Blake, Abby - Suddenly Bear, Too (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Blake, Abby - Suddenly Bear, Too (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Abby Blake

  Exhausted, barely able to keep her eyes open, she jolted sharply when she felt the head of a cock pressing against her pussy. Almost instantly need tore through her once more, and she lifted her hips to meet Zeek’s erection.

  * * * *

  Zeek scrambled to push his jeans lower even as he pressed his cock into her warmth. He ground his teeth against the unexpected tightness of her pussy and forced himself to move slowly. Every muscle in his back and thighs strained as he tried to control his frantic need to slam into his mate hard and fast.

  The barrier was a shock.

  He tried to pull away, but Ruby wrapped her legs around his hips and lifted up, forcing his cock through her hymen. He saw the flash of pain that crossed her face, guilt gripping him even as his cock throbbed inside her. He wanted to fuck her now, wanted to make love to her until the Earth stopped spinning and the stars fell from the sky, but he could sense his brothers’ confusion and needed to explain.

  He ground his teeth, leaned forward a little so that Ruby was trapped between him and the mattress and couldn’t move. She wriggled against him, and he pressed harder, hoping to control his wild urge to fuck her even though he was completely buried in her body.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  Ruby shrugged.

  “Tell us what?” Nickolas asked, obviously confused.

  “That she’s a virgin.”

  “Was,” Ruby chimed in with a soft moan. “Technically, I was a virgin.”

  Zeek was still struggling with a caveman’s sense of ownership. His brothers looked both shocked and pleased, and he could sense the same sort of raw emotions and thoughts going through them.

  He leaned forward to press a hard kiss to Ruby’s mouth, too choked with emotion to trust himself with words. Simply knowing that they were the first men she’d ever trusted enough to give herself to filled him with a strange sort of pride.

  But then her muscles contracted around his aching cock, and he couldn’t hold himself in check any longer. He pressed another kiss to Ruby’s lips as he withdrew his cock from her grasping channel and then slowly slid back in. She moaned, tilting her hips slightly as he moved away, lifting up to meet him as he slid back in.

  Every horrible thought he’d had about Ruby, every doubt he’d had about his mate, was washed away with the realization that he already loved her. Unable to control himself any longer, he slammed into her pussy, his movements faltering as sensation overwhelmed his worries and pure bliss took over.

  She moaned, her soft sighs and quiet pleas driving his need higher, pulling him closer, his need to mark his mate with his seed overwhelming every other concern. He grunted, pushing into her harder, his need exploding as her pussy gripped him tighter. He lifted her hips up, and moved to kneel between her thighs, making room for his brothers to worship her body.

  Levi pressed his fingers against her clit, that simple touch setting off an explosion within Ruby. She screamed, bucking underneath Zeek as her orgasm took hold. He pounded into her pussy harder and harder, his own climax scorching through him as he pumped his seed deep into her body.

  Breathing hard, he resisted the urge to fall forward, caressing her thighs instead as he tried to return his mind to reality. Ruby looked wiped out, but she gave him a small smile, and he could do nothing but lean over and press his lips to hers once more. Eventually, he found the energy to lift away, his knees shaking with fatigue as he climbed off the bed and headed into the bathroom. He grabbed a clean washcloth, wet it with warm water, and returned to the bedroom.

  Ruby was already asleep in Nickolas’s arms when Zeek returned. He very carefully cleaned the evidence of Ruby’s lost virginity from her thighs before climbing onto the end of the bed and simply watching his mate sleep.

  * * * *

  “I thought you said you found a porn video of Ruby,” Levi whispered as Zeek lay back down on the end of the bed.

  “I did,” he said with a nod, “but, like a lot of the information about Ruby Rickardson on the news and Internet, it appears to be untrue. She seems far too nice to be the spoiled diva they make her out to be.”

  Levi smirked at the look on his brother’s face. Zeek had been so adamant this morning that Ruby wasn’t ever going to be his mate that it seemed rather fitting that he’d fall so hard, so fast.

  “I should have told you,” a soft, sweet voice said from the top of the bed.

  Startled to realize Ruby was awake and listening in to their whispered conversation, Levi shifted up the bed so he could see her face more clearly. “Tell us what, darlin’?”

  “About the porn video. It wasn’t me.”

  “We kind of figured that out,” Zeek said with an indulgent smile.

  “But it wouldn’t have mattered either way,” Nickolas assured her.

  “Because I’m your mate?” Ruby asked, looking sad.

  “No,” Levi said, leaning forward to kiss her quickly, “because you’re a sweet person and we all want to get to know you better.”

  “Oh,” she said, looking confused again.

  “What is it, honey?” Nickolas asked as he speared his fingers through her hair and arranged the long, deep-gold strands against the pillow.

  “I just…um.” She shook her head, looking a little shell-shocked. “Nobody has ever been interested in the real me before.”

  “Seriously?” Levi asked, unable to keep the incredulity from his voice. He couldn’t imagine anyone not wanting to know the amazing woman underneath all the sensational tabloid hype. Just the way she’d handled herself today showed how strong-willed and levelheaded the woman was. Not once had she cried or demanded or thrown a tantrum like he would have expected from a spoiled diva. He smiled as he remembered the only thing she’d insisted upon—Nickolas changing into a bear—and admitted silently that it was the exact thing he would have asked for if their situations were reversed. Humans were entitled to a little disbelief when it came to the reality of bear-shifters. Most shifter species went to great lengths to hide their existence from the general population.

  “Seriously,” she said with a sad-looking smile. “Although, in all fairness I didn’t give anyone much reason to want to.”

  “Why?” Levi asked, wanting to understand this woman better.

  She shrugged. “Too many people with ulterior motives, I suppose. I never knew if they wanted to be friends with me or with ‘Ruby Rickardson, daughter of obscenely wealthy parents.’”

  * * * *

  Nickolas swallowed hard at the realization of how isolating that sort of money could be. He and his brothers had often been popular in high school simply because of their size and sporting abilities, so they had an understanding of how hollow it felt to be liked without really being known. But to feel that everyone was using her for their own purposes for her entire life must have made having friends very difficult for Ruby.

  He decided to lighten the mood, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. Nickolas wanted to know everything about Ruby, but he also wanted her to realize she had a home with them. Even if fate hadn’t chosen her as their mate, they would have needed to keep her close while she adjusted to her newly acquired furry alter ego.

  Unable to decide on appropriate words, he chose instead to pour his emotions into kissing the woman. Ruby opened her mouth to his marauding tongue, sucking and caressing him as he pushed deeper. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, holding him to her as he eventually tried to move away to give her some air.

  “You will always have a home with us,” he promised, uncertain she was ready to hear the words but needing to say them out loud. He heard his brothers affirm his statement as Ruby smiled shyly and lifted up to kiss him once more.

  “Please,” she whispered against his lips, trying to get him to move over her naked body.

  “You’re probably sore.”

  “No, I’m not.” Ruby rolled toward him, but he held her still, pinning her to the bed. He almost whimpered out loud when he saw her eyes darken and wild aro
usal cross her features as he held her immobile. She wasn’t frightened of him at all, was actually turned on by being held down. She trusted them instinctively, and for a woman who’d just admitted to never having really trusted anyone, that was one hell of a gift. How the fuck did they get so lucky?

  “I have an idea,” Nickolas said as he slid off the bed, and dragged at his clothes. He nodded to Levi, who quickly understood and did the same. “Roll over and lift onto your hands and knees, honey.” She blushed slightly but did what he asked. “Levi is going to make love to you very carefully.” He gave his brother a warning look before continuing. “And I need to feel your lips wrapped around my cock.”

  She grinned as she crawled closer to the edge of the bed. He held his already-aching cock in his hand, smiling when she leaned over and licked the bulbous head. Levi kneeled on the bed behind her, caressing her thighs as he eased into her pussy. He took his time, working his cock in slowly as Zeek lay under her, suckling her breasts and playing with her clit.

  Ruby closed her eyes, moaning softly as his brothers found a rhythm. She smiled when Nickolas pressed his cock against her lips, opening a heartbeat later to take him into her mouth. He gasped at the immediate suction, almost lifting onto his toes as she surprised him with her enthusiasm. He tried to hold back his own need, but she dipped her head lower, taking him deeper, and he was lost.

  * * * *

  Ruby knew the exact moment Nickolas lost control, and she reveled in it. Of the three brothers, he seemed the most controlled, the least likely to react without careful consideration. She was glad that she could rattle him.

  He grunted as he pushed deeper, the thick head touching the back of her throat. She managed to control her gag reflex, easing away slightly as she tried to swallow. She’d only read about this sort of thing, had never actually tried it, but judging by the way Nickolas groaned and pushed deeper once more, she was doing something right.

  He thrust again, holding still as Levi gave up trying to be gentle and gripped her hips to fuck her harder. His forceful entry pushed her further onto Nickolas’s cock, forcing him deeper into her throat, his strangled moan filling the room as she swallowed.

  Again and again, Levi thrust hard into her pussy, pushing her forward so that Nickolas went deeper. Each time she managed to swallow around him. Zeek worshipped her breasts with his tongue, sucking hard on a beaded nipple as his fingers tormented her swollen clit.

  They did it over and over. Levi plowing her pussy from behind, Nickolas fucking her face, and Zeek rubbing her clit until every nerve was ablaze with need, her whole being concentrated on giving and receiving pleasure. Pleasure she’d only ever shared with these men.

  Nickolas groaned, grabbed her face, held her still, pumped more forcefully into her mouth. “Will you swallow me?” She nodded as best she could, eager to taste his essence on her tongue. Both Levi and Zeek held still as Nickolas thrust harder and harder into her mouth. She increased her suction, a dizzying sense of power flowing through her as he made a strangled sound, held still, swelled in her mouth, and finally pumped his seed down her throat. She moaned and laved his cock lovingly, caressing his shaft with her tongue as it slowly softened.

  He finally pulled his cock from her mouth, caressing her jaw and face as he stood in front of her. She smiled as he dropped to his knees and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Come for us, Ruby,” he whispered.

  Barely able to comprehend the unexpected and immediate power of her orgasm, Ruby glanced underneath her to see Zeek squeezing her clit and one of her nipples tight. The sensation was almost painful, but the heat beating through her couldn’t be denied. She screamed, her arms giving out as Levi fucked her harder and harder and harder.

  He growled, his movements faltering as his own orgasm claimed him. He thrust into her grasping pussy a few more times, his breathing harsh and labored as he leaned over her. Rolling sideways, he held her tight so that she ended up lying cradled in his arms, still connected to him, as Zeek knelt beside her, pumping his cock. She reached over to touch him, smiling as he grabbed her hand, wrapped it around his hard erection, covered it with his own, and helped her drive him to completion. He groaned as his climax began, his seed spurting onto her breasts over and over, jolting her with the unexpected heat.

  He leaned over, smoothing the slippery fluid over her breasts with his fingers, painting her with his cum. A sense of belonging to these three men slithered through her mind. She tried to deny the connection, her inner feminist complaining rather loudly in her mind, but couldn’t quite convince herself that she didn’t like the feeling. And she somehow understood that it went both ways.

  “Come on, darlin’,” Levi said as he helped her into a sitting position. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Chapter Four

  Ruby hummed as she mixed together the ingredients for omelets. It wasn’t exactly her favorite breakfast food, but it was the one thing she knew how to cook pretty well. It was also about the sum total of her domestic skills, but at least she felt like she was contributing.

  Levi leaned against the doorjamb just watching her cook. He’d already offered to help, but she’d declined, worried that having his sexy body so close while she did something she didn’t often do might just lead to culinary disaster. She had enough going against her with her lack of domestic skills to know not to add the man who’d lazily explored her body in the shower this morning into the mix. Although, to be fair to Levi, he hadn’t just explored. He’d licked, he’d sucked, he’d left trails of soft, stinging bites all over her bottom and thighs, he’d sought out and discovered every one of her most sensitive erogenous zones…and then he’d fucked her against the wall. Hell, her knees wobbled just at the memory.

  Ruby turned back to the sink, intending to wash her hands, but the weasel sitting on the window ledge took her by surprise. The damn thing even seemed to be smiling, and as much as she wanted to deny seeing it, she was pretty sure it lifted a paw and waved at her.

  “What do you want, Wesley?” Levi said as he stepped into the kitchen and opened the window in front of her. The weasel wound through the open space, dropped onto the floor, and scurried behind the counter. Ruby was about to lean over the bench to see where the critter had gone when Levi pulled her back. She glanced over her shoulder at him, but almost screamed when she looked back to the counter and found a small, skinny, young man watching her from the other side.

  “Where the hell did you come from?”

  The young man just grinned and held out his hand for Ruby to shake. She hesitated and was quite pleased to realize that Levi was holding her back. She didn’t want to be rude, but the man wasn’t wearing a shirt, and from where he was standing, Ruby couldn’t be certain he was wearing pants either.

  He dropped his hand, grinned at Levi, and started talking. “Wesley Watts at your service, ma’am. Thought I’d drop by and see how the newest member of the fur club is doing. I hear you had a mighty scare the other night. Glad to see you seem to be much better now. I could barely believe it when Nicko told me who you were. I mean, wow, a famous person dumped and left for dead on my very own mountain. I must say—”

  “Enough, Wes,” Levi said in a tone someone might use on a younger brother. Levi sounded both annoyed and indulgent, but she didn’t miss the part where he held her closer and pressed a kiss to the top of her head in what seemed a very territorial move.

  “Hey, Wes,” Zeek said as he came into the room, his hair still wet from the shower. “Got any news?”

  “Actually,” Wes said with a self-satisfied smirk, “I do.”

  “Want to share it with the class, Wes?” Levi said in a lazy drawl that made her wonder how often they went through this type of discussion with the younger man.

  “Yep,” he said, but didn’t elaborate.

  “Spit it out, Wes,” Nickolas said as he also came into the room, pulled Ruby from Levi’s arms, and hugged her close.

  “Well, I was hanging around that spot like ya told me, and sure enough,
just like ya said it would, a van pulls up. Two people step out, and go looking around like they was, ya know, looking for other people before they start checkin’ out the ground. They got all excited when they found the bear tracks—lucky you told me to hide the human footprints. That was damn good planning that.” Ruby’s head was starting to spin. She was pretty certain Wesley had managed to say all of that in a single breath, and he still wasn’t done. “Anyway, I reckon they was both pretty happy thinking Miss Ruby was carried off by bears. I reckon they might be kinda disappointed when they find out she was carried off by you three. Hey, I just realized your hair is gold. That’d make you Goldilocks with ya three bears. Just let me know which one of ’em is too soft and I’ll make sure you’ve got a, ya know, younger alternate.” All three of her bears growled at that, but Wes seemed happy to ignore their warning. “Hey, I always wanted to ask ya when I saw ya in the magazines and stuff. With a name like Ruby, how come your hair’s not red?”

  Ruby blinked as the young man finally stopped talking and waited for an answer. Too bad she’d missed the question in all that super-speed talking.

  “Did you get a plate number?” Nickolas asked.

  “Of course,” Wes said, nodding his head several times. “I was gonna write it down, but you know what, no pockets.” He winked at Ruby as he rattled off the plate number and described the white van.

  “Okay, I’m going to make some phone calls.” He turned to the young man who was smiling widely. “Thanks for your help, Wesley.”

  “No worries, no problems, glad to help,” he said in his distinctive super-speed way of talking. “Hey, Ruby, did you know that bears and weasels evolved from a common ancestor?” He didn’t wait for her to reply. “Just a couple of genetic tweaks and I could’ve been a bear, too.”


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