The Stipulation (Volume Six)

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The Stipulation (Volume Six) Page 3

by M. L. Young

  “I don’t know what all of this is,” I said nervously.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll order for you. What I usually get boils down to soup, salad, my entrée, and dessert. I don’t go as crazy or extravagant as some of the other people here,” Roman said, obviously suggesting the couple a few tables down from us that must have been having a ten-course meal.

  “Good evening, monsieur and madam. My name is Paul, and I shall be your waiter for this lovely evening. You may see some other people coming and going also, for we like to give the best experience possible to all of our guests. May I start you off with a nice wine?” Paul asked.

  “Yes, I think we’ll take a pinot grigio, nineteen forty-seven if you have it,” Roman replied.

  “Excellent choice and I believe we do have one in stock. I shall put that order in and your sommelier will be over shortly.” Paul gave a small and quick nod before walking away.

  “You really know your way around all of this stuff, don’t you?” I asked in amazement.

  “Yeah, well, when you go to as many business dinners and lunches as I do, you pick up a few things. Those old men and women that I deal with sure do know their way around a wine bar,” Roman replied with a small chuckle, which was loud in the sea of whispers that this restaurant had.


  After our first two courses, the soup and then salad—both absolutely divine—the staff brought out our main dishes, which was basically some fancy chicken. Roman had said its name, which was too long to remember, and said it was called that because of the way it was raised and wasn’t just any ordinary chicken, but to me it was just everyday chicken. Maybe I was just a simple girl and not up to speed with all of this high class, but a chicken is a chicken no matter which way you raised it.

  The staff had been very polite, doted on us hand and foot with everything we needed. Our water glasses, which were more like chalices, never became close to dry or empty, and they made sure to even refill our wine glasses as they began to funnel down to emptiness. This was one part of high society and class that I was easily getting accustomed to, and I never really wanted this to end.


  “Wow, that was great,” Roman said as he polished off the last bite of his chocolate mousse.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had chocolate that decadent,” I replied before taking my final bite.

  I licked my lips and sat back as the high amounts of fancy French food percolated inside of my stomach and made me feel as though I was going to burp up flakes of gold that were folded into the mousse. Roman said it was this new craze, eating gold flakes, but I was terrified it was going to rip open my intestines or something. Leave it to the high society to do this kind of stuff.

  The check was brought, and I didn’t know euro to dollar conversion rates, but I almost choked on my ice water when I saw the number. I kept my mouth shut, though, and let Roman put it on the all-exclusive black card that he always used in lieu of a bankcard.

  “How would you like to see the Eiffel Tower?” Roman asked as he signed the check.

  “We’re going to go?” I asked in excitement, as I had wanted to do this since I was a little girl.

  “Well, no, not exactly. The restaurant has a beautiful terrace on the roof that is open to customers after their meals, and it has a clear view of the Tower. I thought it’d be nice if we went up there and looked at the sights together,” Roman said.

  “Yeah, that sounds great,” I said with a tone of sorrow, as I had gotten my hopes up that I was actually going to go to the Tower and ride to the top.

  Roman stood up before grabbing my hand and helping me out of my chair, which I thought was very sweet and gentleman like. He seemed to know exactly where to go, which didn’t surprise me since he said he knew about the terrace, and we walked over to a small elevator that was tucked neatly in a corner, as to give the restaurant as much space as they could get. We got in, Roman hit the button for the roof, and it lit up with a red glow, before taking us up and opening the doors to a small lobby, which held a door to the busy Parisian sky.

  “Roman, this is breathtaking,” I said as we walked out and onto the terrace, which was laid with grey stone and green potted shrubs.

  “Yeah, it’s a little known secret, even to the restaurant guests. Not many people come up here, and it’s usually always clear,” Roman said.

  I walked over to the ledge and looked out at the glowing Eiffel Tower, which I could easily see in the not too far off distance. There were no buildings obstructing my view, and the view was one that could easily be on the front of every postcard sold in the city.

  Roman came up behind me and put his hands on my waist as I settled into him; the usually warm Parisian air turning slightly chilly. Goose bumps formed on my skin, but quickly subsided as the warmth of Roman’s body absorbed into mine. I smiled, my eyes closing slightly as I bit my lower lip, and loved the way he felt against me. He felt so masculine and strong that I knew I would be the safest I could ever be as long as I was with him. Nobody could get me or touch me, and if they did, I knew they had Roman to contend with, and that wouldn’t be an easy task for them. He was my guardian and savior, and without him, I knew I’d be still rotting away at that horrible job and slaving away just to try and keep my tuition paid. All of that was gone now, and I was free to live my life, with Roman close by my side.

  “Thank you for the amazing trip. I know you didn’t have to go through all of this trouble, but you did, and it really does mean the world to me,” I said as I put the back of my head against him.

  “It’s been my pleasure, Natalie. I know how badly you’ve always wanted to come here, and I just hope I can show you a great time. Besides, if you think that everything has been great so far, just wait a few days. I’ve definitely saved the best for last,” he said.

  Butterflies filled my stomach as I tried to understand what he meant by that. Were we just going to do some fun and adventure-filled activities, or did he mean more by it? Were Tara and Jillian right, and was Roman going to actually try and propose to me? We’d been together awhile, and if he was going to do it, this trip would be the most romantic way possible.

  I turned around and looked him in the eyes with a sultry stare as my right hand floated down his hard chest.

  “Why don’t we leave and take this little party back to the hotel room,” I whispered as I leaned in closely to his ear and let him feel the warmth of my breath against his ear.

  “I think you just took that idea straight from my head,” he said as he lightly slapped my behind.

  Chapter Five

  Roman sent a text message to Jean Claude, who like he said, was there to pick us up within ten minutes. I tried to be polite, as well as Roman, but all I wanted to do was rip off his finely made suit and ride him in the back of this car. Jean Claude didn’t have a divider like the cars back home, so unless I wanted to give him a free and very sexy show, I was going to have to cross my legs and wait until they could be pried back open by Roman’s stiff crowbar.

  The traffic was horrible, but much expected considering what was about to happen with my night. I always had horrible luck when it came to things like this, and I knew the world wouldn’t have it any other way than to make it difficult for Roman to pleasure me. It was all one giant tease, though, and the waiting made my core beg for attention like never before.

  As we sat in traffic, only a few minutes from the hotel, I ran my hand up and down Roman’s thigh under the cover of darkness. Jean Claude was too busy driving and paying attention to the heavy Parisian traffic, and I was quite sure I could go down on Roman undetected this very instant if I wanted to. I didn’t, though, instead feeling his dick grow and stiffen in his pants as he tried to shoo me away to no avail.

  “I want you to bend me over and treat me like the naughty girl that I am,” I whispered very softly into his ear before the tip of my tongue flicked his earlobe.

  I saw him bite his lower lip quickly as he sighed heavily, as if what I was saying was sen
ding him into a complete tizzy. He wanted to take me, and if we didn’t arrive soon to the hotel, I was sure he was going to press me against the seat and spank me like the naughty girl I was.

  Three minutes passed and Jean Claude finally pulled into the hotel, and not a moment too soon. A doorman came and opened my door, while Roman said good-bye and gave Jean Claude another tip. I saw it was a big bill, and I honestly didn’t think Roman even realized how big of a tip it was. He was so filled with lust and desire that he could’ve given Jean Claude his black card and not even had known it.

  Roman and I held hands and walked briskly to the elevator, while smiling and saying hello to the staff in attendance throughout the lobby. We didn’t want to bring any attention to ourselves, and didn’t want to give off our true intentions and desires.

  As we got into the elevator, alone, an older woman, likely in her seventies, barged in and hit the button for her floor, which was one higher than ours. I could see the look on Roman’s face, which was anticipation, as I knew he would’ve tried to grope me and make out with me in the elevator, even though there were cameras. As the doors shut and the elevator began moving, I shuffled a little bit, just enough, to brush my supple and round bottom against Roman’s still and waiting palm, as if to give him a taste and preview of what was about to come. He squeezed it softly, yet firmly, and I could see him peering at the old woman, as if to see if she had any clue as to what was happening. She didn’t appear to notice and when the elevator dinged for our floor and the doors opened, we rushed out and toward our room. Roman entered the key card into the door, and as soon as the door shut, it was on.

  I jumped into Roman’s arms, with him grabbing me in midair and holding me up as I feverishly kissed him. He kept going toward the bedroom, as I felt him stumbling around, not under my weight, but because the sensations I was giving him were making him weak in the knees. We barged into the bedroom, the lights slightly dimmed, and he tossed me on the bed as my hair fumbled in front of my face.

  “You turn me on so much,” I said as I spread opened my legs, stuck my right hand down my black lace panties, and began to rub myself.

  Roman ripped off his shirt, the buttons flying off the fabric, and got on his knees, pulling my hand away from myself and pushing my panties to the side. I immediately arched my back and let out a faint sigh as I felt his tongue tickling my pussy and flicking it around.

  “Oh God,” I moaned as I twisted the Egyptian cotton sheets like I was clinging for life.

  His middle finger slowly inserted into me as his tongue kept working on my throbbing cherry. I felt him flick his finger up, sending a shockwave of pleasure through me as my eyes rolled back into my head for a split second before coming back and seeing the top of his head as he worked on me. I felt as though I hadn’t had his touch in years, and I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol and setting amplifying this for me, but I knew I liked it and didn’t want it to end.

  “Roman,” I moaned as he began to go faster and faster, as if trying to make me climax.

  I twisted the sheets, almost ripping them, as my hands turned red and I raised my head to look at him. He glanced up at me for the first time, and that threw me over the edge as I climaxed and yelled out his name in complete and utter pleasure. I began to pant as I tried to compose and regain myself as the climax he had just given me almost seemed to give me an aneurism. I had no clue it could feel that good, and now that I’d had it, it almost made me thirsty for more.

  I jumped off the bed and pushed him back in one quick motion, taking him off guard as I saw his dick trying to spring out of his black cotton dress pants.

  “Is that a present for me?” I asked in a sultry voice, trying to arouse him even further.

  “Unwrap it and see,” he replied, returning the favor.

  I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, along with his black cotton briefs, revealing his pipe, which was raging and pumping, as if it needed to be serviced, and quickly. I grabbed it in my petite hand and towered over it before spitting on it to lube it up. I looked up at him and saw him watching me carefully, as if the sight of me doing this lit him up in the grandest of ways. I gave him a sexy smile before I lowered my head and felt his monster as he entered my small, yet fully opened mouth. It felt so big; so massive. I didn’t know a man could be this big, and I wasn’t sure I could ever be with someone who wasn’t this big, not that I wanted to be with anyone besides Roman.

  As I began servicing him, he brushed my hair to the side and held it back for me so it wouldn’t fall in my face. I began to push the limits of what we had done before as I took a deep breath and slid it farther and farther down my throat, trying to see if I could swallow it all. I clinched my eyes before pulling it out and gasping for air, much to the happiness of Roman, who was watching in awe as if nothing like this had ever happened to him before.

  Before I could go back down, Roman got up and spun me around like a top, stopping me at the bed and grabbing my legs so my bottom and back were now against the bed. Without a single word or command, he pushed his wet and slippery piece into me, the head piercing my pussy like a drill piercing untouched Earth.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, as I still, after all of these sessions, hadn’t gotten used to his immense and utter girth.

  My saliva, from my quick and satisfying servicing just moments before, seemed to let him slide in and out of me easier, giving me the satisfaction I had never felt before. It felt as though I was experiencing it for the first time again, and it was a feeling I never wanted to forget.

  Roman pushed his entire cock into me, my tight pussy stretching and accommodating his immense length and girth, as he hooked his arms under my thighs, and began to pick me up. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, not knowing what was happening, before it soon became clear.

  Roman walked, with him still inside me, and pushed my back against the bedroom wall, his palms on either side of me, as if to keep me easily upright. He began to thrust, with every single one pounding me against the wall. I grabbed his brown hair and pulled it back, as I began to softly bite and suck on his neck, giving him the same pleasurable pain he was dishing out to me.

  “I can’t hold you up anymore. The pleasure is too much,” Roman said as he slid out of me and set my feet on the floor.

  I grabbed his hand, which was beet red from being pressed against the wall, and led him to the bed. I bent over just like when he took me back home, spread my legs apart, and glanced over my shoulder at him with a sultry grin, as if giving him an admission ticket to my amusement park.

  He punched the ticket and quickly walked over to me, sliding his dick into me, and beginning to thrust just like he had when I was against the wall. I put my head against the covers and felt my hair moving erratically with every hard thrust he gave me.

  My head popped up when I felt his hand smacking against my bottom, knowing he was leaving a red handprint. I smiled and bit my lip, and asked him to do it again. He quickly did, likely becoming even more aroused from my willingness to be treated like his little plaything.

  “I’m close,” he said as a few minutes passed.

  “Mm, give it to me,” I replied as I put my hands back and rubbed my bottom, feeling the warmth from his slaps.

  “Oh,” he said as he firmly grasped the wooden bedpost and gripped it tightly.

  “Come on, baby, give it to me,” I replied back in a lust induced voice.

  Roman moaned, stopped quickly, and I felt his nectar pouring into me, as he was finishing inside of me for the very first time. It felt weird, yet almost liberating, as I knew I had what it took to make my man so turned on that a few moans could make him finish. I wasn’t worried about him actually finishing inside of me, for I was on birth control, but I knew that even if we had a baby it would be a marvelous thing. We were deeply in love, and it clearly showed.

  Roman slowly pulled his dick out of me a few seconds later, and shivered a little, as if the sensation from pulling it out was just as great as the climax its
elf. I turned around and looked at him, all red and sweating from the job he had just done, and kissed him softly on the lips as I placed my hand against his hard and beating chest.

  “That was amazing,” I said.

  “I love you, so much,” he replied.

  “I love you, too, baby,” I said as I kissed his cheek.

  “Let’s hit the showers,” he said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said as I slapped his bottom and began to walk over to the en suite, which was just as magnificent as the room.

  This trip had now cemented itself as the best vacation I would ever have.

  Chapter Six

  A few days had passed since our fancy dinner and nighttime rendezvous, and we had seen most of Paris, except for the Eiffel Tower. I had begged Roman to go, but he kept saying we would before we left, which was tomorrow. I told him we didn’t have much time and I really wanted to go up the Tower, and he kept promising me we would, although I wasn’t sure I’d get the chance unless he pulled something out of left field and surprised me with the trip today. I knew I shouldn’t be this obsessed with going to see it, since I saw it from the restaurant roof, but all I’d ever seen since I was a little girl were pictures of it, and I wanted to be a part of the magic.

  “So, what are we doing today?” I asked as Roman began to tie his shoes.

  “I thought we could have a nice picnic in the park. It’s a tradition, having picnics and eating outside with your loved ones is a Paris thing, so I thought you’d like that,” he said as he finished with his laces.

  “Just a picnic in the park? Is there anywhere else you want to take me?” I asked happily.

  “Well, we have a boat ride tonight with dinner, so that’s something that will be fun,” he replied.

  “Nothing else you want to take me to or show me?” I asked impatiently.


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