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Aftermath Page 2

by Tricia Owens

  “It’s our first introduction to his other business commitments,” Max pointed out. “He has a vested interested in cross-promoting The Elite Poole Worldwide and picking up additional contracts. And there’s the nature of Randolph himself. He’s a man who enjoys making a splash.”

  “True. I wouldn’t be surprised if he parachutes into the event.”

  Max’s smirk widened. “I hope he doesn’t. I’m not sure I could compete with that.”

  “Hell, Max, just take off your—er, never mind.” Ethan mentally smacked himself.

  Max took it in stride. “I’ll take it under advisement. I’m still crossing my fingers for no skydiving.” He set down the pen, giving Ethan his full attention. “Do you resent me?”

  Months ago, would Maxmillian Poole have asked that of any man and genuinely been concerned with the answer? Ethan didn’t think so. Warm fuzzies filled his chest.

  He also wasn’t stupid.

  “You can make it up to me tonight after the party,” he said lightly.

  Max’s gaze grew more intent. “I’d ask you for an idea of what you have in mind, but we’re being professional now.”

  “Right. I’d never bring up bondage or any other inappropriate subjects at work. We’re too professional.”

  “Save it for when we are in private,” Max warned softly.

  “Is that a threat or a promise, Max?”

  A possessive sweep of blue eyes gave Ethan his answer. “Return to work, Ethan. I will deal with you much later.”


  "This is…unexpected," Ethan gasped, stunned. His eyes rolled back as Max sucked hard on his cock while dexterous fingers played with his balls. “I thought I was…going to be… punished.”

  “I’m far from finished,” Max murmured after releasing his cock with a wet slurp and delicately licking the tip. “Believe me…you will suffer beautifully by the time I’m done with you.”

  Ethan had anticipated several scenarios when he and Max arrived home to their condo that evening. Being told to strip and submit to being tied to the bed had slotted nicely with what he’d hoped would happen.

  Leave it to his dark-haired lover to throw a curveball, though.

  "Jesus, Max," Ethan groaned, lifting his head off the pillow to stare down at his lover. He watched his swollen cock disappear once more into that sinfully talented mouth. A blowjob from Max was rare. They both preferred when it was Ethan choking and gasping around Max’s dominating thrusts. Was that why this surprise turnaround felt so good? Or was it because Max was so damn good at it? "You’re already killing me!"

  "Mmm," agreed Max, who slanted dark blue eyes at him that were absent of any hint of apology. He pinned Ethan’s hips more firmly to the bed and began bobbing his head, sucking powerfully, leaving no doubt as to who was in control. Not that there ever was.

  "Oh, god." Ethan would have flung a forearm over his eyes if both his wrists weren’t tied to the headboard. He rolled his hips and strained at the cuffs binding him. When a slick finger pressed between his ass cheeks and slid inside him, Ethan tried to buck.

  "F-fuck…Max. Please…"

  Max hummed again, the vibration racing the length of Ethan’s cock and into his balls. The suction around him grew firmer and more demanding, making Ethan’s thighs tremble.

  “Can I come?” he gasped. He gritted his teeth as Max did a swirly thing with his tongue.

  “Not without my permission,” Max whispered.

  He’d expected as much. Still, hearing Max deny him thrilled Ethan all the same. I am a sick puppy.

  Max drew up and paused to lick around Ethan’s swollen tip. "You’re going to beg," he said in a husky voice that sent shivers across Ethan’s skin. He moved his finger deeper inside, occasionally stroking over the gland there. He smirked at the desperate roll and shiver of Ethan’s body. "You’re going to plead with me and you will likely shed a tear or two. I want it all from you."

  "Damn you, Max," panted Ethan, squirming as Max breached him with a second finger and began to pump both inside him. A familiar ache rushed up his spine as he clenched around the fingers. "Please…I’ll beg…whatever you want. Just fuck me!"

  Max clucked his tongue. “A good attempt, but it’s far too early for you to be begging with genuine desperation.” He used his thumb to rub Ethan’s perineum, massaging his prostate from the outside. Ethan’s whimper was pained and pleading. “I know your body too well, I’m afraid.”

  The dark amusement in Max’s voice—borderline sadistic—only made Ethan hotter.

  “I’m begging. I’m begging,” he moaned as he rolled his head on the pillow.

  "I don’t believe you," Max whispered cruelly. He licked Ethan again, the tip of his tongue gathering up the precum that beaded there. "It seems I’ll need to dedicate some time to breaking you..."


  “Are you impressed?”

  The warm burr of Max’s voice against his ear made Ethan fight down a shiver. There were eyes on the two of them. Lots of them. Randolph’s cocktail party was proving to be the biggest event in the city this weekend. But apparently, Ethan wasn’t the only one still experiencing the residual effects of sex right before they’d left the condo.

  He rubbed his right wrist through the fabric of his sleeve, arousal humming gently through his body because he knew Max was watching him and remembering just as he was. Remembering how Ethan had pleaded and eventually shed that tear that Max had hoped for. More than one, actually. The temporary loss of dignity had been worth it when Max had flipped Ethan onto his stomach, arms still bound and crossed above his head, and proceeded to fuck his brains out. Ethan had been wound so tight with arousal that he’d come within two thrusts.

  Max had taken his time, making it clear that Ethan’s body was his to use at his leisure.

  “I noticed they were out of eggrolls,” Ethan muttered, dropping his hands and shivering at the memory. Now was not the time for an erection. “So no, I’m not impressed.”

  “They’re spring rolls, Ethan, and there are more over by the champagne fountain, though the freshest ones are being served by the waiters.”

  “Champagne fountain, right. I think I was too distracted by the ten-foot tall ice sculpture holding caviar and vodka shots.”

  “One of these days,” Max murmured, “you will grow bored with the trappings of immense wealth.” He turned slightly to face Ethan, studying him. “Or perhaps not. I hope you never lose your sense of awe, Ethan. I cherish it in you.”

  It was an unexpectedly personal remark, made in an enormous tent filled with hundreds of people. Ethan studied his lover, unable to decipher his mood. Earlier in the evening, after their shower together, Max had seemed resigned to attending this event as though it were yet another business obligation to endure. Now, though, he seemed slightly inspired, as though the crowd and the atmosphere had reminded him that Randolph coming on board was a big deal and that The Elite Poole Worldwide was heading for tremendous opportunities.

  “I won’t grow hard and cynical,” Ethan promised, looking out over the party again so no one looking at them would read more into their conversation. Two men talking at a business function shouldn’t be a big deal, but Max’s paranoia had rubbed off on him. “I’ll never grow used to this lifestyle. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it at times, but lots of times it can be pretty silly.”

  “Randolph is out to impress. To him, spectacle equates with success and power. It’s worth putting up with his peccadillos. He’s introduced me to several of his most important business partners.” Max turned so he stood shoulder to shoulder with Ethan, looking out. “This is a significant moment for the company. I hope you appreciate how very pleased I am to be sharing this with you.”

  “If people had any idea what a softie you are, Max…”

  “They don’t need to know. Only you do.”

  Ethan’s throat felt tight. “If you feel like you need to be extra nice to me now because you want us to be more professional at work, well, you’re wro
ng. You don’t owe me anything for agreeing to behave the way I’m supposed to be behaving. I’m not doing you a favor.”

  “I understand, but I’m aware of how much you enjoyed flirting with me at work, Ethan. I won’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy it at times, also. I feel…responsible for telling you to back off. Randolph once demanded the same of us, if you’ll recall, and I had the backbone to tell him no.”

  “This has nothing to do with backbone.” Ethan cast a look of consternation at his lover. “The Elite Poole is bigger than us. There are the other agents to consider. And dammit, Max, this is your baby. I want it to take over the world. If that requires me saving the hanky-panky for home, guess what I’m all too willing to do?”

  Across the tent, Giuliani’s laugh bubbled up, carefree and infectious. Ethan couldn’t help smiling at the sound.

  “We have an amazing opportunity,” he went on. “It’s natural that we’re nervous and afraid that everything’s going to come crashing down around our ears. But it won't. I won't allow it to.”

  “It had been my intention to reassure you,” Max muttered.

  Ethan snorted. “What do you think you did right before we got here?”

  He meant it, too. Max’s sexual attention went a long way toward solidifying Ethan’s place in the world. When he was beneath Max or serving Max, everything was just as it should be.

  “I won’t ask you if you enjoyed it,” Max said, still looking out. He was smug, though. Ethan couldn’t blame him. “I felt and heard how much you did. I've a mind to push you even further once we're home again.” His voice roughened. "I owe you a crop across your ass."

  Feeling his pants beginning to grow tight in the crotch, Ethan mumbled, “Please don’t. My hard-on will knock over the ice sculpture.”

  Max gave a rueful-sounding sigh. “I apologize for taunting you. Lately, I am the perfect example of do as I say, not as I do.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s a consequence of having such a sexy husband. Trust me, I empathize.”

  Max’s chuckle felt warm and comforting. “Indeed. The consequences are challenging.”

  Their gazes met and Ethan had to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. It didn’t matter how much distance they kept between them or how much they tried to pretend otherwise—their love for each other had to be as bright as a neon sign. At least, that’s how it felt to him.

  They both took note as, across the wide tent, Randolph waved, indicating for Max to join him. Max stepped forward but paused and looked back at Ethan with a soft look of affection. “I knew there was a good reason I married you.”

  Ethan suppressed his sappy smile. “Go on. Be important with the big boys.”

  With a gorgeous smile, Max headed across the space to join Randolph. Ethan couldn’t help watching his husband go, proud and lustful, eyes glued to the perfectly tailored fit of his Brioni suit. Eyes back in your head, Ethan. There are press people here.

  In fact, there were a fair few photographers, reporters, and camera people in attendance. While Ethan had grown used to the presence of paparazzi thanks to working personal protection for celebrities, he hadn’t expected so many here. However, he understood their presence as a good thing. It meant Randolph was going all in with The Elite Poole Worldwide and wanted the world to know of his commitment to the company. This was also publicity that would send The Elite Poole Worldwide’s profile skyrocketing.

  After a few minutes, Ethan noticed that the media people had begun moving as a herd in the direction of Max and Randolph. The latter must have arranged for a speech and soundbite. Ethan, like the rest of the agents and business people in attendance, moved closer as bright camera lights switched on, indicating filming was about to occur.

  Ethan stopped at the fringe of the crowd, despite his curiosity. While Randolph had acted as though he had accepted Max’s decision to out himself, Ethan couldn’t help feeling that the billionaire businessman resented it, and Ethan by association. Ethan preferred to remain out of sight to avoid reminding Randolph that he was now doing big business with a gay man.

  Randolph, looking good in a tuxedo, had gained a microphone from somewhere. He now waved at the crowd and cameras, clearly loving being the center of attention.

  “Thank you all for coming,” he said with a wide, charismatic grin. In contrast, Max stood gorgeous and stoic beside him. “What a great party, huh?” The crowd obligingly cheered and clapped, though since these were all business people, their response was slightly reserved. “I tell you, this is a significant occasion, folks. It’s one for the record books. I’ve worked with all types of companies and all types of businessmen. I’ve flipped total losers into multi-million dollar winners, and I’ve babied upstarts into mammoth monsters. I’ve worked with one-man entrepreneurs and I’ve worked with teams of sixty. I like to work, can you tell?”

  Randolph laughed joyfully, the crowd joining in. “But you know what I love as much as the challenge of creating a winner out of nothing? I love backing winners. And tonight, that’s what we’re here for. We’re here to root for my newest winner. It’s my great honor to introduce you to the owner of The Elite Poole Worldwide, Mr. Maxmillian Poole! Give it up for my newest star!”

  Ethan coughed to disguise his laugh as Max nodded at the crowd. After a showy, comedic nudge from Randolph, Max obligingly raised his hand to acknowledge the clapping and flashed a dashing smile. Max wouldn’t be a fan of such a display, but he would recognize the power of it. He allowed none of his dismay to show on his handsome face. In the lights, and in his expensive suit, Max looked like a powerful movie mogul. Ethan was so proud of him he could burst.

  “Look at this handsome guy, eh?” Randolph prodded the crowd. “I should know better than to stand next to him, right? Makes me look like chopped liver.”

  Ethan laughed along with the crowd. The reporters were likewise eating it up. Camera flashes strobed. Max was strikingly photogenic and the photographers clearly appreciated that. Selling photos of him to media outlets would be an easy sale.

  “You know what’s even more amazing?” Randolph made a show of looking Max up and down. “You think this is intimidating—Max, let’s get him up here.”

  Ethan’s smile died a swift death. Surely Randolph wasn’t doing what it sounded like he was?

  Randolph squinted against the camera lights. “Ethan? Ethan, where are you?” Apparently unaware of Max’s sudden tenseness beside him, Randolph continued to call out playfully. “Folks, you have to meet this young man I’m calling up here.”

  “No,” Ethan whispered, aghast. He shrank back farther, trying not to draw attention to himself.

  At the front of the crowd, Max’s expression had become stony. He turned his head and spoke into Randolph’s ear. The older man’s smile faltered only fractionally before firming up again.

  “Nonsense! Folks, the reason I want you to meet Ethan is because he’s important to what I invested in when I hooked up with The Elite Poole Worldwide.” Randolph ignored Max’s increasingly stormy expression, too caught up in his own enthusiasm. “I didn’t just invest in a business that I know is going to dominate the security world, I invested in a pair of men who are going to break boundaries and smash stereotypes. Folks, wait until you meet Max’s husband! Come on, Ethan, where are you?”

  Ethan was mortified. He was furious. This was the angle Randolph had decided to take in introducing The Elite Poole Worldwide? Ethan wanted to punch the man for his idiocy.

  But worse than his anger was the helplessness he felt. Max, his beautiful, trusting husband, was forced to stand before the cameras and the crowd while his greatest secret was broadcast across the country for all to know.

  Nothing, Ethan knew, could ever be the same.

  Chapter Two

  “Maxmillian, you’re blowing this out of proportion.” Randolph slugged back the glass of champagne he’d carried with him after his on-air, live presentation. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Do you.”

  It wasn’t a questi
on. It was a dare for Randolph to come up with an explanation to quell the fury that made Maxmillian’s entire body vibrate.

  Far behind them, beneath the pavilion’s bright lights, the party continued. The press had left, their mission accomplished. Those that hadn’t been broadcasting live had obtained footage and soundbites of something that would soon be flying across social media and eventually be appearing as clips on entertainment shows. Live coverage would now be sources of speculation. The Elite Poole would be on many lips tonight and spoken about frequently in the coming days, but so would the names Maxmillian Poole and Ethan Winter. For all the wrong reasons.

  “We never discussed this,” Max growled quietly, keeping his distance from Randolph because he didn’t trust himself. Being out of control like this only made him angrier. Control was what he craved—over himself and over others. To lose it in such a classless and exploitive manner was nearly more than he could stand. He thought briefly of Ethan, and was glad his lover had known to stay away while he confronted Randolph. The submissive blond would be an easy target in Max’s current state, and he wouldn’t fight back.

  “I didn’t think we needed to discuss this,” Randolph replied, his eyes bright. His pupils, Max was angered to note, were blown because once again, Randolph was high on drugs. “You made your big announcement to your team, after all,” the billionaire went on. “Why are your people allowed to know and not mine?”

  “That was a private event with people I know and trust. You understand the difference completely.”

  Randolph ran a fingertip around the rim of his glass thoughtfully. “So I do.” He looked up at Max with a faint smile. “You’re right. I’m not stupid. You painted me into a corner by outing yourself. But like any businessman worth his salt, I looked for how I could take advantage of the situation and turn it to my—our—favor. I believed you when you said you would make this work no matter what. So, here’s our no matter what. That’s what tonight was about. It wasn’t revenge. Not even close.”


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