Espino, Stacey - Hogtying the Cowgirl [Ride 'em Hard 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Espino, Stacey - Hogtying the Cowgirl [Ride 'em Hard 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Stacey Espino

  They drove through all the back roads, hoping to find the horse. No luck. When Clay finally decided to drive Angel home, he was sadder for her than he was for his own loss. She’d wanted that horse something fierce. It was his pleasure to give the stallion to her now that he considered her his woman. Everything he owned was at her disposal, including his body whenever she desired it.

  As they neared the Garner ranch, the spotlights were on and a few men moving about in the shadows. “My brothers are going to kill me. I snuck off without their permission this morning. My mare is still at the Carson ranch.”

  He didn’t bother asking her to explain. Right now he just needed to get her settled and ensure she wasn’t lectured to the extreme. Angel was a grown woman, not a child. She may be living under her family’s roof, but that could change soon enough. Once they got to know each other a little better, he’d be ready to commit for a lifetime. Clay had been with a lot of women and met a lot of different people on his travels. Angel was the type of girl he could settle down with and not grow bored or regret it. Maybe he would have an heir after all.

  * * * *

  Angel bit her lip hard enough to draw the taste of blood. Her brothers, the Carsons, and Landon were all standing around talking in the yard. One of the pickup trucks was still running, the headlights flooding the prairies beyond the darkness.

  Were they all outside because of her? She prayed it was for some other reason, maybe loading more grain, or making plans to share some labor.

  Clay parked the truck and hopped out, moving toward the men with his usual confident stride. She followed behind like a timid mouse. “I brought home your little sister.”

  “Angel Garner, where the hell have you been? You take the horse for a run and never come back, Wyatt says he dropped you off at Landon’s house, and Landon says he hasn’t seen you in a week.” Grant took a deep breath. “We thought something happened to you, girl. Look at the hour. We were planning a rescue party to head out and look for you.”

  “I’m not a little girl, Grant. I’m a grown woman, almost twenty-three. Yes, I should have told you I’d be out, but you were both keeping me prisoner. You couldn’t expect me to stay home and stare at the walls forever. I’d rather be helping with the cattle than Ma in the kitchen, but you keep turning me away.”

  “No harm done,” said Clay. “She was with me, but she’s home now safe and sound.”

  She wasn’t ready to declare any new relationship to her family and friends. Angel didn’t know anything right now. She needed to be alone, to go to her room, close the door, and just put her mind to rest. Sleep would be a Godsend right now—deep, blissful sleep.

  “I meant to come by tonight, Angel. I called, but you had already left.” Landon looked exhausted, his bright-blue eyes nearly half-mast. She loved the life he usually had, not the defeated man he now appeared to be. Angel wasn’t sure if she should run to him and offer comfort or cuss him out for abandoning her. Did he even love her? Was she just a disposable good time?

  “Why were you out with Clay Roberts anyhow, Angel?” asked Matthew, his muscled arms crossed over his chest. They all wore T-shirts like her, but the wind was brisk with a bitter chill. Her skin was already gooseflesh, and she just wanted to get inside to the warm fire she knew would be blazing. Her momma would bring her hot chocolate and her cozy slippers and she could forget this day and go on living in blissful denial.

  Clay spoke for her, pulling her from her reverie. “She was helping me look for my stallion. He’s either jumped my fence or someone’s stolen him.”

  “Well, it’s too late to do much of anything tonight,” said Grant, tucking Angel under his wing. She loved her brothers, but they were too overbearing. While she reveled in their protective shield the past few years, it was time for her to step out on her own. Make a life for herself. “There’s nothing that can’t be sorted out in the light of day.” He led her into the house, but she continually looked over her should at Clay and Landon, wanting them both but knowing it was best to be apart tonight.

  * * * *

  Landon watched Grant and Matthew escort their sister back to the house and disappear in the warm glow of the interior. At least she was safe and sound. That’s all that mattered to him. He’d had a crazy day. First he’d stolen the Roberts’ stallion and stashed him at the abandoned Tyler farm. Then he tried to get drunk at Carter’s, only to fail miserably. By the time he got home, Matthew had parked in his driveway asking where Angel was. He had no clue she’d been looking for him at his place. He’d avoided her calls, but that was before he knew he had to face her.

  Angel had been so fragile over the years, he worried she may be capable of hurting herself or doing something rash.

  “I guess we better head back,” said Cord to his twin brother.

  Val agreed, stretching out his shoulders. “I should have known it was just Angel making trouble. She’s the biggest troublemaker this side of the province.” His tone had a distinct bitterness which Landon couldn’t remain quiet about, not today, not after he’d been to the bottom and back.

  “You should watch your manners when speaking of Angel.”

  “Do you not remember what she did to Samantha?” Val spoke more to Clay since he was a newcomer, rehashing the well-told tale. “She came right to our house and tried to drive our woman out. It was only by sheer luck and prayers that we got her back at all. Angel’s a menace.”

  Landon lost it. He shoved Val in the shoulder sending him back a foot. “You have no idea the sacrifices that girl made for you—her good friends. Did you never wonder why that property buyer just suddenly lost interest in your ranch after your momma died? Did you think it was a blessing that God saved your home from the foreclosure list?”

  “What are you talking about, Wilder?”

  “She paid dearly to get you out of hot water. And at just seventeen years old, a baby. Didn’t you ever wonder why that girl would sell her stallion for pennies? God and half the town knew how much she cherished him. The poor thing never asked for a thank-you, never complained for the hell she had to endure after giving up the horse to help out your sorry asses. But it destroyed her from the inside out, making her cold and defensive. She was made, not born.”

  Everyone silenced. “What he says is true. She told me about it today. Whatever she did for you fellows back then has been eating her up on the inside. I suspect it’s the reason she’s so ornery,” said Clay.

  Cord chuckled in a reflective way. “Maybe not the only reason.” The other men followed in laughter, except Landon. Angel had never confided in anyone about her secret, but for some reason she’d entrusted it to Clay. Why? Did she choose him, love him, plan a future with the businessman? “Thanks for telling us, but if Angel didn’t want us to know, I think it’s best we keep it that way. We’ll tell Wyatt, and hopefully we’ll be able to mend some bridges before the winter hits.”

  Cord and Val returned to their ranch down the road. The quiet once they were alone was deafening. Only the drone of the crickets gave him something to focus on.

  “I have your horse,” he finally admitted.

  “I thought as much.” Clay didn’t sound angry or surprised. He wanted him to get livid, violent, anything to qualify his hate for the man.

  “Angel told you about her secret.” It was a statement, one he hoped Clay would comment on so he didn’t have to pry.

  He nodded. “She’s a special girl.” Clay paused and then smirked. “She loves you, you know?”

  His hackles lowered. The thought of Angel wanting him despite his financial predicament warmed his heart. He needed her so bad, needed her as a friend when he had no one else in the world. She wouldn’t pity him or comfort him with pretty words. Angel always kept things real, and he appreciated that. Needed that.

  “I’m sorry about the horse. I’ll make it up to you. The Lord knows my head wasn't on straight when I took it.” He took a breath. “She cares about you a lot or she’d never have told you what she did. If she trusts yo
u, I suspect you’re not the monster I’ve built you up to be.”

  Clay frowned. “Have I done something wrong?”

  “My folks own the feed store in town. Since you opened up shop, they’ve lost nearly all their business. They’re closing their doors at the end of the week.”

  “I promise you, I didn’t come here to bring heartache or trouble. I’ll do whatever I can to make things right. I’m not the bad guy, Landon. In fact, if we’re both smart, we’ll work together to make that girl inside the house happy. She needs both of us.”

  * * * *

  The following day, Angel was woken up by her mother. She burst in her room, warm from sleep, drew open the curtains, and flung the quilt off her body. “Ma! It’s cold,” she complained.

  “Since when do you sleep so late past sunrise?”

  “Since I went to bed so late.” Angel held the pillow over her face.

  “Well, get up and wash your face. You have a phone call downstairs.” She swept out of the room, leaving Angel wondering who’d be calling her.

  She trudged downstairs in her T-shirt, underwear, and workman socks, her blonde hair in disarray. “Hello?” she said after grabbing the phone off the kitchen counter.

  “Good morning, princess,” said Landon.

  “You. If it isn’t Mr. Houdini. Finally decided to return one of my dozen messages?”

  “Get yourself pretty. I’m taking you out to lunch.”

  “Why?” Had she ever been to a restaurant? Seemed like a foolish waste of money. The only time she could recall was when her parents took her and her brothers out when she turned eighteen.

  He exhaled his annoyance into the phone. “Because I’m courtin’ you. Now don’t make it more difficult for me.”

  “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “It’s been a hard week, Angel. You know that. It had nothing to do with you.”

  She couldn’t blame Landon now. He had to be going through hell with everything that had been going on in his life lately. It would be good to be alone with him to talk. She missed their talks. Then she thought about Clay. If Landon outright courted her, what did that mean for their budding relationship? She wanted them both—in different ways, for different reasons. Her simple life was becoming complicated. Maybe it was best when her brothers scared off all potential suitors.

  “Fine. But I’m not wearing a dress.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Landon wore a clean, crisp, button-up shirt and blue jeans. He smelled good. His shaggy, dirty-blond hair was partially gelled back. “Didn’t I tell you to dress pretty, Angel?”

  “You’re wearing jeans, so why can’t I?” They weren’t her riding jeans. And she had on a fancier white blouse and put some curls in her hair. It was much more than she usually did. She wasn’t one for femininity, not when she worked with cowboys day in day out.

  He mock scowled at her as he drove them into down. There weren’t many fancy places to go in their farming town, but Landon parked at the well-known steak house. Clay was leaning against the entrance, one leg bent up.

  Before they got out of the truck, she grabbed his shirt and tugged him closer. “What’s he doing here?”

  “He’s coming to lunch, too. Seems you’re getting courted by two cowboys. But I always knew it would take more than one man to tame you, Angel.”

  “What! You hate Clay.”

  “I may have been a tad harsh in judging him. We had a nice, long talk last night and worked out many of our differences.” He hopped out of the truck and walked around to help her down. She didn’t need help, but appreciated he was trying to be gallant.

  They walked toward the entrance, and Clay sported one of his naughty smirks. Was he thinking about their experimenting in front of the mirror? Her body warmed just remembering their forbidden encounter at his ranch.

  “Good to see you again,” he said as they joined him. “Seems we’ve found your stallion. When we’re done here, we’ll go pick him up.” He nodded to his truck at the far end of the parking lot with a small horse trailer hooked to the back.

  She couldn’t help but smile. Angel had dreamed of riding that dark beauty, and thanks to Clay’s initial training, she may get that chance sooner than she expected.

  They sat at a private table in the back corner of the restaurant. The lighting was minimal, even in the afternoon, a candle flickering on the center of the table. The smells aroused her hunger—fresh bread, savory sauces, and grilled steak. Both men were watching her expectantly as she took in her surroundings. Were they actually ready to share her? What would her brothers say to that? The Carsons lived in a ménage relationship, as did her oldest brother, Chase. But they always wanted her to follow the straight and narrow, and she doubted they’d be supportive if she gave her heart to both men—but she already had, hadn’t she?

  “Remember what I told you yesterday? About Landon joining us?”

  Was he talking about his reference to double-teaming her? She nodded, too surprised to speak.

  Landon reached for her hand across the table, anchoring her for the news he was about to share. “When we leave here, we’re picking up the stallion. Do you know where he’s being kept?” She shook her head again. “The old Taylor ranch. Remember that place?”

  Of course Angel remembered that place and the day she got her first bare-ass spanking. It was a turning point in her relationship with Landon and began her yearning for Clay and his dark sexuality.

  “We’re going to share you, darlin’. Just like I mentioned,” said Clay.

  Angel looked from side to side, ensuring they were out of earshot from the other diners. A waiter appeared from behind her, making her jump in her seat. Landon squeezed her hand and smiled before ordering them some drinks.

  Clay continued, “I’m going to lie down on that old bench and you’re going to sit on my cock. It’ll be hard, and you’ll feel every inch filling your tight little cunt.”

  “Then I’m going to climb on behind you, lube up my dick nice and slick, and then fuck your pretty ass.” Landon was just as teasing as Clay. She could feel the power of their lust in their small bubble of space. “We’ll fuck you together, make you ours.”

  “What would you like to eat, baby-doll?” asked Clay, as if they hadn’t just told her their explicit plans for her body. Had they talked about his together before picking her up? Her pussy was so wet and sensitive. She squirmed on the hardwood chair. She had fantasized about Landon joining them, filling her empty cunt while Clay rode her ass. Now it was going to be reality.

  “I’m not very hungry.” She wanted to be fucked by her two men. They could discuss the intricacies of their future, the Wilders’ store, and worry about eating later. Much later. Right now they’d planted a seed in her head that brought her body to life. She needed them to show her what if felt like to be double-teamed by two hardcore cowboys.

  “I’m hungry, Angel. Hungry for your pussy.” Landon licked his licks. She had to open her mouth to breath. Was it possible to orgasm from words alone?

  Clay asked the waiter for the bill and they all stood to leave. Her eyes drifted to Clay’s tight-fitting Wranglers. His erection traveled down his pant leg, the line of his rigid dick prominent. He was huge. Her desire to rub her hand up and down his jeans over that happy trail was distracting.

  They left Landon’s truck in the parking lot and boarded Clay’s quad cab with the trailer attached. Every bump in the road sent a wave of potent energy through her pussy. But she wouldn’t start begging now and ruin whatever they had planned for her. They were heading back to the deserted Taylor ranch, the place that reminded her of the sweet mix of pleasure and pain when Clay had spanked her ass without holding back. She was hoping they were taking her there as a symbol of what was to come.

  “Where did you find the stallion?” she asked, hoping to break the silence.

  “Landon found him and was kind enough to return him.”

  Angel wondered what kind of truce they had made between each other. W
hatever it was, she hoped they were somehow able to help Landon’s parents.

  They pulled into the overgrown path shortly afterwards, the gravel and twigs crunching beneath the tires and trailer clanging behind them. Once they came to a halt, Clay cut the engine and shifted on the leather seat to face her. “We’re here. Any chance you want to turn back now?”

  “Are you suggesting I’m afraid? Cowgirls aren’t scared of anything.” And she was already committed to this sex party. She’d gone from an uptight virgin to a wanton nympho in a matter of a week. But she wouldn’t offer her body to just anyone. Never again. Clay and Landon were one of a kind, perfectly suited to her personality, and understanding of the past she found difficult to let go of.

  “I tend to believe that. Just wanted to be sure this was what you wanted, darlin’, because once we start there’s no turning back,” said Clay.

  Landon leaned over from the backseat. “Ah, come on, Clay. The girl has a right to change her mind. I won’t enjoy myself if I think she’s had a change of heart partway through.”

  There was a minute of silence.

  “We’ll give you a safe word. You pick one you like,” said Clay.

  She didn’t know what a safe word was, and the reaction on her face must have given away her naïveté.

  “When you use the safe word, at any time, we’ll stop. But once we stop we won’t start up again. We’ll bring you home and that’ll be the end of it. So you can cry and scream and cuss and fight, but without the word, we’ll continue. Do you understand?”

  Angel wanted to get started right away. This was the kind of sex that was perfect for her. She could have her fun and pretend to deny them, knowing they’d continue as long as she kept quiet. “Since we’re here to pick up my stallion, I’ll use that. Stallion.”


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