking my father down, and it didn’t bother me that the plan failed.

  Because of him.

  I sucked in a sharp breath, my gaze finding his. That was what this warmth in my chest was. It had been growing considerably each day I spent with him. I was truly falling for Rune Mason. Not just a simple like either. It was head over heels shit that frilly women were always giggling about.

  Rune dipped his head to place his face in front of mine, his golden regard honed on my eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay, Megan?”

  With a flush that rose like a hot burn, my cheeks colored horribly. I nodded and squeaked, “I’m fine.”

  His eyes instantly narrowed. “I think you’re lying to me.”

  I shook my head quickly. “No, no. Go on. I was just lost in thought.”

  Rune’s nostrils flared again as his gaze expanded to my entire face. “If you’re too tired to talk, we can do this later.”

  I sat straighter in my chair and shoved my surprising feelings for him aside. “Seriously, I’m good. I can last a little longer.”

  Across the white, circular table, Finn rumbled, “Let it go, Rune. She’s fine.”

  Rune’s gaze snapped to him. “Are you sure?”

  He nodded, his eyes straying in my direction. “Just let her be for right now.”

  “All right.” Golden eyes swung back to me. “If you get too tired, just say so, and we can do this whenever you’re ready.”

  I helped him along so he would quit asking right now. “So my father got the details in advance, and hightailed it out of there.”

  Rune nodded. “He did, but he didn’t know we hacked his bracelet. We are aware who the mole is, and we knew his exact location. The crew went in without us while Finn and I tracked him down.”

  I jerked in my chair. “What? You found him?”

  He nodded slowly. “It didn’t turn out as you wanted, though.”

  “What do you mean?” I glanced at the small blood splatters on his clothing. “It looks like something happened.”

  “I lost control,
Megan. Your father, he started telling us the horrors he did to you as a child…” He ran his fingers through his fine, black hair. “Anyway, I lost it.”

  My eyebrows furrowed deep over my eyes. “Meaning?”

  “I didn’t bring him in alive as you wished.” He cleared his throat and twisted in his chair to duck his upper body under the table. When he lifted, he set a black plastic bag on the table in front of me. “I did bring you proof that he’s dead. Finn managed to stop me from completely chopping him to too small bits.”

  “Wait. You thought I’d be upset because you killed him?”

  He nodded. “You said you wanted to be the one to kill him.”

  “It would have been nice, but ultimately, I don’t care. As long as he’s dead, I’m freaking ecstatic.” My wide eyes turned to the black plastic bag, and I bounced my legs to release energy. “There’s proof in here?”

  “Yes.” One simple word. It meant a lot.

  I grabbed the opening of the black plastic and pulled it apart. My resulting grin was magnificent as I stared into its depth, a weight of terror vanishing from my shoulders. I felt like I could breathe again, my chest pumping swiftly in excitement.

  I stuck my right hand into the bag and grabbed a handful of hair—bald spot included.

  Then I lifted the decapitated head from the bag’s depths and held it high in the air. My father’s lifeless eyes stared out at the room. I turned my elation on Rune, bubbling with joy. “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten in my entire life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

  Finn placed a fist in front of his mouth and started having a coughing fit. He quickly excused himself from the room, leaving Rune and me alone.

  Rune’s eyes ran over my features like a predator hunting for weakness. But his lips eventually curved up with an impish grin. He flirted, teasing, “So you love my gift, huh?”

  “I do!” I squealed. I sat my father’s head down on the table and grabbed Rune’s cheeks, pulling him closer. “You deserve a reward, stud.”

  “Do I get it now?” he whispered.

  “Yeah, you do.” I pressed my lips against his, and thoroughly kissed him. His tongue and mine met in the most sensual of teasing. I bit his bottom lip, pulling it between my teeth until it released from my mouth. “But your real reward will have to wait until tomorrow. I would be utterly useless to you tonight. In fact, I may let you carry me out of this dungeon like a babe. That’s how pooped I am.”


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