Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy

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Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy Page 12

by Pirro, Jeanine

  Of course, there are good men and women in the FBI; I have worked with a lot of them. But they’re marginalized; they’re not advanced. The power is in the clique at the top. It was FBI leadership that handled the Hillary “matter,” not the field offices. This FBI has been stained and politicized by Comey.

  It’s time to stop this charade. It’s time to return the FBI to its original mission.

  In March 2018, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe turned over notes he had kept on President Trump to Robert Mueller, just hours after he was officially fired from the FBI.4 He then claimed “victim status,” claiming his downfall was the result of a series of attacks designed to undermine his credibility and reputation.

  Andy, I don’t know how to break this to you, but the only reason you’re even in the news is because you’re a LIAR. And when you lie under oath or even to the FBI when not under oath, you’ve committed a crime, whether you’re convicted or not.

  Consider this: General Michael Flynn, who put his life on the line for all of us when he served in the military, admitted to lying to the FBI about something that wasn’t even criminal! And now he’s a convicted felon. Martha Stewart lied to the FBI, and now she is a convicted felon who spent time in prison. McCabe lied not only to the FBI but to the inspector general and under oath,5 even after being given an opportunity to take the lie back. Flynn and Stewart are crooks and McCabe isn’t? The Wall Street Journal called McCabe “the new ‘Deep Throat.”6 Just like the original, Mark Felt, McCabe abused his power, leaked information about an ongoing investigation for his benefit and lied about it. Lest we forget, Felt was convicted on felony charges for his behavior, although he was pardoned by President Reagan in 1981. As far as I’m concerned, McCabe’s actions warrant prosecution far more than Felt’s did.

  McCabe is out of a job because the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility said, after the inspector general’s investigation, that McCabe had made unauthorized disclosures to the news media,7 and that he had “lacked candor.” Translation: he lied. He lied about the investigations into the Clinton Foundation and leaked information to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, neither of which he was authorized to do.

  Cardinal Comey

  We shouldn’t be surprised. McCabe’s boss, Jim Comey, also leaked information,8 seeking to get it into the New York Times, because he didn’t have the guts to stand up and say what he wanted to say himself. Comey and McCabe are Gold Members of the LLL Club. They’re LIARS and LEAKERS. They both lied and leaked in direct violation of federal laws. And McCabe has the audacity to cry about being targeted?

  I have a message for you, Andy: you’re not that important. No one’s looking to bring you down personally. But your wife gets almost $700,000 from the Clinton cash machine, and you handle the Clinton email investigation?9 A five-year-old could see the conflict of interest. We entrusted you with the power of the greatest law enforcement agency in the nation, and you not only used it to your own advantage, you used it to your political and financial advantage.

  Every FBI employee knows that lying to the FBI results in automatic dismissal. That’s only if you’re a privileged government employee. Regular folks who lie to the FBI go to jail. But McCabe wants us to believe his termination is part of an effort to undermine the special counsel’s Russia investigation. He’s lucky he’s not in jail.

  The only Russia investigation that should be going on at this point is one looking into Hillary and that whole gang for the shady sale of our uranium to Russia.

  It’s going to get worse for McCabe when his sidekick Peter Strzok and Strzok’s girlfriend are called on the carpet for their undertaking to create an “insurance policy” to take down Trump. If Comey and McCabe are Gold Members, Strzok is definitely Executive Platinum. He’s a LIAR, LEAKER, and LIBERAL. He hit the Traitor’s Trifecta. Platinum cuffs for him unless, of course,he decides to rat on his comrades.

  McCabe also lied about his relationship with top counterintelligence agent Strzok, who worked for him while McCabe, Strzok, Comey and others tried to affect the presidential election, and later the presidency of Donald Trump, by starting the Trump-Russia inquiry. They opened that investigation even though the only person who had colluded with the Russians was Hillary.

  There were three pending federal inquiries into McCabe’s actions while he was still at the FBI. He was removed from his post only after the new FBI director saw evidence regarding his misdeeds.

  While McCabe threatened Jim Comey, saying he would “torch the FBI” if forced out of his job,10 Comey wrote a conciliatory tweet, saying “Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last eight months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on. He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you.”

  Comey is clearly hoping that McCabe won’t testify against him. Who is going to rat on whom? If this were the movie The Godfather, Cardinal Comey would be the capo di tutti, Andrew McCabe the enforcer, Lisa Page both the consigliere and the goumada, and Peter Strzok the button man. And it looks as though Strzok, who may have signed the warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court), was a close friend of Judge Rudolph Contreras, who signed the warrant.

  Since Comey’s book came out, the intrigue has deepened. McCabe says Comey gave him permission to leak information. Comey, in a rare moment of clear recollection, claims he didn’t. McCabe insists Comey lied to Congress. McCabe said he not only had authority to share information with the media about Hillary, but he did so with Comey’s knowledge.

  His former coworkers at the FBI called James Comey “Cardinal Comey” behind his back. It wasn’t meant as a compliment. They were referring to the exasperating sanctimony with which he cultivates his false image as an incorruptible, morally superior servant of the people.

  In one way, it’s fitting. That’s because he may be more revered today by liberals than the Pope by Roman Catholics. But it wasn’t so long ago that those same liberals considered him the Devil incarnate for supposedly stealing Hillary Clinton’s certain victory in the 2016 election. That was before they bought into an even less realistic theory: that “the Russians” had somehow turned the election for Trump, simply by disseminating nasty (and often true) stories about Crooked Hillary.

  Now Comey is selling a book about how he and others of his ilk within the agency are patriotic heroes, defending the republic against a supposedly authoritarian and illegitimate president, Donald J. Trump. As I said recently on my show:

  “Don’t you love it when arrogant egomaniacs are hoisted with their own petard? FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe now know the pain of that petard. The Department of Justice is investigating Andrew McCabe after an Obama-appointed IG made a criminal referral against him. And pompous Cardinal Comey is now being investigated for leaking classified information.”

  When Comey›s memos were released, they were supposed to lay out the real reason for his firing—that Donald Trump was colluding with Russians and looking to obstruct justice. Unfortunately for Comey, the Democrats, and the mainstream media, they prove just the opposite.

  Because he didn’t trust the president, Comey made notes of his presidential meetings. The memos were written contemporaneously with the meetings (one within five minutes of the meeting). Contemporaneous notes carry great legal weight, because they are made almost immediately after the event, when the memory is fresh.

  But unfortunately for Jim Comey, they don’t support his narrative. In fact, they prove three things. One, the president encouraged the FBI to investigate the issue of collusion between anyone on the Trump campaign and Russia. Two, he encouraged the FBI to investigate the Steele dossier. Three, the president wanted to make sure his administration was free of leakers.

  Here’s the rub. The meeting was a setup to allow CNN to go forward with a negative story about the president and to create the illusion of Russia collus
ion. Comey himself admitted to the president that CNN wanted to go forward with the dossier story because some LEAKER gave it to them. But there needed to be a news hook. The meeting Comey set up to inform the president about the dossier was the hook. Four days later, CNN ran the story Comey told the president about the dossier. Comey’s hook worked. But it gets even better. James Clapper, the man Jim Comey said he admires most in government, whom we already know is a LIAR based on his “we don’t spy on Americans, well not wittingly at least,” told Comey to meet with the president to speak about the dossier. Comey is dumb enough to admit this.

  “I then executed the session exactly as I had planned. I said the Russians allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes in Moscow so that they could lend credence to a hyped-up Russia collusion investigation.”

  Trump, however, interjected—saying there were never prostitutes. Comey lied and said the FBI was keeping a close hold on the dossier so that there would be no excuse to expose the story.

  So, to make it simple:

  Clapper told Comey to meet with the president to alert him about the prostitutes, which was a pretext to create a news hook for CNN to leak the story.

  Once Comey is fired, he decides he will leak information through a friend to the New York Times. Now the Department of Justice is investigating that leak of classified information.

  Jim, you’re the head of the FBI. You told the president he wasn’t under investigation. You get fired, and now you need to put things in the public square to get a special counsel to put him under investigation? Why would you need to do that?

  Your first memo was actually sent to the FBI—to your Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, your Chief of Staff James Rybicki, and your general counsel and closest advisor, James Baker—and who knows who else? Since there clearly wasn’t anything criminal evidenced in the memo, what’s with the hogwash that you need to get the information into the public square to get a special counsel appointed?

  Comey says the release of his memo to his liberal Columbia University professor friend, now “lawyer” Daniel Richman, was done with the intent to get it to the New York Times and generate a “special counsel.” He denies he “leaked” it, saying it was not a “leak.”

  Both Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier and CNN’s Anderson Cooper were incredulous at his response. He responded by saying it was his “personal diary,” as if anyone at the FBI, routinely, if ever, sends his or her diary to the deputy director of the FBI, his chief of staff, and legal counsel.

  Comey relies upon Clintonian language to evade legal jeopardy and defend sharing a classified memo. He says he was sharing an unclassified document to get out to the media. The memo says “secret” on its face, which means it’s classified! That leads to the next question: Why was Daniel Richman given a special government employee status and why isn’t he being questioned about his role in leaking information? In order to obtain special government employee status, he would have been required to have training on federal records and federal information. He knew it was illegal to leak federal records and had an obligation to report Comey for leaking.

  Although Comey admits leaking to Richman a memo that doesn’t implicate the president of anything, anyone would have to ask if he did it before. Did Comey use Richman on other occasions to leak information meant to gin up a fraudulent, illegal, immoral Russia investigation? After all, Comey was clearly a Clinton political ally. He absolved her of criminal liability in the email scandal. What few know is that Comey investigated the Clinton Foundation and Hillary in particular for the failure to file from 1999–2004 annual legally required audits. The case abruptly ended. The players? US Attorney James Comey, FBI chief Robert Mueller, and the one who had final tax fraud prosecution oversight, Rod Rosenstein. The Swamp hard at work.

  Jim, you are a LIAR. And a LEAKER. You are pompous. Egotistical. Condescending. And you violated the laws that you swore to uphold because you want to make news, because you want to write a book. Because you want to be a hero. And because you don’t think the rules apply to you.

  And because you are like your friend McCabe, you do it for personal gain.

  Newsflash: once you took those memos out of the building to leak to the New York Times you committed a crime. You had no right to do that. They were federal records. They were not personal notes. They were not memos to self. They were memos to other FBI agents. If Donald Trump needed investigating why didn’t you investigate him when you were the highest-ranking law enforcement official in the country?

  Why? The investigation was secondary. It was phony. You needed to make yourself the protagonist. Now we know that but for those memos and your illegal leak to the New York Times, Robert Mueller wouldn’t be tearing at the fabric of this country. Isn’t it a bittersweet irony Jim, that both you and McCabe are being looked at for the same thing Hillary did? You’re in the same boat as she. You said she didn’t intend to have classified information on her server. But you, Jim, made it clear you intended to release those memos so that you could get even with the president. You had the intent you say was missing in Hillary’s case.

  Jim, the FBI is not proud of you. You’re a former FBI director out there discussing matters presently under investigation by the special counsel. Where do you come off publishing a book about issues under investigation? You even admitted what you leaked was secret and, therefore, classified.

  But you protest that you don’t do sneaky things, Cardinal. You don’t leak. You don’t do weasel moves. Jim, are you schizo? On the one hand, you lie to the president that you don’t leak but the whole point of the memo and the meeting with the president was to leak it. And now on your book tour you say, It’s true; I’m a LEAKER.

  And Jim—you’re a political operative, too. You wanted Hillary Clinton to be president. You even skirted the law to let her get away with it. And you played along with Loretta Lynch so she could help.

  But Jim you must keep your facts straight. During your book tour, the same day you said Hillary would be a better president, you demurred and said it’s too hard to go back in time and answer that question. Jim, do your answers depend on the time of day or who’s interviewing you?

  Jim, it isn’t working. You’re trying to look like an objective individual until you again admit you’re not.

  So, you’re not sneaky. You’re not a LEAKER. She’d be a better president. Jim, be very careful. You knew from the get-go you would cut Hillary loose, and you knew from your time in the Obama administration you would go after Donald Trump. You’ve deceived the American people. As a result, you’re under investigation for leaking classified information, theft of government property, obstruction of justice, and a clear abuse of power. If I were a betting woman I’d lay odds your friend Clapper is another one soon to be under investigation. The bittersweet irony for all Americans is we will be able to watch you fight each other—Andrew McCabe who says you told him repeatedly that it was okay to leak to the Wall Street Journal and Loretta Lynch whom you accused of pressuring you to not call Hillary’s case an investigation.

  So now folks, as the whole idea of collusion with Russia by the Donald Trump campaign fades into obscurity, we now see the Deep State doing what it does best—state actors protecting each other and like-minded members of the system. But if there’s any justice, and the DOJ is dutifully run, you’ll all be made accountable. It’s no accident everyone Comey sent his original memo to has either left or been reassigned away from Mueller’s witch hunt. That should raise questions for anyone with an open mind.

  Here’s a question that may not have occurred to you: Why haven’t we heard anything from or about assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap? Priestap was Peter Strzok’s boss while this whole anti-Trump conspiracy was being perpetrated. Certainly, we would expect to hear his name mentioned when everyone else on the seventh floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building—above and below him—is making daily news.

  I suspect we haven’t heard about Priestap because he’s coope
rating, either with Mueller’s investigation or investigations into the FBI’s leadership. I don’t have any inside information on this, but my experience as a prosecutor tells me this is the most likely explanation for Priestap’s silence. We’ll have to wait and see.

  Or is it J. Edgar Comey?

  Because his mission was to change the course of American presidential history, Jim Comey has done more damage to the FBI as an institution than J. Edgar Hoover. The only difference between him and J. Edgar is that we know he wore dresses.

  The truth is Comey was the chief architect in tainting and politicizing the FBI. When I say “partisan hacks,” I don’t necessarily mean Democrats or Republicans. But that doesn’t really matter, because the 2016 election wasn’t about Republicans versus Democrats. It was about the Establishment versus the people.

  I am the eternal optimist. There have been rough patches in the FBI’s history, but the rank-and-file men and women of the FBI have done wonders over the years to restore the agency’s reputation. Starting with its very first director, J. Edgar Hoover, there was corruption at the top. While Hoover is credited with taking down high-profile bank robbers during the 1930s, developing counterespionage work during World War II, and modernizing law enforcement technique in some areas, he’s also notorious for abusing the power vested in him to wage personal and political vendettas. They started during Hoover’s first years with the FBI’s predecessor, the Bureau of Investigation.

  According to Boston University professor Alston Purvis, son of the legendary special agent Melvin Purvis, who brought down the notorious criminals John Dillinger and “Pretty Boy” Floyd, Hoover persecuted his father relentlessly. The younger Purvis wrote in his book The Vendetta: Special Agent Melvin Purvis, John Dillinger, and Hoover’s FBI in the Age of Gangsters, that Hoover “blocked him [Melvin Purvis] from getting jobs, ordered agents to dig up dirt on him, invented stories that impugned his character, and deleted him from official FBI histories.”11


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