Gilded Wings

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Gilded Wings Page 6

by Cameo Renae

  She smiled as my eyes caught sight of the apple. “That’s in case you get another healthy craving. I wouldn’t want you to leave and get lost on your way to the kitchen again. See, I thought of everything,” she said slyly.

  I laughed. “Yes, you have. But…I don’t know. That apple I came back with the last time was pretty darn sweet,” I grinned.

  She rolled her eyes. “Should I go ask the sweet apple if he wants to come join us?”

  “I already did and he politely declined. He needs to dethrone the King chess player in the cottage.”

  “Wha—?” she asked with a scrunched up nose.

  “Nevermind,” I giggled. “He didn’t want to join us this time.”

  “Oh well. His loss,” she sighed. “Cool hoodie. Where’d you get it?” She asked.

  “I think Alaine must have bought it for me. When I opened my drawer, it was there.”

  “I’m going to ask her to get me one. Then we can be the Hidden Wingirls.”

  “Sure,” I laughed.

  “I saw Ethon the other day, when I visited Caleb. I glanced out his window, and Ethon was standing out near the entrance of the labyrinth; just staring blankly into it. He didn’t move. I sat there and watched him for a good five minutes. He looked lost, almost sad. I felt really bad for him. But then—” her voice raised and she started to get excited. Her hands spread out to her sides. “All of a sudden he spread out his arms and two humongous black wings appeared out of his back! I was freaking out. And then he took off into the sky so fast, I don’t even know where he went. I thought I was going crazy.

  “I tried to tell Caleb, but he just rolled his eyes and said, ‘what’s new?’. That pissed me off, but then I realized, there is a lot more going on than people are telling me. I know about the angels, Fallen, and those horrible Darkling monsters, but now I’m finding out they have wings that magically appear. Hidden wings! Oh my God. Do they all have wings? Can they all fly?”

  “No,” I said quickly, before she had a meltdown. “All of the Guardians don’t have wings. They supposedly have to earn them, and it takes five hundred years. The only ones who do have wings around us are Ethon, Samuel, and the goons… Bane and Azzah. Everyone else is basically normal.”

  “Samuel has wings? Are they black or white? They must be black because he is one of the Fallen, right?”

  “Right,” I nodded. “All of their wings are black.”

  Her face beamed with confirmation. “So, if you get wings when you transform, what color will they be? Since Alaine doesn’t have wings, and Samuel has black wings, will yours be black too?”

  “I don’t know, but that’s a good question. One that will take another five months to find out.”

  “Well, if you get wings, I call dibs on the first ride.”

  “Oh gosh. If I get wings, you’ll definitely have more than one ride. That much I can promise,” I said, shooting her a thumbs-up.

  “Yay! Well, here’s to hidden wings,” she said, raising her sparkling apple cider bottle. I grabbed mine.

  “Hidden wings!” I cheered, clinking our bottles together.

  She grinned. “What do you want to watch? I have two new movies; The Hobbit or The Sound of Music.”

  “Hmmm.” I had to think about it a minute. “I’m feeling like a little Julie Andrews.”

  Her face scrunched up. “I didn’t expect you to say that. I seriously thought you’d choose the hobbits over the nun.”

  I laughed. “I only chose The Sound of Music because it was my mom’s favorite. We’d watch it on her birthday every year, and she’d sing all the songs out loud.”

  “She sounds like a wonderful person,” Courtney said softly.

  “She was.” I breathed out, fighting back tears which stung my eyes at her memory.

  Courtney walked up to the player and stuck the DVD in. She then plopped on her pillows, grabbed some popcorn and Pepsi and settled in. I did the same, except I chose a handful of peppermints, a chocolate bar, and a Dr. Pepper.

  As the movie started to play, I felt a heat on my chest. Puzzled, I looked down to see the bloodstone amulet glowing bright red. I touched it and it zapped me.

  “Ouch,” I gasped. That never happened to me before.

  “What?” Courtney asked, looking at me with a bewildered look.

  A sudden hair-raising scream vibrated around us. As I turned to look out the window, something large was hurling toward us. I dropped to the ground as it collided with the window. Glass exploded, shattering everywhere. Courtney screamed and covered her face. I shielded her with my body from the shards of glass being thrust around the room. A large rock, about a foot round, slammed into the wall directly in front of us and rolled back touching my foot.

  Fear gripped me as a familiar, horrifying stench filled the room.

  It can’t be.

  I looked up as long decrepit fingers reached inside her window.

  The Darkling were here.

  “Courtney, run!” I screamed, but she didn’t budge. She took one look at the Darkling climbing through her window and lost it. I jumped up and grabbed her arms, yanking her with me, dragging her out the door. “Help!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, to anyone who could hear me. “Help!”

  “Emma, release the barrier!” Ethon’s voice boomed from outside.

  “I don’t know how!” I yelled back.

  “Emma, what’s wrong?” Kade called, running from his room. Thank God he hadn’t gone to the cabin yet.

  “Darkling in Courtney’s room,” I was out of breath, and those were the only words I could push out before dragging Courtney to my room. I pulled her in and slammed the door shut, locking it behind us. I left her screaming against the door, and ran to my closet. Grabbing the dagger, it instantly started to tingle in my hand. I ran over to my window and looked out. It was clear, but I did see some movement within the Labyrinth.

  Is this Lucian’s attack?

  I ran back toward Courtney and moved her off to the side, away from the door.

  “You’re safe here,” I whispered, not sure if we really were. I took a deep breath, unlocked the door, and cracked it open. Kade ran past my room, making me jump. He had his sword in hand, and I soon heard a Darkling scream in pain.

  I knew there were more Darkling than just one, and Kade would need my help. At least until the rest of the Guardians came.

  Courtney was huddled in the corner with her head between her legs, rocking back and forth, wailing.

  “Courtney, honey, I need to go,” I said.

  She grabbed hold of my arm. “You can’t leave me. Please don’t leave me here.”

  “I’ll be right back. I promise,” I said, grasping the dagger. “If you can, I need you to go downstairs and get the others. We need help, and I need you to be strong for me. Can you do that?”

  She nodded with tears pouring down her cheeks. “Yes.” She wiped her face and stood.

  “You’re so brave, Courtney. Now, run straight to Alaine. She’ll gather all the others, and make sure you and Caleb are safe.”

  “What about you?” she asked, squeezing my arm.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just get to Alaine as quickly as you can. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she said, taking in a deep breath.

  I opened the door again and peeked out. It was clear, but I could hear Kade fighting the Darkling in Courtney’s room.

  “Go!” I urged, exiting the room first. Courtney ran out from behind me and bolted down the stairs. I turned and ran down the hall to help Kade. The smell of Darkling was overpowering, the burning stench made my stomach twist.

  When I entered the room, there were three headless Darkling sprawled out on the floor, but there were a lot more wrestling Kade to get in.

  “Emma!” Ethon shouted with urgency in his voice.

  “Kade, do you know how to release the barrier?”

  “No. Only Alaine, James, and Samuel can release it.”


  The sky was dark a
nd overcast. That’s why the Darkling were coming out during the daytime. The last time they attacked was in the same kind of weather. How could we ever feel safe, knowing they could crawl into our windows at any given time?

  “Ethon. Go get Samuel!” I shouted.

  He didn’t answer, so I assumed he left to get him.

  I rushed to the window, helping Kade by slaying the Darkling as they attempted to come in. I kicked a few in the chest, sending them flying back out. Below the third-story window was already a pile of wounded and dead Darkling. I thought we had the advantage, until I heard more glass shattering in one of the adjacent rooms.

  My amulet became so hot, it burned my chest.

  As I turned around, I was met with a Darkling standing at the door. Its long stringy hair hung in front of its blackened eyes. It snarled and snapped at me, crouching down like it was about to strike. I noticed it didn’t have any weapon in its hand, but its sharpened fingernails looked just as dangerous. Besides that, the Darkling were super-fast and strong.

  “Kade. They’re in the room.” I said, cautiously.

  I could hear him struggling with all of the Darkling still trying to get in through the window. As I readied myself to fight the one crouched in front of me, four more appeared behind it, in the doorway.

  It was at this very moment I wished I had slipped into my super suit.

  I felt my heart beat quicken, and held the dagger tightly in my grasp, knowing it was the only form of protection I had.

  “Kade?” I knew I couldn’t fight all five of them.

  “Emma. You’re going to need to fight,” he spoke loudly, thrusting his dagger into the neck of a Darkling snapping at his arm. “Don’t you dare let them take you.”

  The Darkling who was crouched, bared its rotted teeth. Their odor violated my nostrils, making me want to gag. Swallowing hard I whispered quietly to my dagger. “I need your help. Now more than ever.”

  I felt the dagger warm and then it started to glow.

  The Darkling pounced at me, and I swung. The dagger pierced its neck, slicing through it easily. Black tar-like blood spewed everywhere, and gushed from the open wound in its neck.

  The Darkling dropped and grabbed its injury, its eyes wide with shock. I felt the dagger trying to raise my arm, and as I lifted it above my head it swiftly thrust my hand downward, plunging the blade into the Darkling’s left eye.

  It let out a horrendous, hair-raising scream. I closed my eyes and held tight to the dagger, yanking it out from the socket. Its eyes turned white, and it fell backward, limp.

  One down, four to go.

  The black blood on the blade of my dagger started to drip off, like rain on a newly polished car, leaving it spotless and ready for its next victim. I stood there in awe, and then noticed the Darklings’ eyes narrowing on my magical dagger. They growled and glanced at each other, deciding on their next move. Only one let out a horrifying growl and charged forward. I dodged it, stepping to the side, while pushing my dagger into the side of its head. As I pulled it free, the next Darkling pounced forward, not giving me time to prepare for my follow up move. It slammed into me, its arms wrapped around my legs, thrusting me back toward the window.

  I couldn’t breathe and struggled to kick myself free from its grasp, but it held on tight, slowly crawling to my chest. Straddling me, its face hovered over mine. This stench made me wince. Lunging forward, it moved to bite my shoulder, but Kade pulled it off me by its hair. When I was safe, he threw the Darkling against the wall. It turned and glared at him, but in a second, Kade severed his head. He caught the head before it hit the ground, then turned and flung it, like a bowling ball, at a Darkling entering through the window. The force knocked it backward, dropping it down to the ground below.

  “Thank you,” I panted.

  “Anytime,” he answered. He then turned and sliced off the hand of another Darkling trying to enter. I heard its scream as it fell.

  The fourth Darkling in the room paused and took a few steps backward. I sprung up and moved to the side of Kade as it charged forward. It dove at me, and I jumped out of the way and landed on a pile of pillows. The Darkling just missed me, and crashed through the wall and into the next room, leaving a huge hole. The last Darkling standing pounced on top of me, pinning me down. I struggled to free myself, but he was too strong. I raised the dagger and stabbed its thigh, it’s scream pierced my ears, making them ache. The black evil eyes locked onto mine were filled with rage and hate. It raised its fist in the air. I closed my eyes and shielded my face from the oncoming blow. But it never came.

  I opened my eyes, and Dominic was standing behind the Darkling with his arm in his hand. He glanced down me and winked. “Looks like you need some help,” he said.

  “Always right on time,” I exhaled, smiling.

  He picked the Darkling up and flung it across the room. It crashed into Courtney’s dresser, breaking it in half. In a flash he was after it, jumping on its chest and pushing his blade into its heart. It went limp.

  Malachi ran in next and came over to me, offering me his hand. He pulled me up to my feet. “You alright?” he asked.

  “Yes. There’s a live one in that room,” I said pointing to the hole.

  Without saying another word he rushed through the hole. Immediately following were sounds of banging, crashing, and screams from the Darkling.

  Kade was still fighting the endless Darkling parade attempting to climb through the window, but he managed to hold them back.

  Outside in the sky, I witnessed Samuel battling with another Fallen. He must not have released the barrier, because they weren’t coming any closer than about one hundred yards.

  “Emma,” Kade called. “Put on your suit.”

  He was right. I needed the extra protection. Just as I turned to run, a Darkling flew at me from the doorway. I screamed and Malachi came charging out from the hole, tackling him. The two of them were hurled across the room and tumbled into Courtney’s closet.

  I heard more fighting going on outside Courtney’s room, and in the distance, the shouts of Thomas and Alex’s voices. Then, Alaine’s frantic voice yelled Courtney’s name. Her cries became desperate and sent a shiver up my spine.

  I grasped my dagger and ran for the doorway, yelling and thrusting it at an oncoming Darkling. He dodged my attempt and grabbed my legs. I hit the ground hard, and the dagger was jolted from my grasp, flying under Courtney’s bed. I wrestled with the Darkling who quickly overpowered me, and began slamming his fists into my chest.

  Freaking bitch!

  It landed a direct hit to my bruised ribs. Agonizing pain gripped my chest. I couldn’t breathe, and was forced to take short gasps for air. I wanted to call for help, but I couldn’t get the breath necessary to push any words out.

  Malachi came charging back out from the closet and dove for the Darkling, tackling him off me. They both crashed and tumbled back through the hole in the other room.

  Thomas and Alexander finally entered, and assisted Kade at the window.

  “We’ve got this man,” Thomas said.

  I couldn’t move. Pain. Sharp, excruciating pain radiated in my chest. It was nearly unbearable. It felt like my ribs were broken, but I wasn’t sure. I was surprised I still had any ribs left at all, they’d been broken so many times.

  Kade was suddenly over me, scooping me up into his arms. He took off running, out of the room, toward the end of the hall. He stopped abruptly and kicked open the last door on the left, then carried me into the bathroom, carefully laying me on the floor before locking the door behind us.

  He then went to the sink cabinet, and yanked it away from the wall. Right behind it was a small latched door. He unlatched it and pushed it open, then picked me up and carried me in, setting me back down. He then pulled the sink back into place, and closed the trap door, locking it from the inside. We were draped in pitch-black.

  I could hear him feeling around the walls. “Where the hell is it?” he muttered, under his breath. “There it i
s.” A flashlight clicked on and we had light.

  WE WERE IN A PASSAGEWAY in between the walls. It was tall and wide enough for any full sized person to stand and walk comfortably. I could hear banging and muffled growls and screams, but they seemed so far away.

  “Don’t worry. We’re safe here. These walls are reinforced with steel,” he assured me.

  I couldn’t answer him, and knew I had a look of fear and pain in my eyes. I could barely breathe, and was still trying to breathe without pain.

  “Where are you hurt?” he asked.

  I pointed to my chest, and he carefully lifted my sweatshirt. When he reached my ribcage, his eyes pressed closed.

  “Dammit. Did they break your ribs again?”

  I shook my head, not completely sure.

  “Let me get you to the safe room.” He picked me up again and carried me down through a small maze of openings. He ended at the front of a large metal door. He set me down, and as soon as he did, I collapsed forward.

  “Emma,” he gasped, catching me before I hit the ground. Gently setting me down, he then opened the door, and clicked on a light. Picking me up, he carried me over to one of the two beds, and carefully laid me down.

  “I thought I’d be bringing you down here after dinner, but I guess now is better than ever,” he said with a sad grin.

  He headed over to a wall and opened up a cabinet. “I left my vial in my room, but I think Alaine keeps some here, he said lifting a few bottles and reading their contents. “Here we go,” he said happily, unscrewing the top of a clear bottle. He made his way over to me and carefully lifted my head, then placed the vial to my lips. I took a sip, and instantly, started to feel tingly. The tingles continued down to my ribs, soon making them numb.

  “Thank you,” I said through my deep breaths.

  “I’m glad it helps. I can’t bear to see you in pain.”

  I smiled at him. “And what about you?”

  “I’m fine.” He smiled.

  “I noticed you locked the bathroom door from the inside. What if the others try and get in?”


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