The Agency: Volume 1: (Group Situation, Dominance and Submission, Medical, Law Enforcement, 3-Book Bundle)

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The Agency: Volume 1: (Group Situation, Dominance and Submission, Medical, Law Enforcement, 3-Book Bundle) Page 3

by Raven Dark

  Fiona cleared her throat. She’d never been one to cuddle. Showing vulnerability to a man usually got her heart shattered, but she couldn’t bring herself to pull away.

  “So. Thanks for an unforgettable night.” She smiled awkwardly up at him.

  He chuckled. “It was pretty memorable for us too. Not many women order forty men for these fantasy nights. I think the agency has had, at the most, ten.”

  She drew back. “Rick. Um. I didn’t say forty.”

  He quirked a brow.

  “I said four. I told the woman on the phone four.”

  His eyes widened. Then he laughed, a rich sound that went straight to her toes. “Well, I’ll be damned. That explains a lot.”

  She giggled.

  “Rosemary is going to shit when she sees the mistake.”

  Rosemary had been the one on the phone. His boss.

  “So how much is this going to cost me? Forty men will be a fortune. Not that I can’t afford it.”

  Rick shook his head. “You’d only pay for the four you ordered. Ravishment Inc is the first and only agency of its kind, but it’s also new. She made the mistake, and she won’t want to lose a customer like you.”

  “Do that many women order a night of being taken against their will? Is it that common?”

  “Oh, yeah. And we’ve cornered the market. I have to say, no one has ever seen a night like this, though. We should start a new line. Ravishment Extreme. Twenty men or more.” He snorted.

  “I’d be a regular.” She leaned in and kissed him, on the cheeks, the nose, then his mouth.

  Rick grinned. “Come here.” When he took her mouth, she hoped she didn’t imagine there was more in his kiss than just business.

  A short time later, when he was dressed, Fiona got up on her knees, kneeling on the bed in front of him.

  “Listen, Fiona…” He paused and dug into a pocket, then took out a pen. He turned over a card in his hand and wrote something on the back before handing the card to her.

  “What’s this?” She smirked, looking at his obvious phone number on the back of the card for the company she’d ordered his men from.

  “It’s my personal cell. But I don’t want you to call that for business. Look.” He took her hands in his. “I know you probably hear this all the time, but I mean it. Call me some time. I’ll take you out.”

  “You mean like a date?”

  “Yeah.” He smiled. “One of those things where I pay your way, and you pretend you aren’t filthy rich.”

  Fiona’s heart lifted. She couldn’t remember ever being treated like that. She pressed the card to her chest, and Rick yanked her against him, squeezing her close. When he kissed her hard on the mouth, she groaned into him.

  His hands rubbed back, then he turned and walked to the door. He gave her one of those devastating smiles. “See you.”

  Then he was gone.

  Fiona remained kneeling on the bed with the card to her chest for a long time. What a night. Nothing had ever gone so wrong, yet felt so right, and to top it off, she’d met a hot guy. A hot guy who wanted to take her out, not because of her money, but because he liked her. She hoped.

  She smiled at the card and traced his number with her fingers. Maybe, just maybe, relationships weren’t only for others. Maybe they were for her, too.


  Raided by the SWAT Team

  Something banged twice against the motel suite door. Susanne gave a start, jerking her two fingers out from inside the front of her panties, the orgasm that had been about to wash over her in a wave of bliss now gone.

  Alarm twisted through her, fear keeping her in place. Lain across her bed, legs spread open like a woman ready for a good time, not for the building to come down around her. It sounded like someone was trying to bulldoze the place in. Not that it would have surprised her when the building was a flea-bitten place like the Luxor Motel.

  Dingy walls stared back at her, worn curtains on dusty windows, an ugly stained brown carpet covering the floor. No, no one would miss this place if it crumbled to the ground, with all the drug deals, prostitution and worse that went on here. But did it have to happen now, in the middle of the first orgasm she’d had in months? Crime apparently had no consideration for people’s schedules, or, as it happened, their sex lives. She’d have to speak to her boyfriend about his choice in fuck pad.

  The banging stopped. Silence. Heart beating in the back of her throat, Susanne got slowly up from the bed.

  Crash. Another horrendous bang, and this time the door swung in.

  Susanne stared at the open doorway. Through the glare of the lights that illuminated the parking lot, she could make out the shapes of six men. One of them held what looked like a large steel battering ram. One of those things she’d seen on cop shows. She shielded her eyes against the glare, wishing she could see their faces.

  “Get away from the bed and put your hands in the air.” One of the men stepped a few paces into the room, a gun cupped in both hands and pointed right at her. In white, S.W.A.T. was stenciled across his navy blue Kevlar vest.

  Irritation rose in her and relief that came with the realization of what was going on. “Colin. You’re early. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to go this far?”

  Colin lifted a brow, his face perfectly impassive. He didn’t even lower the gun. “Who the fuck is Colin?”

  Oh shit. He looked so real. A thrill raced through her. He’d chosen a fantastic scenario, and the fact that he really was SWAT leant an intoxicating realism to the fantasy he chose to play out for her. Six specially trained men, cultivated to handle the most dangerous situations, and here they were, crowded into her tiny motel suite. She could live without the gun, though.

  Susanne licked her lips and tried for her best indignant voice. “Jesus. Sir, do you have to point that thing at my face?” It surprised her that her voice only shook a little. Ravishment Inc, the agency he’d called, likely supplied the uniforms for his friends, but the gun looked real enough.


  Sighing, she lifted her hands above her head. “Better?”

  “Not quite.” He stepped a little further in, allowing the other five men access to the suite. The one with the battering ram set it down and closed the door.

  Christ, they looked huge, invincible in their body armor. Actors, from the agency, or friends of his? It offered a layer of mystery not knowing. Looking at them made her wonder exactly what fascinating positions men like this could put her in while they had their way with her.

  In this light, as it so often did, it hit her Colin had the most intense eyes she’d ever seen. Hazel, but with a hint of grey, deep set below brows the same color as his close-cropped, almost buzzed hair. She’d always loved her boyfriend’s eyes. His gaze raked over her frame, taking in her almost see-through, thigh-length teddy. The skimpy black lace garment easily left her sizeable breasts, the swell of her hips, and the junction between her thighs clearly visible for his view. His gaze was as hard and unyielding as the rest of him, except she saw the muscle in his jaw twitch. His eyes lingered long on her pussy, where a thatch of auburn hair covered her sex.

  Furious heat spread over Susanne’s checks when the man holding the battering ram coughed and another whistled. Having two strangers ogle her meant her anger wasn’t entirely fake.

  “Excuse me, stare much? Aren’t you used to stumbling in on people in compromising positions every day? Half-naked pussy should have nothing on you.”

  A slow curve of a smile touched Colin’s well-shaped mouth. “I like your sass.” Then his face became a mask of cold professionalism. “We got a call about a stash of drugs in this suite. Where are they?”

  Jesus, he was amazing. He didn’t slip out of the role once. Susanne rolled her eyes. “There’s no drugs here. You’ve got the wrong room. Try next door, they’ve been toking up a storm, I can smell it through the walls.”

  She thought she saw amusement flash in his eyes at the truth in that. The faint smell of wee
d lingered. “Yeah, right. Where have we heard that before? Boys, search the room.”

  “Hey wait a minute!” She injected indignation into her voice.

  But the five other men fanned out in the small room. One with a shaved head overturned a box of nick-knacks, and another with long blond hair gathered at his nape dumped out another box. Sex toys, dildos and vibrators of every shape and size, spilled out. One of them started rattling, bouncing across the floor until he picked it up. The one with the long hair stared at it like he thought it was going to blow up.

  “Look at this, Grant.”

  Baldy—Grant—grinned and picked the dildo up, then cocked his head at her as it vibrated in his hand.

  “Put that down!” Shame scalding her face, Susanne stepped toward him. Maybe SWAT guys were trained to think anything that moved on its own was going to explode.

  “Ah.” The one with gun shook his head and she stopped. “You stay there.”

  “Well, I highly doubt you’ll find anything dangerous in my deluxe vibrator. Turn it off.”

  Grant flicked the vibrator off and it went silent. He dropped it to the floor.

  All around the room, the men pulled out drawers, looked under surfaces, checked every room. There was only one, a small bathroom. Real humiliation drove her across the room to the door of the bathroom as they opened cupboards in there, rifling through her toiletries.

  “Hey, there’s nothing in there. Get out of my tampons!”

  Colin smirked and she flashed him a genuine glare even as that look made her stomach flutter.

  “This is invasion of privacy. Is this really necessary? Sir?”

  “Yes. You never know where someone could hide drugs.”


  “There’s nothing here, Captain Harrison.” The one who had been holding the battering ram came out of the bathroom and flicked a knowing glance at her, addressing Colin. He stroked the five-o’clock shadow on his jaw. As dark as the waves of hair on his head, it gave him a dangerous look she found fascinating. “What do you want us to do?”

  “Well. We’re not leaving empty handed.” Colin holstered his gun at his hip, but instead of leaving, he looked at Susanne and jerked his chin at the bed. “Get on the bed. Now.”

  Pure, raw need flooded her insides. The cold, merciless way he looked at her made her pussy hum to life. Still, she wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

  “And if I don’t?”

  That muscle in his jaw switched again. He strode slowly toward her, stopping when his powerful frame was inches from hers. “Don’t test me, bitch. There are no drugs in here, but that doesn’t mean they can’t mysteriously appear here.”

  She widened her eyes. He really did the corrupt SWAT guy justice. And now his choice in hotel made sense. It added realism. “Wow. You’d do that to me, then? Set me up?”

  “If it’ll get your legs spread, sure.”

  So he wasn’t just corrupt, he was the kind of twisted officer who’d use his power over the law to blackmail her into satisfying his lust. The notion leant him a dangerous, merciless air that gave her a heady charge. Her knees weakened with an intoxicating lethargy at the implications.

  “I have no choice, do I?”

  “Nope.” An evil smile.

  Susanne backed up and slid onto the bed, never taking her eyes off that gold and grey stare. She slid back across the mattress until her head was almost on the pillows.

  “Are you going to at least tell your men to leave before you fuck me?” She made the word as lewd and erotic as she could.

  “How ladylike, swearing like that. And no, I’m not.” He peeled off his vest and let it fall to the floor. Then his shirt. The muscles on his tanned chest and arms rippled, and the tattoos on his biceps, coiled snakes around one wickedly long knife each, moved as if alive. The tattoos made him so sexy.

  Meanwhile, his five men gathered around the bed. Caging her in. All except one. The one who’d been holding the battering ram before crossed to the door and set the steel ram in front of it.

  “Can’t have you running away now, can we?” He joined the others.

  Oh, fuck. That thing would be too heavy for her to lift. Lord, she’d have to fuck this big bad SWAT guy in front of his men. Would they join in, too? She almost groaned at the ache in her pussy.

  The open attention, the deeply sexual look in their eyes made her pulse race. The one with the long hair pulled out his elastic, letting his hair fall around his shoulders. Grant took off his shirt, and a tasteful gold necklace swung free, gleaming between his pecks.

  “Look at those curves, Jess. So beautiful,” Grant said.

  Jess, whose dark skin gleamed like smooth toffee, nodded. He came to stand beside her head and ran his hand through her long auburn waves. “She’s perfect, Colin.”

  Grinning, Colin crawled onto the foot of the bed, his hungry gaze focused on the thatch of hair between her legs. “This is going to be fun.” His voice was a low, predatory rumble.

  Throat dry, Susanne resisted the urge to pull him onto her. Couldn’t make it too easy. “So much for professionalism.”

  “Oh, I’ll give you professional. I know how to make a woman scream.”

  His men chuckled. Oh boy, did he. How often had he brought her to screaming with only his mouth, never mind his cock? He situated himself between her legs and grabbed her hips, jerking her to him so she lay in the middle of the bed.

  Most of this hotel was a piece of trash, but it did have a gloriously large bed, at least in this suite.

  “I’ll scream.” And in this hotel, it wouldn’t draw real authorities.

  It seemed Colin wouldn’t take any chances. “Brock, if she makes a sound, gag her.”

  The one who had blocked the door took position at the opposite side of her head to Jess and pulled a red bandana from the pocket of his dark uniform slacks. He stretched it between his fists, letting her see it. She got the message. He’d use it to shut her up if he needed to. That dark shadow on his face made him look more dangerous, especially with him looking ready to gag her.

  Colin ran his calloused palms up and down her legs, his eyes never leaving hers. Every gentle stroke, so at odds with the steely command in his stare, sent her blood pressure higher. She wanted to just lie there and let him do what he wished. Instead, she sat up and swatted his hands away.

  “This is wrong.”

  “I don’t care. We know you want it.”

  She did, but real shame burned her cheeks, just like it often did when it came to sex.

  “Lie back, or do I have to force you?”

  Susanne laid back. The words acted like a salve to her humiliation. Letting her accept what they did without feeling dirty for it.

  “Let’s not take the chance of you running off on us, huh?” The one with the long hair took out a pair of cuffs and spun her over, slapped the cuffs on her wrists behind her back, then spun her back over again.

  Fuck, this couldn’t be more wrong, and yet it felt perfect. At least where her hands were concerned, the cuffs gave her an excuse not to fight what she knew they all wanted. Including her.

  Only, why hadn’t they just cuffed her wrists to the bed? The headboard had those bars running along it, easily allowing cuffs to be linked around them. Instead, her arms were pulled behind her back, leaving her to lie awkwardly over them. Helplessness.

  “You won’t be needing these anymore.” With an unlikely gentleness, as if he were unwrapping a gift, Colin ran his hands up her legs to her waist and pushed her teddy up past her breasts. Fully exposing the round mounds for all to see. He pushed it up until it was gathered at her throat, then bent his head.

  The hot wetness of his mouth on her nipple made her buck under him and she gasped. His tongue flicked the nipple, swirling around it until it was a painfully hard point. He sucked, making her cry out, and then did the same with the other.

  “Oh, god, no.” The notion of being blackmailed into sex with a group of corrupt men was so taboo, she shouldn’t w
ant this, and yet that notion only made the situation more intoxicating.

  A painfully strict religious upbringing and parents with some rather archaic views of sex left her unable to find pleasure with anyone in the room with her, even a boyfriend. If she was alone, she was fine, but fear of being discovered made it more work than it was worth sometimes. The only way she could find release with a man was if she felt like she was being forced.

  Colin ignored her pleas and sucked especially hard on one nipple. Instinctively, she writhed, trying to reach him, bring his head closer to her, but the cuffs on her hands kept her arms behind her.

  “Oh God, no, no, no, no.”

  “Oh yeah. You aint seen nothing yet.” The long haired guy grinned at her.

  “You tell her, Chris.” Brock chuckled.

  For a moment longer, Colin alternated between nipples until she almost begged him to fuck her. Couldn’t have that. Couldn’t pull them all out of the fantasy.

  Then he began to work his way down her stomach toward the apex of her thighs. She stiffened under him. Any moment he would discover how wet she was, how easily he and his men had aroused her. She didn’t entirely have to fake her resistance.

  “Wait a second, you’re going to… with your men watching? Oh fuck.”

  He lifted his head. “Watch your fucking mouth.”

  She bit her lip. “Make me.” Had she said that out loud? Her cheeks heated at what she’d revealed to all of them when the men’s eyes filled with amusement.

  “Glad to, sweet cakes.” Brock leaned forward and slammed the gag over her mouth. He pushed the handkerchief into her mouth, reducing any sounds she made to muffled noise no one would hear.

  Susanne dropped her head back with a groan. Silenced, so that now she couldn’t tell them to stop. Her heart thudded in her ears, every inch of her pussy aching. So perfect.

  Between her legs, Colin lowered his head and swiped his tongue through her soaking folds. She made a high pitch keening sound around the gag and her hips thrust up for him. “So wet. Guys, you should feel how wet she is for us.”

  Heat spread over her face and neck. Now everyone knew she was dying to get fucked…


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