Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1) Page 7

by Tricia Wagner

  By the time I am being carried into my house it feels like I had been asleep hours. “Babe, the guys are here I need to debrief them on the situation and then I’ll be in to hang out with you.” I nod, “You can use my office.” “Thanks.” With a nod he was gone. I look around my bedroom and decide I need a shower. I hurry into the bathroom and wash the day off of me. I pull my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head, and slip into my comfy yoga’s and a t-shirt. I walk out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. I still have a slight headache from whatever drugs psycho Jack ass must have given me so I decide I need some pain meds. I walk down the hall to my kitchen, but stop dead when I hear the guys talking in my office. “He shouldn’t have been able to get near her. How the fuck did he get away? Who is responsible for this?” A voice I don’t recognize says, “I am. I was on watch. He knocked me over the head with a brick and that’s when he made his run. He ran through the woods and I’m guessing hitch hiked his way here. That’s probably how he saw you here, takin Mel to the hospital.” Someone was hurt while dealing with all of this. One of Brant’s brothers no less. I cannot be responsible for all of this. I walk passed the office and head straight to the kitchen not wanting to hear anymore. I felt arms wrap around me and jump slightly because he caught me so off guard. “Feelin any better baby?” I give him a half smile, “I’m good. Just need something for this headache.” He nods and reaches into my cabinet to get me some pain medicine. He gets me a bottle of water and takes the cap off for me. “You’re the bravest woman I know.” This came from behind us and I turn and gasp at the sight of dry blood on the top of this man’s head. I grab onto the kitchen counter to try and counteract the dizziness. “Shit. Brother, she can’t do blood. Go get yourself cleaned up. Guest bathroom is around the corner. Then come back.” I feel Brant’s arms around me go tight. “I’m ok, just caught me off guard. What happened to his head?” I look to the ground as he says, “Baby, you heard didn’t you?” I look up at him. I always was a horrible liar. “Just a little. I kept walking when I heard about him getting hurt. I never wanted any of this.” “Babe, we know that. My boys opted to hold Jack for me. We knew what we were up against. Just didn’t realize he had the balls to take us on. Again.” I throw out there, “If it’s all the same to you I’m thinking with this ignorance is bliss.” He smiles, “You’re probably right babe. Will you come home with me? I have to feed my dog and shower. Sleep with me there tonight?” I sigh, “That’s ok. I have to work in the morning anyways. I’ll stay here. You go home and do your thing.” He shakes his head once, “Babe, Jack is still out there, I’m not leavin you alone.” That’s when I lost it, “H-h-he’s WHAT?” Yes. I yelled. “I left him there for them passed out. What? I didn’t put a bow pretty enough on him so they decided to let him go?” He smirks. “No. During transport, since you were cuffed he had a key that they didn’t find when they searched him. He got uncuffed and out of the car and took off. They haven’t found him yet. That’s why the boys are here. We’re going to find him.” I’m confused, “Wait, so you want me to come stay at your house, but you aren’t going to be there?” He justifies it with, “I can protect you better from there. We have security out to here at the club.” He says as he reaches his arms out wide. “Ok. But, I really do need to be at the office in the morning, so I’ll follow you over to your house.” “Sounds good babe.” Shocked that he agreed to this I just stand there and stare. “What? After the past few days you need a normal day babe. If work will give that to you I’m not gonna stop you. You won’t argue with me though; you will have protection.” I roll my eyes, but my hands fly to my head because that hurt. He pulls me into him and just holds on tight as the pain passes. “Get a bag packed, Baby.” I nod and walk off almost running into the man coming out of my spare bathroom.I let out a little scream then realize who it was, “I’m sorry. I forgot you were in there. I’m not used to so many house guests.” He smirks and pulls me in for a big bear hug. “I’m Trip. I am so sorry that this happened to you. It’s all my fault.” I put my hands up and throw them at the air, “Don’t be silly. Did you drug and kidnap me?” He smirks, “No.” “Then clearly it isn’t your fault. Promise. We’re all good. I am sorry that you got hurt though.” He counters with, “Did you hit me over the head with a brick?” “Touché.” He nods his head when I hear “Wanna let her go?” I roll my eyes at Trip and he laughs.

  I step out of his arms, and I walk back to the bedroom. With a bag packed I walk back out into my crowded family room and take a look around. I haven’t met any of these men except Trip, Trance, and Jason. I look around again and see that Brantley isn’t there. “Uh. Hi boys.” Trance jumps in, “Hey girl. How you feelin?” “I’m all right.” He nods and comes closer to me. “Guys, this is Melanie. Melanie, these are the guys. He goes through all of their names starting with Gin, Weston, Grant, Pipe (they said I don’t want to know), Trance, and Happy. Happy, didn’t look very happy so I avoided him, but I said hi to everyone and that was when I looked to Trance “Where is Brant?” Jason says, “He’s outside on the phone. We have some guys out in the field and they needed some direction. He’ll be back in soon. Promise.” I nod and settle in on the couch between Trance and Jason. It doesn’t take long before the pain killers kick in and my comfy couch consumes me.

  I wake to a growling noise which is odd since I don’t have any pets. I flutter my eyes open and see that my head is resting on a thigh. A thigh that does not belong to Brant. Shit. I see the wall of a stomach in front of me so my back is facing the open area of the room. The growling is coming from over top of us. I look up to see Brantley looming over us and I can feel the tension rolling off of him. “I’m sorry the pain killers. I passed out waiting for you to come back inside.” He looks to Trance whose lovely thigh I was laying on as I push up off the couch. “Dude, chill out. She fell asleep and there were no pillows. She looked uncomfortable. It was totally harmless.” I stand up and get a little dizzy from standing up too fast and almost go down. This is when I feel another set of arms wrap around my body right before I face plant it to the ground. Brantley says, “Babe, Jesus. Take it easy.” I was trying to! “How can I take it easy with you growling at me when I was taking it easy?” Brantley looks behind me, “I got her man, let her go.” That is when who I now recognize as Jason releases my body into Brant’s. “I’m fine. So everyone can let me go now.” Brant looked at me like I was crazy and then looked over me, but continued to hold me I might add. “Guys we’re stayin at my place. I want two on watch at the club house. Four stationed around the rest of my house. He will not get near her again. Do you hear me Melanie? He will not get near you again.” I fight to not roll my eyes, “I don’t know if you have noticed, but I can take care of myself.” He looks me dead in the eye, “And I don’t know if you have noticed. But I’m trying to make it so you don’t have to take care of yourself.” Hand on my hip I say, “How’s that working out for you?” I don’t know why I am being such a bitch I just know that I can’t stand when he goes all caveman on me like I can’t handle myself. It was then I remembered our audience and one of mine and Brant’s previous conversations. “I’m sorry. That was bitchy. The cut, the passing out, the blood transfusion, the kidnapping, and the drugs have me all blahhhhh.” I make a gesture around my head so he knows I mean crazy. “I appreciate all of your help. Everyone. Thank you. You’ve made me feel like a part of a family again. I haven’t had that in a long time.” I look up to Brant to hope that maybe I did something right in all of that and I get a tug at his lips that tells me we’re ok. “Can you take me home now? I mean to your home?” He smirks, “Yeah babe. I’ll take you home.” I can’t fight the eye roll that I give to his response. I guess we would just leave my car.

  We get to Brantley’s house and I see that he really does have a lot of security. “How many guys do you have in this club?” “Our chapter has forty-two right now. They come and go as they please though. There is a core of about twenty-three. We have three other chapters that we affiliate with. Two o
f them are in other cities in Missouri and the other one is in Kansas.” I give him a nod as he exits his truck and comes to my side to help me. “I can walk.” He shoots me a look that says he just needs me to let him do this, so I let him carry me. Does that make me weak? Maybe. Do I care? Not right now. He throws my bag over his shoulder that he made me pack a little too much in for my liking. He insisted that we were unsure of what the next week was going to bring us. I just want to go to work and act like the Melanie I have always been. Responsible and naïve. Throw those blinders back up, please! He sets me down on his couch and says “Do you need something to eat, baby? The doctor said with the transfusion you might not be too excited about eating.” Ick. Food. “I’m really not. I did take that medicine though, so I should probably force something down or I’m going to get sick.” “I’ll make you somethin light.” I give him a short nod as he walks away into his kitchen. I’m sitting there and it doesn’t take long before I hear “Outlaw no!” With that I feel something jumping up onto the couch and start licking me. Now, normally, I would’ve freaked out. This dog seems overly friendly. I’ve never really been a pet person, but I really need to force myself out of my comfort zone and accept things I normally wouldn’t. I start laughing because that really does tickle. It doesn’t take long before Brantley is pulling the dog off of me. “What kind of dog is that? He’s huge.” He really was, “He’s a black lab, babe. Sorry about that.” I smile at him, “It’s ok. He’s friendly.” “Yeah, he is.” He looks like he’s going to kiss me, but my phone starts ringing and breaks the moment. Darn. I look at my phone and sigh. “Hello.” I hear my mom, “Hello, dear. How are you?” I sit away from Brant as I say, “I’m doing good mom. How are you and how’s dad?” I hear the smile in her voice, “Well, we are doing well, but we miss you. Can you visit soon? Or can we come see you soon?” Yes, please! “Any time mom, you know that. In the next couple of weeks, I may be able to get a visit in. I have some clients that I need to meet you’re way for a big build I’m doing in Pittsburgh. I can check when my meetings are and see if I can make them earlier to make time for us to visit.” She squeals as she says, “Well, you will need to stay with us. I miss having our girl time.” Sigh. “I know; I miss that too mom. It’s late and I had kind of a crazy day, do you mind if I call you tomorrow once I have my flights all squared away?” Instantly she says, “Of course, dear. Daddy says hi and he loves you.” I miss him. “Tell him I love him too and Mom, I love you.” “I love you too baby.” With that we hang up and I sigh. “Are you not gonna tell your parents about me?” My mouth pops open, “I thought maybe I would ease into the whole, mom I hooked up with a biker president, have been shot at, almost lost a finger, and got kidnapped speech. Besides you were sitting right here. I couldn’t exactly talk about you.” He shoots an eyebrow up, “Why not?” Oh for Pete’s sake. I pick up my phone and call my parent’s house. “Hey mom it’s me again. Sorry I forgot to tell you something a minute ago.” She lightly laughs, “Sure dear what is it?” Here goes nothing. “Well, I met someone. Two days ago.” She squeals, “Oh, this is great news. What is he like?” Hmm. “I can’t say.” She gasps, “OH is he there? Can I talk to him?” Ha! “Yes, he is and yes, you sure can.” I hand the phone to Brantley and stick my tongue out at him. He has a look of shock on his face as if he didn’t expect me to do this at all. Unfortunately, my mom is a nut so since I can only hear one side of the conversation I bite back my laugh. They talk for a good five minutes and then he hands the phone back to me shaking his head. “Ok mom. That was all I needed to tell you.” I can hear her laughing as she says “He sounds good looking. Is he good looking?” To this I laugh. Loud. “You have no idea.” “I thought so. Night dear.” “Night mom!” I hang up and I get “I cannot believe you just put me on the phone with your mother.” I give him a “really” look as I say, “Hey, Mr. “Are you not gonna tell your parents about me?” You deserved that!” He shakes his head again and says “Your mother threatened me.” To this I laugh again. Hard. “She said that if I hurt you, and from the sound of my voice I have the capability, she would find me. A mother has never threatened me before.” Interesting. “Have you ever met a mother to these women you flooze around with?” He squeezes my thigh, “The term would be past tense my dear. I am not floozing with anyone, but you. To answer your question though, no I guess not. I never found anyone worth asking about their mom. I didn’t even realize I cared this much until you didn’t mention me in your conversation.” I scoff, “Um. Hello? Have you seen the way my day was today? If I didn’t get off the phone I was going to lose it for sure. By the way, is that what we’re doing? Floozing around?” He raises an eyebrow, “I’m not even sure what that means. I’m thinkin we are much more than floozing around though. Are you going to lose it though? Because you don’t have to be strong all the time you know.” He was so sweet, “I know, I just don’t even know how to start processing the last forty-eight hours. I’m freaked out that Jack found me so easily. I’m also freaked out that he is out there somewhere. For some reason though, I really do trust you with my life.” He smiles, “That’s good to hear, babe. I have a sandwich made for you. Wanna eat here or in the kitchen?” Ugh. “I’ll get up. Outlaw looks ready to jump again.” He laughs, “Yeah, he’s crazy. Outlaw time for bed.” The dog literally puts his head down but marches right to what I presume to be his bedroom. “Even your dog doesn’t question your orders.” “He knows better. You will know better too, eventually.” Yeah, right. “I doubt that. I told you. Uncontrollable.” He shakes his head at me, but stands and offers me a hand to go into the kitchen. We eat rather quickly and head to bed. With the events of the day it doesn’t take long for me to pass out in Brantley’s arms.

  Chapter Six

  At some point in the night I feel Brantley moving around beside me. I roll over and see that it isn’t Brantley. It’s Jack. “No, no. Get out! Where is Brantley? Please just leave me alone.” Before I can even control it, I’m throwing myself at him hitting and kicking to my best ability. I will not be his victim again. That’s when I hear. “Shhh. Baby, it’s me. I’m right here. You’re ok.” I feel my body instantly relax and I try to even out my breathing, but I was already in a full-fledged panic attack. I feel Brantley guiding my head between my legs and using soothing words, but I can’t hear any of them. It takes a good ten to fifteen minutes for my breathing to even out and I’m able to take normal breaths. “Did I hurt you?” He holds me tighter, “You got me pretty good, baby, but no you didn’t hurt me.” Thank God. “I’m so s-s-sorry. I saw him. He was right there.” He sighs, “I know it’s ok. You’re ok. You’re safe.” That is when I realize that at some point he had the light turned on and someone was knocking at the door. I jump at the noise and let out a little yell. “It’s ok. It’s probably Trance or Jason. One second baby, yeah?” I nod my agreement as Brantley goes to the door. “Hey man, just a nightmare. Thanks for checkin on us though.” I hear Trance, “Anything, brother. You know that.” I see Brantley nod and shut the door again. He comes right to the bed. “Do you need anything? Water? Milk? Tea?” I shake my head, “No, I’m sorry. I’m ok.” He gives me a peck on the cheek, “No need to be sorry baby. You were so strong through everything. It’s just comin out in your dreams, that’s all.” I try to settle back in, but I know there is no way I will fall back to sleep after that. I wait for his breathing to even out before slipping out of bed.

  I throw on some comfy clothes since I know Brantley wouldn’t approve of me going out there in my nightie. I head out and shut the door behind me. I head to the kitchen and put water on to make some hot tea. “You ok?” I jump a little at the sound, but turn to see Jason standing there. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I shake my head, “You didn’t, my nightmare just put me a little on edge. I’m ok.” He gives me a short nod. “If you’re all right why are you out here and not sleepin?” Why wasn’t I sleeping? “I don’t know. Maybe I’m not ok? I really do think I am though. I just, it was just, it was really real. Ya kn
ow?” He nods, “Yeah, I get nightmares from my time in Iraq. Swear sometimes I can taste the sand when I wake up.” Oh no. “I can’t even imagine. See you went through something real. Something horrible.” He half smiles, “Being kidnapped isn’t something real? Or something horrible?” I sigh, “I guess so, but it isn’t the same as what you went through.” He shakes his head, “No, because I signed up for what I went through. I don’t remember seeing any paperwork involved with this kidnapping. Did you give permission for that to happen to you and I missed it?” I sigh a little knowing I will never win this argument with him. “Just admit I’m right and then we can call it a morning.” Whatever. “Fine, in some twisted, messed up way, I guess you’re sort of right.” He smirks, “That’s the best I’m gonna get isn’t it?” Ha! “Yeah, it is.” He laughs lightly at me and I ask, “Am I allowed to go out on the deck?” He nods, “Yeah, Trance is out there walkin the perimeter, so don’t freak out.” Oh. “Well, I don’t want to make your job harder. I can just stay in here.” He throws one hand out in a “it’s fine” gesture, “Nah, the suns about to come up, go out and relax.” I give a little nod as I grab my tea and head out to the deck. This place really is beautiful. My home is on a lot of land, but his view is breathtaking. I take in a deep breath and let the burn from my lungs fade away. I hate panic attacks. I’ve had three really bad ones in my life. This being one of them. It always takes forever to be able to breathe normally again. I sigh as I start to cough a little. I see Trance appear on the side of the porch. “Sorry, Jason said it was ok that I come out here.” He nods, “I know. I was just checkin to make sure you were all right.” These guys couldn’t be real, “I’m good. Thanks.” He gives me a nod as he continues his perusal of the yard. “Do you think he’s out there?” He looks me dead in the eye, “If he is, we will find him. I promise.” They were on a mission. “I know you will. I just hate the feeling that I have. It’s like even if he’s not there my mind tells me he is.” He sighs, “Yeah, I wish I could say somethin here to make that go away Mel. I can tell you that the man you left sleepin in there will bend over backwards and break his back makin sure that you’re safe.” I nod, “I know he will. If I didn’t know that I wouldn’t be here.” He gives me a little nod as he continues around the house. I lean back in the chair that Brantley has setup. It’s a nice morning. Without the sun up yet I’m glad I put on a sweatshirt though. I see it start to peak over the hills in the background. I take in another big breath and let it fill my lungs. I feel the need to work out today, but with the blood transfusion and the panic attack I may not make it far in a run. I watch the sunrise and I go back to the French doors. I walk in and see Jason awake and on the couch. I see that the bedroom door is still closed. Good, he needed to sleep. I’m sure he hasn’t slept much in the last forty-eight hours either. “Hey Jason?” He looks to me, “Yeah Mel?” I feel dumb, but I need to ask, “Am I able to go for a run?” He looks at me like I’m crazy. “No?” He asks, “Are you up for a run?” Hmm. “Well, I usually do six miles a day. I haven’t gotten to do that since Thursday morning. I may not make it six, but I’d like to get some of it in.” He nods, “I’ll go with you. Get dressed and I’ll meet you out front.” I nod and smile at him. I head to the bedroom and quietly change into my workout clothes.


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