Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3) Page 24

by Tony Corden

  “No problems Atherleah! I am an advocate and am functioning completely within the prescriptions of my guild and employer. ”

  Emil returned and said, “As to earnings. It is possible that you might be approached by organisations outside Dunyanin because of the popularity gained. That clause is simply to allow Dunyanin to take a cut of any agreement.”

  Leah turned to Julian and said, “Please delete that clause from the agreement.” Turning to Emil she said, “And the second issue?”

  “That is boilerplate. They don’t see a way for anyone to find your location.”

  “Julian, please leave the clause but add something like ‘except in the case when Dunyanin, its administrators or employees have been shown to be negligent or complicit in the locale becoming known.”

  “And the last?”

  “Again, it’s boilerplate and common sense alone says you retain full rights over your feed.”

  “Julian, please leave the clause but add something like ‘Atherleah retains the full rights to broadcast her feed without restriction.’”

  “I shall tidy up your wording Atherleah, but I believe that is now adequately covered.”

  “So Emil, do you need to get the new agreement checked by your lawyers?”

  “I do! I shall return.”

  Almost ten minutes went by before he returned. He said, “It is agreed. Will you sign the new agreement?”

  Leah looked at Julian who nodded. She said, “I will.”

  Jonathan then walked into the room and said, “Atherleah, you are the last. Will you permit me to take some of your blood to seal this agreement?”

  Leah smiled and held out her arm and Jonathan used her blood to complete the deal.

  Leah said, “What now?”

  Emil said, “Now we wait. The broadcast of this meeting is live, and although you took longer than necessary, we imagined someone would. I’ve been instructed to ask if you could at least carry a weapon or something. All the rest look like mighty warriors. You look a bit dark, but not really heroic, more like a girl playing dress-up.”

  “Nope, this is who I am.”

  “They would also appreciate it if you changed your settings to show your titles, each player will have these displayed above them for the public to see. At the moment all they will see is ‘Level 254, Atherleah.’”

  “Sorry Emil, I am a private person, and those achievements are best kept hidden for now.”

  Jonathan said, “I see you have continued to grow. Level 254 in such a short time is fast beyond belief.”

  “Thank you Jonathan, and I thank you for your last gift. With it, I was able to defeat that enemy. I have a question for you if I may?”

  “Ask away.”

  “Do you have any advice for me in Mana Manipulation? I am supposed to find a mentor. I was going to visit you, but this Odyssey might delay that.”

  “Truly? You have begun to manipulate mana by your will? Then you must come to Sihirbazlari. I cannot help you as this is something only practised by a few, and they are all mighty mages. I’ve read the literature though, and it suggests you go slowly. The biggest difficulty is learning how to limit the mana used. If you try to do something dangerous then, in the beginning, you cannot stop using your full supply of Mana. The first step is learning to control the flow.”

  “Thank you. My first attempt was to provide a light in the dark. The ball of light was over three metres in diameter. I’m glad I didn’t try and blow something up.”

  Julian and Jonathan continued to talk for a few moments until Emil said, “It is about to start. You can watch on the wall here as the Map holders are introduced. You are last. When your name is announced, proceed through the door, and you will appear on the stage.”

  The wall became a screen, and the Dunyanin logo and music began. Five figures appeared; an elven man, a human woman, a male dwarf, a male orc and a female who looked like an elf but had fine scales over her body and seemed to be surrounded by a fine mist. They moved to one side, and the human stepped forward and said, “Welcome to Dunyanin and welcome to the beginning of an amazing journey, to an Odyssey, as ten heroes search for the hidden continent of Merkize. Dunyanin is a world that continues to grow and has become one of the premier worlds in the virtual multiverse. Today we introduce ten individuals, ten of Dunyanin’s best, our finest, our strongest. They will compete for the honour of opening this new continent for exploration, for conquest, and for settlement. Over the last two years, we hid maps throughout Dunyanin and in ten days, after giving time for our heroes to prepare we will begin this journey to the centre of Dunyanin.”

  Leah could see a stage behind the woman on which were ten small solid cylinders; one for each map holder to stand on, she thought. After another few moments of talking the woman showed several pictures of the new continent. It looked amazing and would cater primarily for long-term players with high levels. Finally, the woman stepped back, and the Elf stepped forward. “Our contestants in this Odyssey come from every corner of the globe. Dunyanin has six major continents which are primarily populated with players from similar geographic locales. Our first two contestants found their maps on the continent of Ozgur which predominantly services the American Union and all of South America. First, we have Delta_Knight_01, a Level 504 warrior who was the first player ever to slay a Dragon single-handedly. He is the head of Clan DeltaForce and has earned the titles you can see listed in his bio. They are ...”

  A tall, heavily built man appeared at the back of the stage and walked onto one of centre circles. He was entirely covered in dark armour with gold etching, various blades and jewels were on display over the whole set. His helm was completely enclosed and included horns on either side which protruded toward the front before curving upwards. He held a sword at least as long as he was tall, the blade was covered in a deep red flame. There was a matching shield on his back. He reached up and removed his helm to reveal a handsome dark-skinned face with piercing eyes, his shaved scalp was etched with a tattoo of some sort and it constantly moved and changed shape. He stood still with the sword in one hand and the helm in the other.

  The announcer had continued to read out a list of accomplishments and titles. Finally, he stopped and said, “Our second contestant is also from Ozgur and goes by the name Princesa_Amazônica_23. She has achieved Level 481 and plays as a Ranger and Beastmaster. She is head of Clan Jaguar, one of the most feared and respected clans on Ozgur.”

  An elven ranger appeared, she was dressed completely in dark green and brown leather. Her head was obscured by a hood of dark mist which also flowed behind her like a cloak. In one hand she carried a longbow, the other rested on the shoulder of a Jaguar which paced silently beside her. She stepped on the central circle next to Delta_Knight_01 and slowly removed her hood. She had olive skin and long flowing black hair which seemed to move even in the absence of a breeze. The Jaguar opened its mouth and gave a deep-throated growl before sitting in front of Princesa_Amazônica_23.

  The next two map holders were from Isikar, the northernmost continent. The first was a huge blond Level 520 barbarian called Боевой_молот_1 with a bare chest covered in a large moving bear tattoo. He had fur-lined trousers and dark adamantine gauntlets and boots. The armour was thick, with deep ridges and barbs. In each hand he carried a short handled battle axe, but the blades were massive with curves on the front edge being at least a metre in length. Each was covered in intricate runes.

  After him was an even larger male orc Мастер_Cмерти_34 with long white hair pulled back in a ponytail. He was Level 493 and wore cauldrons, gauntlets and greaves as his only armour. These were covered in razor-sharp blades and spikes. He had a fur belt and a dark brown leather loincloth which reached to his knees but left his thick thighs bare. The nails on his hands and bare feet were long and thick like claws and painted black. His only weapon was a four foot long machete which looked more like an elongated meat cleaver. The sharp edge had several small nicks and missing pieces. The other
edge was several centimetres thick.

  Contestants five and six were from the continent of Hiddet which served as the starting continent for those from Northern Africa, Western and Eastern Europe. The first player introduced was Gottes_Krieger_10, a Level 470 Paladin. He was fully enclosed in celestial blue Mithryl with Silver Mithryl etchings and edges, he had a gleaming white surcoat and carried a longsword and triangular shield that covered half his body. His helm had large wings rising from the top. Etched into the armour was the image of his God. As he stood on his pedestal, he removed the helm to show a handsome elven face with a black short-back-and-sides haircut. He had piercing blue eyes which never seemed to blink or sparkle.

  Also from Hiddet was an elven mage, she was Level 430 and named Královna_Kouzel_666. She was covered head to toe in deep purple leather edged in gold. Covering her head was a hooded cape which also had sleeves for her arms. The sleeves flared toward the wrist. She had a form-fitting leather top and from her belt hung numerous strips of leather which acted as a long skirt. She was wearing a sword, but her hands were empty. As she stood still solid mana could be seen surrounding each hand, her right was covered in sparkling blue while her left was covered with dark, ominous red mana. All that could be seen below the hood was a set of glowing white eyes. She was leader of Clan Pavouk

  The next two contestants were from Shenqi, the continent which served as the playing field for those from China and several other Asian countries. First was Level 514, 岳飞 龙 (Yuè_Fēi_Lóng). He was a tall, muscular elf with golden armour and a red and gold surcoat. He carried a sword, and his long black hair was tied in a high ponytail. On his back was a short recurve bow.

  He was followed by contestant number eight, this was an assassin called 影の精神_12 (Kage_no_seishin_12) and was Level 432. Leah assumed it was a she by the shape. No skin was visible. The clothing was all dark grey to black. She carried two swords in sheathes as well as a whip made of segmented metal blades. Leah could make out at least six knives or throwing blades that were visible. When she stood still, Leah felt her eyes sliding to the side as if somehow Kage did not wish to be seen.

  “Our ninth hero is from the Continent of Vatan but holds the map found on the Continent of Taramore. She is our highest ranking contestant at Level 523, Leader of Clan Y’Haul, Master of the Sword and a Fire Mage, her name is Merideath.”

  As the announcer discussed Merideath’s achievements and titles. Leah stared at the tall Sea Elf. Merideath had flowing sun bleached hair and piercing blue eyes. She carried a crossbow on her back and a sword at her side. She was dressed in dark teal leather with black armoured inlay. She carried a staff covered in a writhing deep red fire, and her other hand carried a ball of living flame. She stepped onto the pedestal on the far right and allowed the flame to travel up her arm and rest on her shoulder.

  Leah took in a deep breath and then began walking toward the exit from her small room. The announcer said, “Finally, also from Vatan we have our last contestant. She is Level 254 and goes by the name Atherleah.”

  Leah walked in and stood on the far left pedestal. She could feel the stares as everyone waited to hear more about her, but that ended the announcement. She smiled as she imagined the consternation felt by the others at her presence amongst them. The elf stepped back, and the scaled female stepped forward and said, “More information will be coming in the next few days that outlines the format of this challenge Odyssey. The first challenge is in ten days, or one Dunyanin month, and this begins the Odyssey. These next ten days are crucial as the contestants prepare themselves and their weapons for the battle. We will now explain the situation in more detail to the contestants. Thank you for joining us on this historic occasion.”

  After a few moments the five figures and all the contestants disappeared from the stage and reappeared in a room prepared with seats for the contestants and a small lectern for a speaker. The dwarf said, “We’ll start the orientation in twenty minutes. Until then we suggest you get to know each other and feel free to partake of the refreshments.”

  Leah stepped back and was heading for a drinks table when someone stepped in front of her. It was Merideath who said, “Atherleah, how nice to see you. I have had difficulty in getting a message to you. You seem to be ignoring my suggestions.”

  “You’re correct, I have. Your messages are all the same, lots of bluster and whining.”

  “You are rude and impertinent. If I were you, I would return what was stolen and beg for mercy and forgiveness.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a moment. I, on the other hand, will continue to treat you as you deserve, with contempt. Now, if you will excuse me I really would like a drink, hopefully it isn’t spiked, if you know what I mean.”

  Leah walked around Merideath and found Yuè_Fēi_Lóng standing and watching her. She bowed her head and said in Mandarin, “Honourable One!”

  He replied, “Please call me Yuè Fēi, I merely waited to see you safe from her clutches.”

  Leah again lowered her head and said, “Yuè Fēi, I thank you for your courtesy, but she cannot harm me here. Might I get you a drink?”

  “If I may, Atherleah, I would warn you, she is dangerous. Even on Shenqi, people take care not to anger her.”

  “I thank you again for your warning, but it comes too late, I have already angered her beyond consolation.”

  “Then take care young one.”

  Just then a huge hand came down and slammed onto Yuè Fēi’s shoulders, it was the barbarian Боевой_молот, who said in accented English, “We meet again Yuè Fēi, now introduce me to this pretty young thing.”

  Leah turned and said in Russian, “Good morning Боевой_молот, my name is Atherleah.” She paused and then said in English, “I apologise, but that is all the Russian I know.”

  “Ha! Pleased to meet you Atherleah. You may call me Ivan. Your Russian is more than the rest of these peasants can speak. Don’t worry the game will give automatic translations for you. But I am curious, you have a low level and dress like you’re going for a walk in the park. What are you planning?”

  Leah leant forward and spoke softly as if sharing a secret. Automatically the two men leant forward also. Leah said, “Ivan, I plan to bake cookies laced with rare poisons, I will smile and dimple my cheeks and sell them to you. When you are all dead, I shall skip my way to Merkize, picking bluebells all the way.”

  “I like chocolate chip the best. If you make them, I will buy them.”

  Suddenly the orc pushed in and turning to Leah said, “Get lost kid. I need to talk with these guys.”

  Before the other two could say anything, Leah nodded and walked off toward the drinks table. She stood there and watched the dynamics in the room. Like her, the ninja stood apart and watched. Merideath worked the room inserting herself into conversations and trying to dominate those around her. The large warrior men all stood together except for Gottes_Krieger_10, the Paladin, who spent most of his time trailing after Merideath. The beast-master and the mage spent the entire time in whispered conversation. Finally, a small bell rang, and everyone took their seats. Leah once more was on the left edge, while Merideath had managed to grab a seat in the centre.

  “Welcome contestants. Each of you has a map. After this meeting, you will be able to enlarge it at will, either here in Dunyanin or in your own v-world. Ten real-days, or one Dunyanin-month from now you will be transported to an amphitheatre where the competition will officially begin. The start will be a series of one-on-one combats, each of you will fight two others in a random pairing to begin ranking you. The top eight will then be pitted in a knockout competition 1v8, 2v7, 3v6, 5v4. The winner of the first match will fight the winner of the last match and so on. The last two will fight to see who starts off in first place. If you lose these fights, you will not be penalised in any way. The four finalists will each receive a prize suited to their character and playing style.”

  “After that, every ninety Dunyanin days, every real-time month, there will be
another combat challenge. The last-placed player in each of those challenges will be eliminated from the competition, and their map will disappear. Between the combat challenges, you will need to decipher the maps, follow the clues, and complete the quests and challenges. You are permitted to have up to seven companions join you on the quests, they may be players or NPCs. Once someone is in your group, they may leave but may not be replaced.”

  “Now are there any questions?”

  The Beastmaster said, “Do pets and mounts count as companions?”

  “No, except in the case of Atherleah. One of her mounts, if it accompanies her, would be considered as a companion and count toward the seven.”

  Everyone looked at Leah, but she kept her face calm. When no more questions were asked the competitors were released with the final warning. “We know that the rewards from this Odyssey will be huge. We can afford to do this because of the expected interest that the Odyssey will generate in Dunyanin. You are being watched, each of you has already got an official site up and running with feed already showing. Fan clubs are already promoting their favourite. Everyone except Atherleah already had a fan club, and one has already started for her and already has over ten thousand members. Don’t embarrass us, or yourselves.”

  Around the room, the players dissolved and Leah found herself back at the pass. Before she could move a message appeared

  Odyssey Level Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (3, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 254), you have discovered a Unique Hidden Odyssey:

  Journey to Merkize

  You are one of the first ten players to access this Odyssey. This is your third Odyssey Level Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (Painite).

  Reward 1: 10000 x 254 = 6858000 (+170%) Experience Points (1350000/1350000)…(1294875/1550000)

  Reward 2: + 5% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 3 x 10 Diamond = 30 Diamond

  Fame: 10000 Fame Points (152705)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  This Odyssey will take one full Dunyanin year to complete.


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