Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3) Page 20

by Tony Corden

  The captain explained, “Under the boulder is a tunnel which leads down to the lowest chambers ever found in these mountains. This is where we have imprisoned those dwarves who have been turned into crazed vampires. Many centuries ago it was decided to entomb them to die of natural causes, for none wished to kill their kin. Instead, they have grown in number, and this is their only escape route. Durustfaur and the chief had a disagreement and Durustfaur in a drunken prank stole the chief’s sword, snuck in here and dropped it into the tunnel. We have searched the upper end, and it has been taken by those below. Durustfaur was banished for his crime. If you return, then knock on the base of the boulder three times and we shall let you out. A guard will remain in the room for two days.”

  After describing the sword, the Captain and guards shifted the boulder and Leah dropped into the tunnel only to have the boulder lowered back into the hole and leaving her in darkness. She cast Echolocation and began to work her way down the tunnel which angled rather steeply into the earth. She had travelled for almost ten minutes when she heard a voice coming from just ahead.

  “Who are you? Who dares invade the caverns of the Magarasi Kan?”

  “My name is Atherleah, daughter of Namus, Patriarch of the Ebony House.”

  “You are a long way from home, Lady Atherleah. Why have you come?”

  “I wish to offer my greeting to the Patriarch of Magarasi Kan. I also wish to discuss the ancestral sword of the chief of Daglar Duman with the Patriarch.”

  “Do you offer violence?”

  “None will be offered unless I am attacked.”

  “Have you fed lately?”

  “I have not and have no need at present.”

  Suddenly a small light appeared, and Leah could make out a short and stocky dwarf dressed in immaculate armour and carrying a large hammer in one hand and the small lantern in the other.

  DWARVEN VAMPIRE GUARDIAN (Level 341) 116281HP 17050EP

  “Follow me!”

  Without another word, Leah followed the Guardian further into the depths of the mountain. The tunnel began to branch, but the Guardian continued on, unerringly knowing the way through the darkened tunnels. Leah began to hear the sound of picks and hammers as they approached the areas where the dwarven vampires lived. Finally, they reached a large cavern carved from the stone. It was filled with noise as dwarves sang, ate and drank at large tables. Near the entrance, there were two dwarves, naked to the waist, involved in a wrestling competition. On one table two dwarves were sparring with real weapons and blood flowed freely.

  The Guardian walked through the room toward a dais at the other end with a Mithryl anvil sitting on it. Resting on the anvil was a dwarf in exquisite armour and a beard well past his waist. His helm had two large horns coming from the sides which looked like demon horns. The Guardian went to one knee before the dwarven ruler and said, “Father, I present Lady Atherleah, daughter of Namus, Patriarch of the Ebony House. She comes in peace, on a quest.”

  All sound in the room faded, and Atherleah believed she could hear her heart beating. She bowed her head and waited. A minute ticked by, and then another, until the Patriarch said, “Welcome Lady Atherleah, it is strange to meet another vampire here beneath the earth. Are there many of impure blood who take on the change?”

  Leah stiffened a little then replied, “Patriarch, I apologise that I don't know your name. As far as I know, I am the only half-elf, half-human vampire in all Dunyanin. I assure you my blood has lost none of its purity in the mixing.”

  “My name is now Eilif, though once I had another name. What gift has Namus provided to show his respect for my clan?”

  “Patriarch Eilif, my father has no knowledge my arrival. My journey is long and outside his control. Nevertheless, he would wish me to show you deep respect.” Reaching into her bag, she took one of the huge thigh bones of Lady A’lev Sevgilisi and holding it out said, “Please accept this gift that your smiths may make something of worth to please you.”

  Eilif rose from the anvil and looking carefully at the massive bone said, “This is indeed a princely gift. Your Father might be displeased that you did not save it for him.” He took the mighty bone and said in a deep resounding voice, “I present the Lady Atherleah, daughter of Namus, and declare her welcome by Clan Magarasi Kan. Raise your cups and toast the giver of such a mighty gift.”

  Throughout the cavern, each dwarf raised their mug and cheered the Lady Atherleah. As each person returned to their activities, a chair was brought, and Leah was told to sit before the Patriarch.

  “So Lady Atherleah, how did you come by this Adamantine infused bone?”

  “I took it from the dragon on her death, Lord Eilif.”

  “On her death! Did she die by your hand then?”

  “Indeed Lord Eilif, by a spear to the heart.”

  “Do you have the spear still, I would see this mighty weapon.”

  “Alas my Lord, I have gifted it to another as a sign of respect.”

  “It seems you are generous to a fault, so whom did you honour in this way?”

  “I gave the spear to Lady Olme, Goddess of Death as we talked on the banks of the River Tukenis.”

  The Patriarch was caught mid-gulp from a mug of beer and spat it out as he burst into laughter. He cried “Hah, this day just gets better and better. Hah, that indeed is a proper gift for the Mistress of Death. In your travels have you visited any other clans?”

  “I was able to visit the clan of Patriarch Silas in Ticareti my Lord.”

  “And what gift did you give Silas, that stuck up excuse for a vampire?”

  “Patriarch Silas was not welcoming and deemed me unsuitable as a vampire, so I shredded his still beating heart and tore it from his chest. I know not who will become Patriarch for everyone I met was dead as I left them.”

  “Hah!” Eilif bellowed in a voice loud enough to quell the noise in the cavern.

  In the silence he yelled, “Three cheers to Lady Atherleah for ridding the world of that ass-wipe Silas! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!”

  He turned back to Atherleah and said, “So what brings you to these mountains?”

  “I came mainly to keep my word to a dwarven friend and deliver a letter to his brother. I also wished to find a Dwarven Smith Grandmaster and have some weapons made from some bones and other ingredients I have collected. When I return to the surface, I hope to find an invitation to meet such a Smith. My final reason appeared when I arrived at the keep above. My friend, the one who wrote the letter was not able to come himself for he was banished from the settlement. I understand the banishment occurred when for a drunken prank he dropped the chief’s ancestral sword down what they call the Pit of the Magarasi Kan. I offered to journey into the pit in hopes of redeeming the sword and my friend’s access to his home.”

  “Well, Lady Atherleah I think I might be able to help you. We have not one, but two Smith Grandmasters and I would be pleased to see if they might help you. As for the sword, that stays here. It is my sword, and my descendent above can go without. When you see your friend, thank him for the gift.”

  “I appreciate your offer to meet the Grandmasters my Lord. Is there nothing that might persuade you to release the sword?”

  “Nothing, were you to offer me Baris and Adalet I would not give it up.”

  Leah equipped the swords and said, “Fear not my Lord, I have claimed them and would not be persuaded to give them up either.”

  The Patriarch was stunned for a moment and then slammed his hands on his knees and yelled, “Huzzah! Three cheers to Lady Atherleah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Now by your leave, I would hold such treasures even once.”

  Leah handed the swords over and gave the Patriarch time to look at each sword in detail. Finally, he said, “My Lady, I thank you for your grace. You freely granted my petition even though I rejected yours. I find myself in a dilemma. I might wish to change my mind but I cannot.”

  The Guardian stepped forward and said, “Father, I beg your leave to offer a solution.”

  “Speak Korucu, what do you suggest?”

  “Perhaps you might find some task for the Lady Atherleah, a task worthy of a mighty gift. I think a task worthy of earning even the gift of your sword.”

  The Patriarch sat for a while and then said, “Lady Atherleah, Dragon Slayer, Shredder of Silas, in the depths of my realm lives a beast which hunts my warriors, attacks my miners and denies me access to the Great Cavern of the Deep. If you should kill this monster, then I shall gift you my sword to save your friend’s honour.”

  “What manner of beast? And what is in this cavern that you desire?”

  “The monster is a Giant Rock Kraken, cousin to the mighty Ocean Kraken. The Cavern holds treasures I wish to mine, there are jewels and ore of wondrous purity.”

  “I shall attempt this task and return for the sword. I would append the deal to add that my clan have mining rights in the cleared Cavern.”

  “Are you out of your ever-loving mind, not a chance. There is no way that I might allow such a thing. I might allow you to maybe choose a gem that catches your eye.”

  “Dwarves, they make stealing from you sound like a blessing. Clan rights to mine for three years seems paltry when you are taking advantage of me to clear the Cavern.”

  As Leah looked around, she could see the other dwarves drawing near to listen to the haggling.

  “Atherleah, you notice I removed the title Lady. You seek to make light of the sacrifices of my people over the years who have been killed by this monster. I accept that you may choose a small handful of gems to satisfy your overwhelming greed.”

  “Lord and Patriarch Eilif, I was remiss before in not giving my full title. I am Markiz Atherleah, Noble of the Road of Kings, named K’lbimizin, Lady of the Forest, Lady of Heykel, Lady of the Deep Forest, Dragon Slayer, God Slayer, Friend of Truth, Counsellor of the Gods, The Champion of Hope, and Ant Friend. I assure you I do not make light of your people but think you seek to hire a simple mercenary traveller instead of honouring the service of a noble warrior seeking to bless your people. Surely a year's mining rights is, even so, a poor reflection of the gift earned.”

  And so it continued, offer and counter offer, insult and praise, exaggeration and understatement, until after more than thirty minutes the Patriarch said, “Deal then, you personally have lifetime rights to mine in the Cavern, you can take whatever you find lying around before my guards arrive and once only, you can fill one bag with my miners help, and you get the sword.”

  “Deal, Lord Eilif.”

  “Wonderful! Now, three cheers for Lady Atherleah, who can haggle and barter almost as well as Dwarven housewife! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!”

  This was followed by a large session of drinking and stories. Eventually, Leah said, “Lord Patriarch, if I might be shown a place to rest. I shall sleep and travel in my dreams. I expect to return tomorrow at nine and then to proceed to the Kraken.”

  Eilif had ordered a room prepared, and soon Atherleah was back in the Tower and planning for the escape from 55 Cancri.

  Diary - 6 December 2073

  I don't know how a day can be so awesome and so devestating at the same time. Part of me wants to jump for joy and the rest wants to collapse in tears.

  First, the tears. Charlie is dead. Why am I so sad? I hardly knew her. I only met her once. Is it because I think it was my fault? Maybe. But what of her child? Now she has to grow up without a mother. I'm glad the diary is electronic or it would be smudged with tears. Is it my fault? Akia says it isn't but I still feel responsible. And then there is Eli. I'm worried about him. I must call Elsa and find out what is happening with Eli. I hope Rana is all right. She is supposed to resurrect in a few days and find me.

  I’m glad the others are ok. But for now, I’m alone again. Part of me revels in the independence and another part wishes for company. It’s hard being in a group, watching out for others, having them depend on me. I wonder if John is right. Am I socially blind? Do they agree with me, come with me, because of trust and friendship or do they see what I see, the logic and reasonableness of the plan? Am I like that? Who do I trust enough to do what they suggest without understanding the plan? I think I trusted Red, but then he stuffed up the planning, and we needed to change it. I trust Gèng, but that is different. I trust ????????

  I need to trust more!

  Or do I? I trust Thad, Amy, Zack, James and Wisp to have my back. I trust them to look out for me. I trust them to do their best. I trust my mum to be there when I need her, to love me unconditionally. I trust dad to protect me, to hold me, to help me make decisions that are right. I trust God to help me do what is right, to work things out for good, to know what is right and wrong when I am confused. Trust comes in all shapes and sizes. And it must be earned.

  I hope the new v-kids earn it soon. It’s strange, but I have to trust them at the same time I make allowances and plans for the time they are untrustworthy. If I do that, is it really trust? I think so, just not blind trust.

  And then there is the joy. Hooray! Huzzah! Hallelujah! Excellent! Awesome! Amazing! Wonderful! You bloody beauty! Cool! Dynamite! Whoopee! Wow! Yahoo! Yay! Banzai! There are so many ways to explain how wonderful I feel to be accepted to MIT. Finally, my plans and dreams are possible. I don’t think the Chancellor understood what could be possible, but I do. Life will change for everyone. Now I just have to make it work.


  December 7, 2073

  At 12.10 am Leah entered the portal to 55 Cancri for the second time. She appeared in the hotel room she had rented and hoped that half an hour had been enough time for John to get into position. Leah checked for the data cube and the owner's chip for the Corvette. She slipped them inside her armour and carefully made her way from the room. Almost immediately she spotted a lookout as she made her way onto the causeway. She headed for the docking bays and was about to leave the causeway when she received a message from John.


  Leah continued for another hundred meetings and then another message.


  Leah turned to look in a store window and then headed back the way she had come. This time she saw the moment John attached a small device to the back of someone's suit. Several steps later a concentrated foam exploded over the person and they became entangled in a sphere which blocked all electronic signals. The small foam bombs had cost one Platinum each, but Leah had thought them well worth the expense. This time John said nothing as she turned toward the docks. When she reached Level six, she exited the elevator and began to head toward Bay 127A.


  She halved her speed and waited as John moved past her and headed towards whoever was waiting. She had just passed Bay 124B when she received the all-clear from John. As she came in sight of the docking bay, she could see three more foam spheres in the alleyway. Together they entered Bay 127A using the code assigned for Leah by the Dockmaster. Quickly they entered the airlock as John said, “We have three hours to be in position, are you sure that is enough time?”

  “It should be. Everything on this ship is new, and I’ve had the tanks filled and ready to go for a week.”

  As they entered the bridge, Gèng said, “I have control of the ship’s computer, and all is ready Leah.”

  Leah quickly ran through the various checks necessary before leaving the dock.

  “Janssen Station Control, this is Annoyance requesting clearance from Level 6 Bay 127A and entrance to Departure Lane 12.”

  “Annoyance you are cleared for immediate departure from Level 6 Bay 127A. You are on standby for Departure Lane 12 via automated control in 180 seconds.”

  “Janssen Station Control, automatic controls initiated.”

  The Annoyance began to move as soon as the countdown was finished. Each Departure Lane allowed craft exiting the station a clear run to one
of the main transit vectors from the Solar System. The automatic controls were a requirement within 500 km of the station. As the Annoyance approached the 500 km limit, they heard:

  “Annoyance, resume independent control on my mark … ‘Mark’”

  “Independent Control resumed, Annoyance out!”

  As soon as Leah had control of the Corvette, she handed it off to Gèng and said, “John, please prepare the Gravitational missile while I contact the Banshee.”

  If everything was going according to plan, then Leah should be able to direct the communication gear to send an encrypted voice and image data package to a specific point in space-time to be received by the Banshee.

  “Banshee, this is Annoyance, current flight path enclosed, no resistance detected.”

  Minutes later they received the reply, it was Amy who said, “Annoyance, message received. You have three ships on intercept, vectors attached. Thad suggests second destination option.”

  Gèng inserted the three pursuers into the 3D map of their flight and then scaled it to show possible intersection points. Leah quickly checked the data and decided Thad was probably right about changing the destination. She had Gèng check the details and then sent, “Banshee, I agree for Option Two. We will change direction and vector as per the included dataset. New locations for Banshee and Annoyance are amended and included. Amy, please check the data.”

  “John, new information for the missile is available. Please respond.”

  “I hear you, Leah, I have the new information and am changing the missile setup.”

  It was now thirty-five minutes into their flight, and they had three ships on their tail who had been begun the chase at high velocities and were starting to catch up with the Annoyance. Thad had explained that a station or system could be encircled by multiple ships who maintained high velocities, and so any ship entering or exiting were covered by one or more ships who could engage with relatively small changes of direction. To restrict a ship from leaving a station fleets would remain close; within 100,000 kilometres. Leah had chosen the least used Departure Lane and as soon as possible began accelerating at 4g.


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