Survival Instinct

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Survival Instinct Page 18

by Declan Conner

  “Okay you two, out with it, what have you found?”

  “Calm down, Chief,” said Frank and tossing Hogan his stress ball.

  “We checked the emails. Seems she was barred from a singles’ club, so we went over there to find out some background.”

  “And...go on...what did you find?”

  “The night of her death, she attended a singles’ dance with her female friend. We can’t find her friend now. Apparently, she’s on vacation, but we have her address,” said Frank.

  “Here’s the interesting part,” said Joe. “They were with the same guy all evening, a certain Jamie Jameson.”

  “Yeah, we checked him out on Saturday, seems he’s quite the ladies man. He picked a woman up no problem and for some reason roughed two guys up in the toilet,” said Frank.

  “Well, if he was with her on the night she died, why the hell haven’t you had him in for questioning?”

  “Give us a break, Chief. We’ve been working all weekend trying to check him out. We’ve made enquiries at the office he works at with the guy on the front desk. Jameson was off work sick the first three days of the week.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get him in here. Oh, by the way, why was she barred from the club?”

  “There’s the weird part; it seems our Mr. Jameson made a complaint about her,” said Frank.

  “Interesting. Let’s not spook him. Phone him at work and ask him to pop in at his convenience. See what he says. Just tell him we need his help in a small matter. Madge, check if Jamie Jameson’s on our list from this morning will you?”

  “Right away, sir.”

  “Okay, what are you waiting for? Go and phone him and get straight back to me,” ordered Hogan and turned his back on them. He was squeezing his stress ball as they left the office.


  Jamie was just enjoying his coffee, when Mary answered a call.

  “Jamie, the police are on the phone. Detective Frank Andropov.”

  “The police? What are they after? Probably a donation, put him through,” said Jamie. He spoke to Frank and put the phone down.

  “Go on, what have you been up to?” asked Mary.

  “Nothing, just routine, they didn’t say. They want me to go down to the station after lunch.”

  “Come on, the police never want to see you?”

  “I just assume Bill’s phoned them about an attempted break in at his cabin yesterday and someone acting odd in the woods. For goodness sake, don’t mention it to Ellie. She’s freaked out as it is.”

  “Okay but you’d better run through the Martin’s file with Betty and Ben, their appointment is this afternoon.”

  “Okay. I’ll do it now,” said Jamie. “Ken, the consumer and commercial research results are not in the file?”

  “They’re on the way by courier. I have a fax copy, the results are promising.”

  “Well then, put the fax copy in the file just in case the courier is late.”

  “Sorry, JJ, will do.”

  Lunchtime arrived and Jamie made his way down to the station. The sergeant’s desk at the entrance was packed. He stood in line, thinking maybe there was some kind of crime wave going on. Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Jamie Jameson?” Jamie recognized the face. It was the same guy talking with the bouncer on Hawaiian night.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Good of you to come, Mr. Jameson, I’m Detective Frank Andropov, follow me,” he said. Making their way to a conference room, Frank invited him to sit down.

  “Coffee, Mr. Jameson? What’s your preference, black or white, with or without sugar?”

  “Please call me, JJ. I take it white with two sugars please.”

  “Fine, back in a minute; I’ll be as quick as I can.”


  Frank made his way into the room next door where Joe, Madge and Hogan were waiting and watching Jamie through the two-way mirror.

  “So this is our Mr. Jameson. I must say, he doesn’t look nervous,” said Hogan as he opened his file.

  “Go and get us two coffees, Madge, there’s a good girl,” said Frank.

  “Hmm,” said Hogan. “I pulled him over once for suspicion of soliciting, when I was on traffic. Then ten years ago, he beat someone up, but the charges were dropped, some sort of domestic. Separated twelve months ago, now divorced, so he fits the time frame. It says here he’s ex Special Forces, hmmm. Just play it softly and see if we can’t get a sample of his DNA. He will have had training to withstand interrogation, so there’s no point playing good cop, bad cop.”

  Madge came back with the coffees and Frank took a deep breath, going to the conference room.


  Frank smiled. “Here we are, JJ. Thanks again for coming at short notice. Anyone told you why we wanted to see you?”

  “I assume it’s about the attempted break in at the cabin yesterday. It freaked my daughter out.”

  “Okay, tell me about it and I’ll make some notes.”

  Jamie relayed all the events and then Frank sat back and chatted about the singles’ club. He seemed disinterested in the incident at the cabin. Jamie sensed there was something not right. Frank seemed to be trying to be his friend, but Jamie guessed there was something behind his chat.

  “Are you a member of the club?” Jamie asked.

  “No, but my badge gets me past memberships wherever I go.”

  “So you’re not single then?”

  Frank took a sip of coffee. Jamie saw a strange look in his eyes.

  “No I’m not single. The thing is, I’m making some enquiries into the murder of one of the singles’ club members,” he said and sitting back as though to gauge Jamie’s expression.

  Jamie said nothing. There was an awkward pause, then he broke the silence.



  Hogan’s grimaced “He’s at it again, trying to control the interview and with one simple word,” said Hogan. “Joe, get Frank out of there quick.”

  Joe rushed to the interview room.

  “Frank, something’s come up; can you spare me a minute?”

  Frank jumped up to leave the room.

  “Back soon, JJ. I’m sorry about this, busy times,” said Frank as he left the room.

  “For God’s sake, man, what are you doing? We’re supposed to be interviewing him, not the other freakin’ way around. Stop fishing, he’s too sly for that. Get back in there and get to the point,” said Hogan.


  Why do they want to talk to me? Jamie wondered. I’m obviously not here about the break in. Maybe I’m a suspect. Frank entering the room interrupted Jamie’s thoughts.

  “Sorry, something cropped up.”

  Hmm, he’s trying to make as if my interview isn’t urgent.

  “So, why do you want to talk to me, Frank?”

  “Just routine, but before I go on, I just thought you ought to know that we have asked you here to help us with our enquiries. It’s nothing to worry about. But, as a matter of routine, I have to tell you before I start; anything that is said between us can be referred to in court.”

  “So, I don’t have to say anything?”

  “No, but we only need your help to answer some questions.”

  “No problem, tell me then who it is that’s murdered, and why you think I could help?”


  There was a sigh followed by a growl “He’s done it again, taken full control,” said Hogan. “What’s Frank doing?” He got up and charged toward the interview room. Stopping at the door to gain his composure, he then entered


  Hogan stepped into the room. “Frank, you’re needed in ops. Hi, Jamie, Chief Hogan. I’m afraid there’s no one else available. I’ll take over from here.”

  No one else available? Huh, who’s he trying to fool.

  “Now where were we?” asked Chief Hogan.

  Jamie leaned forward. “Frank was about to tell me who was murdered and why I could help? The
thing is, we can dance all day, but I have matters to attend to, so if you will answer the question, we can all get on with important business.”

  “Her name is Grace Frampton, and we understand that on the night before she died, you were in her company at the singles’ club dance.”

  Warning bells sounded. The only Grace Jamie could think of in those circumstances, was the night he was drugged.

  “What do you mean? When?”

  “As far as we can tell, it was around two or three in the morning, last week. Just run it by me, what were your whereabouts that night?”

  “Okay, I was with a Grace and her friend Sandra, but I didn’t find out Grace’s last name. Do you have a picture?”

  “Just wait here and I’ll bring a photograph.”

  Hogan was out of the room less than a minute. Returning, he passed the photo to Jamie. The face appeared badly bruised, but there was no doubt about it; the girl in the photograph was the same girl that had drugged him.

  “Hmm, difficult to say. It was dark in the dance hall, and the girl here is badly beaten.”

  “You don’t seem affected by the photograph Jamie.”

  “Not after some of the sights I’ve seen in the army,” Jamie replied and sat back, trying to think logically before answering. The dance finished at one in the morning. We must have gone to the room straight away, and God only knows what time she left. Should I just tell him?

  “When was the last time you saw Grace, Jamie, the Grace that you can remember that is?”

  “It’s hard to say. We were there for the smooches, so I guess around one o’clock when the dance finished.”

  That was the last thing he could remember, so it wasn’t a lie.

  “Did you take her home?”

  “No, she must have left with her friend, they called her Sandra.”

  “Sounds like the same Grace, her friend was called Sandra.”

  “Ah good, perhaps you can ask her how they went home?”

  “She’s out of town, Jamie, and we can’t find her. Do you mind taking a lie detector test?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know enough about them. I would have to decline that one. Besides, by the time you set one up, I’m sure Sandra will be back.”

  “Surely you won’t mind giving us a DNA sample.”

  “Why would you want that?” asked Jamie as more alarm bells started ringing to the tune of a barely remembered broken condom. I’m going to have to come clean here. “Damn, I need the bathroom. Do you mind?”

  “No not at all. I’ll see if I can find someone to take you,” said Hogan as he put his head out the door. “Joe, take Jamie to the john, please.”

  Jamie stood at the urinal trying to think, his mind racing. Okay, I give them my DNA, then they find it matches with Grace and they charge me with murder. Shit, why didn’t I report Grace and Sandra? What’s the time now, three o’ clock? The courthouse closes in two hours. If I’m still here, they can keep me overnight. If I tell them everything and they charge me now, I have time for a lawyer to bail me out. Then what do I tell the kids? Why did Bill stop me from going to the police? I could strangle him!

  Leaving the bathroom, Jamie passed reception where the desk sergeant was under siege from the public volunteering to give DNA samples.

  “I don’t care what they said on television, we won’t have any sample kits until tomorrow,” Jamie heard him repeating. He returned to the interview room, but Hogan wasn’t there. He sat down and waited. This was going to be the biggest decision of his life.


  The sound of drumming fingers on the desk broke the silence “What do you think, Joe?” asked Hogan as they watched Jamie.

  “Guilty as sin. He was the last to see her alive. When they left the club, she died two hours later, and he’s being evasive.”

  “Yeah, I agree, let’s nail the son of a bitch!”


  Hogan returned to the room.

  “Chief Hogan, could you take some notes for me?” asked Jamie.

  Chief Hogan seemed delighted as though ready to take a confession.

  “Okay, Jamie, go ahead, and take your time.”

  “Number one, have your detective go to the hotel. Check with reception, I stayed there all night. Then check the overnight CCTV. I think you’ll find I didn’t leave the hotel, and it should show what time Grace and Sandra left. You can ask Sandra, I’m sure she’ll verify they left together. As for the DNA, I’ll call at the desk on the way out to give my sample. Now I have to rush, I have a big business deal to attend to,” he said, picking up his empty plastic coffee cup and pretending to take a sip as he made for the door.

  “But... I need to ask you some more questions,” said Hogan.

  “Fine, just give me a call and we can talk some other time. I am free to go?”

  “Err yes but....”

  “Fine, catch you later.”

  Jamie hurried out of the station, compressing the plastic cup and slipping it into his pocket.


  Hogan slammed his fists down on the desk. “Damn and blast! Frank and Joe get in here now,” Hogan said facing the mirror; his reflection captured his frustration as he stamped his feet.

  “Have you checked out the security cam at the hotel?”

  “No, but we asked them for a copy. We should have picked it up this morning.”

  “Well don’t just stand there, go and check it out and make sure there’s a record of him staying in the hotel. Then go to Sandra’s. She could be back by now and re-check with the singles’ club. I want to know exactly what Jamie complained about to have them barred from the singles’ club.”

  Hogan made his way back to his office, stopping at the sergeant’s desk.

  “Have you just taken a sample from a Jamie Jameson?” he asked.

  “Give us a break, Chief, we ran out of DNA kits an hour ago.”

  “Damn it I’m surrounded my imbeciles,” he groaned as he returned to his office and slammed the door closed. He grabbed his stress ball and threw it against the wall. The coffee cup! He raced back to the conference room. “Where’s that damn coffee cup?” he said and crashed his fist down on the table. “The clever bastard; he must’ve taken it.”


  Jamie drove about aimlessly, his mind in turmoil. Pulling his car over, he parked in a rest area, checking no one was following him. He took out his cell phone and phoned his attorney.

  “What can I do for you Jamie, don’t tell me you need a prenuptial already?”

  “It’s a bit more serious than that Ed. I think I’m a suspect in a murder.”

  “If you’re innocent, there’s nothing to worry about. You are innocent I take it?”

  “It depends on the perspective. From my viewpoint, yes I’m innocent, but when police get a hold of my DNA, they will assume I’m guilty as hell.”

  Jamie explained the circumstances and his attorney listened in silence.

  “Try not to worry. I’ll come by your house tomorrow first thing in the morning on my way to the office. I can’t see anything happening before then. They can’t force you to give a DNA sample without arresting you on suspicion and obtaining a warrant. Besides, they’ve no evidence. When I see you, we’ll prepare an affidavit just in case. Then we can plan a strategy. We may need a private detective. If they call you again give them my number and say nothing.”

  Jamie finished the call and then phoned Mary.

  “Hi, Mary, any news from Ben and Betty, on the Martin’s account?”

  “It’s in the bag, JJ. Their attorneys are going over the contract now with our attorneys. Should be signed and sealed by tomorrow.”

  “Great. I’m taking the rest of the day off, and I won’t be in until late tomorrow.”

  “JJ, are you in some kind of trouble? You don’t sound so enthusiastic, considering the size of the deal we’ve just pulled. You should be here now.”

  “Sorry, just a few personal problems, nothing to worry about. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
/>   Jamie dialed Bill’s cell phone.

  “Who’s calling the stud?”

  “No wisecracks, Bill, it’s JJ. I am in the proverbial crapper. I can’t talk over the phone.”

  “Do you want me to come to your place?”

  “No, the kids will be home soon, can we meet at yours?”

  “No problem. Don’t sound so down. I am at home now, and I’m here for ya. Come on over.”

  Jamie headed for Bill’s wondering how he had ended up in this position. His thoughts were all over the place when he arrived at his apartment.

  “Jesus JJ, you look like someone died. What’s happened?”

  “You’re not going to believe this,” said Jamie and he relayed all the events. Bill looked deep in thought, and then a smile came to his face.

  “Problem solved.”

  “What do you mean, ‘problem solved’?”

  “Wait and see.”

  Bill reached for his cell phone and writing down a phone number, he dialed on his landline, pressing record on his answer machine. It read out his recorded message as he pressed the speaker button for Jamie to hear. Bill spoke into the phone.

  “Hi, it’s Bill here from singles, how are you?” he asked.

  “Fine, what’s that noise?” It was the voice of a female.

  Jamie scooted closer to Bill so he could hear.

  “It’s my answer machine; it’s on record, I can’t stop it.”

  “No problem, what do you want, second helpings?”

  “No, I just need helping out on a little problem,” Bill winked at Jamie.

  “Yeah, I seem to remember it was kind of cute,” the female voice said. “Don’t tell me you want telephone sex. I don’t get back from vacation until later this evening around midnight. I probably won’t reach my apartment until one thirty. Why don’t you phone Grace?”

  “No, I need you to help me out. You and Grace had a thing with my friend last week at the singles’ dance, and the poor guy can’t remember a thing. He just wants to know how he performed. You know, bragging rights and all that.”

  “Oh, let’s see. . . Jamie, George Clooney. . .I remember. I think I wore him out. After a bit of petting, Grace left. By the time I finished with him he wasn’t fit for anything. I slept with him until about seven, then I went to catch my airplane. I was already packed so it saved travelling home.”


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