Seriously Sexy 2

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Seriously Sexy 2 Page 8

by Miranda Forbes

  Adam did redeem himself somewhat at the restaurant when he pointed out the baroness and her lover tucked away in a shadowy corner. Fortunately, this time he only jerked his chin discreetly in their direction. ‘Your friends are here. You take that seat so you can keep a look out for any more strange, antiquated behaviours.’

  Pru wrinkled her nose at him, but she did take the chair that gave the better view. ‘She’s daintily picking at some kind of fish. I think he has the duck with dumplings and red cabbage.’

  ‘That’s what I’ll have then. What’s good enough for the baron is good enough for me.’

  ‘Oh, he’s not a baron. He has a touch of nobility, but she’s the one with the blue blood.’

  ‘You might be right. Her skin’s so pale, she does look a bit blue, like skimmed milk. It’s creepy.’

  Pru glanced over at the baroness, who was bringing another morsel of fish to her lips with the utmost delicacy. There was no pretext to be staring at them here, but they seemed too wrapped up in each other to notice. And yet Pru’s heart was beating faster, as if she wanted them to catch her.

  Suddenly the ring tone of a cell phone trilled through the empty restaurant. Pru jumped. The baroness did, too. She took her phone from her leather handbag and seemed to stiffen when she read the caller ID. Immediately she rose from her chair and rushed outside.

  ‘Her husband’s just called,’ Pru whispered.


  ‘Oh, yes. He’s much older and he’s been impotent for years and she’s having a wild affair with this young stud to keep herself from going crazy from a lack of sex. But if she gets caught, it will cause a terrible scandal.’

  ‘You have some imagination,’ Adam snorted, but he looked amused, too.

  The waiter appeared with his duck and her fish. While Adam tucked in to the dumplings, Pru couldn’t help looking over at the table in the corner once more.

  This time the man was staring right at her, and again she had that odd feeling of being frozen in place by his dismissive gaze. In the next moment, his expression softened and his lips twitched into a smile. He did find her attractive, she thought with some relief, but even that familiar glimmer of male desire was tempered with hauteur.

  ‘I’m just a peasant to him , but he’d use me for his pleasure if nothing better were at hand.’ Pru felt a clutch of anger in her belly at the thought of his lordly arrogance, but then she realised she was feeling other things, too. The fabric of her bra chafed at her stiffened nipples and her panties were undeniably damp, as if her own body longed to be used in just that way. She could almost see it happen, the smirk of entitlement on his lips as he rammed her squirming body with his sceptre, leaving nothing but a gob of spunk in her pussy and a smack on her bare ass as parting thanks.

  It was as if he really did hold the power to touch her and move her with his eyes alone.

  The baroness and her lover failed to make an appearance in the hotel dining room that evening. Unable to hide her disappointment, Pru picked at her roast pheasant, barely managing to smile agreement when Adam suggested they skip dessert to go make love.

  When they got back to their room, Adam went off to brush his teeth, while Pru walked over to the sliding glass doors and pressed her fingers to the cool glass. Her eyes drank in the twinkling lights of the town on the far bank blending into the stars and the great Danube River rushing through the night, as if drawn ever onward by some dark, searching hunger.

  That’s when she saw them, silhouetted against a golden square of window floating high in the tower suite across the courtyard. She could only make out their shadowy forms, but she knew it was the baroness and her lover, her slight figure in front, his muscular body behind. At first it just looked like the couple was taking in the enchanting night view, but as her eyes adjusted, Pru noticed that they were swaying rhythmically, moving together toward the window then back again.

  ‘Oh my God, Adam, I think they’re actually fucking out there.’

  ‘Who? The anorexic vampire and her bodyguard?’ Adam called from the bathroom. ‘Are they doing it on our balcony?’

  ‘It’s almost as bad. They’re screwing in front of their window with the lights on.’

  In an instant he was beside her, dressed in the hotel’s thick terry robe, smelling of toothpaste. He squinted up at the window. ‘Too bad we didn’t bring the binoculars.’

  The couple had, apparently, finally done something to earn his attention.

  Pru felt her cheeks go hot. ‘Turn off the light. They’ll see us watching.’

  Adam just grinned. ‘That’s probably why they’re doing it.’

  Pru snapped off the bedside lamp. The room fell into darkness, lit only by the glow of the bathroom light. ‘Don’t you understand? Peasants like us don’t count. If they’re showing off, it’s for the ghosts of her Hapsburg ancestors. Or the great Danube. Or history itself.’

  Adam didn’t snicker, as she feared he might. He gazed up at the couple, still moving together in their slow, subtle dance.

  ‘I think they do need us, Pru. It’s more exciting for them if the lower orders are around to watch their performance.’ He stepped behind her. She could feel his erection through the robe. Still slightly woozy from the wine at dinner, an image flashed into her head – she and Adam stepping onto a boat together and gliding off through a thick, warm mist.

  Before she was quite aware of what he was doing, Adam had unbuttoned her shirt. His fingers groped for the clasp of her bra.

  ‘What are you doing?’ She tried to turn around, but his arms held her in place.

  ‘Well, as you always say, we should do what the locals do, and the locals here seem to have a custom of fucking at their hotel windows.’

  ‘But someone might see,’ she protested, squirming.

  ‘Only your friends up there, and you want them to see,’ he crooned, taking advantage of her movements to pull the shirt over her arms and slide the bra off. ‘There, don’t you want to show them your beautiful tits? They’re bigger than hers and so sensitive. All I have to do is play with them and I know you’ll be begging me to stick it in.’ He began rolling her stiff nipples between his fingers.

  Pru moaned. Her flesh burned with shame and arousal. But Adam was right. She did want them to see her. She wanted to touch them as they had touched her.

  ‘Now put your hands back on the glass, Pru, and lean forward so your ass sticks out just like her ladyship,’ Adam said.

  Slowly, as if in a dream, Pru pressed her palms to the window and pushed her buttocks out in offering. Adam yanked down her pants and slipped his finger between her lips. He began to tease her clit with languid strokes.

  She gasped with pleasure, but a tiny voice of caution still lingering in her brain bleated out, ‘What if we do get caught?’

  Adam laughed. ‘As far as I can tell, there’s no one else staying here tonight but her ladyship and her stud, and they won’t be telling on us. Besides, don’t we servants get to have a little fun now and then? I get so tired spending all my time fussing with his cufflinks, and straightening his ascot, and seeing his hairy ass when he steps into the bathtub. And I notice the way she treats you, never happy with anything you do, as if she could last a day without your services. How could we survive if we didn’t snatch a bit of fun in the linen closet now and then?’

  Pru’s knees wobbled, as if Adam had suddenly steered the boat into uncharted waters. Servants? Ah, yes, he was making up a fantasy. Who ever dreamed Adam had it in him? Her mind leaped to the game like a clit rises to a knowing touch. In an instant, Adam’s fingers were no longer rubbing bare pussy, they were snaking over garters and through the opening of her drawers. His other hand was tweaking a nipple that poked out over a corset. And his robe had dissolved into the uniform of a valet who was making hurried love to the lady’s maid in a closet, both of them knowing they didn’t have much time before they were called them back to duty.

  ‘We have to finish quickly,’ she murmured, taking up her cue. ‘My
lady will punish me terribly if she sees.’

  Adam immediately picked up the pace, working her clit so the room was filled with the steady click of finger on wet flesh. ‘Don’t you know they’ve been watching you all along, Pru? I’ve seen the master staring at your luscious bosom and your high, round ass. And she wants you even more. Do you notice how she flushes when you help her dress, how she finds any excuse to order you to powder her neck or fix her garters? Now that you’ve shown yourself to be more shameless than they’d ever imagined, they can’t take their eyes away.’

  ‘But wouldn’t they want …’ Pru faltered. Would Adam let her take the rudder and guide the boat on a new course? She gulped and pushed the words out. ‘Wouldn’t they … want to punish us?’

  ‘Oh, yes, they’d want to punish a trollop like you.’

  ‘And you, too, for seducing me. So, they’d take me to bed with them and … make you watch.’

  Adam seemed to hold his breath. Then he exhaled in a soft moan.

  Pru’s voice grew bolder. ‘They make you stand in the corner with your cock straining in your trousers as they undress me and lay me out on the bed. Then she takes out her powder puff, the one I use to touch up her complexion before she goes to dinner, and she rubs it over my breasts.’

  Adam moaned again, louder this time.

  ‘I’m so turned on from what you’ve done to me in the closet, and what she’s doing – the soft friction on my nipples is driving me crazy – that I start begging them to touch me between my legs. She refuses. She says she wants me to kiss her breasts first. She holds her one of her little lavender nipples out to me, and I take it in my mouth and suckle, and she arches back in her pleasure and stares right at you, taunting you, because she has more power over me than you do.’

  ‘Fuck,’ Adam breathed. He took his cock in his hand and began probing Pru’s cunt with the swollen head.

  ‘The master is saying he wants to fuck me to give me my proper punishment, but she has him under her heel, too, and she tells him, no, but he can take her from behind and watch while she eats me to climax.’

  Adam pushed inside her with a soft suck of wetness.

  ‘And you’ve pulled your dick out and you’re rubbing yourself and they’re too caught up in their own wickedness to order you to stop.’

  Adam was thrusting steadily now, his fingers still working her clit and nipple with frantic urgency.

  ‘But you have the best view of all because you can see me lying with my legs spread wide, my glistening red slit exposed, and you can see the pink crack between her buttocks spread as she bends over and starts to lap at me like a little cat, and you can see him push his tool inside her. It’s shorter than yours but thick, and she gasps as he enters her. She looks up, her mouth dripping because I’m so wet, and she commands me to play with my breasts while she licks me. And the master, he’s so mesmerised by his wife’s brazenness that his cock seems to wilt as he stands there. Good servant that you are, you know exactly what he needs, so you take one of his leather gloves that he’s tossed on the floor with his clothes and you start spanking him with it just like the head master at his old boarding school. Suddenly he’s rock hard again and he starts slamming into her with each smack of the glove, and then he comes, and she comes and I come …’

  Apparently Adam was, too. He groaned, one hand slapping her buttock in a flurry of blows as he emptied himself into her.

  Pru wiggled her hips triumphantly and gazed up at the window. The couple was still there, standing side by side now, their figures dark against the golden backlight. Then the woman raised her hand – a salute, perhaps, or was she only fixing her hair? – and they disappeared from view.

  Adam pulled the curtain closed. They sank back on the bed together.

  ‘Damn you and your wild stories,’ he whispered with a grin. ‘I was planning to make you come first and save myself for the second act. But I’m beginning to see the advantage of going with the flow when you travel to a foreign land.’

  Pru smiled. Tomorrow’s destination was decadent Vienna, then the charming streets of Budapest. And then, wherever the river took them, now that Adam could see it, too – all the surprising and marvellous things a man could do for a woman and she could do for him.

  She was looking forward to the journey.

  Scrapbook Pages

  by Sommer Marsden

  I watch them running in the water. Hear their laughter. I check my watch. Ten thirty.

  Simon douses Paige with a bucket of water. She shrieks and runs to me, laughing all the way.

  ‘Mom! He just dumped water on me.’ It is meant to be a tattle but she is grinning too much to pull it off.

  ‘I saw.’

  ‘Well?’ She cocks her hip and settles her little fist there. ‘Isn’t he in trouble?’ At eight she thinks she is his second mother.

  ‘You’d have to stop smiling in order for him to be in trouble. A tear or two might do the trick.’ I wink.

  ‘Fine!’ she huffs but then she giggles and runs back to the surf.

  Simon stands, shielding his eyes from the sun. Gauging whether or not he is in trouble. I wave and smile and his shoulders relax. I put my forehead down and feel the sun on my back. I check my watch again. Five minutes have passed. A familiar twist of excitement wiggles low in my belly. Soon.

  I hear Simon yell and then Paige’s victorious, ‘Take that!’ I laugh into the beach towel. For all their fake bickering they are having a blast.

  I do not check my watch again. I will not. Cannot. I wait and let the large expanse of skin I have chosen to show this year brown in the sun. I adjust my brown and blue bikini, one I am very proud to be looking pretty decent in this year. I am fidgeting and I know it, but I will not check the time.

  I hear approaching feet. That shifting sand sound of someone walking on too hot sand.

  ‘We are here, my dear!’ my mother chirps. I look up and blink at the bright light.

  ‘Hey, Ma. Hey, Dad.’

  My parents settle their beach chairs, their cooler, their umbrella and their bags. They look ready for a safari as opposed to an hour or two babysitting on the beach.

  ‘How are they today?’ my father asks, jabbing the beach umbrella deep into the sand so it will stand straight.

  ‘Having a blast. Thanks for doing this every day.’ When I say it I feel a sudden bite of guilt in my chest. If only they knew.

  ‘Not a problem. It’s your vacation, too,’ my mother chatters merrily. She unpacks the cooler, having packed a feast for her grandchildren. ‘You deserve a little alone time. If only Alan could have come. He could use a vacation, as well.’

  ‘Well, he never comes,’ I say, careful to keep my voice even. ‘By choice. He chooses not to be a part of the family vacations.’

  My mother nods, her lips pressed into a tight seam. She knows I’m right but she won’t comment. You just don’t do that. Say something bad about the man of the house. My father acts as if he hasn’t heard.

  ‘You sure you won’t stay and have some chicken and potato salad before your walk?’ she asks. As she says it, I see motion from the corner of my eye. There he is. He sets up his chair, puts his book on the seat and looks out to the water. For all intents and purposes, I am invisible.

  ‘No thanks,’ I manage, my gaze clinging to the broad brown expanse of his shoulders. The place at the small of his back where the sweat pools and glistens. ‘I’m ready for my walk. Not hungry.’

  I give all four of them a kiss before I go. I walk along the sand near the water where it’s packed and hard. My feet dig little divots in the dark grey shore. I don’t turn around and look but I can feel him behind me. That fake shiver that seems so out of place in blazing heat overtakes me. That moment where your body gets confused and breaks out in goosebumps while sweating profusely. This time it isn’t just intense heat. He’s set it off. Him and what we are about to do. Again.

  I walk further down the beach. Further than the day before. Every day I go a little longer before
stopping. My eyes roam wildly, judging and dismissing locations. Finally, I see something. An abandoned wooden structure. It had probably been a lifeguard shack at one point. Now there are no lifeguards on the beach. They make sure you know by posting a sign to that effect every hundred feet or so.

  This part of the beach is nearly deserted but I still make an effort to be nonchalant as I veer from the shoreline toward the shack. The wood is rough and grey from the salt air. The door is hanging off at an angle. Who knows what might inhabit the inside.

  As I walk up each step, I wonder if I’ll get a splinter. I stop wondering when I hear his heavy footsteps behind me. My skin rises up in little hard peaks again and my nipples constrict. The dampness of my bikini bottom is no match for the dampness seeping from my body now. I shake off the chill and I turn to face him.

  Fierce green eyes, dark brown hair. Tan and lean and smiling a predator’s smile. His name is Will. Just Will. I have not asked his last name and I have no intention of doing so.

  I open my mouth to say something and he covers it with his own before I can speak. I give into the kiss, letting him thrust his tongue around and force mine into submission. Will does everything roughly. I like it that way. No tender interludes to fuck up the memories or egg on the guilt.

  His fingers dig into my top and pinch my nipples. The pleasure and pain dance along my nerve endings, pooling in my groin. A fiery pulse starts in my cunt because in my mind I can see his cock. I remember yesterday. The frantic coupling in a field of sea oats and the pulse ratchets up to a thumping that is maddening.

  I grab at his low slung short, push at the waistband. When I find the hard smooth flesh of his cock I stroke it. He is hot in my hands. Not hot from the sun but from blood flow and want. He breaks the kiss and bites along my throat, not hard enough to leave any marks but hard enough that he knows I will grow wet enough for him to be harsh with me.

  My back scrapes against the rough wood and it flashes through my mind that someone might walk up on us. See us. Know we are here. And then that thought fades because his blunt fingers worm down into my bottoms to find the humid heat they seek. He slides two fingers into my pussy and I moan against his shoulder. He adds a third and I bite him. Hard. He doesn’t care. No one will question him later. He is single. That much I know.


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