The Tip-Off: A Smart Jocks Novel

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The Tip-Off: A Smart Jocks Novel Page 12

by Jenshak, Rebecca

  When she finally agrees, my shoulders sag with relief that I’m not gonna have to pull an all-nighter. Showing up tired to meet the coach of the Magic wouldn’t look great. When she passes out as soon as we get her into my car, though, it’s obvious she wasn’t going to make it much longer. I drive us back to the house and get Gabby tucked into my bed. I head downstairs wondering in what universe I’m sleeping on the couch the night before the biggest interview of my life.

  I’m tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable when the creak of the floor catches my attention. It could be any number of people, three roommates, two with girlfriends, but the way my body reacts – hyperaware - and this tight feeling in my chest, I know it’s Gabby even before she whispers my name.

  “I’m right here.” I sit up. “Are you okay?”


  She comes into view, tan legs bare. She’s wearing one of my t-shirts, but it’s so big on her it fits more like a dress. A short dress that looks too good to be real.

  “What’s wrong?” I’m almost to my feet when the ghost of a smile plays on her lips.

  “I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Drunk Gabby wants the same things as Sober Gabby.”

  “The fact that you’re talking about yourself in the third person makes me seriously doubt the validity of that statement.”

  “Interesting. Take off your pants and let’s talk about it in more detail.”

  I chuckle, God help me. “Not happening.”

  “Will you at least come sleep in your bed? I know you have an early flight and the meeting tomorrow.” She motions to the couch. “Sleeping down here can’t be comfortable.”

  “I’ll survive.”

  “You are so stubborn.” She lifts the hem of her shirt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “If you won’t sleep upstairs, then I’m going to take off my clothes and join you on the couch.”

  I reach her just as she gets the shirt high enough to reveal the pink lacy underwear underneath. Never gonna be able to un-see that. “Stop. Okay, you win.” I turn her so she’s facing the way she came. “Keep your clothes on. I’m right behind you.”

  And that’s how I end up sleeping in the same bed as Gabby for the first time. And as for sleep – I would have fared better on the couch. You can’t lie next to a hot chick and not think about sex, and you can’t sleep with a boner. You just can’t. It’s science.



  “I heard you did the walk of shame this morning.” Blair sets her backpack down in the chair across from me and takes the seat beside it.

  “Walk of awesome,” I say without looking up from my laptop. “Joel was right about that.”

  “So…?” The tone of her voice begs for details and I look up.

  “Nothing happened. Just sleep. If my memory is correct. I might have tried to take my clothes off, but he stopped me.”

  “The man has willpower.” She lifts her chin and looks to my laptop. “Whatcha doing?”

  I spin it around so she can see the screen.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “It’s a playlist for Zeke. All songs that mention the NBA in the lyrics. Plus, a couple songs by Shaq because who doesn’t love an NBA star trying to rap?”

  She raises both eyebrows and snorts. “If you say so.”

  I add one last song to the list and then shoot a text to Zeke with the link. “Done.”

  “Good. Are you ready to register for classes next semester?” She lets out a little squeal. “I can’t believe we’re finally going to take classes together. I was thinking we should take Ethics on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then on Tuesday and Thursday Business Marketing. Those two are prerequisites for the MBA program.”

  “Actually, I’m not sure.”

  “About which one?”


  She frowns. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s just, I need to check with my advisor first. I’m not sure about a couple of my online class transfers.”

  “Okay. Well, when are you meeting with her?” I bite my lip and my best friend sees right through me. “Gabs, all the good classes will fill up. You need to talk to her as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll stop by today.”

  She keeps staring at me until I give in. “Fine, I’ll go now.”

  She claps her hands. “This is going to be so exciting!”

  Blair walks with me to Stanley Hall. “Call me after and let me know. Do you work tonight?”

  “No. I’m off.”

  “I could come over tonight around eight and we could select classes while watching The Bachelorette.” She’s staring at her phone, probably her schedule, as she attempts to make plans and I’m thankful because I feel guilt rising as I blow her off.

  “Raincheck? I need to catch up on reading and sleep tonight.”

  “Tomorrow? I’ve got a few hours during lunch.”

  “I’m working the afternoon shift, but we’ll figure it out.” I hug her quickly. “I’ll call you later.”

  I make my way up to the third floor of Stanley Hall. Dr. Rainey is in her office and I knock on the open door to get her attention.

  “Gabby.” She pulls her red-rimmed glasses from her face and smiles. “Come in.”

  “Do you have a few minutes? I was wondering if I could talk to you about classes next semester?”

  “Of course, have a seat.” She puts the glasses back on and her fingers fly over the keyboard. “Let me just pull up your transcripts.”

  I twist my hands nervously in my lap as she does. Dr. Rainey is my hero. She built and sold a successful startup all before she was thirty. I have no idea why she’s teaching at Valley, but the university is all the better for it.

  “Alright. With this semester’s classes, you only need six more credits toward your business degree, and you’ve satisfied all the core requirements except business law. You’re ahead of schedule.” She smiles brightly. The benefits of hiding away for three years – I’m ahead of schedule in college course requirements. Two more classes and I’ll have my business degree.

  “Are you still planning to apply to the MBA program in the fall?”

  “I’m not sure,” I answer honestly. “I’ve been looking into some other programs as well.”

  “It’s good to consider all your options. Valley has a wide range of graduate-level courses and programs. Is there someone I can get in touch with for you? What programs are you considering?”

  “All of them.”

  Her fingers lift from the keyboard and she sits back in her chair. “All of them?”

  “I want to explore a bit more before I lock myself into anything. I had my sights set on business before I took my first class and never really entertained anything else.”

  I don’t expect the smile she gives me. “I think that’s a really smart idea.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” She laughs softly. “Take it from someone who switched careers after hating her first job out of college, it’s easier and less stressful if you figure out what you want to do before you leave here. Have you talked to anyone in the career resource center?”

  “No, not yet.” My stomach turns.

  “I’d start there. I’ve heard great things about the new student advisor in the tutor center. I have her name here somewhere.” Dr. Rainey flips through some papers on her desk. “Ah, here it is. Her name is—”

  “Blair Olson,” we say at the same time.

  “You know her?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Great. I’d start there.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Rainey.”

  She nods. “My pleasure, Gabby. Whatever you decide, I know you’re going to do great things.”

  I decide to walk back to my apartment to give myself time to think. At least I’d answered one question today – there’s no way to avoid Blair while I try and figure out what the right career path is for me.
  It’s only about a half-mile from campus, but I move slowly so it takes far longer than it should. I wonder how Zeke’s interview went. What exactly do they do at an NBA interview? Ask him to define ball terms? Test his sports history knowledge? He mentioned he’d also get a chance to scrimmage with the team which sounds pretty awesome. I can just picture Zeke playing with all those big, strong NBA players. It’s where he belongs.

  I’m still not sure where I belong after Valley. I thought it was being with Blair, starting our own company, and being lady bosses, but the older I get, the more I realize that I wasn’t meant to run a company. Not like Blair. Her passion and excitement for business is obvious and she’s going to be an amazing CEO someday, but I want simpler things. I want to do work that feeds my soul and I want to spend my days remembering that I lived for a reason. I want to say yes to all that life has to offer, not be stuck inside an office working insane hours. Life’s too short.

  Well past eight o’clock, Zeke finally responds to my text about the playlist.

  Zeke: This list is awesome.

  Me: I know, right? How was the interview? Also, in what year did the Chicago Bulls win seventy-two games?

  I’m holding the phone waiting for his response when it rings instead.


  “Hey. I’m too tired to text.” Zeke’s deep voice makes me smile, and even over the phone, I can hear the exhaustion. “What are you up to?”

  “Watching The Bachelorette and looking up basketball trivia.”

  “Ninety-five-ninety-six season,” he responds and then yawns.


  “You asked what year the Bulls won seventy-two games.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “Why are you looking up basketball trivia? I didn’t know you even liked basketball.”

  “I like basketball as much as any sport. Which isn’t all that much admittedly. I was thinking about your interview and then I started to wonder what types of questions they’d ask, and the next thing I knew I was watching YouTube videos of NBA records.”

  “That was a great team. Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Longley, Kukoc.”

  “Is it weird to think someday people are going to be talking about you that way?”

  “Honestly? No. It’s the dream. It’s what I’ve worked toward my whole life. I’ve done everything I can to get myself ready for this next step, but I’ll have to keep on proving myself for a long time before people lump me in with guys like that.”

  “They will, though.”

  “God willing.” He yawns and I know I should let him go so he can sleep, but I missed him today, weird as that sounds.

  “So today went well?”

  “Yeah, it went well. The facilities are insane, coaches are great. It’s a waiting game for now until the draft lottery to see how things shake out. I’m going to Phoenix next week to meet with the Suns.”

  “Suns would be cool. I bet the guys would love having you close so they could come watch games and stuff.”

  “You wouldn’t think it was cool?”


  He laughs. “Thought you’d be more pumped at the idea you’d be close enough to rope me into more shenanigans.”

  “You underestimate my abilities. I can find a way to do that no matter how far away you are.”

  “I have no doubt.” I know he’s smiling as he says it and I feel a little pang of sadness that he’s going to leave in a few weeks and I probably won’t see him again. He’ll be in the NBA and I’ll be just a normal college kid trying to find my way. “Speaking of shenanigans, I was wondering if you’re free Thursday?”

  “I work during the day. What’s up?”

  He clears his throat. “Every year the Valley athletic department does an award ceremony for student-athletes. It’s a bit stuffy, suit and tie and the awards themselves last a few hours and can get pretty boring...”

  “Wow, you’re really selling this.”

  “But there’s free food and booze and everyone will be there. Wes is bringing Blair, Mario and Vanessa, Joel and Katrina. Do you want to be my date?”

  My stomach does a happy flip. “Sounds fun. I’m in.”

  “Cool. It starts at seven. Wes and I have to be there a little early to help with some setup stuff, but it shouldn’t take too long. Pick you up at six?”

  “It’s a date,” I sing-song.

  “Yep, it’s a date.”



  Thursday night finds me in my room trying on every dress I own. Blair assured me that any dress would do, that the only people who get super dressed up are the athletes that are accepting or handing out awards, but I’m not dressing for the student-athletes of Valley, I’m dressing for Zeke.

  At five minutes until six, I go back to the first dress I tried on, a deep red one-shoulder gown that’s long and hugs my body from top to bottom. It’s classy because it covers so much skin, but sexy because of the way it accentuates my curves. I opt for black heeled sandals and leave my hair down and in its usual big wave style that hides the left side of my face. I keep my makeup simple and skip the jewelry. I’m hoping for holy shit, but in a she doesn’t even look like she tried sort of way. Or in Zeke’s case, I’m going for let’s bang right fucking meow.

  At the top of the hour, he knocks. Right on time.

  “It’s open,” I call and shove all my necessities from my purse into a little handbag for the night.

  I look up when I hear the door open and prepare to tell him I just need two minutes, but the sight of Zeke takes my breath away.

  “Wow, Gabby, you look… wow.”

  “Right back at you.” I abandon my purse and walk toward him. He’s wearing the hell out of a black tuxedo, complete with a bow tie. I do a circle around him, taking in every inch. Good God. “In fact. I think we should just skip this award thingy.”

  “Wes and Blair are waiting in the car.”

  “Damn them,” I tease as I cross the room to get my clutch.

  On our way out the door, he places a hand at my back. The touch sends goosebumps racing over my skin and I inhale sharply. He must hear my reaction because he mutters an apology and moves his hand.

  The awards are held inside the field house. A platform covers one side of the gym floor, chairs set up in tidy rows facing it. Zeke and Wes lead us to the opposite side, where a bar and cocktail tables are set up. We’re among the first people here, but even so, the eye candy is incredible.

  “It’s like Vanity Fair meets Sports Illustrated up in here.” I unapologetically gawk at a tall, blonde girl with tan skin and an athletic build. I’m guessing tennis or maybe volleyball.

  “Back in a bit,” Wes says and drops a kiss to Blair’s mouth.

  I’m still taking in the number of hot jocks in my proximity that I almost forget Zeke is next to me. Also, I’m a liar.

  “Hey.” His fingertips graze my elbow and my attention snaps fully to him. “It’s assigned seats.” He hands over a ticket and I notice Blair holds one too. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Don’t have too much fun without me.”

  We stare at one another, each taking the other in, electricity humming between us until Wes calls after him.

  “Back soon,” he mutters and follows after Wes.

  Blair and I find our seats. A girl in a halter dress with shoulders like a linebacker hands us a program. It’s thick, pages and pages of Valley athletes and a schedule for the night. Zeke was right – this thing is going to last a really long time. Fine by me so long as Zeke brings all that tall, dark, sexiness back and sits beside me… or on top of me, pulls me into a corner. My thoughts run away with possibilities.

  When the guys return, they bring with them the rest of the team and their dates. Mario and Vanessa are sitting with the baseball team, but V waves and promises to find us after the awards.

  A flask is pushed into my hands just as the lights dim. I give Zeke a questioning glance and he looks a little sheepish. “It’s tradition.”

The liquor, pure vodka, I think, burns as I take a sip. I hand it to Blair and then do my best to pay attention to the stage as every athlete is recognized and the coaches give a nice little speech about how honored they are to work with such talented young people, yadda, yadda, yadda.

  I’m stifling a yawn when Wes and Zeke stand up and leave without a word.

  “Where are they going?” I whisper to Blair.

  She smiles coyly. “Zeke is getting the Harper Award.”

  “What is that?”

  She points to the stage as Coach Daniels appears for the second time. “The Harper Award is given each year to a Valley University student-athlete who exemplifies leadership and teamwork. It’s my pleasure to introduce senior Wes Reynolds to announce this year’s recipient.”

  Blair leans over. “Look how handsome he looks in a suit. I convinced him to buy one to wear at games next year when he’s coaching.”

  I give her a thumbs up and I gotta admit he does fill it out nicely. The field house gets quieter than it’s been all night as Wes starts his speech. He tells everyone about how he met Zeke when they played against each other in an AAU game and gets some laughs over the story of how Zeke’s team had won and Wes had tried to be the bigger man by congratulating Zeke after the teams had done the usual player handshake, but Zeke had already slipped on his headphones and tuned out the world.

  Wes even gets a little choked up when he talks about his injury. Blair’s full on crying and Shaw hands her the flask.

  “I’m beyond honored to be the one to give him this award. He’s been an opponent, a teammate, a roommate, but today I’m honored to call him a friend and brother.”

  Zeke comes from stage left and I’m on my feet with everyone else in our row screaming and clapping as he accepts his award.

  “You’re on a date with a Valley celebrity.” Blair passes me the flask. “How’s it feel?”

  “Handsome,” I say, and she giggles. “I mean, he’s handsome. I feel… like if he doesn’t kiss me soon, I might die.”


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