Seriously Sexy 2

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Seriously Sexy 2 Page 14

by Miranda Forbes


  Dead on five thirty he was standing by the door; I would have loved to say “I never said I was going” just to see how he’d react, whether his face would drop.

  ‘Sure,’ I replied plainly, getting up from my seat.

  ‘Nicole is going to meet us there.’

  The pub was a short walk away and I felt really weird walking next to him; having him beside me made me feel powerful, but every time he looked down at me during our conversation I felt small and vulnerable.

  I was relieved when we finally turned into the crowded bar. ‘There she is.’

  I followed his gaze and saw a petite woman at the bar waggling her fingers in our direction and smiling in greeting.

  Having been expecting a stern looking Amazonian who could match Tony’s stature I couldn’t believe this could possibly be her: she was the cutest little woman I had ever seen. How could an idiot like Tony land a woman like that?

  ‘Hi! You must be Emily.’ She ignored her boyfriend to greet me first, shaking my hand firmly as her wide smile lit up her face. ‘Nice to meet you.’

  I instantly liked her.

  Her glossy brown fringe skimmed her eyelashes, and each blink caused it to move and catch the light as she held my gaze. Her figure was enviable and I could see why Tony was attracted to her – why any man would be attracted to her – the dark jeans and close fitting top that she wore displayed her curves in a subtle way. I found my gaze lingering a little too long on her breasts which were the perfect size and shape, wondering whether they were real.

  ‘You alright babe?’ he asked, leaning down to kiss her tenderly.

  I was amazed – he actually seemed like a decent human being. The woman must have magical powers.

  With her petite figure and make–up free face, she looked so young and innocent – she had to be several years younger than Tony – that I found myself wondering how these two seemingly polar opposites got together.

  Fortunately, Tony was a regular and, after having bought our drinks, wandered off to spread his particular brand of charm, giving me the opportunity to talk to Nicole privately.

  I watched her closely as we chatted amiably, expecting her gaze to occasionally stray in Tony’s direction, demonstrating some insecurity about his movements, but it never happened. She steadily looked at me as she confidently held up her end of the conversation. I could already tell that she was a genuinely nice woman and, therefore, thought she deserved a better man than the one she had.

  ‘Feel free to tell me to get lost, but can I ask you a question?’ I asked tentatively, loath to offend her.

  Her hazel eyes widened with curiosity as she nodded, making her fringe tremble and her ponytail flick from side to side. ‘Sure?’

  ‘Can’t Tony be a bit much?’

  With an amused, tight–lipped smile on her face, she furrowed her brow before taking a sip of wine. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I don’t mean to be rude, but he’s just so … irritating. How do you cope with him?’

  Thankfully, my blunt question only made her laugh, tilting her head back slightly as her eyes twinkled with mirth. ‘Ah, he’s not that bad.’ She turned his way as she spoke and I couldn’t quite place the look in her eyes when she turned back to me. I was expecting love or adoration, but it was something else.

  ‘You just don’t know him like I do.’

  ‘I reckon you must be a saint.’

  She chuckled good–naturedly and I joined her, glad that she hadn’t taken offence; not wanting to push it, I changed the subject and we continued to chat as if we were old friends.

  ‘Are you finished hogging my girlfriend?’ After a while when Tony had finished doing the rounds, he returned to us and immediately killed the mood with his normal arrogance.

  ‘Hey! Less of that,’ she admonished, managing to sound stern and playful at the same time.

  ‘Sorry, sweetheart.’ He gazed at her apologetically for a moment before cocking his head to the side. ‘But I want to go – I’m cooking.’

  Nicole failed to react to the news and continued to look up at him, a wry smile curling her lips. Tony astonished me by leaning forward to nuzzle her neck, nearly causing her to topple off her barstool. ‘Come on,’ he almost pleaded.

  Despite him acting as if I wasn’t there, I was embarrassed to be in the presence of this very public display of affection.

  ‘Stop it,’ she ordered, as her hand shot out to grab the bar though she wasn’t in any danger of falling.

  Tony’s hands had travelled up her thighs in order to grip her butt cheeks and he didn’t seem keen to let go even with her trying to extricate herself from his embrace, looking exasperated as she shook her head at me over his shoulder. ‘Go and wait for me outside.’

  For a moment, I actually thought she was talking to me and she spoke so firmly that I actually got off my stool in preparation to follow her instruction.

  ‘See you tomorrow, Em.’ Tony immediately straightened up and headed for the door.

  ‘Er … OK, bye.’ I was so embarrassed that I tried to cover myself by grabbing my bag as if I was leaving too. ‘Don’t mind me, I didn’t know you had anything planned.’

  ‘We have plans, but just not what you might think.’

  She laughed at the confusion she saw on my face. ‘I’ll tell you what.’ She pulled a piece of paper and pen from her bag. ‘Why don’t you come around and see for yourself – you might see a different side to him.’

  ‘Well, I don’t want to disturb you.’ I was intrigued but didn’t want to impose so had to make a little effort to protest. I was pleased that she continued to jot down their address.

  ‘You won’t be – seriously – come round at about eight.’

  ‘OK,’ I agreed, accepting the piece of paper.

  She smiled in reply before hopping off her stool to hug me, pressing her breasts against me as her soft cheek brushed mine. ‘Look forward to seeing you later.’

  ‘Yes … me too,’ I replied, surprised to feel her kiss my cheek before we released each other.

  After a last wide smile, she followed Tony out of the pub, leaving me wondering what to expect in a few hours time.

  * * *

  I slowed my pace as I approached their front door as I was slightly early and didn’t want to be a bad guest – Tony may still be preparing a three–course meal or something. He was probably treated her like a queen: the cockiness was all an act.

  Ten minutes early. I didn’t consider that too inappropriate so I rang the bell and smoothed my hands over my black pencil skirt.

  Presently, the door swung open to reveal Nicole standing there in a loosely tied short black silk robe. I was taken aback: did I have the wrong night? Did I get the time wrong?

  ‘Hi honey,’ she smiled, instantly putting my worries to rest.

  I let my gaze travel over her body; her cleavage was as impressive as I imagined it to be and with the robe ending at the top of her thighs, it was as if she was daring me not to admire her shapely legs.

  ‘Hi Nicole, am I early?’

  ‘No, you’re right on time.’ She took my hand to lead me inside as my surprise had left me rooted to the spot.

  She kept hold of my hand as we went inside, unable to stop myself from snatching a glance at her high derriere. I think the whole situation had addled my brain a bit as I didn’t note that she was leading me to the bedroom until we were actually there and I was stunned to find a very aroused Tony tied to a chair, naked and blindfolded. I had never known his massive frame to look so small.

  Wide–eyed and open–mouthed, I stared at Nicole who only smiled seductively as she put her index finger to her lips.

  ‘I’m back, Anthony.’

  ‘Who was at the door?’

  ‘Don’t question me!’

  ‘I’m sorry, Mistress.’

  I had to cover my mouth to suppress a disbelieving gasp; Nicole smiled broadly, tickled by my expression.

  ‘You’re so damn rude.’
She walked over and swiped at his cock making it slap against his stomach as he groaned with pain. ‘Oh God! I’m sorry, Mistress.’

  ‘I should think so.’ If it was possible, I liked her even more. This tiny slip of a woman had this big powerful man completely under her control. ‘I’m going to punish you for that.’

  I could only stand there enthralled, waiting to see how she would punish him and was confused to see her untying his hands. ‘Remember – that cock belongs to me so you better not touch it.’

  ‘Yes Mistress.’

  Nicole’s tongue darted out to lick her lips as she looked at me with her fingers curling around his blindfold.

  ‘No!’ I whispered loudly without thinking.

  She ignored me and pulled the scarf away. ‘Emily?’ He was obviously as surprised to see me there as I was that she had done it at all.

  ‘Excuse me?’ Nicole asked curtly, sharply jabbing her fingers against the side of his head.

  He looked up at her briefly before turning back to me. ‘I’m sorry – Mistress Emily.’

  I honestly have no idea how I managed not to burst out laughing at the situation I found myself in.

  Her eyes were hard as she looked at him, silently reminding him of the rule, but they softened as she returned to my side, looking me up and down as she approached. ‘Relax Emily, let’s get you more comfortable.’ She slipped my jacket from my shoulders before gently pushing me back until I was forced to sit on the bed. I had no idea what was going to happen and from the panicked look on Tony’s face, he didn’t either. Standing in front of me, she lightly traced her finger down from my neck and over my breast, making my nipple tingle.

  I was speechless and mesmerised as she dropped her robe to expose the matching black lace bra and thong she wore. Her body was stunning, her skin was so smooth I felt as if I wanted to run my fingers over it.

  ‘Have you ever been with a woman?’ she asked, interrupting my debauched thoughts.

  I could only shake my head.

  ‘I think you’ll like it.’ As she spoke, she reached back to unhook her bra, but held it up with her palms on the cups, making sure she still had my undivided attention. She needn’t have worried.

  I let out an involuntary gasp as she let it drop. Her deep pink nipples looked ripe to be sucked and I couldn’t believe that I was willing to oblige. As if reading my mind, she moved forward and offered her gorgeous right tit to my hot, eager mouth. I looked up at her as I teased the erect bud with the tip of my tongue, and was pleased to hear the gratified moan that escaped her lips. I ran my hand up to finger the other nipple as I sucked hungrily. I couldn’t believe what I was doing but it felt so good. ‘Did you hear what I said?’ she suddenly exclaimed, pulling her delicious nipple away, leaving my gaping mouth wanting. ‘Didn’t I tell you not to touch your cock?’

  Having been watching proceedings, Tony had been unable to resist and Nicole had caught him fondling his rigid shaft.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mistress,’ he said, looking at her anxiously. ‘Please … don’t.’

  ‘I’m not going to – Mistress Emily will.’

  Me? What was I going to do? To get the answer, I kept my eyes on Nicole who walked over to collect a black paddle that hung on the back of the door. She pulled me to my feet and handed it to me, allowing me to stroke my thumb over the cool smoothness of the leather as she leaned forward to gently press her lips against mine. My first kiss from a woman. Her lips were so soft I felt like I could melt into them and boldly slid my tongue between her lips, hearing Tony groan as we kissed passionately.

  I wondered if she heard it too as her hands travelled around my back to unzip my skirt. I gasped into her mouth as her fingers brushed against the small of my back. She pulled away from me to look in Tony’s direction, causing him to hurriedly move his hands away form his crotch. ‘Get over here,’ she said hoarsely.

  He immediately did as he was told and was soon towering over the dominant woman. ‘Get on the bed – on your hands and knees.’

  His hard cock bounced as he got into position. ‘Stay still and don’t say a word.’

  As soon as she was satisfied that he would do as she said she turned her attention back to me, firmly placing her hands on my hips to turn me around before – keeping her eyes on mine – kneeling in front of me and taking my skirt with her. I’d begun to get wet when I tasted her luscious nipple and I was strangely embarrassed about her realising this as her fingers worked their way up my inner thigh; however, she didn’t seem fazed and I sighed with pleasure as she lightly pressed her thumb against my clit through my damp knickers. ‘You’re going to spank him while I taste you.’

  It wasn’t a request and I wouldn’t have been able to refuse even if it had been; I moved my legs closer together to aid her removal of my underwear.

  She stroked the backs of my thighs as I looked up at Tony’s pale arse in front of me. I had never spanked anyone before and felt weird being in the position to do so.

  ‘Do it,’ Nicole whispered, as she threw my knickers aside and spread my legs.

  Her lips were so close, only a few inches and she’d be able to slide her tongue into my cleft. I so wanted to feel it.

  Tony was trembling, but I cared more about my own feelings and slapped the thick leather against his skin knowing it would please Nicole. He flinched and sharply took in a breath but I barely noticed because I was being rewarded. She tickled my clit hood with the tip of her tongue before firmly licking my clit.

  Oh God! She was so good.

  I raised my arm and hit him again, barely seeing the red mark that my first hit had caused. She took my clit into her warm mouth and made me moan. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair, but I had a job to do.

  The next strike was harder – enough to make him whimper – but it had the desired effect and Nicole gripped my butt cheeks and buried her mouth against my pussy.

  As she thrust her tongue into my pussy, I knew I was lost and would do anything to make her continue; I spanked Tony with reckless abandon, landing blow after blow in quick succession, his cheeks becoming increasingly red as I submitted to the pleasure I was feeling.

  Even with my moaning and Tony’s gasps of pain, the crack of leather against skin could clearly be heard. I ground my pubis against her face as the pressure began to build and I frenziedly beat him so that she would make me come. Tony had the same idea and his body shuddered before his arms buckled and he collapsed on the bed, leaving me free to discard the paddle for the sake of holding Nicole’s head, fucking her mouth until the orgasm hit and radiated throughout my body from my clit.

  My legs trembled as she lapped up my juices.

  Sitting in the back room the next morning, I felt contented and relieved: I wasn’t attracted to the annoying man, I just wanted to dominate him.

  His entrance made me jump as I hadn’t heard him arrive – definitely a first – and I boldly looked at him as he looked at me sheepishly. ‘Hello Emily.’

  I had never know him to be so quiet; no wisecracks, no teasing, nothing. He could barely look me in the eye. ‘Hello Anthony.’

  I continued to look at him steadily, daring him to meet my gaze.

  His mobile rang and broke the battle of wills; I snatched it up before he had a chance. Seeing Nicole’s name caused a distinct tingling to develop between my thighs. ‘It’s the little woman,’ I smiled, looking up at him from beneath my lashes. ‘Don’t get jealous, will you?’

  I pressed the button to answer the call.






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