Seriously Sexy 2

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Seriously Sexy 2 Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  They traded a final kiss at the door until Arlene asked Mark to excuse them and, after he left, she wrapped her arm’s around Penny’s sexy body and looked into her lovely brown doe eyes.

  ‘I like you Penny. And this was fun. But if you ever get between me and my husband, I’ll kill you.’

  They shared a good laugh after that, Penny reassuring her she would never sink that low, despite not having a steady lover for over a year.

  ‘Yeah, I can enjoy a hook-up whenever I want. It’s just so hard finding the right person to be there for you. Or you for them.’

  She still traded e-mails with Penny on occasion and chatted on the phone once in a while.

  ‘A sweet girl, too bad she can’t find the right guy, or girl.’

  She left the room, took the lift to the lobby and remembered the first time she and Mark had anal sex; how gentle and patient he was and how such a wicked combination of pain and pleasure could feel so good.

  She stepped out of the elevator and walked across the lobby to the lounge, registering the stares from the bellboys and the woman at the concierge desk; they probably thought she was a hooker on the prowl, or some freak looking to rock someone’s world.

  ‘I’m a little bit of both,’ she thought while heading for the restaurant. When she stepped into the somewhat crowded happy-hour, most of the servers, busboys and patrons immediately took notice of her as her phone rang.

  ‘You look incredible,’ she heard Mark say as she scanned the room, avoiding every longing, inviting look trying to grab her attention.

  ‘Where are you?’ she asked.

  ‘Just direct that sweet, sexy stride of yours up to the bar,’ he replied. ‘I’ll be with you shortly.’

  He hung up as she made her way to an empty part of the bar and sat down, glad that the stool’s high back offered a little bit of cover as she crossed her legs and ordered a drink. Her phone rang again.

  ‘Look behind you. I’m in the crowd.’

  When she looked over her shoulder she could see people here and there chatting at their tables, eating and enjoying themselves, but no Mark.

  ‘Where are you?’ she said. That’s when her eyes caught a very handsome, broad-shouldered man in a sports coat, tight polo-shirt and fitted slacks looking at her. His eyes were hazel and he wore his long blond hair in a ponytail.

  It wasn’t Mark.

  ‘I’m over here.’

  A hand rested on her bare shoulder. The fingers were long but solid, the palm callused and strong and when she looked at those beautiful brown eyes she felt like making love right there on the bar. He wore the suit she always liked on him, but before she could plant a long, tongue-probing kiss on those sexy lips he gestured over her shoulder and introduced Phil, his college buddy.

  It was the handsome blond guy with the ponytail.

  The night seemed to melt into one long, pleasant evening of jokes, drinks, good food and very good company. The three of them sat in a booth right up until midnight and as the time flew by, Arlene had never felt so horny in her entire life. She loved the way Mark held her hand and the occasional feeling of Phil’s muscular thigh when he made a joke or moved to get a drink and, when he excused himself for a moment, she threw Mark a questioning look.

  ‘You can take off the choker right now,’ he said while holding her hand in his and gazing into her eyes. ‘Or,’ he said, while gently running a finger across her cheek and sending shivers of anticipation through her body, ‘you can keep it on.’

  When his friend returned, Mark told her Phil was a licensed masseur and worked his way through college giving massages.

  ‘It was an ordeal, believe it or not,’ Phil said with that sexy, Australian accent. ‘Zits, back hair, sweat. And then there were the blokes!’

  ‘Believe it or not,’ Mark said before raising her hand and giving it a tender kiss, ‘this incredibly hot, sexy woman a loser like me was privileged to marry occasionally suffers from lower back aches.’

  ‘When he says loser, he’s right,’ Phil emphasised with that sexy voice, those golden-coloured eyebrows arched. ‘You should have seen the women he dated. Or better yet, not. Scare a dingo out of its den.’

  Before Arlene knew it, the three of them were back in the suite. She lay on a massage table that had conveniently appeared in living room, naked except for the choker and little towel covering her buttocks, while enjoying Mark’s hands on her feet as Phil massaged her lower back, his hands just above the swell of her buttocks. Both of them had doffed their jackets and shirts.

  It was heaven.

  Two pairs of excellent, masculine hands kneading and stroking her legs back and thighs, washing her body with ripples of pleasure, her pussy a well of wet, aching passion that yearned to be pleased. It was then she felt another set of hands take her other foot and begin massaging it as she felt Mark’s tongue lick and tease her feet and before long, Phil began doing the same.

  Then, she felt the towel slip off her buttocks just before someone gently parted her thighs and lavished her drenched crotch with a hot, probing tongue, making her let out a gasping moan that caught her by surprise.

  Everything turned into a blur of erotic release. She closed her eyes as she felt another set of lips, so masculine, so wonderfully unfamiliar, feast away at her crotch as Mark’s stiff, solidly veined meat slipped into her mouth. She sucked hard as Phil tongued and probed her pussy, her hot breaths gasping for air, making her feel like the luckiest woman in the world. Sure the PTA hags would ridicule her if they found out. Sure her boss would be shocked and that bitch Carol would be green with envy right now in her dark little cubicle as she poured over her paperwork.

  She didn’t care. Instead, she took Mark’s wonderful cock in her mouth while reaching back and guiding Phil’s veined manhood inside the yielding walls of her pussy, that hard-yet-soft, delicious sensation filling her to the brim before it began to slide in and out of her body.

  She loved it. When they traded places, Mark’s shaft filling her pussy, she relished it as much as the taste of her juices coating Phil’s cock. She sucked away eagerly, taking him as deep as her throat allowed, her ears catching Mark’s sexy grunts as he pumped away.

  Suddenly, the most wicked thought she ever had entered her mind.

  Sometimes, when they had anal sex, she would slide a small vibrator inside her pussy. It always got the both of them off and the conversations they would have afterward, of her enjoying the thought of two rigid cocks inside her, would make them wind up making love again shortly afterwards.

  After a few words and gestures, she found herself on the bed, on top of Mark, her back to him while guiding that deliciously hard pole inside her anus and gesturing Phil to slide his rigid cock inside her aching pussy.

  As she gasped and moaned, she realised how familiar it felt, yet how new it all seemed. That overwhelming sensation of her body filled by these handsome studs

  The pleasure she had been nursing all night turned into a flood of erotic, mind- shattering passion that sent her into one of the most intense orgasms of her life just before Mark and Phil came at the same time and filled her up with their hot juices.

  When it was over she rolled on her side, Mark’s spent cock still inside her as she wrapped a thigh around Phil’s waist, just enjoying the afterglow until excusing herself and stepping into the bathroom, avoiding any awkward or clumsy words that could ruin the moment.

  She freshened up, put on the short, black silk robe Mark had gotten her last Valentine’s day, and, after checking her make-up, she stopped in front of the full-length mirror in front of the door and admired herself one last time. Again she admired her feet, one ankle slightly raised, her gaze wandering up the creamy expanse of her legs, the hem of the robe barely covering her crotch, the silky material clinging to her hips. She caressed her bare thighs as her gaze rested on her face.

  ‘Still the same person, no matter what.’

  When she stepped into the living room she saw to her surprise Phil, now fully dresse
d, his sport coat over his shoulder, standing by the door.

  ‘Mark just wanted me to have the chance to say good-bye,’ he said, extending his hand. She took it, savouring the strong yet gentle quality of his grip as he looked at her for one last time with those lovely blue eyes.

  ‘I was only joking about him being a loser,’ Phil told her. ‘With a woman like you he’s a winner. I only hope I find someone like you one day.

  It was then she remembered Penny and decided Phil would be a perfect match.

  ‘I’m sure you will. As a matter of fact, you can bet on it.’

  Before giving him a chance to reply, she kissed his cheek, promised they’d stay in touch, closed the door and leaned against it, savouring the memory of what had happened only moments ago, her fingers eventually wandering up to the choker.

  Then, with a wicked grin on her face, she turned to the bedroom door, knowing Mark was waiting for her.

  ‘If he thinks the night is over, he’s got another thing coming.’

  Sauntering to the bedroom, she laughed at such a bad pun, knowing the night had just begun.

  The Boss

  by Ruby Latour

  Jade watched him. It wasn’t as if she had never seen him before. She had known him for months now; they worked in the same company after all. He had always been quite friendly, but she was wary of him. He had a reputation. He always had a different woman, women seemed to love him, and she hadn’t really seen what the attraction was. His name was John; an average name for an average guy. He was fairly tall, quite attractive but nothing outstanding.

  He looked over at her and Jade quickly looked away, embarrassed that he may have seen her watching him. When she looked back their eyes met and he smiled; he had seen her. Jade wanted to turn away again but for some reason couldn’t bring herself to do so. He left the crowd of beautiful girls that surrounded him and made his way over to her.

  She felt herself frozen to the spot, unable to move and not sure even if she wanted to.

  ‘Hi,’ he said, staring right into her eyes now.

  ‘Hi,’ she replied, wishing she could think of something to say.

  ‘You look great tonight,’ he leant in close as he said it, and as he drew away his eyes moved up and down her body obviously appreciating what he saw.

  She was glad she had made an effort now. Her long dark hair hung in loose curls down her back and her black strappy dress clung to her every curve.

  ‘You don’t look so bad yourself,’ Jade replied, and regretted it the moment she said it. He did look good, effortlessly good. A simple black shirt and well cut black trousers that complimented his lean body.

  ‘So, are you having fun?’ he asked, standing much closer than necessary. Jade was beginning to feel hot.

  ‘Yeah, it’s a good party,’ she was lying now; it wasn’t a good party; it was a typical company event; boring and stuffy. She was only there because her boss had insisted.

  ‘I think you’re lying, Jade,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘You think it’s boring, just like I do.’

  She laughed; he had read her mind.

  ‘John, this is dull, how about we go on somewhere else?’ They had been joined by two of the girls he had been talking to earlier. They were even more beautiful close up and Jade felt dowdy in comparison.

  ‘No, I don’t think so, I’m staying here,’ he smiled at them, his hand gently touching Jade’s lower back as he did so. They looked disappointed and tried to convince him to change his mind but eventually gave up and left.

  ‘Why didn’t you go with them?’ Jade asked, as they made their exit. She was bemused, they were stunning, very drunk and obviously up for a very good time.

  ‘Because I want to spend the night with you.’ His eyes bored into hers; she knew he meant the night and not just the evening.

  ‘Is that right?’ She smiled at him, sounding far more confident than she felt. She couldn’t believe how sexy he was, how had she never noticed it before.

  ‘Oh yes, Jade, that’s right,’ he was teasing her now. ‘I’m going to play with your pussy all night, let’s get some more drinks.’ He gently led her to the bar. She said nothing. She was shocked; she was surprised, but she couldn’t drag herself away.

  ‘I can’t believe you just said that,’ she said finally, when he handed her another glass of wine.

  ‘Can’t you, why, don’t you want me to?’ His face was serious now and only inches away from hers.

  ‘I don’t know.’ Jade felt breathless.

  ‘I think you do know Jade.’ She loved the way he said her name ‘So tell me.’

  ‘Yes,’ she said quietly taking a gulp of her drink.

  ‘Yes what?’

  ‘Yes I want you to.’

  ‘You want me to what? I want to hear you say it Jade.’

  ‘I want you to play with me,’ she whispered in his ear, not quite believing what she was doing.

  ‘Mmm that’s better, do you want me to play with you here?’ He edged closer to her.

  ‘No!’ Jade spat. He was outrageous, she loved it.

  ‘So do you want me to take you back to my place and play with you?’ His fingers brushed the side of her thigh.

  ‘Yes,’ she sighed, desperate to leave the party and be alone with him. He smiled a wide sexy smile; he had got the answer he wanted.

  Neither of them said much in the taxi; they had said enough. Jade thought he might try to kiss her or touch her but he didn’t. When they arrived at his flat after ten minutes of small talk in the car, Jade almost thought she had imagined their conversation earlier. She hadn’t.

  He poured two glasses of wine and stood looking at her as they both drank. The minutes felt like hours and she was desperate for him to touch her. He knew it. Then slowly he put both wine glasses down and ran his fingers over the thin straps of her dress. He kissed her, slowly, gently at first but then his tongue was deep inside her mouth and she felt him undo the zip on the back of her dress. He eased the dress down and it fell to the floor, while all the time his tongue probed in and out of her mouth. Jade felt her bra being removed with the same expertise and he slowly moved away from her, standing back to admire what he had just unwrapped.

  He smiled, liking what he saw. Jade felt vulnerable standing with her dress around her feet and only wearing a small pair of sheer black knickers. He stood so that he was behind her; he kissed her neck and his left hand played with her left nipple, flicking it backwards and forward; making it hard.

  ‘Your tits are amazing, I can’t wait to suck them.’ Jade shivered and John slid his hand into her knickers. Slowly he edged his fingers down between her legs. He rubbed himself up against her back and she could feel how hard he was.

  ‘God, your pussy is so wet, I can’t wait to eat you,’ he murmured into her neck as he gently played with her ‘I think I better get you into the bedroom quick.’ He moved away suddenly removing his hand. Jade sighed, desperately wanting more.

  He pushed her onto the bed and stood beside it, undressing as he looked at her.

  ‘I think we better take these off now, don’t you? They’re soaking!’ He smiled as he roughly removed her knickers. Jade opened her legs wide for him and he needed no invitation. He sucked her nipples hard, first one and then the other, with one finger, then two, inside her. Jade moaned, loving what he was doing.

  She reached for his cock; it was huge. Her hand tightened around him; she wanted to make him feel as good as he was making her. He pulled away; she looked surprised.

  ‘Don’t worry, Jade, there will plenty of time for that later.’ He moved down her body. ‘I’ve just got to lick your cunt right now.’ The tip of his tongue traced up and down her thighs; she knew he was teasing her and she couldn’t bear it. Around and around he licked her but not moving towards the desired spot. When she could take it no longer she cried, ‘John, please.’ As if right on cue, his tongue entered her; slowly; quickly; he knew what he was doing. His hands gripped either side of her waist as he made her wetter and wet
ter with every move of his tongue.

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ She writhed around knowing that he would soon make her come ‘More, more!’

  He stopped suddenly and before Jade could protest he lay beside her. ‘Sit on my face, I can’t get deep enough inside your pussy.’

  ‘But I was about to come,’ she sighed.

  ‘You’ll come better on top of me, I want to lick your clit properly.’

  She did as she was told and was glad that she did. Within seconds John was doing things to her cunt she didn’t know were possible.

  ‘I’m going to come, I’m going to come on your face,’ she cried, as the sensation swept over her body. She rubbed her cunt backwards and forwards over his mouth. She felt herself orgasm as John continued to lick her out.

  Her body was still shuddering as she felt John slide out from underneath her and sit behind her. His finger took over from where his tongue had been and she was still coming as he started to play with her again.

  ‘Oh my God, I’m still coming,’ she cried, bearing down on his hand as his cock rubbed in between her legs from behind.

  ‘And you’re going to keep on coming,’ he said, knowing exactly what he was doing to her.

  He was incredible; his left hand was bouncing her tits up and down while his right hand was finger-fucking her and making her wetter than she had ever been before in her life; the tip of his dick was edging to take over from where his fingers were inside her.

  ‘Fuck me,’ she moaned.

  ‘Don’t worry, I’m going to,’ he laughed.

  ‘Fuck me now, I’m so wet for you’

  ‘I’m going to make you come again first.’ He kissed her neck.

  Jade’s hand reached between her legs for his cock.

  ‘Your cock is huge –I want to feel you inside me.’

  ‘You’ve got to come for me first.’ His fingers moved quicker and quicker.

  He pinched her nipples hard and thrust two fingers deep inside her.

  ‘Oh my God, that’s it,’ she cried, ‘I’m going to come again.’


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