Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1)

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Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1) Page 26

by Tracey Champion

  My back stiffened. This was sick, maybe I shouldn’t be here?

  “From what we found his father died in prison. The same time he wanted to have the DNA evidence tested.” Seth added.

  “Yes, when he was convicted, DNA testing was in the early stages. Processing the evidence from this case was a mess. The information and technology were not the same then as it is today. There was a lab his lawyer sent the DNA off to. The sample was mixed up. He was killed before the processing was completed.” Uncle Jethro told us.

  “Why was he killed, do you know?” I looked around the room hoping not to get into trouble for asking.

  “I do. The inmate that killed him shared Mr.Paynes cell. According to his testimony about the events, he killed Payne because Payne was guilty. He told the court that Payne was bragging that the DNA would help him get out. Innocent is what he claimed to be. To his cellmate, he told him the dirty details of what he had done. That Payne was guilty.” Uncle Jethro seems to know a lot about this case.

  “I found the file. He would say later that at night Payne would tell the story about how he brutalized the young girl. No man should do that. Rape is horrible in general, but to a child? I don’t want him out on the streets. I may never see my own daughter, but I had to protect all the young girls out there. The cellmate figured he was doing a mercy killing of Payne.” I felt sick. My dad had this file. This man’s son was after me.

  Jordan slowly began to rub my back. “You feeling okay?” He whispered in my ear. I shook my head no. “You’re safe I promise.” Then he kissed my cheek.

  We continued to talk about Travis and his father. Turns out the DNA evidence only proved that he was indeed guilty. The sample was a mix of the two victims and his own.

  Seth and Ryan learned after making many calls this morning that Travis found out about his father after he died. His mother told him everything while she was dying of cancer. From what they learned, Travis’s mother spoke of his father’s innocence and how she wished they had the chance to meet.

  What they also learned was that Travis was a manipulator. He liked to play with people, his emotions were void. Something was wrong with him. Laura Gunthry swore that her son was perfect, that he could do nothing wrong. All I could think about was the trouble that this could be. What was coming for me?

  After the discussion, everyone left the room. The guys were going to start cooking the food on the grill. My father asked for Jordan and me to stay in the room.

  “I see you both have rings on,” he said pointing to our joined hands.

  “Yes sir, I gave your daughter a promise ring this morning. One day I would like to marry her, but we both are not ready for that. I wanted her to know that I will always be here for her.” Jordan spoke perfectly to my father.

  “Cara, are you happy?” My father asked with a smile.

  “Yes, but I’m scared. Travis is out there waiting for me.”

  “I’m glad that you are happy. Jordan do whatever you need to protect her and when you are ready to take this relationship further come talk to me. Cara, I like your choice in men, you have a good guy there.” Did he just approve of Jordan? Really? He’s never been a permanent father figure in my life and now? I guess I just have to accept this.

  Jordan kept me in the office a little longer. When I stood up to leave, he pulled me to his lap facing him. “I’m glad you were here for this. I don’t want to hide anything from you.” Then he kissed me. This was different.

  He brushed his nose along mine and was soft when his lips met mine. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I should be embarrassed about kissing in my fathers office, but for the life of me I didn’t want him to stop.

  He licked my bottom lip, and I opened for him. There was a lot behind this kiss. His tongue wasn’t searching for some reason. When our tongues danced, I felt him telling me I was safe. This was him and me. No one else could take this from us.

  When we broke apart, I touched my now swollen lips. Jordan’s eyes were glossed over telling me I was in for some fun later.


  “Cara, are you in love with my brother?” Amber was sitting in front of me. Why do I feel like am in trouble?

  “Would I be in trouble if I said yes?”

  “OH. MY. GOD. You have to tell me. I mean I don’t have to ask. The smile on your face says it all. I take it things worked out last night.” I was unsure how much I should tell Amber.

  “You had sex last night?” Bridgett chimed in as I blushed. “You did. Please tell me you tapped that. Well, tell me this, is he as good in bed as he looks?” I looked to Bridgett not sure what to say as Hanna had walked up to us.


  “Cara, you can talk about it. He never loved me. You don’t have to be careful around me.” Hanna smiled at me, and then walked over to the guys at the grill.

  “Well, now that your cherry has been popped…”

  “Jessica! Please, I do have family here.” Do these women have any filter?

  “Up pretty girl.” I jumped, when Jordan scared me with his commanding voice. I stood and he took my chair, but pulled me onto his lap. I was beginning to find this normal.

  I refused to talk anymore and let everyone else do the talking for me. Grandma Chloe walked over to the table and took a chair. She was watching me.

  “Young man since my hearing isn’t gone besides giving my granddaughter a promise ring you have deflowered her.” I wanted to die. I felt Jordan shift in the chair.

  “Yes Ma’am.” What? I turned to look at him. Please tell me I’m dreaming.

  “Do you love my granddaughter?”

  “Yes, I do. I love her more than she realizes.” I may want to go hide after this. The others around us are trying not to laugh. They call themselves my friends, yeah right.

  “I take it then you would do anything to protect Cara. Mason won’t be the only one to worry about if you hurt her.”

  I had been looking at everyone else when Jordan took hold of my chin forcing me to turn and look at him. “I will protect her with my life. Ma’am, I will never hurt her because doing so would only be hurting myself.

  He was talking to my grandmother with his words, but his eyes were talking to me. He was letting me see everything. He was telling the truth. When he finished talking he gave me a quick sweet kiss.

  “I like you Jordan. I may need to meet your parents one day. They raised a wonderful young man, but from now on call me Grandma or Chloe. I hate being called Ma’am.”

  “I can do that Grandma.”

  We stopped talking. I introduced Grandma to everyone. She seemed to be fascinated by Amber. However, she did have to remind her to slow down when she spoke. Amber couldn’t hide her excitement. She was tickled to see Jordan and me happy.

  “Now young lady tell me about the boy you’re ignoring?” Grandma mentioned to Amber. Jordan moved behind me.

  “What is she talking about?” Jordan asked me.

  “I don’t know.” I was so lying.

  “Your sister and that young man over there with the beard. I think you called him Ryan. He seems to be watching her.” I guess nothing gets past grandma.

  “We didn’t get along on a job. Nothing to worry about Chloe.” I could see Amber was hiding something.

  “I think he likes you,” Grandma said and then the topic was quickly dropped. Hanna brought a glass of tea over to Grandma. I caught the gloss in her eyes. She was trying not to cry.

  I jumped up before Jordan could grab me. Hanna was walking away, but I cut her off. She brought her eyes up to meet mine, and then she blinked. I wrapped her up in a hug.

  “I’m sorry.” She sobbed

  “Hanna, you said you were okay with this.” I pulled away and took her hand to walk away from the group.

  “I don’t know.” Her eyes told me that she was confused and hurt.

  “Did you love him?” I don’t know why I asked. The answer would be something I should never hear. An answer I would never be
able to forget.

  “No, I’m glad you’re happy. Both of you. I think what’s upsetting is the idea of being loved like that. He loves you, Cara. Jordan and I would have never worked.” I did the only thing I could think of and hugged her again.

  “You do know you’re loved right. You have friends and family here.”

  “You’re right. Why are you always kind to me?”

  “Momma told me it is easier to love someone than to hate them. You’re easier to love.”

  “I wish I knew my mother like you did. She’s always wrapped up in events.” How did I miss that I have yet to meet her mother? “She is out of town which is why she’s not here.”

  “I’m sorry Hanna. I didn’t even know your mother wasn’t here.”

  “I’m used to her not being here. My father lets her do what she wants to a point.”

  We talk for a while, and I get to know her better. I feel bad for Hanna. Sounds like she has an absent mom. Which would explain why she’s troubled.

  “Hanna, maybe this is a good thing. You being single. Now you have time to be yourself or find yourself.”

  “Cara, I hate being me. People see me as fake and a bitch.” She sounds broken.

  “Well, then like I said before, stop being a bitch and try not to be fake. Your whole world seems to revolve around your money. Do what makes you happy.” She smiles at me, and I catch that she has something.

  “I like art.” Wow. Not what I was expecting.

  “Then do that.” The smile she has on now is contagious. I can’t help but smile with her.

  We talk about her taking on some art classes. She mentions that her fake nails would have to go. I can’t help but tell her so what. She no longer needs them. She needs to show people the real her. If the fake nails go first, then she’s on the right start, somewhere.

  The rest of our time at the barbecue is simple. I talk with people, we eat. Well, okay, I try to eat. Jordan finally gave me back my chair. I enjoyed getting to know my family. My niece sat with me when I got dessert. I was eating the cookies that Bridgett baked.

  She made Snickerdoodle’s. Bridgett told me that they were her favorite cookies. I told her they were mine, too. Elizabeth mentioned that Momma actually wrote that in one of her letters. She asked Bridgett to make them. I thanked Elizabeth.


  “Yes, Mom?” I still find it weird calling someone else Mom.

  “I have all the letters your mother wrote. When you’re ready I can give them to you to read.” Wow. Yes, I want to read them.

  “Yes please.” I didn’t think my heart could handle any more. She saved Momma’s letters about me. I still have a piece of Momma.

  I was happy when we left. I did forget to have Elizabeth get me the binder with Mommas letters, but that’s okay I can get them later. I enjoyed my time. I hugged everyone and then we were headed home.

  When we pull into the driveway, I feel like something was wrong. We get to the front door and there is a long box with a card sitting on the welcome mat.

  Jordan is cautious when he leans to investigate the box. “Your name is on the card Cara.”

  “What?” I walk up to Jordan to see what’s in the box. He carefully opens the card only touching the outside corners.

  Dear Cara,

  I know where you live. I know your fuck buddy is looking for me. Funny how he won’t find me until the last minute. I will have what I want. I will also have you the same way he does.


  I wanted to vomit. He will never have me. Jordan opens the box. I was expecting something worse, but inside the box are a dozen black roses. Jordan picks up the box and walks away. I hear him toss them into the trash.

  Jordan’s on the phone the minute we enter the house. I take the cookies I brought home into the kitchen.

  “Ryan, the fucker was at my house again. I don’t care what we have to do. I want him found like as of yesterday. He’s threatening her life, and I won’t stand for this.” He sounds pissed, and I just distract myself by eating a few cookies.

  I’m so distracted and lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Jordan come up behind me. I had just finished my third cookie when he lifts me up and places me on the counter.

  Jordan crushed his lips on mine. He’s demanding, and a hand slides up my shirt. “You taste like cinnamon, and I like that a lot, pretty girl. Just a warning I plan on fucking you right here.”

  I don’t get a chance to register his words before my shirt is up and over my head. I don’t even see where he tossed it. Jordan was between my legs and pulled me closer. I felt him unclasp my bra and then that was gone.

  His hand was on the back of my neck. He started kissing and nipping at my neck. I couldn’t help but giggle when he hit that sensitive spot on me.

  “Cara Mia, I want you so bad.” I had to close my eyes. My entire body was wired, and I could feel wetness pooling between my legs. “Stand up.”

  I stood up, and Jordan unbuttoned my shorts. He said nothing, but motioned with his finger for me to turn around. I did as requested, and he slowly pulled down my shorts. I jumped when he bit my butt.

  He caressed the spot he bit and then slid down my panties. He tapped on each of my legs for me to lift my feet and then my panties were gone.

  “Hands on the counter and spread your legs.” His voice held that commanding tone. I spread my legs, but Jordan moved them wider. I could feel a slight burn in my thighs.

  “Jordan,” I whined. I wanted to tell him. “Jordan…Oh shit.” He ran his tongue up my slit, but stopped and smacked my ass. A gasp escaped my lips.

  “Don’t curse pretty girl, those words don’t sound right coming from that gorgeous mouth of yours.” Jordan’s tongue on me was driving me crazy. “Move back a little pretty girl.” I did as instructed.

  Jordan stood up and placed his hand on my back. He forced me to bend my back. “Remember keep your hands on the counter.”

  His hands were on my butt. Jordan dropped back to his knees and pressed his tongue hard against my clit. I couldn’t help but wiggle against him. He dragged his tongue back playing with my opening.

  “Mmmm.” Jordan squeezed and spread my butt cheeks. Then did something strange. “Fuck.” I did not mean to say the f-word out loud, but Jordan heard me clearly. His hand came down on my butt.

  “What did I say about swearing Cara Mia?” What can I say when he shocked me by licking my butt.

  “Not to curse.” I was completely breathless. “You licked my…” My words were taken when he licked me again. “Holy shit Jordan.” I bent my head down in shame. The word slipped from my lips.

  “Mmmm. Pretty girl, I’m not sure what you like more. My tongue where I am licking your ass or me spanking you.” He licked my butt again. How forbidden is that? “I will take you there one day.” His words sounded like a promise. Then he lightly tapped my butt.

  He continued to lick and suck on my clit. I light up when I felt his fingers enter me. My knees wanted to buckle, but the position Jordan held me in would not let me. I felt my stomach tighten, and I clamped down on his fingers.

  “Cum on my fingers Cara.” His words were the ignition to my fire. Jordan began to suck harder on my clit. I was lost in a euphoric state of pleasure. I could feel his fingers moving in and out of me extremely slowly.

  I was rolling my head from sided to side. Jordan bit my clit, and I had to let out a scream. When he repeated, he removed his fingers and began rubbing the tight bud on my backside.

  “Jordan…” I couldn’t tell if my whimpering was to ask for more or to stop him.

  This time when he bit down on my clit he slid his finger into that forbidden place. I was burning up, and my body tensed. “Relax pretty girl. I won’t take your beautiful ass tonight. One day, yes.”

  He went back to playing with my clit. His other finger still in that forbidden location moved slowly pushing in and out of me. “Jordan…I’m so….hot.” I could feel the sweat on my body. I had to bite down on my lower
lip when I felt my body temperature got warmer. My orgasm was coming and I felt on fire.

  “Ohmygod! Jordan! I’m…going….to…” I bit harder on my lip and tasted something metallic. I thought my blood was boiling as my orgasm racked my body. I tried to silence my scream as I was cumming.

  “Damn, Cara Mia.” I almost fell over when Jordan moved away from me. I was still coming down from my orgasm when he grabbed me. He turned me around and placed me on the counter.

  When his lips crashed into mine, he slides his dick inside me. I felt blissfully full. I was almost terrified of him moving. There was a small amount of pain at how full I was. Jordan pulled back, and when his piercing ran across my insides, I grabbed his arms, digging my nails in.

  Jordan licked his lips and then brought his thumb to my mouth. He pulled my lower lip down. I opened my mouth for him. “You broke the skin, Cara Mia.” He then licked the spot I had sunk my teeth into. I was way too turned on by that one simple act.

  “Fuck. Me. You feel damn good pretty girl.” I wiggled a little because I wanted more. I needed more. “Fuck, Cara, stop moving. I don’t want to cum so soon.” I stilled my movements.

  “I need to feel more of you Jordan, please.” I was begging him. “Fuck me Jordan.”

  “Are you ready for all of me,” he said softly I could see the sweat on his face. I whispered to him yes.

  He began thrusting into me hard and fast. This was nothing like last night. I could only feel him inside me. This was too much. Jordan grabbed my hips and slammed deeper inside me. I didn’t think he could go any deeper.

  I let go of his arms and leaned back. I arched my back trying to meet each of his thrusts. This went on for a while until Jordan reached an arm around my back and pulled me up. He ran his tongue up the side of my neck tasting me.


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