Seriously Sexy 2

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Seriously Sexy 2 Page 6

by Miranda Forbes

  She felt her orgasm start deep inside her body. As the force of it hit, she arched her body and cried out around the cock in her mouth. The vibrations of her groan brought the man to his climax and he gave one last hard thrust, holding still deep inside her as he spurt his juice several times down her throat.

  Ahmed withdrew his fingers, stretching her wide, before leaning back on his cushion. He waited and watched as the trader groaned and reluctantly pulled out of Lily’s mouth. She licked her lips, tasting the man’s juices lingering there.

  ‘Were you pleased?’ Ahmed asked. ‘Did she pleasure you?’

  Joshua fell back against his own cushions, trying to catch his breath. ‘Absolutely. She has one hot mouth.’

  Ahmed gave a little smile before rubbing her pussy a few more times. Lily wriggled, trying to get more of his fingers inside her again. ‘Yes, she’s a tasty little slut slave. If you’d like, you can take her back to your room so you can sample her cunt and ass.’

  ‘Thank you. I’d like that,’ Joshua accepted.

  A sharp pinch to her clit and labia froze Lily. Even though it was supposed to be a punishment, the tweak of pain felt good and only served to arouse her further, making her hot with desire for this trader.

  ‘That is, if she behaves,’ Ahmed said. ‘I think you’ll find her holes as hot and satisfactory as her mouth.

  ‘And if she misbehaves?’

  ‘If she misbehaves, feel free to punish her, of course.’

  Joshua reached over and grabbed Lily’s tight nipple between his thumb and forefinger, the pleasurable pain making her wince. ‘Oh, don’t worry,’ he said. ‘I think we’re going to get along just fine. In fact, with your permission, I think we’ll begin now.’

  Ahmed released her labia and gave a negligible wave. ‘Of course, my friend. Enjoy my Lily Flower.’

  Thanking the Sultan, the trader stood, still holding tight to her nipple. ‘Come along, slut slave. We have some fucking to do.’

  Lily gave her master a lustful look of thanks before following the trader out of the tent for a night of pleasure.

  Ecstasy Heights

  by Louise Fuller

  The heavy pounding of a drum machine matches the beat of my heart as he guides my body through the writhing mass of bodies dancing, arms raised, limbs twitching rhythmically in time to the music.

  He grips my wrist tightly as we swerve and slide as smoothly as ice skaters, past people staring blindly at the pulsating lights which throb across the ceiling of the club.

  My eyes too are sightless. I am following the heat and scent of his body. My body’s movements mirroring his. Finally, like divers breaking the surface of the sea, we burst through the heat and light and noise and enter the cool, still darkness of the night.

  We are standing on the edge of the world. On a tiny balcony overlooking a square of apartment buildings.

  After the stifling heat of the club, the night air chills the sweat on my skin, causing me to shiver. Below, people on scooters buzz excitedly round the courtyard’s narrow roads, and their laughter spirals through the night air. The square is dimly lit by the headlights of the mopeds circling beneath us. Most of the apartments are dark. Their windows gape open blackly to the cooler night air.

  Behind the darkness, lying on crumpled beds, the sweat from their bodies already darkening the sheets, I imagine the people who live in the flats. How they move restlessly under the thick blanket of a coming storm.

  The air is already damp, and so am I, as he lifts me onto the thick bar of the railings that enclose the balcony.

  Holding tightly onto the handrail, I slide backwards and forwards, enjoying the feel of the cool metal on the heat of my thighs.

  He presses his body between my knees and pushes up the hem of my skirt. His fingers are firm, their movement assured.

  He moves between my legs and gently pushes aside my knickers and spreads the lips of my pussy apart. He draws out a thread of moisture along a curling strand of pubic hair, the back of his hand nudging the hot, swollen flesh between my legs.

  Sliding his hands up my back, he traces the bumps of my spine, his fingers splaying and squeezing as I push my hips towards him. I hear myself moan and the sound rolls with the noise of the thunder around the square.

  I lean into him, my head spinning as he pulls the shoulder straps of my dress down, exposing my breasts. Pressing his lips to them, he rolls the nipples under his tongue. I moan louder and feel the first drops of moisture on my skin from the storm cloud above.

  I close my eyes. Behind me, I can feel the people starting to stir in the darkness of the flats. I imagine them starting to touch themselves, the men rubbing themselves, the women stroking their breasts, their fingers creeping down to their own wetness. I can feel them watching us.

  I imagine our bodies reflected hundreds of times in their eyes. He releases his cock from his trousers and rubs the head hard between his fist, sliding up and down the shaft. It stiffens and swells. Reaching out he holds the back of my head to steady me and says, “Put it in”.

  I pull his cock into me as the heavy, swollen raindrops start splashing off our bodies.

  We thrust towards each other and I groan as he spurts into me. His wetness mixes with my wetness, and then the storm breaks and the warm rain runs over our grateful, panting bodies.

  Self-Control Lesson

  by Anna Ford

  His van had always been a mystery to Anna. She had only ever been allowed to get things out of it … she had never climbed inside so she had never seen the modifications he had made to it. He had told her to meet him outside his house and already she had been there for ten minutes. She wouldn’t dare hurry him along by knocking on the door. Bored, she tries to see inside the van … peering through the driver’s window to see if she can see into the back. But dark panelling obscures her view. Still she tries to scan the cab on both sides just to see if she can see anything that reveals more about her Master. From an upstairs window he watches her, smiling at her curiosity and excited about the game he has planned for her over the next few days.

  As instructed she has dressed only in her collar, boots and a long leather overcoat. He loves the smell of the leather on her warm body. ‘Anna, are you looking for something?’

  His powerful voice startles her ‘No, Master!’ She lowers her head and turns around.

  ‘Don’t worry you will soon know the back of this vehicle well enough.’ Unlocking the door he gestures for her to climb in. ‘Lift your coat at the back and sit down properly for me.’ He smiles at her as she sits down and spreads her knees wide, her hands clasped behind her head and her naked pussy pressing into the seat. ‘Good … we aren’t going far. I have work to do and you are going to look after my gear while I’m working.’

  His words tell her nothing. She doesn’t know what his work is, what gear he’s talking about or how long this will take. Suddenly he stops the van. She’s paid little attention to the journey. She’s been concentrating on maintaining her position. They are parked outside a farmhouse and they seem to be alone. ‘You may lower your hands and climb down.’ He is pleased with the wet patch she has left. He knows very well that she came earlier in the day and the horny little bugger is wet again.

  ‘Take a good look around Anna. Get used to the place you will be here for a few days.’

  ‘Days …? But, Master, I can’t be gone for days!’

  ‘You need to do this Anna, you have no control, and you need to learn some. You do not need to worry, I will take care of your affairs.’ She can only trust what he says. He opens the back door of the van and nods to her to get in. Her wide eyes look at him in disbelief.

  ‘I’d prefer to stay in the house really if you don’t mind!’ Hooking his fingers through the rings in her collar he pulls her towards him.

  ‘The van is where you are staying while I work in the buildings … do not worry, Anna, you will have company.’

  Obediently she climbs in and instinctively makes her way to the back
of the van. It’s dim in there. She can smell wood and oil. Not at all unpleasant to her although she wonders how she will feel after a few days in there. She knows better than to ask him what she will do about food and the other necessary functions of her body. ‘On your knees for me, Anna!’ Quickly she drops down and stares at the floor. ‘Now remove your coat.’ She undoes the heavy coat quickly and slides it off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. She looks perfect, naked at his feet, hands behind her head, the smell of the leather and her pussy making his cock grow hard. No time to fuck her mouth yet, he needs to secure her and get on with his day.

  ‘Good, right on your feet and turn away from me.’ He cuffs her hands behind her head and secures the cuffs to the rings in her collar. Then he nods for her to sit on the wooden bench running the length of one side of the van. He then secures the cuffs to a metal ring on the side of the van holding her hands and her head firmly upright. Already she can feel the ache in her arms and she wriggles and twists her body trying not to loose the feeling in her arms and wrists.

  ‘Days, Master, please I can’t sit like this for days!’

  ‘Right, Anna you have protested too much. I know you; I know what you are capable of. I have assessed you, trained you and I have brought you this far and you clearly do not trust my judgment of you.’ Removing a ball gag from his pocket he pushes it into her mouth and fastens it around her head. ‘I expected that I would need to gag you but not so soon, what’s wrong with you today?’

  She lowers her eyes and sees the spreader bar fixed to the floor. Instinctively she spreads her knees for him and silently he secures her ankles. ‘Good girl, Anna, that’s much better.’

  ‘Now you will remain in here for three days. I will return every four hours to alter your position and to see to your needs. Every hour during the day I will send one of my friends in to see you. You are not in here to be punished, but to learn. However, I will punish you if you are not willing and compliant. Understand?’ Anna nods to him desiring his firm touch on her tits, desiring just the tip of his finger on her clit or a close glimpse of his handsome face before he goes. But he just leaves. As he closes the door on her she sobs through the gag and jerks on her shackled wrists and ankles and twists her hips from side to side. He ignores her and locks the door.

  Soon her aching arms go numb. Soon her pussy begins to ache from its stretched position. She tries to focus on her tits; unclamped and unbound they feel good while every other part of her hurts. Once she is focused the hour passes quickly and the first visitor unlocks the van.

  ‘Anna …? I need to check you over.’ The man kneels in front of her and inserts his index finger slowly into her aching pussy. She moans at the pleasure as he withdraws and slowly inserts it again. Leaving his finger inside her he raises his head and sucks her nipples more moans escape her gagged mouth. Suddenly he withdraws his finger. ‘Very good, Anna but you must practise silence … do not even moan. Control yourself. I will be back in an hour.’ Her mind is screaming at him not to leave her in this state. Her pussy is soaked, her nipples hard and she aches for some relief. Again she tries to grind and twist her hips. There is nothing she can do.

  Three times the man returns. Inspecting her pussy always with one finger. Teasing her nipples only with his mouth. By the fourth hour she is expectantly waiting for some relief from her Master. ‘I hear that you have remained nicely soaked all morning although not as quiet as I had hoped. I hate keeping you gagged but I think you need it for the rest of the day. Let me look at you.’ He pinches each of her lips in his thumb and forefinger and gently pulls open her pussy lowering his head to taste her. She fights not to moan and move her hips. Keeping completely still and silent while he inspects her.

  ‘Good … now I assume you are hungry?’ She nods. He unshackles her ankles and unfastens the cuffs from the wall leaving her hands still secured behind her head. He leads her out of the van and towards an outbuilding. Opening the door he tells her to do what she needs. Anna is a little confused at first until she realises she is expected to use the toilet in there. Slowly she understands how lucky she is to at least have this privacy.

  Once back in the van he removes the gag and feeds her fruit and water. Then he secures her standing up this time. Ankles again in the spreader bar and hands secured this time to a ring above her head. Every hour a girl comes to inspect her. Inserting her index finger into Anna and sucking and biting at her hardened nipples. Anna maintains her composure and her silence. But each time her pussy is left gaping wide and soaking wet, begging for the relief of an orgasm.

  When he returns on the fourth hour her wrists and ankles are freed and he sees to her needs. He nods for her to lie on her back on the blankets he has placed for her on the floor of the van. He tells her to bend her knees, feet flat on the floor. Again he pinches her lips hard stretching her wide and dipping his tongue into her. This time she has no gag and she fights to keep silent and still. ‘Well done, Anna. I am pleased with you. I think we can forget the gag now.’ He secures her ankles to the spreader bar and cuffs her hands behind her back. Covers her with a blanket and leaves. When he has gone she thrusts her body over so that she is lying face down, takes the blanket into her mouth and screams out her frustration. She sobs and chokes into the material until she finally falls gratefully to sleep.

  He stands over her watching her peaceful sleep. Often he finds being this harsh with her difficult. But it improves her, she needs it. He is careful not to break her will, but to let her experience the edge. He kneels behind her and slides his hands under her thighs amused that she has managed to turn over. His thumbs stroke her pussy until she starts to wake up.

  ‘At last he’s going to let me cum,’ Anna thinks and she lets out a low moan and lifts her ass up towards him. He slaps her hard. ‘Did you learn nothing yesterday, you silly girl? Up onto your knees.’ She struggles up and he comes to face her. His face is dark and harsh. She keeps her mouth firmly shut not wanting to risk the whole day gagged again. Silently he releases her bonds, his control and power over her making her increasingly wet and desperate for his touch. He guides her to the outbuilding and feeds her. Then he secures her seated on the bench as he did the previous morning. ‘Today, Anna, I want you blindfolded.’ Her huge eyes plead with him not to do this, not to leave her here at the mercy of strangers, unable to see their faces. It has no effect and he tightens the blindfold around her head.

  After the first hour the door opens. ‘Hello, Anna, I’ve been hearing all about you. I understand that you are a wet little slut who cannot keep her mouth shut!’ The words turn her cold. She wants to shut her legs. She can almost smell the cruelty of the man. She tries not to gasp as he slaps her pussy with the back of his hand. He twists her nipples and slaps her tits spreading the wetness from her cunt across her chest. Then he digs his fingers into her behind, lifts her up and quickly slides a dildo into her. She is so grateful to be filled at last and not teased by fingers. All too soon he harshly removes the dildo and leaves her. All morning the man visits her using the dildo to work her up and then leaving her. She doesn’t make a sound. She stretches and wriggles but she remains silent for him.

  The rest of the day passes much the same as the previous day. But by the time her Master returns to settle her to sleep she is hot and wet and almost beside herself. She knows better than to beg him for anything. So she fills her head with the thought that the next day is the third day and surely he will allow her what she needs.

  She wakes up early, excited at the prospect of her final day. He unbinds her and sees to her as usual. But to her horror he secures her back in her usual position.

  ‘Today Anna you will remain here all morning alone. No one will visit you.’

  He leaves her.

  She is devastated and confused. She begins to wonder if her only way out of this is to escape the next time he unfastens her. She begins to think that maybe he is giving her an opportunity to run each time he takes her to the outbuilding. She convinces herself that it
is up to her to make the first move. If she doesn’t then no doubt she will face an afternoon alone and a third day without any relief from the burning desire she has to cum.

  Her pussy is swollen and wet, her nipples red and hard. Her clit feels huge and desperate to be touched. She cannot even close her legs around herself to get any kind of relief.

  He returns after four hours, his handsome face smiling down at her.

  ‘You have done better than I thought, but you need more work. I am adding an extra day to our session.’

  Anna is careful not to let her horror show in her face. He unfastens her and sends her alone into the outbuilding. Anna reasons that she can manage more time and even punishment but she has to get some relief. If she has to stay here anyway how can she make things worse by satisfying herself? Desperate as she is she realises that she doesn’t have the time now; already he will be expecting her return. Her only hope is to try and overpower him. To try and use him.

  Unusually he is not at the door when she opens it. He must still be in the van. She can hear him on the phone. Someone has distracted him. She could just run now. Her feet will not move. She is frozen. Moisture is running from her …. slipping down her thighs. It’s him she wants, what is the point of running? He is sitting with his back to the door, her cuffs just behind him. Without thinking she quickly crawls into the van and quietly lifts the cuffs. He is supporting himself with his left arm behind him as he chats on the phone. She gently fastens one cuff around his wrist and grabs his other arm and fastens his wrists together. ‘You devious bitch, Anna. Get these off me NOW!’ She has never seen that look before. He frightens her but she has to continue.

  Now he is towering above her. She pulls his jeans down to his ankles unbalancing him. She has never even imagined overpowering her Master. His anger is turning her on. She is going to use him. Closing her eyes against the look on his face she pushes him to the floor. He has no hands to stop himself from falling and his ankles are caught up in his jeans. His cock is as hard as she has ever seen it. She is delighted with herself. She has him on the floor before her and she is going to satisfy herself on him.


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